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The Fabrication of Aboriginal History , does not, as Shlomowitz contends, circumvent standard criteria of traditional historical enquiry. In fact, it insists upon them. It applies those criteria to the work of historians who have exaggerated the degree of frontier conflict and the Aboriginal death toll far beyond what the credible evidence supports. Shlomowitz should have applied those standards to the works that Fabrication critiques. He also misrepresents Windschuttle's case about Melanesian labourers in Queensland's sugar industry, which is based on the same sources that Shlomowitz uses himself. The article argues those labourers were genuine victims of the White Australia Policy.  相似文献   

The neoliberal offensive incipient during the 1970s matured into a globally hegemonic discourse during the 1990s. Developing countries like South Africa have their own peculiar brand of neoliberalism. This has taken various forms in South Africa, one of which is privatisation. Its discursive origins may be traced to key thinkers and institutions. And while there is a general discourse of privatisation there also exist sub-discourses in particular sectors, such as the water services sector. This paper examines the way a general discourse of privatisation evolved in South Africa and how this discourse has filtered into water services delivery. It argues that key role players and institutions acted as disseminators of a discourse of privatisation in the water services sector.  相似文献   

透析美国、日本、韩国、新加坡等现代化国家的城市发展史,不难发现,它们在城市建设方面共存着许多惊人相似的经验。这些宝贵的经验,对我国现代化国际大都市的建设应有所裨益。  相似文献   

“前事不忘 ,后事之师”。学习历史 ,研究历史决不是单纯地只着眼于历史本身 ,而是要通过学习历史来指导现实的实践。一部唐朝的兴衰史为后人留下了非常宝贵的经验教训 ,是否重视学史 ,不仅是民族素质提高与否的条件之一 ,而且是国家长治久安的保证之一 ,因此说学史与治国有着很密切的联系。  相似文献   


The study of ‘local history’ i.e. the history of particular towns and rural districts, has been much in vogue in Norway in the last twenty or thirty years and has produced some valuable results of significance for more general history. The initiative in studies of this kind, as well as the burden of financing them, has usually been assumed by the communities themselves, and it is natural that the purely local interest in particular events, institutions, and persons has had to be emphasized more than might be desirable from a more comprehensive point of view. Apart from this obvious limitation, there is a good case to be made for the study of social history in particular at the level of relatively small communities. The limited material and scope of such studies make it possible to go into greater detail in the analysis of social relations within the unit under observation and, equally important, to see a relatively complete social system functioning as a whole. When a series of such studies has been made, a basis is then provided for comparisons and generalizations which cover a larger national society.  相似文献   

张锋 《世界经济与政治》2012,(3):82-104,158,159
中国国际关系的话语体系中有一例外论的存在,不过迄今尚未有专著论述。作者尝试对中国例外论在不同历史时期的内涵与缘起做了粗浅论述,并通过将中国例外论与美国例外论的对比来解释其政策意义。中国例外论在不同的历史时期有不同的表现。中华帝国具有一种以华夏中心论、仁厚和平论及等级包容论为特征的对外关系普世论。毛泽东时期的中国具有以革命中心论、大国使命论及中国道德论为特征的国际关系例外论,而改革开放以来的中国则具有以新型大国论、仁厚和平论及和谐包容论为特征的新的国际关系例外论。与美国例外论相比,中国例外论的明显特色是对干涉主义的拒绝,对仁厚包容的中和主义的追求。同时,作者尝试勾勒出当代中国外交的思想光谱,并将中国例外论置于其中考察其意义。这一思想光谱主要由旧现实主义、冲击型民族主义、新现实主义、传统主义、例外论及制度主义六大思潮构成。中国例外论可被视为关于中国外交的一种规范性理论,一种需要与当代中国外交其他五大思潮相竞争的理论与政策思想。  相似文献   

Social movements have been viewed as vehicles through which the concerns of poor and marginalized groups are given greater visibility within civil society, lauded for being the means to achieve local empowerment and citizen activism, and seen as essential in holding the state to account and constituting a grassroots mechanism for promoting democracy. However, within development studies little attention has been paid to understanding how social movements can affect trajectories of development and rural livelihood in given spaces, and how these effects are related to movements’ internal dynamics and their interaction with the broader environment within which they operate. This paper addresses this theme for the case of social movements protesting contemporary forms of mining investment in Latin America. On the basis of cases from Peru and Ecuador, the paper argues that the presence and nature of social movements has significant influences both on forms taken by extractive industries (in this case mining) and on the effects of this extraction on rural livelihoods. In this sense, one can usefully talk about rural development as being co-produced by movements, mining companies, and other actors, in particular the state. The terms of this co-production, however, vary greatly among different locations, reflecting the distinct geographies of social mobilization and of mineral investment, as well as the varying power relationships among the different actors involved.  相似文献   

The City of Newcastle has been viewed as marginal to the main narratives of Australian history, despite its contribution to industrial development being likened in importance to that of a Pittsburgh or Birmingham. A focus on visible air pollution makes it possible to reposition Newcastle as the centre of environmental innovation, largely because of the knowledge gathered by Novocastrians about smoke abatement in the Anglo-American industrial cities upon which it modelled itself. The reduction of smoke in Newcastle since World War II is attributed partially to the City Council activities, but also to the displacement of pollution elsewhere, both within Australia and to the Asian cities to which coal is exported.  相似文献   

我国独立董事制度设计与美国的现实比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张锐 《特区经济》2009,240(1):134-135
本文通过对我国独立董事制度设计与美国的比较,发现我国独立董事在独立性、专业性及积极性方面不足,从而导致效果差强人意。因此,本文分析了美国独立董事制度设计的本质,围绕它结合我国国情,提出改进制度设计的建议。  相似文献   

The Great Migration from the US South is a prominent theme in economic history research not only because it was a prime example of large scale internal migration, but also because it had far-reaching ramifications for American economic, social, and political change. This article offers a concise review of the literature focused on questions of timing, selection, and migrants’ outcomes, and then offers a more speculative interpretation of how the Great Migration fostered the advancement of Civil Rights. It concludes by pointing out areas where further exploration would be valuable.  相似文献   

郑春荣 《南方经济》2015,33(4):93-105
拉美国家在历史上出现过经济高速增长和快速城市化的阶段,但是经济增长并没有解决贫困现象和缩小收入差距,出现了“增长性贫困”现象,而收入悬殊限制了经济的进一步增长。社保制度存在缺陷是导致拉美国家增长性贫困的主要原因之一:社保制度严重滞后于城市化进程,住房和就业困难,非正式就业较为普遍;养老保险计划的覆盖面较低,收入再分配难以进行;养老金管理成本居高不下,导致养老保险扩面难;社会保险与社会救助的比重失调,中产阶级成为社会保障制度的最大受益者;社保和教育机会的缺失,造成代际贫困的恶性循环。拉美国家这些教训为我国社保制度的完善提供了很好的借鉴。  相似文献   

美国内部控制与中国内部控制发展历程存在差异:美国内部控制发展起步早,制度健全,中国内部控制发展起步晚,发展过程跨越,但规范水平已跟上国际步伐。比较中、美内部控制的发展差异可以为中国更好实施企业内部控制提供思路和帮助。  相似文献   

回顾印美关系的演变轨迹,分析印美关系升温的原因,既有美方的因素,也有印方的因素。印美关系升温对中国是一个潜在的制衡力量;印美相互借重,但不会因此削弱或舍弃与中国的关系;印度外交独立未必按美国的意图办事;印度在向美国等大国靠拢时进一步改善与中国的关系。对印美关系升温后的中国对印政策,提出如下建议:加强沟通了解,增进战略互信;加强经贸合作,奠定物质基础;平等协商互谅互让,妥善处理边界问题;透视印美关系实质,保持警觉,立足防御。  相似文献   

A new journal     

This new journal, published by Günther Franz in collaboration with a group of German scholars, offers a new forum for the discussion of the economic, social and legal history of agriculture and of modern agrarian sociology. Although the recently published first number is dominated by German writings about German problems, it is a stated intention of the review to extend its interests beyond the frontiers of the country of publication; the first number contains one English and one American contribution.  相似文献   

The practice of public sector contracting has a long history in Australia. The analysis of the experience of one agency, the Queensland Housing Commission (QHC), highlights the role of market conditions in shaping outcomes. The building industry had been severely disrupted by World War II and the demand for accommodation far exceeded supply. The QHC found it difficult to secure the services of builders and was forced to move away from competitive tendering. In these circumstances, it was forced to depend on the contract to protect its interests. However, the contracts between the QHC and its contractors did not accommodate all contingencies and failure carried economic and political costs for the Queensland Government.  相似文献   

We use a homogeneous method to estimate non‐residential capital stock for Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Mexico. Our estimates extend back to the late‐nineteenth century, 50 years earlier than the present available estimates. Our estimates use the gross fixed capital formation data base (1850–1950). These data are linked with existing standardised national accounts for the region, such as those of Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean. Finally, we compare investment in Latin American countries to that of advanced economies, particularly focussing on the performance of two settler countries, Argentina and Australia.  相似文献   

王志伟  孙科 《亚太经济》2008,(6):46-50,33
本文通过误差修正模型,对1994-2007年中国对美出口决策机制进行短期动态分析得到:1994-2001年中国对美出口与美国国内物价指数(GDP deflator)存在显著关系,2002-2007年中国对美出口与美国经济增长率以及出口价格指数密切相关。通过脉冲响应分析得出,长期影响中国对美出口主要因素是美国经济增长率和出口价格指数。  相似文献   

In recent years Australia has been recognized as a prominent player in the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and its successor, the World Trade Organization (WTO). Less well known is Australia's activism during the establishment of the GATT. This article, based on archival sources and contemporary accounts, examines Australia's role in the birth of the multilateral trade system. It seeks to nuance the two conventional interpretations of this period, the first which argues that countries joined the GATT because it was in their economic interests to do so, and the second which suggests that the United States hegemony imposed its trade liberalization objectives on less powerful allies and trade partners.  相似文献   

Business history in Latin America has seen significant growth in the past 25 years, most notably since the beginning of this century. Although the sub‐discipline benefitted from seminal studies by British and U.S. scholars, most works of note are currently produced by local scholars. Latin American business history holds great comparative potential for business historians in other parts of the world undertaking studies in the areas of emerging economies, business‐state relationships, the role of entrepreneurship, business groups, entrepreneurial families, and foreign investment and imperialism.  相似文献   


The aim of this paper is to discuss the role of economic history to modern economic theory. Taking my point of departure from the division that still haunts economic history — between micro and macro approaches — the paper argues that economic theory today is significantly different from what it was only twenty or thirty years ago. Hence, for example, the division between micro and macro has been upset in modern economics. Also the development of institutional economics, the use of concepts like “bounded rationality” or “path dependence” makes it necessary for economic historians to learn from and confront modern economic theorizing. Many economic historians criticise a version of (neo-classical) economics) that belongs rather to the past than to the present.  相似文献   

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