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货币流动性过剩对中国经济的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
货币流动性用M1与M2的比例来表示,它反映了现实购买力和潜在购买力的比例.货币流动性过剩产生的原因:首先,世界各主要国家执行的低利率政策是造成当前全球货币流动性过剩的根源;其次,各国金融机构信贷创造力是全球流动性过剩的动力;最后,全球金融衍生产品的发展又进一步放大了国际货币的流动性.同时,作者就市场货币流动性过剩对中国经济造成的影响,提出了破解市场流动性过剩的对策性建议.  相似文献   

我国经济从2005年出现流动性过剩问题以来,理论界关注流动性过剩原因时总是"剑指"中国经济的外部失衡。外部失衡固然是流动性过剩的一个重要原因,但是,货币供给是货币需求拉动的,货币需求又受制于经济交易和金融交易活动,以非正规金融、地下金  相似文献   

中国的流动性过剩相对于其他经济发达国家更为严重,不但是由于产业结构升级和对外开放度上升而导致的过度货币需求,而且是因为不良贷款引发的货币供给有效性减弱。缓解流动性过剩必须从经济转型时期的货币需求弹性、有效货币供给以及货币市场非均衡等多个方面寻找对策。  相似文献   

该文从"事前"货币需求角度,将流动性过剩定义为货币供给大于"事前"货币需求,两者的缺口定义为超额流动性。该定义权衡了货币供给和需求双方的交互性,从社会整体角度去度量流动性,克服了传统度量指标的不足。从实证结果看,超额流动性指标对我国流动过剩拟合程度良好,流动性过剩是引起通胀的显著原因,对通胀解释力度较强,半对数弹性为0.91。笔者从"事前"货币需求角度,提出建立恰当的流动性指标、增强央行货币政策的独立性、增加"事前"货币需求、丰富应对流动性过剩的"数量型"货币工具等治理我国流动性过剩的相关建议。  相似文献   

我国货币供给与货币缺口的实证比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过比较实际货币供给与均衡货币供给关系,分析了我国前一阶段的流动性过剩现象,认为流动性过剩是实际货币总量对预期均衡水平的偏离.实证研究表明,我国实际货币供给、均衡货币供给与货币缺口存在长期稳定的关系.经济领域中的货币缺口仅在个别时期接近零,大部分时期是实际货币供给超过均衡货币供给.流动性过剩不是经济政策失误的结果,它是经济发展带来的财富效应与资本积累形成的必然现象.目前,过剩流动性正以各种方式进行释放并对宏观经济产生影响,将货币缺口作为衡量流动性过剩的度量指标.符合我国中央银行以货币数量为中介目标的货币政策.优化资源配置、增加投资渠道与发展资本市场是解决流动性过剩的最佳途径.  相似文献   

在总结了目前理论界对流动性过剩的观点的基础上,分析了中国经济的流动性过剩的现状,并从货币的供给与需求的角度分析了其产生的根源,最后提出了治理中国经济流动性过剩问题的对策与建议。  相似文献   

流动性过剩:基于货币流动速度异常下降的解析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
由于货币需求的收入弹性普遍较高,实际收入上升将导致货币流通速度下降和全球流动性过剩。但是,跨国比较却显示出中国货币流通速度异常下降和流动性过剩的特殊性。实证结果表明,实际收入对货币流通速度的影响被新的交叉变量放大,必须降低货币需求的收入弹性,并加快产业结构调整和深化经济开放进程,才能从根本上缓解中国的流动性过剩。  相似文献   

流动性过剩的特征、成因及调控   总被引:28,自引:1,他引:28  
当前中国流动性过剩突出表现为货币流动性更加活跃、非金融企业资金宽松、贷款投放过多、商业银行流动性充足、市场利率水平较低等特征。产生流动性过剩的主要原因是中央银行因被动购买外汇,造成基础货币的过快增长,以及银行因利差较大产生的信贷扩张行为。货币政策的着重点应是努力收回过多的流动性。  相似文献   

中国流动性过剩的测度方法与实证   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
流动性过剩是当前中国经济运行中的突出现象,并被普遍认为是近几年来我国面临通货膨胀压力的主要原因之一.但是,如何测度经济体中流动性过剩的严重程度,进而为"从紧的货币政策"提供依据,理论界和管理部门还存在较大争议.本文在借鉴国内外文献的基础上,以最优货币供给规则为理论视角,提出了适度货币供给增长率概念和及其定值方法,并以该方法对1999-2007年的实际样本进行实证分析.结果表明:中国经济体在1999年1月-1999年10月、2002年7月-2004年8月,以及2005年5月后的三个时间段出现了流动性过剩,货币供给增长过快是导致流动性过剩的主要原因.本文认为,控制货币供给的增长率,并且辅之以其它政策工具吸收沉淀于银行体系和流通领域中过剩的流动性资产,应是现阶段解决我国流动性过剩问题的重要手段.  相似文献   

张育军 《资本市场》2007,(10):20-22
<正>流动性过剩是一个全球现象,也是本币升值特定背景下的一种货币现象。大力发展资本市场,合理疏导资金流向,是当前缓解流动性过剩的重要途径。高度重视流动性过剩自1971年布雷顿森林体系崩溃后,美元的发行与黄金储备脱钩,美元完全虚拟化,流动性过剩就成为全球经常发生的一个现象。20世纪80年代出现的日本、韩国和我国台湾地区货币升值,以及随之而来的货币供应过分扩张,都是比较经典的流动性过剩案例。2000年,美国经常账户赤字达到其GDP的4.2%,创历史新高;为应对"9.11事件"美联储连续减息,2003年6月基准利率降至1%。这也成为全球新一轮流动性过剩的根源。  相似文献   

后金融危机的货币供给过剩及其效应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文针对我国货币政策的操作特征,使用阈值协整方法扩展现有的货币需求模型,度量后金融危机时期的货币供给过剩及其对通胀与经济增长的非线性调节效应,并进而设定广义脉冲响应函数揭示货币供给过剩对通胀与经济增长的冲击效应。主要结论为:2009年第三季度以后,我国货币供给过剩且过剩幅度快速增加,其中名义M1过剩12.56%,名义M2过剩11.31%。2009Q3—2010Q3我国处于货币供给过剩机制下,在该机制下,央行谨慎地实施从紧货币政策,从紧货币政策对通胀和经济增长的调节效应相对较强。货币供给过剩对通胀和经济增长的冲击在前2年为正值,在随后近3年为负值。这说明我国现阶段适度宽松货币政策的退出必须谨慎,退出速度不宜过快。  相似文献   

本文定义了货币M1的一个新增长率,以其值作为与实际经济增长率相适应的中介目标值;定义了货币M1的一个超额增长率,以其负值作为与通货膨胀率相适应的中介目标值;在此基础上,重新确定M1货币增长率的值作为中介目标值。实证表明在中国这样确定的货币政策中介目标值与经济增长和通货膨胀最终目标一致。  相似文献   

The theoretical models that analyse the monetary consequences of export booms show that under a regime of fixed exchange rates, they affect not only the demand for money, via real income, but also the money supply via foreign exchange accumulation. Within this theoretical framework, this study proposes an empirical approach to determine whether the coffee booms of the second half of the 1970s and mid–1980s led to excess money supply in the Colombian economy. The findings provide evidence in favour of a direct association between coffee export booms and excess money supply, implying that external disturbances jeopardize the ability of the economic authorities to carry out successful monetary policy.  相似文献   

银行流动性过剩加大了商业银行的竞争风险,增加了商业银行战略转型的难度,已成为当前金融运行中的突出问题。因此,央行应灵活运用各种货币政策工具加大政府投资力度,大力发展资本市场,拓展新的存贷款业务,创新金融产品,解决流动性过剩问题。  相似文献   

Nonconvexities play a major role in several theories of money. This note suggests an additional such role. In particular, an economy is presented which fails to have a competitive equilibrium in the absence of fiat money. When fiat money is present, a steady-state competitive, equilibrium does exist and has the feature that money necessarily has value. This is because in any steady state, monetary equilibrium relative prices are bounded in such a way that the discontinuous portions of excess demand functions may become irrelevant.  相似文献   

Whether China’s inflation since 2007 is demand-pull or cost-push has become the study focus. Different opinions about the originations of the inflation indicate different policies against further inflation. VAR research based on the import price, money supply, excess wage and inflation rate finds that money supply instead of excess wage has made the most contribution for current inflation since 2000. Further evidence from sectoral data also confirms the conclusion of the VAR research. So there was no “wage-inflation” vicious circle in China during 2000–2007.  相似文献   

The strong and prolonged deviation of money growth from its reference value since 2001 has caused concern among policy-makers about the upside risks to price stability from monetary developments. In this article we provide evidence that these risks might have been smaller until 2005 than regularly assumed. Three basic findings support this view. First, a sectoral breakdown of money holdings shows that current excess liquidity conditions have been partly related to the acceleration of nonbank financial intermediaries’ money demand, as well as to the accumulation of marketable instruments. Such increases are likely to be associated more to portfolio choices than to transaction motives. Second, evidence from balance sheet data on investment funds points to a general increase in the relative importance of this sector in the economy, rather than to a higher degree of liquidity of their asset positions, thus reflecting, to a large extent, a permanent change in the financial structure of the economy. Third, excess liquidity measures that exclude nonbank financial intermediaries’ money holdings have more predictive power for future inflation at medium-term horizons than those that include them.  相似文献   

现有衡量流动性过剩规模的方法存在许多不足。通过借鉴水力学理论可以推导出中国货币需求函数,以此估算我国的流动性过剩规模。在此基础上,通过Granger检验,发现流动性过剩规模与股价、房价和通胀率的走势较吻合。因此,我们可以利用流动性过剩的机会深化金融市场的改革与创新;引导流动性流向金融市场,避免房地产市场的资产价格泡沫;将货币政策与产业政策紧密配合;选择适当的货币政策工具调控流动性。  相似文献   

About 30 years ago, Jacques Le Bourva published two little-known articles that clearly set out the present post-Keynesian theory of endogenous money developed by Kaldor and Moore. The main features of these two articles are presented, in particular Le Bourva's belief that reverse causation, rather than the instability of the velocity function, is the key objection to the quantity theory of money and the mainstream theory of inflation. Other features include a graphical and an algebraic pedagogical representation of the theory of endogenous money, the use of the Banking school's efflux/reflux mechanism, the dismissal of the money multiplier, and the impossibility of an excess supply of money. Le Bourva's theory of inflation also resembles that adopted by many post-Keynesians, in which price increases due to excessive wage demands and attempts by firms to raise their profit margins to finance investment.  相似文献   

We build on our earlier model of money in which bank liabilities circulate as a medium of exchange. We investigate optimal bank behavior and the resulting provision of liquidity under a range of central bank regulations. In our model, banks issue inside money under fractional reserves, facing the possibility of excess redemptions. Banks consider the float resulting from money creation and make reserve‐management decisions that affect aggregate liquidity conditions. Numerical examples demonstrate positive bank failure rates when returns to banking are low. Central bank interventions may improve banks' returns and welfare through a reduction in bank failure.  相似文献   

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