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刘惠芹  王晓红 《特区经济》2011,(10):265-266
商品房预订意向书是预约合同。其效力可分为两种:一是优先性协议,预订意向人有优先承诺权;二是带未决条款的预约,当事人不仅负有诚信谈判的义务,而且必须订立商品房买卖合同。出卖人未取得商品房预售许可证明,与买受人订立的商品房预订意向书,应当认定无效,但是在起诉前取得许可证明的,可以认定有效。  相似文献   

关于不动产登记效力的问题 ,目前在我国出现的问题表现为其效力不统一。按照世界其他国家的做法 ,不动产民事立法应规定登记的效力 ,原则上应坚持登记要件主义。根据最高人民法院 1984年发布的《关于贯彻执行民事政策法律若干问题的意见》第 5 6条规定 :“买卖双方自愿 ,并立  相似文献   

This study investigates whether environmental risk affects the efficiency of negotiated transfer prices. We analyze a setting where the buyer faces environmental risk but the seller does not. From the risk‐neutral firm's perspective, the transfer should be made in our setting because the expected value of the buyer's profit is greater than the certain opportunity cost of the seller from the transfer. We develop hypotheses to predict that, as environmental risk increases, it becomes more difficult for buyers and sellers to reach agreement. Such difficulty reduces efficiency in terms of both firm profit and negotiation time. We test our hypotheses via an experiment in which buyer and seller dyads negotiate over the transfer of a resource at six levels of environmental risk. Results show that, as predicted, environmental risk decreases efficiency. Specifically, as environmental risk increases, the frequency of agreement decreases, thereby reducing expected firm profit. Further, environmental risk increases negotiation time for those dyads that are able to reach an agreement. Data suggest that the cause of the decreased efficiency is that buyers and sellers use different reference points for determining a fair transfer price and environmental risk exacerbates the effects of such differences.  相似文献   

陆爽 《特区经济》2011,(5):252-254
在国际货物买卖合同中,标的物所有权何时起从卖方转移到买方,是一个十分重要的问题。由于各个国家的立法角度和立法背景不尽相同,对买卖合同标的物所有权转移有不同的规定。随着全球经济一体化进程的加剧,各国之间的经济交往越来越密切,国际贸易活动越来越频繁,为促进各国之间贸易活动的顺利进行,尽量减少因各国法律规定不同而造成的贸易障碍,有必要对如何确定买卖合同中标的物所有权转移的问题进行探讨。  相似文献   

美欧煤炭期货发展对我国上市煤炭期货的借鉴   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
尚煜  路欣欣 《特区经济》2009,(8):107-108
煤炭是世界储量最丰富的化石燃料,也是各国重要的能源,美国和欧洲已经成功上市了煤炭期货合约,且其交易越来越活跃,在各自的煤炭市场上起到了良好的作用。近年来我国煤炭供需形势一度趋紧,煤炭价格波动较大,煤炭交易双方都有规避风险的需求。文章结合当前我国钢材期货已经上市和焦炭期货合约基本完成的发展情况,对我国上市炼焦煤期货进行了分析。  相似文献   

工程量清单计价方法相对于传统的定额计价方法是一种新的计价模式,是一种市场的定价模式,是由建设产品的买方和卖方在建设市场上根据供求情况、信息情况进行自由竞价,从而能够确定合同价格的方法。推行工程量清单计价方法是工程造价计价方法改革的一项具体措施,也是我国加入WTO与国际工程管理接轨的必然要求。  相似文献   

Conclusion When a technology proprietor cannot exploit his advantage by means of ownership of a production facility abroad, a sales contract with “buy-back provisions” may, in fact, be a trade-enhancing resolution to a situation of information-asymmetry between buyer and seller. The important implication is that not all forms of countertrade can be summarily dismissed as inefficient. Just as foreign direct investment can be seen to be a response to environmental or market imperfections, “buy-back” may be a way to deal with institutional or regulatory obstacles such as the prohibition of foreign ownership.  相似文献   

New Compensation Standard for Land Expropriation in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper explores a new compensation standard for use in agricultural land conversion in China during the land‐expropriation process, based on the market value definition. Assuming identical bargaining power between the buyer and the seller, efficient and equitable compensation is obtained through a market transaction and bargaining negotiation mechanism, under the assumpation of a perfect market. From the state‐of‐the‐art viewpoint of land appraising, a practical approximation of the theoretical optimal compensation will provide an effective solution for China, under the current collective‐owned land property rights structure.  相似文献   

We test the hypothesis that trade creditors are relationship lenders using SME data from Japan. We find that the validity of the relationship lending hypothesis depends on the relative bargaining power between the buyer and sellers. Specifically, we find evidence that longer buyer–seller relationships may matter depending on the buyer–seller relative bargaining power. When a buyer depends too much on its main supplier, the supplier does not provide more credit as its relationship with the buyer matures. However, a longer buyer/main-supplier relationship is beneficial because a non-dependent buyer can obtain more overall credit from sellers. Depending on the extent to which this increase is due to an increase in the credit from the main suppliers, our findings are consistent with the relationship lending hypothesis. However, even if the increase mainly comes from other sellers, our findings imply that sellers extract a positive signal from a longer buyer/main-supplier relationship.  相似文献   

分成制教育金融的决策机制是分成制教育金融理论的关键环节。三种决策方法表明:收益、收益率、分成率都可以作为决策依据,但相比而言,收益更适合作为教育金融契约潜在双方是否签约的核心指标和依据。收益率、分成率则更适合作为谈判时的操作性指标,而相较而言,分成率的操作性更强。由于人力资本积累风险、市场风险、信用风险的存在,往往使投资者的操作性指标获得一个溢价。如果能采取有效方法对各种风险加以管理和消解,就会增加谈判指标的弹性,使投融资双方获得一个更大的谈判空间。实证举例,有利于推动教育金融理论的研究和实践。  相似文献   

伦蕊 《乡镇经济》2008,24(3):90-94
文章回顾了河南桑坡村“公司+农户”型皮毛加工产业链网系统的演进与优化历程,解释了这种链网系统如何破解公司与农户正式契约关系中由买方垄断所带来的机会主义问题。同时,文章对正式制度演化过程中非正式制度所发挥的关键作用,以及地方政府部门在链网系统日常维护中的政策导向等相关问题进行了延伸思考。  相似文献   

A seller has one unit to sell using an English auction mechanism similar to internet auction markets, such as eBay. Bidders appear according to a random arrival process. The seller chooses a reserve price and duration for each auction. If the reserve is not met, the seller passes in the object and conducts another auction with a new, randomly chosen, set of bidders. We distinguish reserves that embody an institutional commitment not to sell below that price, from those that do not. In each case, we find the optimal reserve price and the optimal auction duration. Without price commitment, the equilibrium reserve is too low for allocative efficiency, whereas the optimal reserve with commitment is shown to be too high when the distribution of bidder valuations exhibits an increasing hazard rate. It might even be socially preferable to allow reserve price commitments. With respect to duration, a version of the Diamond paradox afflicts sellers who cannot commit to price; auctions facilitate valuable duration commitments that increase buyer competition and raise expected revenue. With commitment, price posting (equivalent to a zero-length auction) is the dominant selling mechanism.  相似文献   

王炜 《江苏市场经济》2014,(2):34-35,42
商务谈判不仅可以维护买卖双方自身权益,也可以有效解决分歧,还可以通过沟通、协商、妥协、合作等方式确保买卖双方取得各自的经济利益。在商务活动中,谈判不仅是一种方法和手段,也是一门语言表达艺术。能否有效利用这种语言表达艺术,对谈判成功与否起到决定性的作用。  相似文献   

刘明国 《特区经济》2009,(6):160-161
由于我国当代农民的非市场势力低下,其市场势力被削弱,进而使其总体谈判势力低,以至于导致他们相对收入水平明显低于城镇居民的收入水平、其收入增长幅度跟不上经济增长的幅度。要缩小收入分配差距,必须缩小不同利益群体之间的谈判势力差距,而这需要公共权力向弱势利益群体倾斜、同时抑制强势利益群体的谈判势力的膨胀。  相似文献   

朱广东 《特区经济》2011,(11):271-273
作为导致多哈回合谈判破裂以及多哈议程被迫中断的主要原因,WTO农业贸易自由化问题上的分歧昭示了多哈谈判利益博弈的复杂与艰难。农业议题的高度敏感性、欧美农业经济历史包袱沉重和政治利益集团的干扰、发展中国家的崛起以及传统谈判思维和方式局限加大了WTO农业谈判利益聚合的难度。当前,我国应当力主WTO农业谈判的实际影响力和中国话语权,加快农业产业化和产业安全体系建设步伐,为建构公正合理的国际农业贸易利益平衡机制贡献智慧和力量。  相似文献   

本文利用在湖北企业职工收入分配调查中所得到的数据,运用对应分析方法研究企业开展工资集体协商对职工工资决定的影响。实证结果显示,尽管在政府推动下我国一些企业工资集体协商工作已开展起来了,并产生了一定的积极效应,但由于多数企业员工参与不够,真正平等意义上的工资集体协商制度还没有形成,因此,目前企业工资并非是由企业与员工双方平等协商共同决定的。本文最后对这一结果产生的原因做了进一步的分析,并提出应大力加强企业民主制度的建设,加大工资集体协商等相关制度的建设,并通过发挥各级劳动关系的协调作用,营造良好的氛围和社会环境,以促进企业职工工资决定机制的形成。  相似文献   

王自豪 《特区经济》2011,(5):297-298
随着市场由"卖方市场"逐渐转变为"买方市场",企业管理转变为"客户"导向,只有有效提高客户服务质量来满足客户个性化与瞬息万变的需求。本文就提高客户服务质量提出了一些有效的方法,对通信企业提高客户服务质量有一定的帮助。  相似文献   

This study examines whether the content of buyer information and the timing of its dissemination affects seller market power. We construct laboratory markets with differentiated goods and costly buyer search in which sellers simultaneously post prices. The experiment varies the information on price or product characteristics that buyers learn under different timing assumptions (pre‐ and postsearch), generating four information treatments. Theory predicts that price information lowers the equilibrium price, but information about product characteristics increases the equilibrium price. That is, contrary to intuition, the presence of informed buyers may impart a negative externality on other uninformed buyers. Data support the model's negative externality result when sellers face a large number of robot buyers that are programmed to search optimally. Observed prices conform to the model's comparative statics and are broadly consistent with predicted levels. With human buyers, however, excessive search instigates increased price competition, and sellers post prices that are significantly lower than predicted.  相似文献   

刘接忠   《华东经济管理》2010,24(9):113-117,121
消费者伦理研究属于营销伦理的范畴。尽管从20世纪70年代就已经提出这一概念,但大部分伦理研究主要是以卖方为主,忽略了买方,尤其在国内相关的分析仍很少。消费者作为商业活动的重要参与者与决策的影响者,是商业企业必须考虑的一个因素。基于此,在中国文化环境下,文章通过实证分析方法,运用回归分析,考察消费者伦理信念与消费者非伦理行为及消费者文化价值观之间的关系,并考虑把文化价值观作为消费者伦理信念与消费者非伦理行为的调节变量,进而得出减少消费者非伦理行为的一些建议。  相似文献   

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