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The article discusses elements of a horizontal general product safety policy for the European Community and its relationship with the new approach to technical harmonization and standardization. The following particular elements are treated: (a) the adoption of a general obligation for manufacturers to produce and market products which are safe; (b) the European Home and Leisure Accident Surveillance System as an instrument for improving the construction of products and for instigating follow-up market controls; (c) follow-up market controls (improving the Community System for the Rapid Exchange of Informations on Dangers Arising from the Use of Consumer Products, harmonization of the means of control and intervention in the several Member States, interim measures at Community level in cases where products constitute grave and immediate dangers in more than one Member State); (d) setting up a Standing Committee for all questions on product safety policy; (e) consumer participation in the standard-setting process; (f) the complementary function of the Product Liability Directive. The case-law of the European Court of Justice relating to the free movement of goods and the remaining competences of Member States are taken into account. Finally, the example of the proposed Directive on machinery makes clear that the new approach to technical harmonization and standardization interferes strongly with the established structures of worker and consumer safety regulations in the several Member States as well as with traditional procedures of standardization and certification.  相似文献   

In this article, the author briefly outlines the present consumer safety laws in EFTA member countries. It seems that the EFTA countries are well prepared to adapt to the future EC Directive on Product Safety. Further, the author suggests that in the future, information on product safety matters should be diffused in a West European Safety Information Exchange System.  相似文献   

During the 1970's and 80's the interest in product safety has grown in Sweden. This in turn has led to an examination of the product safety legislation. On July 1, 1989, a new general Product Safety Act will come into force. Its aim is to prevent hazardous goods and services from causing personal injury or damage to property. Under the Act an entrepreneur can:
  • --be enjoined to provide safety information
  • --be prohibited from further provision of the hazardous goods and services
  • --be enjoined to provide cautionary information
  • --be ordered to recall hazardous goods and services.
  • A Governmental Committee has recently investigated whether or not rules concerning prohibition of export goods entailing a direct danger to life, health, or safety should be introduced and, in that event, how they should be devised. The Committee proposed certain rules in December 1988. This proposal will be circulated for comment whereupon it will be decided within the Government Offices how to proceed with the work on the proposal.  相似文献   

    Since 1970 the world economy has gone through a series of grave crises which have stimulated an intensive discussion about the economic and political relations between industrialized and developing countries. As seen from the Federal Republic of Germany, the witnessed events have not only an international dimension, but they focus attention again on one particular problem of national economic policy, the relationship of external economic policy and development policy, because the new strains on the international plane are in part reflected by this relationship.  相似文献   

    While recent recalls and scares have focused greatly on Chinese manufactured toys and foodstuffs, the issue of product safety extends to a wide variety of Chinese-produced goods. The supply chain in China is characterized by cost pressures and quality fade, multiple levels of outsourcing often involving small producers, a large number of counterfeit goods, Chinese cleverness at evading detection, and poor product safety surveillance by both the Chinese and U.S. governments. While some of these characteristics are present in other developing economies, few countries—save China—face all of these issues. To best counteract these forces, companies which outsource goods from China need a well-defined strategy to improve product safety. This strategy should encompass the practices of developing an organizational unit responsible for product safety, securing greater control over raw material sourcing in China, using extreme care in choosing Chinese subcontractors, conducting continuous product testing by multiple parties, being especially vigilant for counterfeits, and improving product traceability. Toward the end of ensuring items which meet quality standards, product safety auditing allows firms to assess their management of product safety of Chinese-made goods.  相似文献   

    The practical shaping of the EU's common agricultural policy and the instruments used to pursue its goals are often in conflict with the development policy goal of a trade regime which offers developing countries open markets as a contribution, in the long term, to reducing the poverty gap between nations. What are the possible areas of conflict between agricultural policy and development policy? How can these policies be made more coherent?  相似文献   

    The aim of this paper is to examine Sweden's Vision Zero road safety policy. In particular, the paper focuses on how safety issues were framed, which decisions were made, and what are the distinctive features of Vision Zero. The analysis reveals that the decision by the Swedish Parliament to adopt Vision Zero as Sweden's road safety policy was a radical innovation. The policy is different in kind from traditional traffic safety policy with regard to problem formulation, its view on responsibility, its requirements for the safety of road users, and the ultimate objective of road safety work. The paper briefly examines the implications of these findings for national and global road safety efforts that aspire to achieving innovative road safety policies in line with the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020, declared by the United Nations General Assembly in March 2010.  相似文献   

    In a number of constitutions, in article 16.3 of the International Bill of Human Rights and in article 23.1 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights it is laid down that the family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by society and the State. The following exposition aims to explain the monetary family policy and the extent of monetary transfers for the protection of families in the member countries of the European Community (EC).  相似文献   

    This study promotes the understanding of the link between development, environment and international economic relations. It suggests that the growth effects of environmental management may tend to serve as an equalizer, helping to redress the imbalance in real income levels between developed and developing economies.  相似文献   

    It has been evident for some time that the proportion of the public development aid which is distributed through multilateral channels is increasing. The causes of this process are examined in the following article which is based on the author's doctor thesis.  相似文献   

    The Ivory Coast has been the scene of a remarkable economic upsurge since it gained independence in 1960. Agriculture and forestry have been the mainstay of growth. The evolvement of socio-economic structures in the rural areas is outlined in the following article which also discusses aspects of the present reorientation of the policy of rural development.  相似文献   

    Recently, there has been a significant increase in the market for fair trade products. However, there is a discrepancy between the stated purchase intention of consumers and their actual purchase behaviour with respect to fair trade. This article takes an operational and strategic view of this issue and argues that one significant reason for this lies in the limited range of fair trade products currently available. Next, a strategic framework for fair trade new product development is presented and explored. Finally, key operational criteria for fair trade product selection are discussed using a case study example to support the conclusions.  相似文献   

    In spite of much evidence of its success, many managers hesitate to establish a policy for new product development. Their indecision often arises from two reasons: they fear that a defined strategy may discourage innovation and they are uncertain how to formulate a new product strategy. The author of this article discredits the former notion and, in reply to the latter, proposes the guidelines for developing such a statement. As new products are essential to the continued success of most firms, the strategy must exist and must be operant if the firm is to avoid wasted time, effort, and money as well as employee confusion and discouragement.  相似文献   

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