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随着业务量的增大,中国工商银行北京数据中心(以下简称“数据中心”)生产机房规模逐渐增大、增长速度加快,4个生产机房容纳了2000-3000台企业级服务器,供多个生产、研发、运维部门使用。以ECC总控室为代表的内部操作人员希望能够在座席对整体IT生产系统进行可靠的远程访问控制,并尽可能避免因外部人员进入机房操作而带来的安全风险。  相似文献   

用文本文件开发保险业务查询系统?这似乎很难实现。众所周知在保险业务处理系统中,保险和客户的信息量非常大,保险业务处理系统的数据库也非常庞大,仅以中国人寿保险股份有限公司甘肃省分公司为例,业务处理系统的数据已经达到160G。另外由于日常业务处理相当繁忙,如果直接在业务系统中进行大量的查询,势必会严重影响业务处理的速度,为此,一般的做法是另外建立一个数据信息平台,每天晚上将数据添加到该平台中,再进行查询系统的开发和数据挖掘工作。  相似文献   

中国新能源海外发展联盟理事长、协鑫(集团)控股有限公司董事长朱共山: 新能源企业海外发展应抱团作战 在新一轮的国际能源发展格局中,中国扮演了重要角色,已经成为全球最大的能源生产国、消费国,一次能源生产、二次能源生产、电力生产均居全球最大规模.中国新能源产业近几年也快速发展,水电、风电、光伏、生物质能、储能、新能源汽车等产业稳步推进,产业投资、装机容量大幅增加,风电和光伏发电装机规模跃居世界第一,成为新能源变革转型中不可或缺的中坚力量.  相似文献   

吴文哲  艾亚 《国际融资》2009,(11):26-28
自古以来,得中原者得天下。河南如何实现可持续发展?前不久,第二届华侨华人中原经济合作论坛举办,在“中原经济:把握机遇”为主题的中原论坛上,中外专家对河南的发展建言献策  相似文献   

I examine whether managers use discretion in revenue recognition to avoid three earnings benchmarks. I find that managers use discretion in both accrued revenue (i.e., accounts receivable) and deferred revenue (i.e., advances from customers) to avoid negative earnings surprises, but find little evidence that discretion is used to avoid losses or earnings decreases. For a common sample of firms with both deferred revenue and accounts receivable, I find evidence that managers do not prefer to exercise discretion in either account. However, further tests show that managers preferred to use discretion in deferred revenue before the Sarbanes–Oxley Act of 2002 went into effect, consistent with them choosing to manage an account with the lowest real costs to the firm (i.e., future cash consequences). My results suggest that the revenue recognition joint project undertaken by the FASB and IASB to reduce managerial estimation in revenue recognition may have the unintended consequence of leading to greater real costs imposed on shareholders as firms are likely to use even greater discretion in accounts receivable.  相似文献   

创新焦炭清洁化生产,实现精准治霾 煤焦化是以煤炭作为原料生产冶金焦炭和其他副产品的工艺技术.在世界范围内,煤炭焦化行业还在沿用已近二百年历史的传统外热式煤焦化工艺技术,是现代工业中能源利用效率最低、污染排放最为严重的工艺路线.中国的炼焦和煤化工产业的生产规模和产能巨大,目前有约850家焦化厂,近3000座焦炉,还有众多各类规模的兰炭和煤化工企业,现有焦炭产能七至八亿吨,占全世界产能的70%以上.而产能的50%以上集中在京津冀及周边地区,是造成京津冀大气污染和雾霾的主要污染源.升级煤焦化技术,实现焦炭的清洁化生产已成为有效解决中国雾霾问题的当务之急.质源恒泰所采用的I H C内热式清洁高效煤焦化工艺技术和专有设备系统是已在美国清洁煤炭技术项目中成功得到工业化应用的成熟技术.与传统外热式煤焦化技术相比,该技术彻底颠覆了传统煤焦化技术和煤焦化设备系统;提高了煤焦化工艺的能源效率和生产效率,同时实现了污染气体低排放,是实现精准治霾的有效手段.  相似文献   

Using daily price and volume data on 112 of the largest takeover targets in Australia during the period from 1985 to 1993, we find that conditional price volatility declines after the takeover announcement. This decline is greatest for targets of cash bids and smallest for targets of share-exchange bids. We argue that the phenomenon is due to convergence of trader opinion regarding the value of the target stock, and reflects a change in the price formation process that has not hitherto been recognised. Our findings have implications for event studies of takeovers that inappropriately assume a time-invariant risk-return relation, and also for regulatory policies in the market for corporate control.  相似文献   

亚洲开发银行(以下简称亚行)委托发布的一本新书称,亚洲如欲在本世纪中叶发挥其所有潜力,亚洲领导人必须采取大胆、创新的行动来保持快速增长,应对日益加剧的不平等,并解决环境挑战和城市化浪潮。  相似文献   

By its very nature, management control research can be complex and difficult to understand, and hence challenging to introduce into the classroom. Nevertheless, it is important for accounting instruction to retain a connection between teaching and research. This note provides guidance on how recent findings in the theory of management control can be introduced into the classroom. The general approach is to present findings in the academic literature using a combination of numerical examples and classroom experiments. We use this two-pronged approach to illustrate that the bundling of budget proposals mitigates management they in a setting where control issues arise because subordinates are privately informed and self-interested. In our experience this approach stimulates student interest and increases the likelihood of successful implementation in undergraduate and graduate classes.  相似文献   

很多著名的银行家都说,对他们来讲最困难的事情是具体判断人民币汇率最后会走到什么水平,所以,只能谈谈原则性的问题.首先,我完全赞成中国人民银行行长周小川先生的观点,就是中国经济的基本面不支持长期人民币贬值,人民币应该是一个强势货币,但人民币目前确确实实面临着贬值压力,从总体上来说,压力来源于贸易,过去出口顺差非常大,现在出口顺差就有所减少.  相似文献   

本文探讨了农业银行实行有效发展的现实途径  相似文献   

This field study examines whether and how supervisors’ subjective adjustments to objective performance measures are influenced by their prior subjective evaluations of employees. Evaluations were determined entirely subjectively in the sample internal audit organization in 2005. In 2006, the organization introduced a pay-for-performance incentive plan that established four objective measures of audit manager performance. Then, knowing the challenges of objectively measuring manager performance, the organization gave supervisors the discretion, mandate, and training to subjectively adjust each of the objective measures when performance as indicated on the individual measures misrepresented managers’ true performance.  相似文献   

今天的题目是加强“金融文化”建设,实现由金融硬实力平面扩张的金融大国向金融软实力立体提升的金融强国转变,对此,我想谈几个问题:一是为什么提出“金融文化”和“金融软实力”的命题;二是谈谈“金融文化”在在光大的初步实践。  相似文献   

An important role for accountants today is to provide decision support to senior management by assisting them in the analysis of large, complex data sets. Interactive data visualization (IDV) facilitates this process by allowing users to navigate, select, and display data via an easy-to-use interface often used as a component of data analytics. Given the increasing popularity of IDV as a tool for making sense of complex data, it is important that accountants become familiar with and learn how to use this technology. This case provides a hands-on opportunity to organize complex accounting data to create IDVs for decision makers to use. Further, the case enables students to understand the potential impact of IDVs on preparers and users of accounting information. Students will assume the role of a division controller in a hypothetical company and create an IDV to assist the chief executive officer (CEO) in decision making.  相似文献   

This study proposes methodological adjustments to the widely adopted performance benchmarking methodology of Daniel et al. (1997 ) as a means of improving the precision of alpha measurement for active equity fund managers. We achieve this by considering the monthly updating of characteristic benchmarks and to ensure neutrality to the Standard & Poor's/Australian Stock Exchange 300 index. Applying this benchmark to a representative sample of active Australian equity funds and simulated passive portfolios that mimic fund manager‐style characteristics, we find statistically different and lower tracking error compared with using the standard characteristic benchmark methodology. We also find evidence that the modified benchmark statistically infers an alpha closer to zero compared with the standard benchmark methodology. Our findings suggest that improved specifications of characteristic benchmarks represent better methods in quantifying fund manager skill.  相似文献   

在中关村股权投资协会主办的2016国际视野下的创新与资本论坛上,中国社会科学院金融研究所杨涛教授发表演讲,他认为:“只有真正实现企业效益的提升,为有着不同融资需求的多层次资本市场找到正当的途径和场所,资本市场才会迎来更大的窗口。”他这样说。  相似文献   

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