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The paper explains how the economic system determines the role and features of SMEs in a competitive environment. The economic system is defined as the co-ordinated set of institutions and structures that are economically relevant. As such, the economic system defines the way in which economic actors react to economic variables by adapting and acting and the way in which they interact.In particular, the fundamental features of the economic system contribute to determine what actors can and find profitable to do, i.e. determine the level and configuration of non purely material costs and the features of markets. The economic system also determines incentives to economic actors by defining property rights and their enforcement and the nature of contracts. This in turn influences investment and consumption decisions, the supply of resources, and the production and utilisation of information and knowledge. Finally, the economic system determines the type and features of actors, what actors do and how they do by defining the possibility and profitability of specific human and organisational investment.Based on these functions and given material technology, the economic system defines advantages and disadvantages of different organisational forms. Given capabilities and features of individuals and organisations, that cannot be easily changed in the short run, advantages and disadvantages determine the organisational form that is most efficient in any given context. Finally and considering network externalities and strategic complementarities, such an organisational form determines the organisational configuration as a stable configuration including features, weight and role of particular economic actors, the relation among actors of similar or different size and with governments. In the paper I consider the case of small and medium-size enterprises.  相似文献   

本文就新形势下高校如何开展“双创”教育,完善创新创业教育的相关法规、机制和教育体系,与综合教育改革相结合等问题进行了探讨,提出现阶段我国高等院校教育教学改革和人才培养应积极搭上“双创”教育这趟改革发展的“快车”,形成高等院校创新创业教育长效机制和模式,对促进高等院校内涵发展和学生综合素质的全面提升具有重要的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

This paper explores public partnerships and governance from a service user perspective, drawing both on the author's own involvement in service user organizations and movements and on material associated with and produced by these organizations and movements. It addresses the ambivalent relationship between service user organizations and movements and the idea and practice of ‘partnerships’, and explores their preference for ideas of ‘alliance’. It charts the different approaches to and ideologies underpinning user involvement and their implications for partnership between state and service users and their organizations. It offers a set of components for improving such partnerships as well as highlighting the growing interest of service users' organizations and movements in developing and extending alliances.  相似文献   

章新蓉  陈煦江 《北方经贸》2004,(12):104-105
文章主要从优化财政科技投入的结构与方式、加大对高校科技企业的引导和支持力度、培育与完善风险投资体系、拓宽资本市场的融资渠道、发挥科技投融资中介机构的专业优势等方面探讨了我国高校科技产业的投融资对策。  相似文献   

当今社会正处于VUCA时代,基于牛顿思维的科学管理表现出一定的局限性,管理实践中需要创建一种新的基于量子隐喻的领导体系。文章阐释量子管理、量子型领导的理论源起,分析比较牛顿式与量子式管理的差异,释义量子型领导的概念内涵与特征结构。通过质性研究和672份问卷调查的实证研究,开发出一个包括34个题项和自觉觉他、连接交互、探索求新、和合共赢、利他包容、赋能无为、重建秩序7个维度的量子型领导测度体系,该量表具有良好的信度和效度。量子型领导与其他类型领导相比具有明确的内在规定性和区别性。结合7维结构对践行量子型领导提出指导性建议。  相似文献   

认证认可是国家质量基础设施的重要组成部分,被称为质量管理的"体检证"、市场经济的"信用证"、国际贸易的"通行证",在提升产品质量水平、推动产业结构升级、规避双边贸易壁垒、降低贸易通关成本和促进贸易合作与发展方面扮演日益重要的角色。选取"一带一路"沿线国家作为样本,从服务竞争力、区域竞争力、国际影响力、创新竞争力、基础竞争力等五个维度构建"一带一路"沿线国家认证认可国际竞争力指标体系,考察沿线各国比较优势,研判"一带一路"认证认可格局。结果显示:"一带一路"认证认可格局涵盖卓越型竞争力、潜力型竞争力、成长型竞争力和沉寂型竞争力四个阵营,我国位于卓越型竞争力阵营,在区域竞争力、国际影响力和基础竞争力方面占据比较优势。"一带一路"倡议提出以来,我国积极发展与沿线国家间的经贸合作与双边互认,与蒙古、新加坡、哈萨克斯坦等签署了标准化合作协议,推进产品标准双边互认建设。中国认证认可的影响逐步深入至经济、社会的各个领域,其服务能力、服务效果仍具备较大的提升空间。  相似文献   

中小微企业是推动国民经济发展的重要力量,在吸纳就业、贡献税收、创造财富等方面都具有重要贡献。新冠疫情的突然暴发,放大了中小微企业在融资及产业链上的脆弱性。如今国内疫情防控已趋常态化,但全球疫情仍在持续蔓延,国际经贸形势复杂严峻,国内中小微企业利润增长的持续性仍存在不确定性,中小微企业受到的冲击仍在持续,其经营与融资状况仍需各界高度关注。本文通过专家访谈、网络和现场问卷调查等方式,对深圳市某产业园区的中小微企业经营现状、国家扶持政策落实情况进行调研,在此基础上提出促进中小微企业生存发展的对策建议,以期进一步提升产业园区对园区企业的扶持水平,进一步完善国家的扶持政策,对中小微企业做到精准扶持,助力企业提升竞争力。  相似文献   

传统的企业并购理论逻辑与实践已经无法指导目前我国民营企业"以落后的技术和管理体制、弱小和不完善的市场运行机制,全资并购较之自己在管理体制和运行机制方面更先进强大的国外企业"。通过梳理中外企业并购和资源引进的历史沿革,本文研究了传统的企业并购逻辑以及无法指导我国民营企业海外并购的事实,提出了我国企业海外全资并购的新逻辑与新模式。  相似文献   

本研究以天津市科技型中小企业为样本,分析了当前我国科技型中小企业高管团队异质性、专业背景、受教育水平和团队规模与企业创新的关系。研究表明,高管团队受教育水平和团队规模与企业研发投入没有显著关系,而团队职业经历的异质性和成员专业背景则与企业创新呈显著负相关和正相关关系。  相似文献   

由于新冠肺炎疫情的持续影响,科技型中小(微)企业面临着资金周转和融资难的困境,财务脆弱性风险较为明显。这其中既有企业内部的原因,也有社会经济环境、市场状况和金融服务等外部环境因素。本文将对后疫情背景下金融机构服务和促进科技型中小(微)企业融资问题进行理论溯源,并以浙江为例,分析金融机构服务科技型中小(微)企业融资实践中面临的难题,并提出建立风险偿债基金、构建多层次信息平台、将人力资本作为授信额度担保的重要依据、聚焦创新创业生态体系建设等对策和建议,以期助力科技型中小(微)企业“转危为机”,推动投融资服务转型升级。  相似文献   

区域经贸合作与生态环境协调发展是目前我国承接国际产业转移中的焦点问题。青岛作为东亚经贸合作代表性城市,其参与区域经贸合作过程关于生态环境的治理对于我国其他城市具有重要借鉴价值。通过实证考察区域经贸合作对青岛生态环境的影响,理性分析生态环境因素与青岛经贸可持续发展的经济学内涵,发现区域经贸合作与青岛生态环保是可以协调并相互促进的。研究青岛环保投资及生态治理的经验及存在问题,针对性地明确了青岛参与区域经贸合作的优化路径及政策建议。  相似文献   

Over the past several decades, the “Bring In” and “Go Global” policies implemented in China have encouraged an unprecedented level of investment in and out of the country, creating unique opportunities for Chinese firms to learn and innovate along the paths of inward and outward internationalization. The international business (IB) literature has yet to satisfactorily explain what has been learnt by the Chinese firms and whether and how their learning and innovation have taken place over time. This special issue examines the specific content, nature, mechanisms, processes, and internal and external conditions and contexts of learning and innovation of Chinese firms during the course of inward and outward internationalization. We provide an overview of the “Bring In” and “Go Global” policies, assess the current state of the field, and explicate how the research articles in the special issue contribute to the understanding of learning and innovation of Chinese firms along the paths of inward and outward internationalization.  相似文献   

Defining “luxury” as expensive and exclusive products and brands that are differentiated from other offers based on their exquisite design and craftmanship, sensory appeal, and distinct socio-cultural narratives, this conceptual paper integrates the established view of wealth-based luxury with an alternative perspective focused on luxury competencies. These competencies include expertise, aesthetic taste, and sensitivity to luxury symbolism and are developed by learning and enjoying the unique luxury features relating to design and craftmanship, sensory appeal, and socio-cultural narratives. The relationship between the wealth-based and competencies-based perspectives is examined for consumption goals; considerations, choice and usage; and consumption outcomes. After identifying individual and societal moderating factors (socio-economic status and self-related factors as well as the effectiveness of social status symbols and the power structure of society), future research issues and research propositions are presented. This paper concludes by advising luxury managers to develop competencies-based strategies to address contemporary luxury challenges.  相似文献   

The desire to control how others see us is a ubiquitous phenomenon. Decades of research have suggested that the results associated with how others see us are too great an influence to ignore. The tactics we use and behaviors we engage in to control how others see us is known as impression management. This study examines the relationship between regulatory focus and the use of exemplification or supplication impression management tactics. We use regulatory focus theory to examine this phenomenon. First, we investigate the main effects that occur between prevention-focused individuals and exemplification, and between promotion-focused individuals and exemplification and supplication. We then introduce supervisor behavioral integrity as a moderator between regulatory focus and impression management. Our findings suggest a positive relationship between prevention-focused and exemplification, and between promotion-focused and exemplification and supplication. We also find that behavioral integrity strengthens the relationship between prevention-focused and exemplification and promotion-focused and supplication, but not promotion-focused and exemplification. Implications and future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

When human capital becomes the most important strategic capital, an entrepreneurial enterprise has to reform and innovate its corporate governance around human capital and its dynamism so as to acquire the capacity of sustainable endogenous growth. This article is intended to discuss the meaning and adaptability of Huawei's characteristic systems and mechanisms and then proceeds to introduce the general design of entrepreneurial enterprises’dynamic ownership governance platform and the possible effect of corporate governance. Subject to existing Chinese laws and regulations and with full consideration of the dynamics of human capital, this article recommends an entrepreneurial enterprise to set up a dynamic ownership governance platform, innovate and optimize its corporate governance structure and relevant mechanisms and promote the gradual socialization of its founder/founding team's rights to earnings, control and management; then put in place scientific and proper counterbalance mechanisms in accordance with the principle of separation of powers and incentive compatibility, reform its selection of managing staff and introduce market mechanisms to promote fair competition and dynamic incentive compatibility between its founder/founding team and other key stakeholders. This article is meant to facilitate an entrepreneurial enterprise to turn to socialization corporate governance, and acquire the motivation and gradually form the capacity for endogenous growth.  相似文献   

区块链(Blockchain)技术作为一种具有去中心化、高度匿名、不可篡改等特征的数据库技术,历经可编程货币、可编程金融与可编程社会的发展阶段,不断重塑着社会经济发展形态,覆盖金融支付、医疗、物流、政务服务以及教育等领域,但同时也暗含着技术风险与法律风险。对区块链技术采取规制的内在逻辑是区块链技术风险防范的现实诉求,也是区块链技术法律规制缺失的内在要求,前者包括技术去中心化与法律趋中心化的矛盾、不可篡改性与算力垄断风险、相对匿名性与暗网风险,后者包括刑事违法犯罪风险、民事合同法障碍风险、消费者权益侵害风险。通过对英国、美国、澳大利亚区块链技术规制经验比较研究,发现不同国家对区块链技术规制的重点不同,英国对区块链技术规制重在技术与法律制度的结合,美国对区块链技术规制重在严格准入和审查,澳大利亚加强区块链技术的法律规范并实施“双峰”监管,各国在区块链技术规制上都注重从本国国情实际出发健全和完善法律规范体系,重视消费者权益保护,并选择合适的规制方式。在区块链技术日益兴起的时代背景下,我国需要认真分析当前区块链技术的规制政策以及不足,积极坚持法治化、安全性与创新性的区块链技术规制原则,采取功能性的规制方式引导区块链技术发展,并积极借鉴区块链技术的国际经验,构建与完善中国区块链技术规制的具体路径:加强刑法修订与国际合作,严格惩治违法犯罪;弥补民事合同法缺陷,提升智能合约技术;建立私钥法律体系,完善消费者权益保障机制;加强法律创新与移植,完善区块链的前沿法律设计。  相似文献   

为规范对外经济活动秩序,加快进入世贸组织的进程,俄罗斯中央和地方政府以及相关主管部门不断推出新的外经活动的政策和法规,在一定程度上促进了俄罗斯对外经贸合作的发展。但是,这些政策和法规还存在着一定的缺陷,主要表现是它们自身存在着不完善之处,在执行过程中也有许多变数。本文根据俄罗斯某些政策和法规的实施情况,结合中俄经贸合作的实例,从几个方面分析它们的缺陷及其负面影响。  相似文献   

根据胡锦涛总书记所说:“我们所要建设的社会主义和谐社会,应该是民主法治、公平正义、诚信友爱、充满活力、安定有序、人与自然和谐相处的社会”,文章在研究和谐社会的基本概念及特征的基础上,进一步提出了构建和谐社会的生成机制与激发过程的思考。  相似文献   

文化发展、繁荣非短期工程,“文化”要点在于“化”字,即化入人心、文化化人和文化社会、规范社会。求真、务实、为人民是文化发展、繁荣之根,关注细节,多做能发展、繁荣文化之实在的事是文化发展的追求与任务。发展、繁荣文化重心与落脚点在广大人民,群众是文化的主角。文化建设、繁荣应着力丰富人,提高人的素质,推进人与社会的健康发展。助益于建构讲理性、讲秩序、讲效益与讲权利、讲义务的社会,是文化建设与发展的现实任务。  相似文献   

中西方商法截然不同的产生路径导致了二者的演进历程大不相同。其原因是中西方的社会经济基础不同、思想文化不同以及法律政策不同。通过对中西方商法的起源和演进路径进行分析和比较,对中国商法发展的借鉴意义是:应改变传统思想中对"商"的错误认识;大力发展商品经济;制定扶持商业发展的法律政策。  相似文献   

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