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并购重组是否创造价值?——中国证券市场的理论与实证研究   总被引:142,自引:0,他引:142  
本文采用事件研究法和会计研究法 ,对 1 993— 2 0 0 2年中国上市公司的1 2 1 6个并购重组事件是否创造价值进行了全面分析。实证研究表明 ,并购重组为目标公司创造了价值 ,目标公司股票溢价达到 2 9 0 5% ,超过 2 0 %的国际平均水平 ;对收购公司股东却产生了负面影响 ,收购公司股票溢价为 -1 6 76% ;对目标公司和收购公司的综合影响 ,也即社会净效应不明朗。理论分析表明 ,我国经济的转轨加新兴市场的特征为并购重组提供了通过协同效应创造价值的潜力 ,狂妄假说和代理问题等传统的并购动因理论有助于解释收购公司的价值受损 ,而本文提出的新的理论假说“体制因素下的价值转移与再分配”和“并购重组交易的决策机制” ,更直接地解释了并购重组对目标公司、收购公司和社会总体的不同效应。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the model construction and the association between the Italy and the Germany's stock markets. The period of study data is from January 3, 2000 to June 30, 2008. This paper also utilizes Student's t distribution to analyze the proposed model. The empirical results show that the two stock markets are mutually affected each other, and the dynamic conditional correlation (DCC) and the bivariate asymmetric-GARCH (1, 2) model is appropriate in evaluating the relation between them. The empirical result also indicates that Italy and Germany's stock markets show a positive relationship. The average value of correlation coefficient equals to 0.8424, which implies that the two stock markets return volatility have a synchronized influence on each other. In addition, the empirical result also shows that there is an asymmetrical effect between Italy and the Germany's stock markets, and demonstrates that the good news and bad news of the stock returns' volatility will produce the different variation risks for Italy and the Germany's stock price markets.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the market timing hypothesis of capital structure using a sample of 1,077 Chinese firms for the period 1992 to 2007. We find that market timing plays a significant role in capital structure decisions. However, market timing effects are not persistent and disappear within three years. The results suggest the prominent role played by the government in timing of security issues.  相似文献   

This study investigates gender income disparity in Portuguese firms using separate Tobit models for men and women. While job segregation seems to be one of the major sources of gender disparity, women do not appear to be systematically underpaid in predominantly female occupations, regardless of the industry. The authors found that gender pay gap is larger in domestic firms, and it increases with employees' accumulated tenure and decreases with advanced education for women and on labor market entry. Despite showing some encouraging cracks, the glass ceiling still continues to prevent women from reaching top management positions. Finally, despite it appears wage disparity does exist, and it will probably continue to exist, the results point towards a window of opportunity for women.  相似文献   

We estimate the willingness to pay (WTP) of Beijing and Shanghai residents for improving the air quality of the two cities from their levels prior to the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games to the level achieved during the Olympics. The data are obtained from a contingent valuation study conducted through face-to-face interviews in June 2008 in Beijing and Shanghai prior to the Beijing Olympics, during which time there was intensive debate about Beijing's air quality. Residents in both cities are willing to pay more when they are more exposed to air pollution, when their disposable income increases, and when they have stronger beliefs that public opinion plays an important role in government policy making. Beijing residents are willing to pay more than Shanghai residents, due possibly to Beijing's poorer air quality. Overall, aggregate WTP for air quality improvement accounts for about 0.53% of the 2008 GDP in Beijing and 0.22% of the 2008 GDP in Shanghai.  相似文献   

本文以2012—2014年我国电子信息技术、 生物与新医药技术、 航空航天技术和新材料技术领域236家高新技术企业为样本, 基于代理理论和公司治理理论, 考察了机构投资者持股比例、 终极控制人两权分离度与企业价值创造能力的关系. 研究结果表明: 终极控制人拥有的现金流权与企业价值创造能力有显著的正相关关系; 终极控制人控制权和现金流权的偏离度与企业价值创造能力有显著的负相关关系; 机构投资者持股比例与企业价值创造能力有显著的正相关关系, 并且机构投资者持股比例能够对终极控制人两权分离度和企业价值创造能力间的关系起到正向调节作用.  相似文献   

合理的资本结构有利于公司行为的规范以及公司价值的提高,有利于实现股东财富最大化的财务目标。以中国医药制造业上市公司为例,通过对资本结构与企业价值的关系的实证研究,得出如下结论:中国医药制造行业的负债水平相对较低,而短期负债所占比重太大;资本结构与企业价值之间并不存在显著的相关关系。最后提出建议:医药制造业上市公司应该增加债务融资,尤其应该增加长期债务比重。  相似文献   

Widespread hotels represent a new Italian phenomenon still not much investigated, both on theoretical and empirical side, which cannot be ignored anymore. Indeed they meet the need to implement techniques and management tools which are able to improve the culture-tourism binomial. This would permit to transform into valid instruments of national economical development, the shared declaration of intents for which culture and tourism, especially in Italy and in this particular fragile period, represent even more the main strategic levers for the sustainable development. This article intends to describe the potentiality of these widespread hotels as innovations particularly suitable with trends recently emerged in tourism sector and outline the phenomenon pattern in ltaly with particular attention on Umbria region, in order to identify his main strength and weakness and some innovation to improve performance. To this end, it starts from the analysis of the national and international economic-managerial literature concerning in particular cultural and experienced trends shown in tourism. Then it introduces the main acquisitions about widespread hotels in Italy, updating and extending them through a desk survey based on indirect sources of various natures. Lastly, it describes the case of Umbria, analyzing more in depth making use of interviews with entrepreneurs/managers of hotels and based on a semi-structured questionnaire. The aspects of indeterminateness which were found, starting from the normative one, testify how the potentiality of the widespread hotels as far as regards the value creation for the enterprise itself and the territorial stakeholder, are still not properly understood and therefore used. It is clear that, therefore, new behaviors are needed for entrepreneurs and, most importantly, for local policy makers in order to create the conditions for the full success of these hospitality models.  相似文献   

The idea of this work arises from the analysis of the researches developed in the literature on topic of ownership and control that are mostly based on threshold of ownership stake to determine control equal for all companies and, in most cases, not supported by theoretical arguments and empirical evidences. In fact, the aim of this paper is to build a new method of determining the threshold of ownership stake that allows the shareholder to exercise control. In particular, this survey uses all Italian listed companies as reference, and the minutes of the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meetings of shareholders, in 2009-2012, as database. The topic can be enriched with further and future researches aiming to adapt this new method in a cross-country investigation and so to identify the different threshold for the countries, on the basis of the different national laws regarding the ownership stakes that affect the control.  相似文献   

财务冗余是企业冗余资源的重要组成部分,在不确定环境中可以作为缓冲剂,为企业价值创造提供保障。但财务冗余基于何种路径影响企业价值,这方面的研究较少。通过梳理和总结前人研究,将企业的创新研发活动作为中介,从财务冗余的视角分析了冗余资源对企业价值创造的影响,得到"财务冗余-研发投资-创新效率-成果转化-企业价值创造"的路径,以期为在企业利用财务冗余时提供决策参考。  相似文献   

The finn value is the fundamental topic of corporate finance. The value creation is the aim of economic initiatives, strategies, corporate policies, and all business activities, including banking. It depends, among other things, on size, legal form, and business model. Therefore, this paper wants to demonstrate and explain the differences about the value created in the Italian banking sector, where there is much diversity regarding size, legal form, and business model. This paper estimated and compared the value of Italian listed companies from 2010 to 2012 and found the result: Banks create more value if they are big and operate in investment banking. Furthermore, it proved that legal form hasn't influenced performance and value of banks.  相似文献   

已有研究较多关注企业创新行为,且将创新行为视为同质化创新实践,难以解释企业多样化创新行为选择及绩效差异。通过对两家社会导向性企业进行案例分析发现:(1)企业仅采取技术创新或社会创新行为模式不能为其带来高绩效;(2)社会创新导向企业经历初始期、转型期两个阶段,对比两阶段创新行为发现,企业经历由单一模式向双重模式转型,各阶段价值创造分别呈现单一价值追求、价值目标重构和共享价值追求逻辑。构建企业创新行为模式转型实现共享价值的总体分析框架,解析社会导向型企业的创新行为转型过程,探究外部社会需求在各阶段转型过程中的驱动作用,使企业与外部利益相关者协同演化创新理论在企业创新行为模式转型领域得到深化和拓展,研究结论对于赋能共享价值创造具有一定启发意义。  相似文献   

申岩 《经济纵横》2008,(1):52-53
重新定义测评市场,重新定义测评产品,靠着一股专注的态度。在中国的人才测评市场上迅速崛起。在市场的寒冬播种。顶着风雪破土展叶。在严冬即将过去的时节开出蓓蕾,北森作为行业的先行者。践行着“为企业创造价值”的使命。在不断适应市场环境的同时。也在身体力行地推动着行业和市场的前进。  相似文献   

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