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This research investigates how national culture interacts with marketing strategy to influence consumers’ organic post-consumption satisfaction ratings of entertainment products rich in cultural content. Drawing upon a communication theory framework, we develop hypotheses concerning multiple interaction effects between culture and marketing strategies on consumers’ product evaluations. We test these hypotheses by analyzing consumer reviews of 260 movies in 25 country markets. In support of our hypotheses, we find that the cultural congruence between the product and the market improves consumer reviews, and that the effect is stronger in cultures characterized by collectivism, femininity, and uncertainty avoidance, as well as for products more heavily loaded with cultural content. In addition, we find that the negative effect of delay in product launch timing weakens for cultures characterized by long-term orientation, and that the positive effect of advertising spending on consumer evaluations is stronger in cultures characterized by high power distance belief. These results provide practical insights into how managers should make decisions concerning product design, launch timing, and advertising strategies in international markets.  相似文献   

The effect of country-of-origin labelling on consumers’ assessments of product quality, risk to purchase, perceived value and likelihood of purchasing was tested experimentally in a multi-product, multi-cue setting. Country-of-origin information was found to be more important in affecting product quality assessments than were price and brand information. Price was important in value assessment while brand was significant in a few product specific cases. Age, education, sex, and perceptions of ability to judge products were variously related to consumers’ ratings of quality, risk, value and likelihood of purchase especially when the product was more complex and difficult to judge. However, much of the variation in consumer judgments was not accounted for by the variables employed in this study, suggesting that future research should include more detailed studies of information processing whereby intrinsic and extrinsic product cues and a wide range of consumer characteristics are taken into consideration.  相似文献   

The research reported here examines consumer behavior in the trial of new consumer packaged goods. Panel data tracking purchase patterns over the first two years of introduction for seven low-priced consumer goods was utilized to study both the timing and quantity of individual household new product trials. A behavior termed “add-on” purchasing (buying trial brands in addition to regularly purchased brands) was exhibited across all seven new products. Implications of this “add on” behavior are discussed.  相似文献   

A multidimensional approach for accuracy of ratings is introduced that examines consumers’ abilities to assess various brands across a set of attributes and attribute performances across a set of brands. A model is presented that addresses the roles of the relevancy of information, attribute-relationship schemata, and consumers’ product category experience on the accuracy of their brand attribute ratings. Study participants were provided either with relevant or irrelevant attribute information for various automobile brands and later asked to rate the attribute performances of brands. The results indicate that the provision of relevant information in the judgment environment increases brand and attribute rating accuracy but does not favorably affect consumers’ brand attribute-relationship schemata. Rather, consumers’ product experience was directly related to their attribute-relationship schemata, which in turn were related to improved accuracy of brand and attribute ratings. Kevin Mason is an associate professor of marketing at Arkansas Tech University. His research interests include consumer information processing and choice strategies. He has published in theJournal of Marketing Theory and Practice, Journal of Consumer Marketing, Central Business Review, Journal for the Association of Marketing Educators, andInternational Advances in Economics Research. Thomas Jensen is professor and Wal-Mart lecturer in retailing in the Department of Marketing and Transportation at the University of Arkansas. His research interests include consumer information processing, advertising and price perceptions, and retail image and patronage. His work has been published in theJournal of Consumer Research, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Psychology and Marketing, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, Journal of Retailing, Journal of Business Research, and other journals. Scot Burton is professor and Wal-Mart chairholder in marketing, Department of Marketing and Transportation, University of Arkansas. His research interests include public policy and consumer welfare concerns, survey research measurement issues, and consumer price and promotion perceptions. His work has been published in theJournal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Public Opinion Quarterly, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, Journal of Retailing, and other journals. Dave Roach is a professor of management at Arkansas Tech University. His research interests include information processing, judgmental accuracy, and organization change. He has published inHuman Relations, Journal of Applied Psychology, International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Journal of Information Technology Management, Journal of Consumer Marketing, Central Business Review, andJournal for the Association of Marketing Educators.  相似文献   

Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science - While online platforms often provide a single composite rating and the ratings of different attributes of a product, they largely ignore the attribute...  相似文献   

近年来的研究认为员工更倾向于把组织公民行为视为工作角色内行为,而不是角色外行为。对我国349名企业员工的问卷调查研究也表明,其组织公民行为更多地被认为是工作角色内行为,而且在年龄、职位和性别这三个人口统计学变量上呈现出规律性特征:年龄越大,越倾向于把组织公民行为视为角色内行为;职位越高,组织公民行为的角色内知觉越强;在一些公民行为维度上女性对公民行为的角色内知觉显著高于男性。这一结果验证了西方学者关于组织公民行为偏重于角色内取向的结论,并且得出了年龄、职位和性别是组织公民行为重要的预测变量。  相似文献   

我国中小企业对国民经济的发展具有重要作用。但随着市场经济的发展和“入世”,我国中小企业在发展中逐渐暴露出众多问题:产业结构初级化、产品结构单一化;技术装备差,专业化程度低;企业布局分散,不能形成规模经济;科技及管理人才匮乏;粗放式经营、资源浪费严重等。如何使中小企业摆脱困境,提高竞争力和竞争优势,是中小企业急待解决的问题。中小企业可以通过虚拟生产模式:建动态合作联盟、对非核心业务实行外包、接外包业务等虚拟生产方式来实现二次创业。  相似文献   

"腾讯QQ"和"360"之争已广受国人关注,"腾讯QQ"的强制卸载行为更是将此风波推向极致。深层次分析"腾讯QQ"之行为,网络型产品自身的外部性特点使其具备市场支配地位的条件,数字的不可携带性是其滥用支配地位的根源,其强制绑架消费者利益,远超出了自力救济的范畴,违背了《反垄断法》的基本价值取向,严重破坏了正常的市场竞争秩序,这足以认定其实质上滥用了市场支配地位。针对"腾讯QQ"等新兴的网络型产业,适用《反垄断法》予以规制时面临相关市场理论缺失、滥用市场支配地位行为种类受限、市场份额并非界定市场支配地位的唯一标准等难题。因此,应完善相关反垄断法律制度,进一步明确网络型产业市场支配地位的特殊界定标准,进一步细化滥用市场支配地位的行为种类,引入网络强制接入机制,以保护消费者的利益,实现反垄断法保护竞争的基本价值取向。  相似文献   

This study examines the effect of the working wife on the distribution of control in the family for specific product decisions. Results lend general support for the proposition that whether a wife is working or not affects her position in the control decision structure in the family. However, the presence of children in the family and the reason for working had no effect on this distribution of control. A new methodological approach to assessing “power” in the family is utilized.  相似文献   

Existing research on the effects of sexually suggestive illustrations in advertising has reported reduced recall of brand names and product information as well as negative product attitudes. This study evaluates two explanations for the reduced recall. A negative affect explanation hypothesizes that a viewer's attitudinal response to the suggestive material interferes with recall. An attention-distraction explanation hypothesizes that the visual draw of the suggestive illustrations decreases reading time for the ad copy. Ads varying in suggestiveness were viewed by male and female college students. Recall of both brand names and product information was lower for all suggestive ads. Recall differences were found to be totally unrelated to all affect differences, to measures of general attitudes toward the use of sex in advertising, and to demographic variables but were generally consistent with independent ratings of the visual characteristic of the illustrations. These results favor the attention-distraction hypothesis. Implications for advertising strategy are discussed.  相似文献   

微型金融评级以微型金融为基础,是微型金融发展到一定阶段的产物。微型金融的特殊性决定了微型金融评级在评级对象、评级主体、评级方法、评级功能等方面也存在特殊性。随着微型金融的迅速发展,我国应逐步构建微型金融评级体系,并利用现存机构、以标准化方法开展微型金融评级,以推动我国微型金融评级发展。  相似文献   

多年来,产品同质化严重影响到了保险公司的赢利能力。对于财险而言,“一险独大”的局面早已形成多年。财险市场的集中度逐年降低,财险公司间的竞争程度也与日俱增。其中,极具代表性的中国太保就因自身产品差异化程度较低而腹背受敌,并且2009年将市场份额第二的位置拱手让给平安保险后就遭遇发展瓶颈期,市场占有率停滞不前。本文通过量化中国太保的产品差异化程度和赢利能力,并建立多元线性回归模型来研究两者间的关系。最后,从政府和企业两个角度提出政策建议,希望对各财险公司的发展起到借鉴作用。  相似文献   

欧洲主权债务危机爆发以来,三大评级机构频繁下调欧元区国家的主权信用评级,这在某种程度上催化了危机的蔓延。通过对主权信用评级的决定因素分析,将主权信用评级结果分解为由经济基本面因素决定和经济基本面以外因素决定的两部分,研究了主权信用评级结果受非理性成分的影响程度,从而得出了欧债危机期间三大评级机构很可能过度下调了主权信用评级的结论。  相似文献   

The large penetration of store brands has been accelerated by a substantial increase of their availability across various categories. Although store brands have generated tremendous interest in the literature, little work has been done on umbrella branding strategies for store brands. We extend the previous work of Erdem (1998) and Erdem et al. (2004) by studying the learning spillover effects of umbrella brands across categories for both national and store brands. We apply the Multivariate Multinomial Probit Model of cross-category learning across five product categories to study differences across store versus national umbrella brands in three countries (i.e., the United States, the United Kingdom, and Spain). Our results indicate that cross-category learning effects exist between different product categories in consumer packaged goods for both store brands and national umbrella brands, although some of the categories in which correlated learning happens differ between the two. The degree of cross-category learning also varies across categories.  相似文献   

The structure of perceived risk: Some further progress   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study investigates (1) the homogeneity of subjects' perceptions of the relative magnitude of perceived risk for seven product classes, and (2) the component structure of perceived risk, both individually and aggregated, for the same product classes. It is concluded that (1) while it may prove possible and useful to define homogeneous subgroups of consumers generally there is substantial heterogeneity of perception of the relative magnitude of perceived risk across consumers and (2) that the component structure of perceived risk is generally consistent across the seven product classes studied with explained variances being relatively large.  相似文献   

清醒地认识和把握党自身所处的历史方位,是党的建设的十分重大的问题。“三个代表”重要恩想是在科学判断党的历史方位的基础上提出来的,是马克思主义党建学说与时俱进的产物。  相似文献   

中美贸易摩擦:现状、趋势与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,美国对中国的贸易摩擦明显增多,而且有愈演愈烈之势。这对两国经济都有不利的影响,也对其他国家产生不良的"示范效应"。我国除采取有效的政府公关策略外,还应早日争取"市场经济国家"地位,同时加快产业结构调整和优化,提升出口产品结构。  相似文献   

阐述了在加快发展现代农业和推进社会主义新农村建设的新形势下,我国"一村一品"发展的理念创新。在此基础上,从找准政府角色定位、突出农民主体地位和优化外部发展环境等方面,分析了我国发展"一村一品"的有效途径,提出依托现代农业组织推进"一村一品"向纵深发展的可选方式,以及相应的对策与建议。  相似文献   

Composite branding extensions, wherein two existing brands ally themselves to create a composite brand name and enter a different product category, have become a common way to introduce a new product. An important managerial issue is deciding how to position the two brand names within the expression to communicate this alliance to consumers. Drawing on linguistic theories, this research explores how consumers may interpret different composite brand expressions relative to the positions of the two brand names in the expressions. We find that the brand in the initial position of most expressions is perceived as more closely associated with, and more responsible for the extension product than the other brand in the alliance. This perceived responsibility is also influenced by the perceived relative brand strengths, or the marketing abilities of both brands.  相似文献   

《服务贸易总协定》下自然人流动的福利效应分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自然人流动是《服务贸易总协定》框架下贸易量最小的一种模式,但是由于涉及到人员的跨境流动,关系到各国的就业、社会稳定、文化等各方面的问题,各国政府在作出承诺的时候还是比较谨慎的。文章以单个产品模型中的要素流动分析为基础,分析了自然人暂时流动的福利效应,希望能为各国政府的政策制定和下一轮的多边谈判提供理论上的依据和支持。  相似文献   

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