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我国工业制成品贸易条件的影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文运用1981-2006年的数据,对我国工业制成品的价格贸易条件、收入贸易条件和单要素贸易条件的影响因素进行了实证分析。结果表明:技术进步与我国工业制成品的价格贸易条件和收入贸易条件呈显著正相关关系,人均资本存量与收入贸易条件呈显著负相关关系,资本技术密集型产品出口占工业制成品出口的比例与价格贸易条件呈显著正相关关系;经济增长与收入贸易条件、单要素贸易条件呈显著正相关关系,累积外国直接投资占国内资本存量的比例与价格贸易条件和收入贸易条件呈显著负相关关系;以直接标价法表示的实际汇率变动与三种贸易条件均呈显著负相关关系。本文在此基础上提出了相关的政策建议。  相似文献   

Studies have shown that adults' comprehension of medical and nutrition terminology is often poor. This study's objectives were to determine nutrition terms that adults could not define correctly; to determine whether demographic characteristics affected the subjects' score, and to determine whether defining nutrition terms in educational material increased subject comprehension of the terms. Phase I involved 400 adult subjects from the airport and train station who were approached randomly and asked to complete a terminology test. Phase II involved 100 soldiers (aged 18–28) and 100 senior citizens; half of the subjects read information in which the nutrition terms used were defined and the other half read information in which the nutrition terms were not defined. All subjects then completed a nutrition terminology test. Statistical analysis included mean score, item analysis and regression analysis. In phase I, subjects had a moderate knowledge of the terms tested. In phase II, the mean score of subjects who read information in which the nutrition terms were defined was significantly higher than those not provided with definitions. The results of this study suggest that adult comprehension of nutrition terms may improve when the terms are defined.  相似文献   

我国贸易条件下降的原因及对策分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对我国1997-2004年贸易条件的计算及分析,发现近年来我国贸易条件有下降的趋势。我国贸易条件下降的原因同贸易条件恶化论所说的有所不同,主要与我国的贸易方式、出口市场过于集中以及加入世贸组织后我国关税的大幅度下降有关,在分析这些原因的基础上,给出了相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

Objectives. To compile and publish a dictionary of terminology containing a set of terms representing concepts found in burden of injury studies. Methods. A systematic outline of the glossary was designed on the basis of the literature. The glossary was filled with concepts and terms brought up by experts in the field of burden of injury research. Decisions were made by experts from several European countries in the field of burden of injury research. Definitions are based on the international literature, existing glossaries, medical dictionaries and expert opinion. In group sessions, the experts decided on preferred terms/definitions, admitted terms/definitions, and refused terms/definitions. Results. The glossary consists of three parts: concepts in health economics, concepts in health status measurement and valuation, and concepts related to health care practice. The glossary contains about 140 terms and is publicly available via the Internet. Conclusions. The glossary fulfils a clear need for uniform terminology. New terms will be considered and assessed by a group of experts. In order to make the glossary more user-friendly, interactive software should be developed.  相似文献   

A multinational study of marketing professionals was conducted in the US, England, Spain and Turkey. Respondents from these countries were compared on various ethics-related constructs such as idealism, relativism, moral intensity and corporate ethical values. Analyses of variance indicated that moral intensity had a signi ?cant impact on both ethical judgments and behavioral intentions. However, corporate ethical values, an idealistic ethical perspective and a relativistic ethical perspective only partially impacted ethical judgments and intentions. Country differences showed that the US was highest in terms of corporate ethical values while being the lowest in terms of relativism and signi?cantly lower than Spain and Turkey in terms of idealism. Turkey was the highest in terms of both idealism and relativism yet lowest in terms of corporate ethical values. Country differences in terms of moral intensity tended to be situation-speci?c. One managerial implication, for ?rms in all four countries, is that a clear set of corporate policies concerning ethics can positively in?uence the behavioral intentions of employees. It is important that employees do not misinterpret the desires of top management where ethical issues are involved.  相似文献   

在中欧经贸关系高速发展的背景下,对中国-欧盟贸易条件的研究相对缺乏。本文运用较详尽的贸易数据计算得出中国-欧盟双边商品贸易的贸易条件,得出1992-2003年间中国-欧盟价格贸易条件恶化但收入贸易条件改善的结论。并通过进一步实证分析,得出其影响因素为:中国经济增长、欧盟经济增长、中国对欧盟出口商品结构和在华的外商投资。  相似文献   

我国标准化与价格贸易条件的实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
价格贸易条件是衡量贸易利益变动的重要指标,标准作为国际贸易中越来越重要的因素之一,必将对其产生重要的影响。本文以1990-2007年我国的的数据为基础,进行实证分析,结果表明:在长期中,标准是改善价格贸易条件的重要因素。  相似文献   

FDI对我国价格贸易条件影响的实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用1985~2006年的统计数据,建立了包含价格贸易条件、初级产品进口额、工业制成品出口额、贸易顺差和外资企业出口占我国出口总额的比重这5个变量的协整模型和误差修正模型,对外商直接投资对我国价格贸易条件的影响进行了实证分析,实证结果表明工业制成品出口是导致价格贸易条件恶化的重要原因,而初级产品进口对改善价格贸易条件有正效应,但正效应目前还不显著,FDI对改善我国的价格贸易条件有显著的正效应。在此基础上,本文提出了改善我国价格贸易条件的政策建议。  相似文献   

中国外贸条件和实际汇率关系的实证分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
根据相关统计数据的研究,中国贸易条件变化与中美通货膨胀率间存在如下关系:中国贸易条件改善之时,正是中国通货膨胀高于美国之期;而中国贸易条件恶化之时,亦是中国通货膨胀低于美国之期。而购买力平价说又将两国汇率变动情况与两国间通货膨胀率相联接,由此,笔者拟以通货膨胀率为中介,对中国外贸条件和实际汇率变动关系加以实证分析,并对当前人民币汇率走势和解决中国外贸条件恶化的方式提出稍许评述。  相似文献   

The paper investigates the classic problem of the effect of a tariff on the terms of trade for a country with monopoly power in trade. It shows that the terms of trade may deteriorate in the presence of a tariff, by using a three-traded-goods model as against the earlier analyses in terms of the two-good model. An earlier analysis by Gruen-Corden of such a model used unnecessarily restrictive assumptions to discuss this problem; the present model is perfectly general.  相似文献   

依据在联合国统计司Comtrade数据库,对中国与东盟贸易条件的变化情况和波动情况进行经验分析,结果发现:在1987~2006年期间,中国与东盟的整体贸易条件和初级产品贸易条件都有一定程度的改善,而制成品贸易条件则出现了一定程度的恶化:中国与东盟初级产品进出口贸易发展的不稳定、资源型制成品进出口贸易发展的不平衡以及初级产品贸易条件大的波动对中国与东盟整体贸易条件的波动起了主导作用。  相似文献   

仅仅根据近年来商品贸易条件指数下降而得出中国贸易条件恶化的结论,是缺乏有效根据的,甚至可能会产生有害的影响。因为贸易条件究竟是在改善还是在恶化,直接关系到如何评价近年中国的贸易发展模式以及未来贸易发展战略的选择。从实证角度对中国要素贸易条件的变动趋势进行分析,可以为关于中国贸易条件的讨论提供一种新的视角。  相似文献   

中国同日本贸易条件变化和波动情况的经验分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章在联合国统计司Comtrade数据库的基础上对中国同日本贸易条件的变化和波动情况进行了经验分析,结果发现:从1987-2006年,中国同日本的初级产品贸易条件有一定程度的改善,而整体贸易条件和制成品贸易条件则出现了明显的恶化;中国同日本贸易条件的波动主要是由中国对日本初级产品出口份额大的波动、中技术产品及高技术产品进出口贸易发展的不平衡以及高技术产品贸易条件的较大波动引起的,而减小中国同日本贸易条件波动的关键在于减小高技术产品贸易条件的波动.  相似文献   

Managing expectations in a business ethicscourse is important and a key place to begin iswith a definition of a moral problem. Untilrecently I would explain, using moral terms,good and bad, right and wrong, duty or obligation or theircognates, what a moral problem is generally andthen what it may be in business. However Ifound that using familiar terms with vague orambiguous meanings to define the subject matterof the course counterproductive. What Irequired is a means of explaining to thebeginning student what a moral problem iswithout relying on the prior associations andmeanings of the term moral that thestudent brings to the discussion. In recentyears I realized that what I wanted, as astarting point for the business ethics course,is a definition of moral problem thatdoes not use specifically moral terms i.e.good, bad, right, wrong, duty. For pedagogicalreasons, I wanted a definition that suppliesthe criteria for determining whether a givenproblem is a moral problem or not without usingcommon moral terms. This paper reviews thetreatment given to the concept of a moralproblem in a number of standard business ethicstexts and then presents a working definitionthat does not rely on the use of specificallymoral terms. The definition is then critiquedfor limitations and weaknesses.  相似文献   

我国贸易条件与贸易利益关系的再探讨   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文分析了经济增长、技术进步对我国贸易条件的影响,并进一步说明,从长期来看,我国贸易条件可能会成“U形”变化。本文分析认为单纯的贸易条件恶化不能充分说明我国福利水平的降低,我国目前需要纠正的是因国内要素市场和产品市场扭曲导致的贸易条件恶化,需要深入研究的是我国贸易条件逆转所必须具备的社会经济条件。  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate whether the terms used in the design of a convertible debt issue act as a signal of the issuing firm's future growth prospects. Our general premise is that convertible debt design terms are interrelated and arranged in a manner that signals asymmetric information to market participants. Empirical tests support our hypothesis, even after controlling for risk, firm size, time-to-maturity, and industry effects. Firms issuing convertible debt that arrange terms to take advantage of relatively better future growth prospects are found to have a relatively lower negative price reaction around the announcement of the offer.  相似文献   

Conjugacy theory is utilized and developed to develop an interpretation of the production equilibrium in general equilibrium in terms of the properties of sectoral value added functions and in terms of the relative influence of each sector on all other sectors in a small country's economy. The exact relationship between the comparative static system thus analyzed and the one traditionally built on equilibrium in terms of the vector of factor prices and gross output levels is delineated. The major contributions to the theory of effective protection are also illuminated.  相似文献   

在国际贸易中,贸易术语的选择关系到贸易当事人的切身利益,将会对贸易当事人产生极大的影响。我国企业在出口业务中习惯采用CIF贸易术语,这一模式对内陆出口企业较为不利。CIF与CIP在适用的运输方式、签发的运输单据、出口方承担的责任以及运费方面存在差异,CIP术语更适用于内陆出口企业,有利于内陆出口企业降低风险、及早结汇并节省运费。因而在国际贸易中,内陆出口企业选择CIP术语不但有利于我国西部大开发战略的实施,也有利于加强泛珠三角区域经济合作。  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2022,65(5):617-630
Prepandemic, small business exits were expected to increase dramatically owing to pent-up supply and the aging business owner population. COVID-19 may have dampened those expectations because of increasing information asymmetries that limited selling options for the small business owner (SBO). SBOs exit for many reasons (e.g., illness, family, retirement), so postponing a sale may not be a viable option. Alternately, SBOs can absorb crisis uncertainty by accepting different deal terms. We propose that one such strategy is to include seller financing as part of the deal terms, thereby signaling to the acquirer the SBOs’ confidence that the purchase is sound. We examine the results of 1,909 exit transactions from both before and after the financial crisis of 2007–2009 and over a 10-year postcrisis horizon. We find that sellers accept a lower price and less favorable terms with increased seller financing in the 24 months postcrisis, and that waiting longer to sell after the crisis improves deal terms for sellers, as this affords SBOs time to exit. Additionally, reduced information asymmetry improves deal terms. Finally, we provide strategies for SBOs to lower information asymmetry in small business exits.  相似文献   

This study is a cross‐cultural examination of the ideal self‐image of women in terms of health and beauty. The match‐up between two advertising beauty types (possible advertising presenters) and female consumers' ideal health and beauty images in terms of wanting to look like a specific model were tested with 750 female respondents from five European cities. The respondents also identified the ideal eye and hair colors for health and beauty. This quantitative study revealed cross‐cultural variation in ideal self‐image in terms of healthy and beautiful beauty types. International advertisers need to understand the important, contemporary, cultural characteristics of an ideal beauty type in terms of healthy or beautiful before developing standardized advertising communicating such appeals. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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