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磁县在不断完善政府采购程序.规范采购管理的基础上,从完善管理机制、规范程序.扩大领域,强化监督入手,本着“少花钱,多办事.办成事”的原则,把推行政府采购作为规范财政支出管理,深化源头治理的一项重要举措来抓。今年将财政投资的城建绿化项目纳入了政府采购,成功组织了建设局两期绿化工程等重点工程项目采购。工程的开标.评标、定标活动均在县纪检、监察.审计.财政等部门和项目单位的全程监督下进行,经过县政府采购中心的积极筹划.运作,使“阳光工程”走进了“城建项目”:通过“把四关”,“五公开”,实际支付资金372.4万元.比预算419.5万元节约47.1万元,资金节约半达到l2%,节省下来的资金继续用于该项目。一方面有效提高了财政资金的使用效益:另一方面确保了政府采购工作的公开,公平,会正、诚信,使“阳光采购”上升到一个新水平。[编者按]  相似文献   

2005年赤壁市政府采购工作紧扣“扩面、增量”主题,采购规模保持高位增长,采购管理日趋规范,采购效益显著提高。截至10月底,全市组织政府采购168次,累计完成政府采购预算2108万元。同比增长32%,实际采购合同金额1865.58万元。节约资金242.42万元,节支率达11.5%,其中财政国库直接支付1803万元,达到96%,打造出了一个经济欠发达地区“小而大”、“小而全”的政府采购“阳光工程”。  相似文献   

2004年丰润区政府采购共审批全区各行政事业单位上报的政府采购预算6827.25万元,共组织集中采购200次,其中公开招标采购14次,通过采取公开招标、谈判采购等法定采购方式,实际支出政府采购资金6442.16万元,  相似文献   

1.加强对“分散采购”操作的监督管理是《政府采购法》的基本要求。《政府采购法》的第八条提出了政府采购的限额标准问题,明确规定,凡达到政府采购限额标准的任何采购项目,均应实施政府采购;《政府采购法》的第七条又规定,政府采购实行“集中采购”和“分散采购”相结合,其中“纳入集中采购目录的政府采购  相似文献   

几年来,宁晋县财政局在县委、县政府的领导下,始终把政府采购工作当作推进财政支出改革、促进党风廉政建设的一项重要工作来抓,按照“积极稳妥、逐步规范”的指导思想,坚持“公开、公平、公正”的原则,勇于探索,精心运作,切实加强基础工作建设,积极拓展新的采购领域,实现了政府采购向乡级延伸和政府采购管理与政府采购业务的分离,进一步完善采购程序、规范采购行为,实现了政府采购工作向程序化、科学化、规范化、法制化的新跨越。 我县从1999年推行政府采购,当年实现政府采购额68万元,以后逐年向定点办会、定点加油、办公设备、教学仪器、汽车、锅炉、建筑工程、市政工程等采购领域拓展,到2005年政府采购规模已达4118.3万元,比预算节支602.8万元,节支率12.8%。1999年至2005年,6年间累计实现政府采购额12739.9万元,年均递增率为139.2%,比预算15552.7万元节约2812.8万元,节支率为18.1%。节约了大量财政资金,促进了党风廉政建设。[编者按]  相似文献   

为了规范政府采购行为,加强对采用竞争性谈判、单一来源采购、询价采购方式进行采购活动的监督管理,财政部发布了《政府采购非招标采购方式管理办法》(财政部令第74号,以下简称《办法》),自2014年2月1日起施行。日前,财政部有关负责人就《办法》有关问题回答了记者提问。问:为什么要制定《办法》?答:财政部制定《办法》主要是顺应三个方面的要求:一是完善政府采购制度建设的需要。政府采购法明确规定政府采购方式包括公开招标、邀请招标、竞争性谈判、单一来源、询价和国务院政府采购监督管理部门认定的其他采购方式,并规定了各种采购方式的适用情形和基本程序。2004年  相似文献   

“定点”采购模式是各种采购模式中最容易出现漏洞的一种采购模式.为了进一步规范“定点”采购管理,堵塞“定点”采购漏洞,近期,武安市政府采购办组成检查小组,利用近一个月时间,对全市涉及办公用品、耗材、汽车油修等七项“定点”采购项目的32家“定点”采购单位进行了一次“拉网式”检查,念肾“定点”采购的“紧箍咒”。  相似文献   

邯郸县为进一步规范政府采购行为,提高政府采购资金的使用效益,推进“阳光采购”工程的建设,打造具有邯郸县特色的“阳光采购”工程,多措并举努力建设节约型社会,不断做大政府采购规模,政府采购工作不断取得新进展。今年1~10月份完成政府采购总额1564万元,节约采购资金212.42万元,节约资金率为12%。  相似文献   

2003年阳原县首先对预算内、预算外等财政性专项政府采购资金,根据河北省张家口市“政府采购目录和采购限额标准”的要求,在煤炭、办公用品等货物类采购上分别实行了公开招标、询价等采购方式。对未纳入采购目录和限额标准的货物类实行了分散采购。2003年共采购饮水及取暖用煤5次,计  相似文献   

湖北省枣阳市积极围绕“扩大规模、理顺机制、促进规范、发挥功能”工作思路,从改革预算方法、强化人员培训等四个方面人手,加强政府采购制度建设,努力提高政府采购的质量。去年以来,共开展集中采购活动70次,集中采购资金总额6918.95万元,是同期的7倍,资金节约率达10.5%.  相似文献   

姜军 《新理财》2011,(4):60-65
重新认识美国IPO环境,是中国企业的必修课。近期,大量中国在美国上市企业遭遇诉讼和退市风潮。如何看待这个问题?其间蕴藏着何种风险?如何规避中国企业的海外上市风险?这涉及到对美国资本市场的结构和规则的理解,对上市流程和中介机构的再认识。  相似文献   

In this paper I deal with a number of issues related to financial instability in Latin America. I first discuss, from a macroeconomic research perspective, what I believe are some of the most important policy issues faced by the Latin American nations. These include the effectiveness of controls on capital inflows, the effect of exchange rate depreciation on output, and the international transmission of the business cycle. Second, I argue that the economic research agenda on Latin America should not ignore history. In Latin America, more so than in any other region in the world, there has been a self-destructing tendency for repeating history.  相似文献   

张长伦 《银行家》2003,(3):78-81
美国是员工持股的发源地.20世纪50年代,美国律师和投资银行家路易斯·科索认为,所有员工而不仅仅是少数的富有股东持有公司股份将增强资本主义的活力.他的这一观点在1973年得到了参议院财经委员会的税法起草人鲁塞尔·龙的支持,在他的推动下,1974年,美国制定了专门规范雇员福利计划的<雇员退休证券收入法案>(ERISA),为员工持股提供税收优惠.随后,美国联邦及各州制订颁布了大量鼓励员工持股的法规,员工持股也迅速在全美推广.  相似文献   

A regular vine copula approach is implemented for testing for contagion among the exchange rates of the six largest Latin American countries. Using daily data from June 2005 through April 2012, we find evidence of contagion among the Brazilian, Chilean, Colombian and Mexican exchange rates. However, there are interesting differences in contagion during periods of large exchange rate depreciation and appreciation. Our results have important implications for the response of Latin American countries to currency crises originated abroad.  相似文献   

Latin American countries are the only Western countries that are poor and that are not gaining ground on the U.S. This paper evaluates why Latin America has not replicated Western economic success. We find that this failure is primarily due to TFP differences. Latin America's TFP gap is not plausibly accounted for by human capital differences, but rather reflects inefficient production. We argue that competitive barriers are a promising channel for understanding low Latin TFP. We document that Latin America has many more international and domestic competitive barriers than do Western and successful East Asian countries. We also document a number of microeconomic cases in Latin America in which large reductions in competitive barriers increase Latin American productivity to Western levels.  相似文献   

《Accounting Forum》2017,41(3):172-184
We draw on institutional theory and interviews with key informants to assess international accounting harmonization in the 13 countries of the Group of Latin American Accounting Standards Setters (GLASS). Some GLASS countries have effected full formal adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), but in others, IFRS are not permitted. In several GLASS countries, IFRS are supplemented by national standards for micro-entities and cooperatives. We conclude that it will be difficult to achieve material harmonization in GLASS countries due to a lack of trained accountants, unreliable enforcement systems, and competing institutional logics of taxation systems, banks and insurance companies.  相似文献   

This paper provides new evidence on macroeconomic policies and results in Latin America and the Caribbean. Results are: (i) credibility allows adoption of counter-cyclical macroeconomic policies; (ii) accuracy in meeting inflation targets depends on central bank independence and country risk; (iii) intermediate exchange rate (ER) regimes have become less persistent; (iv) ER regimes matter for inflation and growth; (v) real ER trends are not explained by productivity growth and supply reforms do not resolve real ER misalignments; (vi) financial integration has increased significantly; (vii) foreign shocks are a major growth determinant; and (viii) composition of foreign capital inflows matters for growth.  相似文献   

This study contributes to the extant literature on innovation by examining how private companies fund innovation activities and R&D in Latin America. Specifically, this study seeks to identify whether innovative companies exhibit financing patterns different from those of non-innovative ones. In addition, this study aims at gauging the association between innovation and firm features, such as age, bank financing, female participation in ownership, financial constraints, and foreign ownership, among others.Based on information for Argentina, Colombia, Chile, Mexico, and Peru for 2010, firm size, firm age, financial constraints, and funding sources appear as the main drivers of innovation in Latin American countries. The figures also show that over 60% of the sampled firms displayed a very low or non-existent innovation level. A pending strategic task in Latin America is to increase both the R&D expenditure/GDP ratio and patent activities, and to attract highly-qualified researchers to industry.  相似文献   

骆志恒 《银行家》2007,(11):97-99
美国次级债事件差点引发全球金融危机,次级债的直接损失到底有多大,是否会引起更严重的多米诺骨牌效应?本文运用翔实的资料进行了科学预测,可供读者研究和投资参考。  相似文献   

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