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主权财富基金信息透明度问题研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
主权财富基金已经成为国际金融市场上不可忽略的力量,但大多说主权财富基金的透明度却非常低是不争的事实,并已成为国际金融市场安全以及母国资金保全的诟病。但透明度低并非主权财富基金与生俱来的特征。主权财富基金信息透明化,应本着维护母国公民利益,保护东道国金融安全以及维护金融市场稳定等目标的基础上,遵循自愿披露原则,来披露相关投资信息。  相似文献   

叶楠 《海南金融》2013,(3):40-44
丰富的资源为海合会国家积累了巨额的外汇储备,成立主权财富基金管理国家财富成为一致选择。随着海合会主权财富基金投资的日益活跃和信息透明度的提升,其形象正逐渐改变,独特的运作模式日渐清晰。本文着重研究海合会具有代表性的主权财富基金的发展状况,探寻其运作模式,以期为我国主权财富基金的运作提供借鉴。  相似文献   

高郑莹 《时代金融》2014,(6):124-125
本文以新加坡两大主权财富基金,即淡马锡控股公司、新加坡政府投资公司为研究对象,探究亚洲成熟主权财富基金在投资战略、资产配置等方面的经验,并与中投公司目前的投资策略进行比较,在战略制定、收益衡量、信息披露等方面,为中国主权财富基金的发展提出建议。  相似文献   

主权财富基金管理的国际比较与启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对各国主权财富基金管理的情况进行了初步研究,以期得出一些有益的经验借鉴.我们认为,中国的主权财富基金管理应从治理结构、信息披露、投资策略等方面加以改进,并提出具体的政策建议.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来全球宏观经济形势的好转使主权财富基金逐步兴起。近年来,以美欧为主的投资目的国对主权财富基金在本国的投资倍加限制,尽管这种限制因次贷危机有所缓和,但金融保护主义可能再次抬头。本文指出主权财富基金威胁论是无依据的,不同于欧美等投资目的国单纯的"限制"叫嚣,IMF主权财富基金投资准则从增强透明度方面为主权财富基金的投资行为提供的指引是有积极意义的,文章最后对我国主权财富基金的投资运作提出了对策建议。  相似文献   

全球经济已步入增长速度放缓的“新常态”,对主权财富基金的运作构成严峻的挑战。为规避系统性风险和市场风险,亚洲主权财富基金的投资布局日益多元化并呈现新的趋势。本文以此为研究重点,追踪探讨亚洲主权财富基金投资布局的新动态。  相似文献   

付甜甜 《云南金融》2012,(6Z):53-54
在我国外汇储备不断增加的背景下,解决巨额外汇储备引起的流动性过剩、分散外汇风险已显得刻不容缓,中国第一支主权财富基金——中国投资有限责任公司应运而生,然而其在法律地位、外部监管、内部治理、信息披露和风险管理方面均存在诸多法律问题,从而导致国外对我国主权财富基金进行泛政治化的批评与责难,只有找到解决途径才能减少外部阻碍并且实现投资收益的最大化。  相似文献   

付甜甜 《时代金融》2012,(17):53-54
在我国外汇储备不断增加的背景下,解决巨额外汇储备引起的流动性过剩、分散外汇风险已显得刻不容缓,中国第一支主权财富基金——中国投资有限责任公司应运而生,然而其在法律地位、外部监管、内部治理、信息披露和风险管理方面均存在诸多法律问题,从而导致国外对我国主权财富基金进行泛政治化的批评与责难,只有找到解决途径才能减少外部阻碍并且实现投资收益的最大化。  相似文献   

主权财富基金是近来活跃于全球资本市场的一支劲旅,尤其是在国际市场进行跨境投资与并购,引起了国际金融界的普遍关注和争论,其中有担忧也有肯定,但是对于主权财富基金所涉及的法律问题研究并不多见,本文欲从主权财富基金的历史和现状开始,讨论主权财富基金的几个法律问题。  相似文献   

一、主权基金的发展状况 主权财富基金,又称主权基金,是指一国政府利用外汇储备资产创立的,在全球范围内进行投资,以提升本国经济和居民福利的机构投资者.主权基金普遍采取专业化、市场化运作手段和多元化投资经营策略,谋求长远投资,追逐高额投资回报是其主要目标.  相似文献   

The last few years have seen a remarkable increase in the participation of sovereign wealth funds (SWFs) in global capital markets. In this article, the author draws on a unique dataset of SWF international holdings—one that dates back to the year 2002 and includes individual SWF holdings in more than 8,000 companies in 58 countries—to provide evidence of the impact of SWFs on corporate values and operating performance. Contrary to claims that SWFs expropriate minority investors and pursue political agendas, the main finding of the author's study is that SWF ownership is associated with positive changes in both corporate market values and operating returns. In support of these findings, the author also identifies three important ways that SWFs work to increase the performance and value of the companies they invest in: (1) as long‐term holders that provide a stable source of financing; (2) as representatives of deep pools of international capital in search of global diversification opportunities that are likely to provide companies with a lower‐cost (as well as more “patient”) source of equity capital; and (3) as politically well‐connected strategic investors that enable their companies to leverage important connections when accessing new product markets.  相似文献   

We investigate the disclosure practices of screening and compliance information of Islamic equity funds around the world. Disclosures on Sharia advisors and screening information are quite high, but they are lower for compliance information such as Sharia advisory report (SAR) and holdings data. The results show that younger funds with better Sharia advisory board (SAB) governance which are domiciled in countries belonging to an Islamic international standard-setter body have the highest disclosure levels. However, funds domiciled in countries with a central SAB and following common law disclose less Sharia-related information. These findings are important for the effectiveness of disclosure framework.  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether the determinants and effects of sovereign wealth fund (SWF) investments vary across SWFs' countries of origin. We classify SWFs based on the national culture of their home countries. On the side of investment motives, our findings show different nuances across SWFs classified by cultural origins. Furthermore, the post-investment approach varies among SWFs distinguished on the basis of the cultural traits of their home country. As a whole, these findings confirm that the heterogeneity of the cultural origin of SWFs matters in terms of selection criteria and effects.  相似文献   

I show that more comprehensive corporate disclosure reduces investors’ uncertainty about domestic companies’ payoffs at no cost, thereby decreasing investors’ equity home bias toward a country. Since investors should base their investment decisions on valid and easily interpretable company information only, more comprehensive disclosure will reduce the home bias only if domestic securities law is sufficiently stratified and domestic companies use international accounting standards. Using panel data for 38 countries from 2003 to 2008 I find that more comprehensive disclosure reduces investors’ home bias, though significantly only for countries that sufficiently enforce their securities law and implement international accounting standards.  相似文献   

This paper provides evidence on the voluntary disclosure of intangibles information for U.S.-listed Asian companies. The paper examines the following issues: (1) the effect of firm size, ownership concentration, proportion of foreign revenue, and leverage on voluntary disclosures of intangibles information by U.S.-listed Asian companies; and (2) the use of international standards, and the effect of domestic and global culture on those disclosures. Results indicate that larger firms, firms with greater ownership dispersion, and firms with lower leverage provide more voluntary disclosure of intangibles information. The paper also documents that companies from countries that are more individualistic provide more voluntary disclosure of intangibles information than companies from countries that are collectivist. Therefore, it appears that domestic culture does affect the voluntary disclosure of intangibles information in the U.S. This paper uses the index developed for Portuguese companies by Oliveira, Rodrigues, and Craig (2006), to measure voluntary disclosures of intangibles information thereby providing external validity to their instrument.  相似文献   

We examine whether differences in international capital mobility across countries are related to country‐specific differences in financial reporting environments. We hypothesize that countries where financial accounting environments lead to greater disclosure of value‐relevant accounting information are more likely to have higher international capital mobility. The results of empirical tests are consistent with our hypothesis.  相似文献   

Using a sample of 1,590 purchases of stock by sovereign wealth funds (SWFs) in listed firms in 78 target countries between 1985 and 2011, we study the country‐level determinants of SWF cross‐border investment. We find that SWFs from countries with high levels of openness and economic development, but with less developed local capital markets, will make more cross‐country transactions, while target countries with higher levels of investor protection and more developed capital markets will attract more SWF investment. Our findings support the investment facilitation hypothesis, suggesting that SWFs act purely or principally as commercial investors facilitating cross‐border corporate investment.  相似文献   

国际银行业信息披露制度研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张兴胜  胡婕 《金融论坛》2005,10(8):21-27
信息披露制度的兴起和完善伴随着商业银行治理结构的变革及风险管理技术的提升,是推动银行业公司治理改革的重要动力。《有效银行监管的核心原则》、《提高银行透明度》、《巴塞尔资本协议Ⅱ》等报告和协议为国际银行业信息披露标准提供了借鉴,折射了国际银行业信息披露制度的变革方向。美国银行业信息披露制度对我国有着明显的借鉴意义,其改进信息披露的举措主要包括提高信息披露效能、加强信用风险披露和按业务线披露经营信息等。以《巴塞尔资本协议Ⅱ》的要求为基础,借鉴发达国家的信息披露制度,细化《商业银行信息披露暂行办法》的相关规定,推进信息披露的规范化,是我国商业银行提升信息披露水平的可选思路。  相似文献   

The new global economic and political environment brings new challenges to sovereign wealth funds (SWFs) and forces them to adopt new strategies to adapt to the environmental changes. This study is a sequel to Fotak, Gao, and Megginson (2017). We focus on the newly produced research on SWFs and confirm the impact of new environmental changes on SWFs' asset allocations and decision-making process. Recent studies on cross-border SWF investments show that SWFs are different from other private institutional investors although no evidence explicitly proves that SWFs have exerted political influence on recipient countries through their cross-border deals. SWFs are improving their transparency. However, the variations in transparency and institutionalization are attributed to the disparities in national culture, political regime, and internal political dynamics. We re-examine the long-term impact of SWF investments on target firms and industries and affirm the necessity to consider the heterogeneity among SWFs. We also survey the research investigating the government's motivations to establish new SWFs.  相似文献   

We examine international differences in the effect of management forecasts (which we use to proxy for voluntary disclosure) on the cost of equity capital (COC) across 31 countries. We find that the issuance of management forecasts is associated with a lower COC worldwide but that the effect of management forecasts on the COC depends on country-level institutional factors. Specifically, management forecasts have a stronger effect on the COC in countries with stronger investor protection and better information dissemination and a weaker effect in countries with higher mandatory disclosure requirements. Further analyses reveal that these relations are more pronounced when management forecasts are more frequent, more precise, and more disaggregated. Overall, our findings suggest that the ability of management forecasts to reduce firms’ COC derives not only from country-level factors that enhance the credibility of their forecasts but also from factors that reflect the quality of the information environment in terms of the distribution of news and the availability and quality of alternative information. Thus, investor protection, media penetration, and mandatory disclosure requirements have an important effect on the ability of management forecasts to lower the COC.  相似文献   

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