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根据国际流行的贫困距指数研究方法,在中国老龄科研中心1992年调查和2000年调查数据的基础上,以城市老年人家庭作为计量单位,从支出口径探讨了中国部分省、直辖市的城市老年人90年代贫困的状况和发展趋势.对比了两次调查相同省份城市低收入老年人群体的收入变化情况.这一特定群体的老年人在90年代收入增长缓慢,有可能陷入以收入口径测量的深度贫困.对如何改善城市贫困老年人的救助提出了对策建议.  相似文献   

当前,我国城市老年人日益增长的养老需求与城市社会化养老服务供给不足间的矛盾日益突出。基于对保定城市老年群体在健康状况、经济条件、社会参与度及养老意愿等方面的调查显示老年人养老需求以健康需求为首;老年人退休后的收入主要来自于养老金,但不同行业的退休金差距较大;老年人精神层面的需求受收入、子女、健康等因素影响较大,其社会参与度普遍不高;老年人的养老意愿首选是家庭养老。因此,解决城市居民养老问题,要高度重视家庭养老的重要作用,尤其是依托社区的居家养老模式。  相似文献   

中国的城市化进程自上个世纪九十年代以来,进入了一个快速发展的阶段。20多年的时间里,中国的城市化水平提高了近一倍。然而与中国城市化进程同样表现突出的另一个现象是城市贫困。有资料显示,“贫困城市”占全国县级以上城市总数的26%、占地级城市总数的32.4%,中国城市中贫困群体接近3000万。城市贫困群体,在艰难中度日上世纪九十年代以前的城市贫困群体,主要是无劳动能力、无经济来源、无法定赡养人和抚养人的“三无”人员,而新出现的城市贫困群体中,大部分人有工作能力并且愿意工作,但没有工作机会,因而陷入了贫困。城市“贫民窟”,下岗…  相似文献   

使用CHNS调查数据,从人口年龄分布和收入差距对社会养老保险的影响角度考虑,对中国城市居民的收入分布不平等按人口特征进行分解分析,得出结论:年龄不是收入不平等的主要原因,老年人中的贫富差距更为明显,贫困的老年人生活堪忧,而高教育程度的人老年后的生活水平高;地区差异是年轻一代的收入差异的重要原因,社会养老保险对缩小地区间老年人的收入差距有一定的贡献,建立全国范围的养老保险体系也是可以考虑的方案。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,中国经济一直保持着高速增长的态势.在此情况下,中国城市的绝对贫困问题得到了相当程度的缓解,而随着收入不平等的恶化,相对贫困问题日益凸显.本文结合贫困研究的相关理论,采用CGSS的微观调查数据,借助数理统计和计量经济学方法着重从经济增长、人力资本和社会资本的视角考察了中国城市相对贫困发生机制.研究表明:(1)经济增长的减贫效应不会自动产生;(2)不同纬度的人力资本均能有效地缓解中国城市的相对贫困问题;(3)社会资本作为一种网络性资源,具有显著的减贫效应.由此,我们提出中国未来的城市反贫困政策应做出相应的调整.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来,中国城镇居民的收入差距不断扩大,与此同时,城镇居民的消费倾向从总体上呈现出不断下降的趋势。理论和经验分析都表明,20世纪90年代以来中国城镇居民收入差距的扩大是造成城镇居民消费倾向下降的重要原因,同时,增加低收入者的收入具有相对较高的增加消费的效应。因此,政府可以从增加低收入群体的收入、逐步缩小城镇居民之间的收入差距入手,提高居民消费倾向,扩大消费需求,从而促进国民经济快速、持续发展。  相似文献   

上世纪90年代以来我国收入分配差距拉大就一直备受社会关注,而且收入分配关系调整在今后一段时期依然会是社会发展的重要问题。以农民工群体为对象,对其历史形成、职业特征、向中等收入群体的迈进等进行分析,从政治经济学的角度看形成"橄榄形"收入分配格局过程中普通劳动生产者"晋升"中等收入群体中的问题和理论必要性。  相似文献   

上海是中国的一个工商业比较发达的城市。从上世纪90年代开始,得益于上海浦东开发等效应,上海经济已经连续15年两位数增长,整个城市去年的人均GDP达到8902美元,城市居民人均可支配收入已经达到23623元人民币.农村居民家庭人均可支配收入达到10222元人民币。  相似文献   

拉美国家缩小收入差距的社会政策及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
拉美地区是世界上贫富差距最大、收入分配最不公正的地区之一,但上世纪90年代以来,随着拉美各国政府对社会发展的日益重视,出台了一系列的政策措施以减少贫困,缩小贫富差距,取得了一定的效果,总体而言,拉美国家的收入分配差距在逐步缩小。2002—2008年,拉美地区的总体平均基尼系数从0.55下降到0.52;其中,  相似文献   

近年来,中国在经济高速发展的同时居民收入差距不断扩大。中等收入群体作为我国经济发展的中坚力量,对我国经济能否健康、高效发展有重要影响。本文基于中国健康和营养调查1988—2010年的微观收入数据,利用部分排序法测算我国中等收入群体比重,测算结果表明:大多数年份中全国和城乡中等收入群体比重不断下降,城镇中等收入者比重远远高于农村中等收入者比重,高端和低端收入群体比重逐步上升,加剧了两极分化。  相似文献   

外国直接投资(FDI)一般能够促进东道国的经济增长,但对于收入分配以致对于贫困的影响却是不确定的。本文运用协整理论和自向量回归模型实证研究了外国直接投资与我国城镇贫困之间的关系。结果表明,外国直接投资显著地提高了贫困人口在总人口中的收入份额,因此会产生有利于穷人的经济增长,具有积极的减贫效果。但是外国直接投资同时也加重了贫困人口内部收入的不平等。  相似文献   

During the last few years it has become popular to argue that the impact of social class on personal consumption and other aspects of social behaviour is declining. This paper has two basic objectives. The first objective is to ascertain the extent of variation in consumption patterns between socio-economic groups, independent of income and type of household. As a number of studies of the class structure show, the long-term decline trend in self-employment outside of agriculture was halted or even reversed in many developed countries in the mid-1970s. However, despite evidence for the ‘new rise’ of the self-employed, and perhaps for reasons connected to the way social science has traditionally viewed it, little research has been conducted so far into the life styles and attitudes of this important group. Consequently, the second objective of this article is to analyse and compare the consumption pattern of the self-employed with that of employees — especially where income levels are the same. The results of this analysis, based on the Finnish household survey, indicate the effect of the socio-economic group is stronger than that of the income group and that the consumption pattern of the self-employed does not diverge greatly from that of the ‘well-off employee group. Nonetheless, the information on the detailed expenditure groups also reveals some interesting differences.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the household consumption patterns in urban and rural regions using Household Integrated Expenditure Survey of Pakistan for the year 2001–2002. Engel curves are estimated by spline quadratic expenditure system for expenditures on 18 commodity groups. The breakdown of the household size into demographic groups by age and sex has proved to be a successful exercise in explaining consumption patterns. This study shows that consumption of food and non-food items is significantly affected by changes in total expenditure and household size. According to the findings of the current study, grains, dairy, housing and health appear as luxury commodities in urban areas while poultry, fruit, electricity, entertainment and durables are treated as luxuries in the rural area. Moreover, poverty has proved to be a main cause of illiteracy because education appears as a luxury commodity for the poor.  相似文献   

运用计量经济学的方法,选取1995——2009年的有关统计数据,对新疆城镇居民收入与新疆城镇居民消费行为进行分析、结果表明新疆城镇居民人均可支配收入和人均消费性支出之间具有长期稳定的均衡关系。误差修正模型表明城镇居民人均生活费支出的变化不仅取决于可支配收入的变化,而且还取决于上一期生活费支出对均衡水平的偏离.系统存在误差修正机制。  相似文献   

本文在省际层面上运用面板数据模型(Panel Data)对我国城镇居民可支配收入对休闲消费的影响进行了实证分析。结果显示,(1)从时间趋势上看,我国城镇居民可支配收入对休闲消费支出的影响并不稳定;(2)我国省际城镇居民休闲消费支出具有较大的差异性,且我国省际城镇居民休闲消费支出与可支配收入水平之间并不存在稳定的对应关系。对于上述特点,本文进一步从我国城镇居民休闲消费的时间约束及休闲方式多样性等角度进行了深入的分析和说明。  相似文献   

文章利用北京大学CFPS调查2010、2012年两期平衡面板数据,以双重差分-倾向匹配法构造了反实事分析框架,估计基本医疗保险对家庭消费支出的影响。研究结果显示,医保政策对于居民消费具有促进作用,医保带动农村消费的同时也加重了农村家庭医疗支出负担;从分收入层次看,医保对于农村低收入家庭的消费支出正向影响显著且大于城镇低收入家庭。  相似文献   

支出型贫困家庭致贫因素的微观视角分析和救助机制研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
改变以往仅从收入角度衡量低收入家庭困难程度且按照单一的救助标准进行救助的方法,提出从收入和支出两方面来衡量贫困,以刚性支出大于收入作为界定贫困的标准。运用非均衡增长模型和公共支出微观增长模型来分析支出型贫困形成的原因,设计一整套评估指标体系,利用AHP方法(层次分析法)评估支出型贫困家庭的困难程度,并根据家庭贫困类别、贫困程度等级和实际脱贫能力,设计对应的救助力度和救助套餐。  相似文献   

The policy of providing microcredit and skill training to poor agricultural workers in developing countries is well‐established. In this study, an attempt has been made to assess the effectiveness of the training part of that policy. BRAC (formerly the Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee), the largest non‐governmental organization in Bangladesh, is making efforts to alleviate poverty by providing microcredit and relevant training to landless and marginal borrowers, who have less than 1.5 acres of land, in order to enhance their standard of living. The study aims to assess the effects of BRAC's training programs on the recipients' total household expenditure. Primary data were collected from female borrowers who participated in the microcredit programs of BRAC and these data reflect the key role women play in agricultural work and the lack of research on their status. The study shows that the training provided to the borrowers failed to create any significant impact on their household expenditure because only a small percentage of borrowers received training and the duration of the training was limited (on average three days per person). Moreover, many of those who received training experienced only a modest income effect. The findings are important not just for the practical purpose of influencing policies for reducing poverty in Bangladesh but also for their contribution to the understanding of the effectiveness of training. The existing literature is concerned mainly with the effectiveness of training in the context of business and other organizations in developed countries. Research on the effectiveness of training in developing countries, particularly in alleviating poverty, is less evident. Moreover, the present research is also exceptional as it focuses only on female trainees.  相似文献   

This research explores if and how seasonality moderates the effect of consumer characteristics on household per capita expenditure for apparel. The Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regression analysis was based on quarterly micropanel data from the Continuing Consumer Expenditure Survey. The results confirmed that seasonality moderates the relationship between consumer characteristics and per capita apparel expenditure: the income elasticity of apparel expenditure varied by season as did the effects of age, ethnicity, household size, region, and housing tenure.  相似文献   

本文基于1999-2009年浙江省的县级面板数据,实证分析民生支出对于缩小城乡居民收入差距的影响效应,研究结果表明:不同的民生支出对城乡居民收入差距的影响是有差异的,教育支出显著拉大城乡居民收入差距,而医疗卫生支出和社会保障支出能够缩小城乡居民收入差距。最后,提出增加政府民生支出,缩小城乡居民收入差距的政策建议。  相似文献   

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