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2008年新年,由儿童熟悉的卡通明星“哈哈”的大眼睛简笔线描图和“哈哈少儿”四个字组成的频道标识代替了原来的东方少儿频道标识。这意味着,三年前伴随东方少儿频道开播诞生的“哈哈”,正式成为少儿频道的形象代言人,全国第一家以自我品牌命名的儿童专业频道诞生了。  相似文献   

从世界上第一个专业少儿频道开播至今已过去了25年。在此期间,随着世界范围内广播电视事业的发展,少儿频道作为专门为儿童提供教育、娱乐服务的一种重要大众传媒渠道,得到了许多国家的重视与发展。迄今为止,世界上已有几十个国家和地区开办了专业少儿频道,国际儿童电视节目市场的竞争也越来越激烈。在欧美发达国家,少儿频道的运营已经形成了成熟的模式和流程,在此基础上制作出的大量优秀儿童节目不仅为经营者带来了可观的经济效益,而且产生了巨大的社会影响。近段时间来,少儿频道在广电总局的统一部署、大力推动下也成为一个炙手可热的字眼。虽然社会各界对此褒贬不一,但无论将之视为机遇还是挑战,国外少儿频道的运作经验都可以为我们提供一定的借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

无论各省市电视台态度怎样,这次由国家政策直接推动发展的少儿频道、动画频道,各地对其可选择的只是开播时同的早晚,而不存在是否开播的问题。正因为如此,已率先开播的少儿,动画频道便有着值得玩味的意义与价值。  相似文献   

自从2004年3月国家广电总局批准了北京电视台动画频道、湖南金鹰卡通频道、上海炫动卡通卫视三个上星的动画频道后,加之全国各地少儿频道如雨后春笋般地设立开播,动画片这个主要的节目类型自然受到了业界广泛的关注。国家广电总局先生出台的各项政策,加之有动画产业发达的国家带来的巨大经济利益作为前瞻,中国的动画产业无疑迎来了真正的春天。  相似文献   

刘智  蒋云峰 《广告导报》2005,(10):136-137
自2003年12月央视少儿频道开播以来,很多电视台纷纷开办少儿、卡通频道,试图直接或间接瞄准儿童注意力经济,经过一年多的经营,这些频道是否如当初所愿,在青少年儿童当中,为国内外品牌搭建了广阔的平台?  相似文献   

自去年第一家上星卡通频道——金鹰卡通卫视开播以来,备受业界的关注。传统的观念认为,个以少儿为主要收视群的频道,广告效力怎么也敌不过强势的综合频道,但卡通电视成熟市场的表现证明并非如此:美国一家80%以卡通片当家的尼克罗迪恩儿童频道,2003年的创收达到11.5亿美元,成为美国最赚钱的电视频道之一;台湾地区2004年广告收入前五名的频道,少儿卡通频道就占了两个。这说明以少儿为主打收视群体的卡通频道可以比综合频道的目标受众击中率更高,传播有效性更高。  相似文献   

2004年7月18日,继北京电视台、天津电视台、广东南方电视台之后,全国第四家省级电视台少儿频道——上海的东方少儿频道闪亮登场,成为上海文广新闻传媒集团旗下的第12个专业频道。频道以0~18岁的青少年及其家长为主要受众群,每天播出时间从早上7:00至晚上11:00,约16个小时,全天整点播出。  相似文献   

2001年12月20日,南方电视台少儿频道作为中国大陆首个少儿专业频道正式在广东亮相。  相似文献   

短短不到两年的时间,中央人民广播电台迅速完成了8套频道的改造,其中经济之声、音乐之声、都市之声在开播之初,就大胆采用广告总代理形式,与几家颇具实力背景的广告公司达成合作。中央人民广播电台改革的速度与力度,不由让人升起一股“忽如一夜春风来,千树万树梨花开”的感觉,也不觉令京城广播市场上空笼罩了一种不浓不淡的紧张气息。  相似文献   

刘智 《广告导报》2004,(8):130-132
2004年8月1日,中央电视台的7个数字频道将开播。前一段时间,深圳电视台卫星频道已上星播出,成为中国第一家副省级卫视频道。深圳卫视的问世,宣告了新一轮“上星运动”的开始。第一轮上星运动始于1989年,历经10年时间,31家省级频道完成了声势浩大的“上星工程”。2004年,新批的深圳台、南方台粤语频道和上海、北京、  相似文献   


This article reviews the debate regarding the issue of growing obesity in society in terms of issues and possible policy options. The issue is most focused on children though having obvious ramifications for adults in many economies around the world. Policy solutions such as advertising bans or taxes that have been proposed in several countries seem to be based on insufficient evidence—i.e., there is no empirical evidence to substantiate the claimed causal effect between marketing communication practices directed at children and nutrition. These solutions, if enacted in policy, could be both inequitable and ineffective. While the study is couched and framed from a New Zealand context, nonetheless it serves to illuminate issues and policies of wider relevance.  相似文献   


Around the world “public relations” is confused with “propaganda.” Although “propaganda” has negative connotations today, the authors examine the history of propaganda studies, which is tied to the government-sponsored study of communication. Then they offer a recent example of how the U.S. government used children as messengers of propaganda. By abandoning our prejudices against propaganda, the authors argue we can reconnect public relations with a tradition of scholarship on communication audiences, public communication campaigns, and government propaganda efforts.  相似文献   

This paper expresses the results of an investigation of the influence of tobacco advertising on children's smoking. The investigation examined the existing body of evidence and literature on the subject including data obtained from empirical research carried out by the Children's Research Unit in London. Despite the speculation regarding the possible role of advertising in juvenile smoking, no evidence was found to link juvenile smoking initiation with tobacco advertising. On the contrary, the evidence suggests that smoking initiation is more dependent on family smoking behaviour and peer pressures. These factors emerged consistently as the major influences in smoking initiation throughout the literature and the range of countries investigated regardless of the extent of tobacco advertising permitted in each country. Advertising is not as influential as is often supposed. Psychological filter systems are employed by the consumer, who selects only that information which is of relevance or interest to him. Widespread awareness of the tobacco-health issue means that an additional barrier is formed in the case of cigarette advertisements. There is no evidence that tobacco advertising influences non-smokers (either children or adults) to take up smoking.  相似文献   

<正> 商业企业制定童装市场营销策略是针对儿童市场的特点和消费需求的差异性,以研究消费者需求为中心,结合企业的经营定位所进行的不同形式的营销策略初探。 一、童装市场的概况 目前的服装市场普遍存在“重女装,轻男装”,“重成人,轻童装”现象。童装市场在服装市场中的地位较低,但随着家长对儿童消费观念的变化,给童装市场带来了发展空间。因为,儿童成长发育较快,童装穿着周期较短,具有持续的需求  相似文献   

When children jump, very high peak forces can be exerted during landing. Fortunately, these forces are of very short duration. Therefore, products can often withstand such high forces without failing. The results of peak force measurements cannot be used directly in the customary static design procedures. The dynamic nature of the peak force should be taken into account. This article shows how the results of jump measurements could be applied in practice.  相似文献   

祖祺祎 《中国市场》2009,(49):81-82
目前,我国流动人口子女教育形势不容乐观,存在诸多问题。本文在分析其现状和原因的基础上,提出了一些针对性的对策。  相似文献   

当前,我国在自闭症儿童社会保障问题方面存在着诸多问题,具体体现在立法保障的缺失,教育体系不完善及康复培训资源的匮乏,社会保障不完善等方面。我国应借鉴国外发达国家的先进经验,完善立法保障,完善特殊教育体系,加大财政投入,保障自闭症儿童与家庭的基本生活需求和可持续发展,建立健全成年自闭症患者的社会保障制度。  相似文献   

Influencers can disclose vlog advertising by implementing a platform-generated disclosure or by generating their own disclosure. This study aims to investigate whether and how these two types of disclosures differentially affect children's responses toward the sponsored content and the influencer. To do so, a two (platform-generated [PG] disclosure: no PG disclosure versus PG disclosure) by three (influencer-generated [IG] disclosure: no IG disclosure versus no commercial interference disclosure versus commercial interference disclosure) between-subjects experimental study was conducted among 190 children (aged ten to twelve). The results show that both types of disclosures increased children's recognition of vlog advertising; however, children's advertising literacy (i.e. their understanding of influencer marketing and skepticism toward the ad) was less activated when the influencer specifically indicated that there was no commercial interference of the brand. In addition, besides being more beneficial for influencers (by not negatively affecting children's evaluations of the influencer), an IG disclosure also showed to be more favorable for brands, as it increased brand effects among children, whereas a PG disclosure decreased these brand effects.  相似文献   

在消费品市场中,儿童扮演着重要的角色,对儿童消费行为的探讨一直是研究的热点,但众多研究都将重点放在城市儿童消费方面,缺乏对农村儿童特别是6-12岁的农村儿童消费行为的分析。本文以农村6-12儿童为研究对象,探究此年龄段农村儿童消费行为及特点,并据此提出相应的营销管理建议。  相似文献   

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