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Emission Taxes versus Other Environmental Policies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the environmental policy of most countries, various forms of quotas and direct regulation are more important than environmental taxes. This paper addresses four arguments which are often given against the use of emission taxes. The three arguments related to information asymmetries and non-convexities are valid in the sense that they point to complications in the use of environmental taxes. The fourth argument is related to the employment effects of different types of environmental policies in economies with unemployment. Although this argument is frequently used by politicians, the analysis provides no justification for it. On the contrary: in the model used, employment is higher with environmental taxes than with non-revenue-raising environmental policies.  相似文献   

This paper explores sufficient conditions for the welfare‐improving environmental policy reform in the Harris–Todaro economy. A rise in the pollution tax rate in the urban manufacturing has spillover effects on the two labor market distortions: the less‐than‐optimal manufacturing employment and the urban unemployment. If both are weakened the welfare improves. Otherwise, we need to develop an alternative sufficient condition. It is shown that there exists a range of welfare‐improving pollution tax rates, and that it corresponds to the lower values of tax rate. This range may shrink by the wage subsidy policy and the technological change toward less pollution‐intensive techniques.  相似文献   

The paper shows that international migration may improve the position of both policymakers and unions in small open economies irrespective of whether they cooperate or not. This result implies that both unions and policymakers in small open economies may welcome a further increase in international labor flow in the future. When allowance is made for real GDP per capital considerations on behalf of the policymaker, it is found that aggressive union behavior may increase the inflationary bias. Aggressive unions may insulate themselves, while soft unions lose. The presence of migration does not necessarily lead to a better outcome.  相似文献   

The Political Economy of Environmental Taxes with an Aging Population   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper develops a two-period overlapping-generations model with environmental externalities and uncertain lifetimes, and studies how two sources of population aging, greater longevity and a lower rate of population growth, affect the politically determined environmental tax and the quality of the environment. It is shown that greater longevity and a lower rate of population growth have entirely different effects on these factors; greater longevity has no effect on the environmental tax and has a non-positive effect on the environmental quality, whereas a lower rate of population growth has a negative effect on the tax and has a positive effect on the quality. In addition, the political decision-making on the tax leads to an inefficient allocation of capital and environmental quality.JEL classifications: D72, D78, D91, H41, O40, Q20, Q28  相似文献   

This paper examines, within a dynamic framework, the role of information provision as a policy instrument to supplement environmental taxation. Several products are responsible for health as well as environmental damages. Many consumers do not possess the required information to optimally substitute away from these products. However, as the stock of information regarding the negative effects of these products builds up, an increasing fraction of consumers behaves optimally. The government uses two policy instruments, environmental taxation and information provision. We show that as the accumulated stock of information increases, the optimal tax rate declines over time. Information provision can shift market demand towards environmentally friendly goods over time, and thus reduce the required level of the tax rate. Our results provide strong evidence in support of information campaigns as a policy instrument to supplement traditional environmental policies.  相似文献   

A dynamic model is constructed of the environmental policy formulation process in a stylized developing country (DC). The paper analyzes the employment and output effects of three pollution control policies. These policies embody different assumptions about the DC government's ability to commit to its announced course of action. The timepath of the government's policy variable is characterized. Optimality calls for an activist policy, irrespective of the length of time to which the government can commit to its announced policy. However, the effects of this activist policy depend fundamentally on the government's period of commitment.  相似文献   

本文从环境税的理论基础入手,回顾了环境税经济效应分析的几个有代表性的基本观点,认真分析了环境税经济效应传统分析中存在的局限性,并在此基础上将"经济结构优化效应"和"国际贸易受益效应"引入到环境税经济效应分析当中,大大拓宽了环境税经济效应分析的研究视角,最后在环境税经济效应创新性分析的基础上提出了相应的环境税政策启示。  相似文献   

Taxes versus quotas for a stock pollutant   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We compare the effects of taxes and quotas for an environmental problem where the regulator and polluter have asymmetric information about abatement costs, and environmental damage depends on pollution stock. An increase in the slope of the marginal abatement cost curve, or a decrease in the slope of the marginal damage curve, favors taxes. An increase in the discount rate or the stock decay rate favors tax usage. Taxes dominate quotas if the length of a period during which decisions are constant is sufficiently small. An empirical illustration suggests that taxes dominate quotas for the control of greenhouse gasses.  相似文献   

The Nonequivalence of Tariffs and Quotas in a Dynamic Trade Model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper provides a novel (and old) argument for the nonequivalence of tariffs and quotas, based on the famous paper by Hotelling published in 1931. Unlike tariffs, quantitative restrictions are inherently dynamic. As long as the foreign exporter earns positive marginal profits, he raises their present value by frontloading sales. As a result, unlike a tariff, equilibrium with a quota exhibits quantity and price dispersion over time. The dispersion may be significant even with small discount rates.  相似文献   

我国环境经济政策绩效分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
环境经济政策被认为是解决环境问题的长效机制.目前,我国已开始重视使用环境经济政策来解决环境问题,但由于种种原因,环境经济政策的绩效不佳。有鉴于此,我国应积极采取措施进一步完善环境经济政策.提高环境保护的效果。  相似文献   

Outsourcing in a Global Economy   总被引:44,自引:0,他引:44  
We study the determinants of the location of subcontracted activity in a general equilibrium model of outsourcing and trade. We model outsourcing as an activity that requires search for a partner and relationship-specific investments that are governed by incomplete contracts. The extent of international outsourcing depends inter alia on the thickness of the domestic and foreign market for input suppliers, the relative cost of searching in each market, the relative cost of customizing inputs and the nature of the contracting environment in each country.  相似文献   

“全球绿色新政”与我国“绿色经济”政策改革   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新兴的"全球绿色新政"不仅提供了国际环境经济政策的框架,也为发展中国家的可持续发展提供了借鉴经验。在研究发达国家"绿色新政"的基础上,系统梳理了我国"绿色经济"政策架构,总结了近些年来取得的成绩和存在的不足。针对存在的问题,提出了提升政策理念、充实政策主体、改进政策工具等完善我国"绿色经济"政策体系的具体建议。  相似文献   

This paper examines the effects of international trade in a model with global pollution that accumulates over time because of production emissions in each country. If countries cooperatively determine their environmental policies, autarky and free trade in the absence of trade costs generate the same optimal solution. By contrast, if environmental policies are determined noncooperatively, the effects of trade on global pollution and welfare are ambiguous because policy games can result in multiple equilibria. Although trade increases both the lower and upper bounds of the pollution stock, whether trade expands the range of possible steady‐state pollution levels is ambiguous. The analysis then extends to consider trade costs.  相似文献   

确立资源有偿使用的环境经济政策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
资源有偿使用是运用经济手段保护环境的一个最重要方面,我国环境与发展十大对策中也进一步阐述了这个观点。本文在分析环境有偿使用机制成固的基础上,对现有的主要有偿使用形式、排污收费、环境税和环境补偿费等作实证分析,并提出今后强化环境资源有偿使用的若干政策措施。  相似文献   

Lobbyists for car industry protection argue that Australia should delay reducing tariffs until trading partners have 'reciprocated', but in reality, trade liberalisation and import expansion have been increasing East Asian and global markets for competitive Australian suppliers of automotive products. This reality is one reason why the car industry is a success story of Australian reform, with quality improving, real value added rising and exports increasing strongly over the past decade, as protection has fallen rapidly.
The recent government decision to suspend the reduction in protection from 2000 to 2005, and over the five years taken as a whole greatly to reduce the rate of decline, is a symbol of a more general reform malaise in Australia.
The car manufacturers said that they would have 'accepted' larger reductions in protection in the context of more vigorous pursuit of efficiency-raising reform in other areas, notably in taxation. It is time for the government to take the industry at its word: to commit itself to replacement of more distorting indirect taxes by a value added tax; and to use this congenial context to restore momentum in the reduction of protection.  相似文献   

Innovation Systems in a Global Economy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There is increasing emphasis being put on the need to be 'internationally competitive'. This imperative is being driven, it is argued, by the globalization of economic and corporate life. This 'globalization' is the subject of a burgeoning academic literature. To achieve and maintain the necessary competitive edge requires companies to be innovative, technologically dynamic, and organizationally efficient - in a dynamic, not just static sense. There is a literature on systems of innovation analyzing such requirements, how they have been met in practice in different contexts up until now, and what the implications are for policy. However, these two literatures - on systems of innovation and globalization - have developed quite independently. The purpose of the current paper is to discuss the implications of each for the other. Far from transcending national systems of innovation, current globalization processes are shown to have a symbiotic relation to such systems.  相似文献   

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