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贾育凯 《现代商业》2014,(11):225-225
为满足企业相关利益主体对财务报表中基础财务数据深入了解的需要,以便相关利益主体进行决策,加强对企业财务报表的分析就日益重要了。会计在生成财务信息的过程中充斥了模糊性,可以说模糊性是会计信息固有的特征。  相似文献   

资产负债观在各国会计准则制定中已占据主导地位。在资产负债观下,资产负债表可提供基础通用的会计信息,却无法满足投资者多元化的决策需要。本文认为,资产负债表应当增强与企业现时价值以及未来价值相关的信息披露,并提高报表信息的及时性和可理解性,以满足投资者不同的信息需求。  相似文献   

财务分析工作重点是让财务信息的主要使用对象全面了解实际的财务情况和对应的经营成果,信息具体的使用人可以提供相对重要的信息支持,保证更好的为企业决策创造条件。企业财务报表的分析工作会受到多种因素的共同作用,以至于影响到财务报表分析工作的实效性,会给企业决策带来负面影响,不利于通过报表分析工作实现有效决策及指导。本文将分析企业财务报表分析的局限性及相关对策,结合目前企业财务报表分析工作的落实情况,清楚判别局限性的根源,从源头上寻找合理措施加以处理。  相似文献   

在使用财务会计报表作为决策先导信息的过程中,其实很难从资产负债财务会计报表上的简单数据上发现一个企业的综合能力以及未来盈利的可能性,很难分析一个企业真正的风险所在。只通过报表的机械分析,会使报表的使用者走入误区,很难达到财务分析的预期目的。如何进行财务报表分析呢?首先明确财务报表信息披露充分、真实可信的前提下,以报表上的简单数据作为基础,科研挖掘更深层次的信息。可以使用的方法也很多,比如使用模型、比率分析等方法,从战略的角度多方位分析测试,满足做决策的需要,本文的研究意在能够对财务报表使用者进行财务报表分析提供一定的新思路和帮助。  相似文献   

行政事业单位会计决算报表是每个自然年度结束时,由相关的报表编制人员根据报表要求收集汇总行政事业单位财务收支、资金来源、机构信息、人员变动与工资福利等方面的基本数据。会计决算报表将全面、真实反映行政事业单位财务状况和预算执行结果,满足国家财政会计监督、各项资金管理以及宏观经济决策等信息需求。为进一步提高行政事业单位的财务管理水平和预测下一步的工作战略,本文结合目前决算报表编制工作中的问题进行分析和建议,从而保障经济活动高效进行。  相似文献   

信息化条件下信息相关性研究显示,企业财务报表及相关信息,受到各方重视并有较强的相关性。企业盈利等信息对企业经营管理者有重要作用;投资安全信息对投资者有重要作用;偿债能力信息对债权人有重要作用;综合信息对政府决策有重大作用。政府应尽快完善信息化条件下信息管理的法规;企业应提高信息的质量;提供完整的信息服务,并满足相关者对信息的需求。  相似文献   

企业财务报表分析若干问题探讨   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
企业的财务报表分析是指分析主体根据企业定期编制的会计报表等资料,应用专门的分析方法对企业的财务状况和经营成果进行剖析.其目的在于确定并提供会计报表数字中包含的各种趋势和关系,为各有关方面特别是投资者提供企业财务状况、偿债能力、营运能力及获利能力等财务信息,使报表使用者据以判断并做出相关决策,为财务决策、财务计划和财务控制提供依据.本文论述了企业财务报表分析的内容,指出了企业财务报表本身的局限性及财务报表内容的新变化.  相似文献   

随着市场经济的不断完善和发展,企业之间的竞争越来越激烈,单纯的财务报表所传递出的财务信息已经无法满足企业的决策需求,在这样的情况下,高质量的报表分析成为增强企业管理水平一个重要的手段,而当下财务人员对报表的分析还局限于简单且漫无目的的指标分析,无法满足企业需求,文章从影响报表分析质量的因素出发,就财务人员如何提高报表分析质量进行探讨,拟为企业提高报表分析质量提供参考。  相似文献   

现金流量表是反映企业一定会计期间内现金及现金等价物流入和流出信息的动态报表,是企业财务活动所获得的三大重要报表之一.科学地分析现金流量表,获取有效信息是报表使用者进行正确决策的前提之一.本文就先阐述分析现金流量表的目的,在此基础上重点介绍现金流量表信息对企业决策的作用,然后提出几种获取有效的现金流量表信息的方法,为正确分析现金流量表提供了一些思路.  相似文献   

在传统的财务管理模式中,财务部门对企业的作用主要体现在价值守护方面,财务人员的主要职能停留在财务核算、资金结算、报表编制等基础会计工作中。面对日益复杂的市场环境和内部管控需求的不断增加,传统的会计工作难以满足企业发展对财务信息的需求,我们需要更多现代财务管理会计方面的支撑,需要财务人员提供更多关于企业运营数据、预算管理、业绩分析、绩效管控等方面的决策和支持,需要财务管理从价值守护转向价值创造。  相似文献   

近年来,会计造假案时有发生,会计信息披露的真实性越来越为人们所质疑,我国上市公司年报披露的财务数据正面临着巨大的信任危机。本文选择由赊销行为产生的应收账款为检测点,对沪市A股上市公司2004年年报中披露的应收账款及其他应收款的静态财务数据和动态发展趋势进行分析,针对分析结果提出一些笔者的看法和建议。  相似文献   

高蔷  朱虹 《商业研究》2005,(2):25-27
行为金融学是在评论传统金融学的基础上建立的 ,力图弥补经典理论在个体行为分析上的不足和缺陷。与传统金融学一样 ,它也是一门自成体系、相对独立的科学。分析行为金融学与传统金融学的理论基础、决策风险测量方法以及决策模型的不同 ,以其为借鉴 ,科学决策我国金融业的发展方向  相似文献   

外部信用评级隐含的风险信息研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
外部信用评级将融资过程与信用分析过程相分离,为资金供需双方的信息缺口开辟通渠,降低投资人信息不对称的信息搜寻成本和融资企业的交易成本,提高金融管理效率和市场效率。本文对外部信用评级与违约率、回收率、转移矩阵等风险信息隐含间的关系以及不同评级机构间的信用评级差异的国际最新研究成果进行了综合评述。  相似文献   

This research advances our understanding of the manifestation of tensions and ethical issues in entrepreneurial finance. In doing so, we offer an overview of ethics in entrepreneurship and finance, delineating the curious paucity of research at their intersection. Using twelve vignettes, we put forward the asymmetries between entrepreneurs and investors and discuss a set of ethical problems that arise among key actors centring on the dynamics of venture partner entry and exit, applying the multiple-lens ethical perspective to analyse these issues. This analysis culminates in the introduction of a general classification scheme for ethical problems across venture partners. Our analysis highlights the moral dimension inherent in the entry and exit of venture partners and the importance of considering moral judgement, as well as intention in future analysis of any decision-making. Our study also points to the moral responsibility in finance, especially to the mutual moral responsibilities of investors and entrepreneurs. By integrating ethics into finance, this research also demonstrates that in the case of venture partner exit, an ethical approach and decent governance go beyond compliance to the law. We conclude with implications for practitioners, specifically with some proposals for a solution to the problem of blocked and forced exit. Together, we make several contributions to the literature by integrating ethics, finance and entrepreneurship, and we call for future research to stimulate a growing body of research within this presently overlooked area.  相似文献   

Previous research has consistently shown that a large number of firms are sufficiently dissatisfied with their bank relationship to have considered switching to an alternative bank. In practice, however, the number of firms which actually switch banks is relatively low. This paper examines empirical evidence from a postal survey of small firms in order to investigate this paradox. Binomial and multinomial logistic regression is used to identify the characteristics which discriminate between a group of firms considering switching banks and two other groups, namely those which had switched banks in the previous three years and those which had not switched banks and were not considering doing so. The paper tests the hypothesis that some small firms may be "informationally captured", in that they are tied into their current bank relationship due to difficulties in conveying accurate information about their performance. The results provide some evidence in support of the hypothesis in that rapidly changing information, particularly changing technology, was a characteristic associated with firms which were considering switching but had not switched. However, there was no significant evidence to support the hypothesis that superior performing firms are more likely to be "informationally captured"; growth and perceived business success were both associated with firms which switched banks. There was strong evidence that the main drivers of the decision to switch or consider switching banks were difficulties obtaining finance and dissatisfaction with the service provided. The results also showed that firms which were considering switching banks tended to use more alternative (non-banking) sources of finance. It is concluded that some firms will resolve difficulties obtaining finance by switching banks, whereas others will use alternative sources of finance depending on the balance between the benefits of switching, such as increased finance, and switching costs including information provision.  相似文献   

The overarching question tackled in this paper is: to what degree has financial development contributed to providing opportunities of human development for those on low-incomes and by which information technology mechanisms? We systematically review about 180 recently published papers to provide recent information technology advances in finance for inclusive development. Retained financial innovations are structured along three themes. They are: (i) the rural-urban divide, (ii) women empowerment and (iii) human capital in terms of skills and training. The financial instruments are articulated with case studies, innovations and investment strategies with particular emphasis, inter alia on: informal finance, microfinance, mobile banking, crowdfunding, microinsurance, Islamic finance, remittances, Payment for Environmental Services (PES) and the Diaspora Investment in Agriculture (DIA) initiative.  相似文献   

上市公司财务会计报告承担着受托责任及提供决策信息两大会计目标,但现行财务业绩报告在披露方式、内容的完整性、相关性、实质重于形式等方面存在问题。文章基于企业资源理论总结了现行上市公司财务业绩报告在形式与内容上的缺陷.并从企业资源理论的视角提出更加科学合理的财务业绩报告。  相似文献   

现行的财务报告体系己滞后于经济发展的要求,不能全面客观地进行价值反映,在一定程度上误导了报表使用者的决策行为.应从这些局限性入手,改变财务报告的报告模式,构造多元化的财务报告体系,实时呈报财务报告;加强预测性信息的披露,增加现行财务报告对社会责任信息的披露;应重视对衍生金融工具所产生的收益和风险信息的披露;增加对人力资源的反映;提高财务报告的质量,加强注册会计师审计监督等,使之适应经济发展的要求.  相似文献   

叶菲  何康 《商业研究》2003,2(24):99-101
行为金融研究发现 ,投资者的决策行为并非完全理性 ,“倾向效应”普遍存在于个人投资者和投资专业人士中。了解“倾向效应”及其心理动因具有积极的现实意义  相似文献   

The rapid changes in the finance industry due to the increasing amount of data have revolutionized the techniques on data processing and data analysis and brought new theoretical and computational challenges. In contrast to classical stochastic control theory and other analytical approaches for solving financial decision-making problems that heavily reply on model assumptions, new developments from reinforcement learning (RL) are able to make full use of the large amount of financial data with fewer model assumptions and to improve decisions in complex financial environments. This survey paper aims to review the recent developments and use of RL approaches in finance. We give an introduction to Markov decision processes, which is the setting for many of the commonly used RL approaches. Various algorithms are then introduced with a focus on value- and policy-based methods that do not require any model assumptions. Connections are made with neural networks to extend the framework to encompass deep RL algorithms. We then discuss in detail the application of these RL algorithms in a variety of decision-making problems in finance, including optimal execution, portfolio optimization, option pricing and hedging, market making, smart order routing, and robo-advising. Our survey concludes by pointing out a few possible future directions for research.  相似文献   

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