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世界上许多国家都有自己的"国石"。如钻石是南非、英国、荷兰的国石,红宝石是缅甸的国石,蓝宝石是美国、希腊的国石,秘鲁、哥伦比亚、西班牙的国石是祖母绿,匍萄牙的国石是金绿宝石,猫眼石是斯里兰卡的国石,欧泊是匈牙利、澳大利亚、捷克斯洛伐克的国石,玻利维亚、阿富汗、智利的国石是育金石,土耳其是绿松石,瑞典、日本、乌拉圭、瑞士是水晶,琥珀是罗马尼亚、德国的国石。  相似文献   

中直管理局,铁道部、国管局,总后勤部、武警总部,各省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市财政厅(局)、审计厅(局),新疆生产建设兵团财务局、审计局,中国证监会各省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市监管局,中国证监会上海、深圳专员办,各保监局、保险公司,各银监局、政策性银行、国有商业银行、股份制商业银行、邮政储蓄银行、资产管理公司,各省级农村信用联社,银监会直接管理的信托公司、财务公司、租赁公司,有关中央管理企业:  相似文献   

正美国铧亚金融证券,结合中、马、港、台等地的投资银行、私人银行、财富管理、证券投资、私募股权基金、企业兼并、法律顾问、会计审计、融资租赁、外汇、期货、信托管理等领域,资深人员从业人员组成的管理团队,美国香港全球金融,并掌握大中华市场的枢纽地位,是立足美国、香港,放眼亚洲的市场战略,涉及到中华市场。美国铧亚金融集团设立的企业目标很简单就是听听大中华的声音,作为大中华的眼睛,当大中华创新金融  相似文献   

近雅 远俗     
雅,即正规、标准、高尚,有阳春白雪之称,有文雅、高雅、优雅、雅致之说,有情调、情趣、情致之分。人们有文明的举止、整洁的仪表、优雅的谈吐、高尚的品德、渊博的知识、聪慧的仪态,都是"雅"。雅,是一种情怀,一种修养。情怀,呈现在家庭的布置中,表示在衣饰的边幅中,品味在谈话的涵养中,显现在友情的微笑中;修  相似文献   

正现代企业管理,主要指运用各类策略与方法,对企业中的人、设备、原材料、工艺、资产、信息、品牌、销售渠道等进行科学管理,从而实现组织目标的活动,由此对应衍生为各个管理分支:质量管理、设备管理、生产管理、采购管理、人力资源管理、行政管理、财务管理、研发管理、营销管理等,需要管理的内容涉及"人"、"物"、"事"的方方面面,是一个充满纵横交错关系的、有机的、复杂的系统。  相似文献   

一凡 《上海质量》2008,(6):50-51
社区卫生服务(community Health Service)是社区建设的重要组成部分,是在政府领导、社区参与、上级卫生机构指导下,以基层卫生机构为主体,全科医师为骨干,合理使用社区资源和适宜技术,以人的健康为中心、家庭为单位、社区为范围、需求为导向,以妇女、儿童、老年人、慢性病病人、残疾人等为重点,以解决社区主要卫生问题,满足基本卫生服务需求为目的,融预防、医疗保健、康复、健康教育、计划生育技术服务等为一体的,有效、经济、方便、综合、连续的基本卫生服务。  相似文献   

一、讲出来尤其是坦白地讲出来你内心的感受、感情、痛苦、想法和期望,但绝对不是批评、责备、抱怨、攻击。二、不批评、不责备、不抱怨、不攻击、不说教批评、责备、抱怨、攻击、说教都是沟通的刽子手,只会使事情恶化。三、互相尊重只有给予对方尊重才有沟通,若对方不尊重你时,你也要适当的请求对方的尊重,否则很难沟通。四、绝不口出恶言恶言伤人,就是所谓的"祸从口出"。五、不说不该说的话如果说了不该说的话,往往要花费极大的代价来弥补,正是所谓的"一言既出,驷马难追"、"病从口入,祸从口出",甚至于还可能造成无可弥补的终生遗憾。所以沟通不能够信口雌黄、口无遮拦,但是完全不说话,有时候也会变得更恶劣。  相似文献   

近年来,随着国内经济社会的高速发展,信息资讯的快速流通,会展业向纵深发展,尤其是多形式、多层次、高规模的会议和展览的举办,使得某一区域内的商业、物流、人群、产业、资金、信息得以促成经济链条,创造商机,吸引投资.可以说会展经济是一条集商贸、交通、运输、宾馆、餐饮、购物、旅游、信息通讯、城市建设等为一体的经济消费链.会展经济的拉动作用明显,不仅使某地区相关产业发展增速,而且带动了经济社会的全面发展.  相似文献   

砚石是观赏石的一种,它是中华文化的传承,文房四宝之一,记录了几千年中华文明的历史。砚石石质细腻,叩之有声,硬度适中,颜色美丽,纹理清新,如广东佛山的瑞砚、安徽的歙砚、甘肃的洮砚、山西的澄泥砚,另有红丝砚、徐公砚、松花砚、易水砚、盘古砚、苴却砚,共为十大名砚。  相似文献   

《中共中央国务院关于实施东北地区等老工业基地振兴战略的若干意见》中特别指出,“建设纵贯东北东部地区的铁路工程,形成东北新的出海通道”。形成这一出海通道的目的在于,要构建东北东部城市,形成一条经济带,地域性的发展东北东部地区。东北东部地区地理位置优越,与俄罗斯、朝鲜相邻,区位独特,资源丰富,是东北地区重要的粮食、煤炭、木材、钢铁基地。跨越辽、吉、黑三省,涵盖辽宁省的抚顺、本溪、丹东,吉林省的吉林、通化、白山、延边,黑龙江省的鸡西、鹤岗、双鸭山、佳木斯、七台河、牡丹江共13个城市。这13个市地域相问,  相似文献   

文章对平行进口问题从其概念、特征、形成原因及理论基础上进行了分析,并且对它涉及知识产权的各个方面,在专利权、商标权和版权等领域具有不同的特点进行了讨论。各国政府在立法与实践上都有所不同,如何应对平行进口问题,是我国建立与国际惯例接轨的高水平法制的重要议题,另外,针对我国实践中平行进口的问题还提出了应采取的法律对策。  相似文献   

The political economy literature has put forward a multitude of hypotheses regarding the drivers of structural reforms, but few, if any, empirically robust findings have emerged thus far. To make progress, we draw a parallel with model uncertainty in the growth literature and provide a new version of the Bayesian averaging of maximum likelihood estimates (BAMLE) technique tailored to binary logit models. Relying on a new database of major past labor and product market reforms in advanced countries, we test a large set of variables for robust correlation with reform in each area. We find widespread support for the crisis‐induces‐reform hypothesis, as high unemployment and economic crises are robustly correlated to structural reforms. We also find evidence of reform convergence—that is, countries with tighter regulation are more prone to liberalize. Reforms are more likely when other countries also undertake them and when there is formal pressure to implement them. Other robust correlates are more specific to certain areas—for example, international pressure and political factors are most relevant for product market and job protection reforms, respectively.  相似文献   

Securing high levels of employee engagement has become a dominant concern for HR practitioners globally, and a lucrative survey and consultancy industry has grown up around the topic. Despite significant parallel interest within the scholarly community, it is questionable whether research published in peer-reviewed journals has had any impact on the practice of engagement. The divergent perspectives of academics and practitioners on engagement are explored within the wider context of evidence-based management and the ‘rigor – relevance’ debate, alongside consideration of the risks of presupposing a simplified binary divide between the two communities. Some suggestions for strategies aimed at creating a stronger connection between the interests of practitioners and those of academics are proposed, whilst bearing in mind academia's broader and more critical remit.  相似文献   

Despite certain advances for non‐randomized response (NRR) techniques in the past 6 years, the existing non‐randomized crosswise and triangular models have several limitations in practice. In this paper, I propose a new NRR model, called the parallel model with a wider application range. Asymptotical properties of the maximum likelihood estimator (and its modified version) for the proportion of interest are explored. Theoretical comparisons with the crosswise and triangular models show that the parallel model is always more efficient than the two existing NRR models for most of the possible parameter ranges. Bayesian methods for analyzing survey data from the parallel model are developed. A case study on college students' premarital sexual behavior at Wuhan and a case study on plagiarism at the University of Hong Kong are conducted and are used to illustrate the proposed methods. © 2014 The Authors. Statistica Neerlandica © 2014 VVS.  相似文献   

关苗 《价值工程》2022,41(7):97-101
为了解决传统微夹钳在夹持时存在精度较低、行程较小、不能跨尺度(um-mm)夹持物体的问题,提出了一种基于多稳态柔性机构跨尺度微夹钳结构。将多稳态结构与传统放大机构相结合,微夹钳左侧采用杠杆机构和平行四边形机构,右侧采用三个不同双稳态串联实现八稳态,最后由平行四边形机构保证微夹钳末端输出为单纯平行移动。首先,介绍微夹钳总体结构设计;接着,利用理论计算推导出了放大机构的位移放大比和多稳态特性;最后,运用有限元方法对模型进行分析,证实了微夹钳的性能及其安全性。该微夹钳有效夹持的位移范围大、放大倍率高、结构紧凑、能实现μm-mm的跨尺度平行夹持。  相似文献   

吴丹 《价值工程》2012,(27):315-317
文章通过阐述专利产品平行进口相关理论和各国的立法和司法实践经验,结合我国目前允许平行进口的立法现状,分析了现阶段我国开放专利产品平行进口的必要性,提出"适当限制开放领域、建立海关专门监管部门和设立专门知识产权法院或知识产权庭"等配套措施来完善我国的专利产品平行进口,希望对加强对我国专利产品平行进口管理和更完善的政策的出台有所借鉴意义。  相似文献   

文中研究了电梯群控系统中最典型的并联运行电梯控制系统,完成并联运行电梯控制系统的硬件与软件设计。通过合理的硬件选择,模块化的软件设计,达到了并联运行电梯的较为理想的控制效果。  相似文献   

Authorities working on economic-crime investigation in Finland are trying to change their form of collaboration from the sequential passing of documents towards parallel, interorganizational collaboration: the on-line investigation of an ongoing crime. The synchronization of events and the outputs of various participants proved to be difficult in this emerging process. This new model of crime investigation also requires a new kind of time management. This article explores how the change is being constructed in everyday practice by examining three economic-crime-investigation cases. It is claimed that individual efforts to manage time allocation suffice only in terms of co-ordination of events. It is suggested that a successful shift to parallel, interorganizational collaboration requires more than the common marking of calendars. The object of the work and the forms of interaction should be taken as subjects of reflective negotiation. New kinds of collective time-management tools are needed in this effort.  相似文献   

Although a significant body of research has investigated the independent effects of distinct types of slack resources, current theoretical and empirical work does not sufficiently clarify how bundles of slack resources affect firm outcomes. Drawing on the resource constraints literature and the slack literature, we investigate how distinct bundles of financial and human resource slack influence firm performance and survival. Using a sample of 4715 European information and communication technology firms, we show that neither parallel resource abundance (having slack in financial and human resources) nor parallel resource constraints (lacking slack in financial and human resources) are optimal for firm performance and survival. However, firms with selective constraints that combine slack in financial resources with constraints in human resources exhibit superior performance without decreased survival prospects. Taken together, this study extends current research by providing a more nuanced view of the relationships between slack resources, firm performance, and firm survival.  相似文献   

阐述柴油发电机的并联运行的必要性,如何将不同型号、新老产品的发电机组并联运行,发电机组并联运行应满足的条件,发电机组并联运行操作步骤,调试中可能出现的问题,并对调试中出现的问题进行了解决。  相似文献   

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