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近年来,"一校多区型"高校发展迅速,但随之带来一系列管理问题。本文对"一校多区型"高校固定资产管理存在的问题进行了分析,并提出了相应的解决措施。  相似文献   

赵文博 《企业导报》2014,(5):169-170
高校行政管理系统是大学管理不可或缺的组织构成,高校行政管理既应遵循高等教育的发展规律,又应遵循管理自身的运行规律。文章认为通过树立"以人为本"的发展理念,建立健全科学的管理制度,加强行政过程中的监督与反馈,提高行政管理人员素质四个方面以提高管理工作的科学化水平,保证学校稳定高效的运转。  相似文献   

大学生思想政治教育工作是一项系统工程,需要学校、家庭、社会三者通力合作,形成教育合力。我国高校的学生思想政治教育工作主要是以学校教育为主,家长直接参与的机率很少,这对学生工作的成效产生了不利影响。本文结合笔者自身工作经历,分析了高校家庭教育中存在的问题,探索高校"家校合一"的双向管理机制:设立家庭教育指导师专职人员;开设面向家长的家庭教育讲座;开设面向学生的家庭教育相关课程;拓展学校与家长的沟通渠道。  相似文献   

高校教学质量是学校的生命线,是立校之本,发展之基。高校教学质量的高低在很大程度上取决于教学管理水平。为了保障教学运行工作的顺利进行以及教学质量的不断提高,建立符合高等教育发展与高等教育管理的科学化体系势在必行。  相似文献   

高校中普遍存在,但却易被忽视的现象--"隐形教师"现象.这是教师职业倦怠不能及时疏导而带来的直接后果.对高职院校管理者来说,完善学校的管理制度,提高管理者的管理水平,提升教师的组织公平感,应成为学校和管理者的当务之急.因此,要更好地预防和改善高职院校教师的职业倦怠,应从组织管理入手,加强学校的组织公平建设,提高教师在学校组织中支持度.学校管理者应树立起"以人为本"和"人高于一切"的管理理念,使教师成为鲜活的、人格丰满的生活.者,使高校教师群体中"职业倦怠"引发的"隐形教师"都能积极的彰显自己的优势,让他们真正体验到"工作着是幸福的".  相似文献   

高校食堂的安全关系到学校师生的健康和学校的稳定,越来越受到全社会的关注,随着高校后勤社会化改革的快速推进,高校食堂安全管理显得更加重要,集中分析当前高校食堂安全管理的现状,从而提出高校食堂安全管理的总体思路及措施.  相似文献   

论中国高校实施教育产业品牌经营战略的必要性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、绪论 当前,中国高校发展普遍存在着"千校一面"的过分趋同化倾向,很多学校不顾社会客观需要和学校实际情况,盲目追求"高层次、综合性、研究型和开放式"的办学模式.在高、大、全的攀比心态下,不谋求质的提高而只靠简单合并就从单科学校上升为综合大学,从学院晋升为大学的事例比比皆是;同时,重点大学却忙于办专科、职业技术学院,盲目追求"大而全".总之,所有的学校都要向综合性和学术型转变,"千校一面"的趋同使得各高校纷纷争上硕士点、博士点,争抢学术、学科带头人、博士生导师、院士,乃至为争重点院校、重点学科和重点实验室等走门路、跑关系的现象层出不穷,严重影响了高等学校的形象.  相似文献   

高校财务预算管理改革对策探析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据《预算法》和《高等学校会计制度》的有关规定,高校财务预算是指高校根据学校各项事业发展计划和任务编制的年度财务收支计划,是学校经济状况的综合反映,包含高校全部资金的收支内容。预算管理的好坏将直接影响到高校的财务状况和持续发展能力。因此如何做好预算管理工作,对推进学校稳定、协调、快速发展具有重要意义。一、高校预算管理问题(一)预算管理机构不健全目前大多数高校预算编制工作大同小异,即由学校成立专门的财经工作领导小组,负责审批预算;  相似文献   

在新媒体视域下,高校在开展家校合作管理模式时,唯有做到与时俱进,才有可能让学校教育与家庭教育形成巨大的合力,作用于学生的成长。以此,促使他们自觉战胜人性中的懒惰等不良习惯,以积极主动的态度面对学习与生活,实现个人综合能力的有效提高。基于此,文章阐述了新媒体视域下构建家校合作平台的意义,从高校和家长两方面,分析了当前高校家校合作管理模式中的不足。对此,提出了树立合作育人的共同责任意识,构建新媒体平台,开展合作育人活动以及利用新媒体平台,开办家长学校3条有效策略,希望能给高校教育工作者一些参考。  相似文献   

<正>高校历来是社会整体运行状态的"晴雨表",其危机管理工作既关系到学生的成长、成才,也关系到全体师生员工的切身利益和学校的和谐稳定。因此,做好高校校园危机管理工作,提高其危机管理能力,是确保高校校园安全稳定的关键所在。本文从管理视角出发,以无缝隙组织理论为指导,着重从观念、体制、结果三个方面分析高校危机现存的管理缝隙,并针对性地提出改善对策,以更好地应对复杂多变的校园危机,最大限度地降低损害程度,进而促进我国高校持续健康发展。  相似文献   

Ozsezer  Mete  Tufan  Huseyin  Ozkul  Ali Efdal 《Quality and Quantity》2018,52(2):1421-1435

In this paper, the School for Deaf Children that was opened under the rule of the British Administration in Cyprus is examined. The school was opened in the 1953–1954 academic year and became the second private education institution on the island. Additionally, it was a mixed school that served both the Greek and Turkish communities. Although the school was initially opened with contributions from the Rotary Club, it continued to provide educational services with funds from the British Administration, students’ parents and voluntary contributions. During the period of mixed education, the school could not adopt a fully settled structure in terms of the building in which it was locate and was moved to different areas during that period. In the period when the British government transferred responsibility for the education on the island to the Greek and Turkish communities, the school continued to provide services on a mixed basis. However, after the events of 1963, the Turkish teachers and students began to leave the school. Today, it continues its activities in southern Nicosia, whereas in the northern part of the island, the Lapta School for People with Hearing and Speaking Disabilities was opened in 1975 in order for Turkish students to continue their education. The present study is supported with information obtained from Education reports and Cyprus Gazette resources as well as national and international works and verbal resources.


A number of researchers have asserted that inefficiency in the U.S. school system arises from a lack of incentives for public schools to behave efficiently. This paper uses a Shephard input distance function to model educational production, and a switching-regressions estimation to explore the relationship between school district efficiency and two existing incentive mechanisms—competition and voter monitoring. We find evidence that ease of monitoring enhances both technical and allocative efficiency of urban school districts, and that increased competition reduces allocative inefficiency in communities above a competitive threshold. We find no evidence that competition is related to technical inefficiency.  相似文献   

Many American communities seek to attract or retain businesses with tax abatements, tax credits, or tax increment financing of infrastructure projects (TIFs). The evidence for 1999 indicates that communities are most likely to offer one or more of these business development incentives if their residents have low incomes, if they are located close to state borders, and if their states have troubled political cultures. Ten percent greater median household income is associated with a 3.2% lower probability of offering incentives; 10% greater distance from a state border is associated with a 1.0% lower probability of offering incentives; and a 10% higher rate at which government officials are convicted of federal corruption crimes is associated with a 1.2% greater probability of offering business incentives. TIFs are the preferred incentive of communities whose residents have household incomes between $25,000 and $75,000; whereas TIFs are much less commonly offered by communities whose residents have household incomes below $25,000. The need to finance TIFs out of incremental tax revenues may make it infeasible for many of the poorest of communities to use TIFs for local business development.  相似文献   

杨红平 《城市问题》2011,(12):98-102
我国现代门禁社区是在社会经济转型的背景下出现的,并与西方门禁社区存在着诸多差异,特别是在流行的原因上,表现出明显的中国化特征。借鉴多种理论,从多个视角探讨了门禁社区在中国流行的深层的经济、社会、政治与文化机理。认为中国城市门禁社区的出现是由转型期特殊的社会生产关系所决定的,社会力量、经济力量、政府力量和个人力量共同推动着门禁社区的形成与发展。  相似文献   

随着我国社会各领域的迅速发展,国家对于社区传统文化的推广服务工作的重视程度越来越高。高校是学生从学校走向社会的重要桥梁,要想推动社区传统文化推广服务工作质量与水平的提升,就要注重对高校志愿服务工作的应用。通过这种方式可以促进高校学生自身实践能力及综合水平的进一步提升。基于此,论文简要分析了高校与社区传统文化推广服务工作。  相似文献   

徐亚群 《价值工程》2013,(14):185-186
高校财会档案是学校经济活动记录的凭证和依据,不仅可以提供决策支持,也可以提供处理问题的凭证,具有一定的实用价值。财会档案是记录和反映行政、企事业单位各项经济业务活动的重要史料和原始凭证;是详细记录学校经济业务、明确经济责任按一定格式编制的数据以登记会计账簿的书面证明;是会计做账、核算的基础,是登记账簿的客观依据,在法律上具有证据作用,并在发挥会计的作用中具有重要的意义。本文对高校财会档案的特性和实用价值进行了研究,分析高校财会档案管理工作。  相似文献   

In the public finance literature it is well understood that a community's spending can be affected by neighboring communities’ spending. It is relatively straightforward to see why these spillovers exist. For example, if a school district increases its spending on public education, this could affect the spending level of neighboring school districts. This paper uses spatial analysis to test the hypothesis that a school district's ethnic heterogeneity affects support for public education. Using a Spatial Lag Model and a national panel of U.S. school districts, I find that spatial dependence does exist in the data and that ethnic heterogeneity is negatively related to school district spending.  相似文献   

Tracking programs have been criticized on the grounds that they harm disadvantaged children. The bulk of empirical research supports this view, but existing studies compare outcomes across students placed in different tracks. Track placement is likely to be endogenous with respect to student outcomes. We use a new strategy for overcoming the endogeneity of track placement and find no evidence that tracking hurts low-ability children. Previous studies have also been based on the assumption that students' enrollment decisions are unrelated to whether or not the school tracks. When we account for the possibility that tracking programs affect school choice, we find evidence that they may help low-ability children.  相似文献   

The ethnic minority communities in the UK are an increasingly powerful force. But UK charities have not had a great deal of experience in approaching this market, despite a readily acknowledged desire to increase their own levels of cultural diversity. How many want a better ethnic representation among their donor base? How many want greater cultural diversity among volunteers, let alone staff? This paper examines the Asian communities within the UK, and suggests that these are groupings with which UK charities should be engaging. The communities are identifiable, with strong philanthropic traditions, they have increasing economic power and they are accessible. The paper also looks briejly at a positive response generated by one organisation-the Aga Khan Foundation (UK) — to a non-denominational, intercommunal appeal for funds from the Asian Communities in the UK.  相似文献   

Studies often show taxes and public services capitalized into house prices, but no one has tested whether the rate of capitalization depends on community size. The theoretical model of W. H. Hoyt (1999, Regional Science and Urban Economics, 29, 155–171), predicts that capitalization occurs, but that the rate of capitalization is weaker in large communities. Hoyt's model is tested empirically using a house price hedonic framework. The tax capitalization results are less clear, but the school quality and crime results firmly support the model's predictions. Using both school districts and municipalities to measure communities, larger communities weaken the rate of capitalization.  相似文献   

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