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阳子 《市场周刊》2013,(1):82-86
草木染.亦称植物染.采用天然植物、中药材、花卉、蔬菜、茶叶制成染料,为织物染色。蓝染、扎染、蜡染、蓝印花布等均属此类。草木染取法自然.无污染.染出的织物色泽纯净柔和.散发草木清香。初经水洗,虽略有褪色.但正如岁月漂洗后的颜色。有一种宁静的、生活的味道。  相似文献   

以天然板栗壳色素为染料,选用硫酸铝钾、硫酸亚铁、硫酸铜和壳聚糖4种媒染剂,对真丝织物进行媒染染色,测量染色试样的K/S值、⊿E值、摩擦牢度和耐洗牢度,确定硫酸亚铁为最佳媒染剂。通过正交实验分析,确定了板栗壳染料用于真丝织物媒染染色的最佳工艺条件,并利用该方法开发了板栗壳染料蜡染产品。结果表明:板栗壳染料适合于真丝织物的染色。  相似文献   

腈纶凝胶染色概述、染料选择、染色配方使用说明,实验室配方制作、工艺生产  相似文献   

为了克服传统织物染色配色方式的缺点,可借助计算机配色技术实现织物的染色配色工作.本文主要分析织物颜色的cmy值与单色染料浓度之间的数据关系,研究中色系和深色系染料单色配色时的规律,为使用计算机配色技术进行织物的单色染料配色提供新的算法.  相似文献   

对天然植物染色发展历史、色彩来源和色相进行了系统的梳理和介绍,汲取植物染色的特点和优势,对天然植物染色的当代发展提供了一定的理论指导。  相似文献   

1 前言 色牢度是印染纺织品的重要考核指标,而纺织品使用不同种类的染料其色牢度的考核指标不尽相同,因所用染料种类的不同,色牢度考核指标差异可达一级半。比如GB/T411—1993(棉印染布》标准规定,染色棉布耐洗牢度(白布沾色)还原染料4-5级,而硫化、纳夫妥、活性染料则为3级。这是因为各种染料的分子结构、化学性质等的不同,对不同的纺织品的结合方式、结合力也不相同,有的染料是与纺织纤维分子发生化学反应而以化学键的方式结合在纺织物上,而有的染料是以物理反应的方式固着在纺织物上。  相似文献   

棉及其混妨织物在市场上受到许多消费者的青睐,但是其产品在染色过程中受到许多限制,自40年代以来,如何实现棉毛同色一直是技术攻关的难题。下面,本文对创新型净陛染料进行简要概述,并对其在棉及其混纺织物竭染方面的优越性进行分析。  相似文献   

处理染料废水的研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着印染工业的发展,染料造成的环境污染日益严重。为了解决有机染料对环境的污染,人们采用了不同的方法与技术对含有染料的废水进行了各种处理途径的尝试,并取得了一定的进展。本文综述了国内外染料废水的处理方法,详细论述了吸附法和氧化法等处理染料废水的新技术,并对国内外染料废水的处理技术进行了展望。  相似文献   

章杰  张晓琴 《化工科技市场》2000,23(8):19-20,12
本文阐述了禁用染料的范围和染料中含有致癌芳香胺的原因,指出用环保型染料取代禁用染料是当前染料工业发展的主攻方向。  相似文献   

园林植物病虫害防治工作是园林绿化行业中一项及其重要和经常怀的技术工作。近年来随着城市绿化面积的扩大,城市绿地植物在病虫害防治方面存在的问题不容乐观。加之全球气候异常,生态环境恶化,病虫害抗药能力增强等新情况的存在,使得当前城市花草树木等各种绿地植物病虫害的种类越来越多,本文就此做一探讨。  相似文献   

存在缺陷的纺织品服装可能会对人体和环境造成安全隐患,因而对纺织品服装安全性评估对人体安全具有重要的意义。本文探讨将在其他领域应用广泛的风险分析理论运用于对纺织品服装的安全评价,分别从机械安全性、燃烧性和化学品安全性的角度探讨了如何对纺织品服装的安全性进行风险评估,保证纺织品服装在消费过程中的安全性。  相似文献   

介绍了磺甲基化反应在皮革制造、油田化学品、表面活性剂和活性染料等方面的应用。其中在活性染料方面的研究近年来受到越来越多的关注。首先,磺甲基化反应可以保护氨基,这在暂溶性染料和某些染料中间体的生产中起到了重要作用。其次,通过磺甲基化反应向染料中引入磺甲基,可以改善活性染料的水溶性,降低活性染料的成本。  相似文献   

Productivity growth may be affected particularly for developing countries by international linkages or technology transfer. We evaluate relationships between productivity and FDI, exports, imports and licensing for Turkish manufacturing plants in the apparel, textiles, and motor vehicles industries. We assess performance premia associated with these international technology transfer channels that control for plant size and location. We then use a structural model to allow for plant-specific input composition and interactions, estimated alternatively by quantile regression and semi-parametric techniques to recognize plant heterogeneity and to accommodate simultaneity and selection issues. Overall, we find that productivity is most closely related to foreign ownership, especially for larger plants and in combination with other forms of technology transfer, followed by exporting and then licensing.  相似文献   

我国纺织品出口对经济增长贡献的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
出口贸易是影响经济增长的重要因素。本文采用1980-2004年的数据,描述了我国纺织品出口的特点,并借助协整模型实证研究了纺织品出口对经济增长的影响,指出二者之间存在长期的动态关系。通过定量分析,发现纺织品出口对经济增长的直接拉动度和贡献率都较低,这是因为我国纺织服装行业一方面受宏观环境影响,另一方面自身竞争优势不足。本文经过研究,形成了对我国纺织品出口与经济增长之间关系直观而清晰的认识,并为无配额时代我国纺织业发展的后续研究提供了参考。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine concentrations of detergent residues in textiles washed with three types of detergents. One detergent contained phosphate. In the other two (concentrated or ecological detergents) phosphate had been replaced by zeolite, which contains silicates. The textiles were washed using two programmes for coloured materials (at 60°C). The programmes differed with regard to volume of rinse water and number of rinsings. Detergent residues in textiles were determined chemically. Zeolite particles were determined electron microscopically. The results showed that most of the detergent residues remaining in textile strips were anionic tensides. They increased in proportion to the quantity of detergent used for washing. The least residues were left by concentrated detergents. Anionic tensides are suspected of causing skin irritation, probably allergy in atopic persons. Zeolite particles may irritate skin mechanically or cause through irritation respiratory distress. Washing programmes using less rinse water than other programmes increased detergent residues by 30%. It is concluded that there is a positive linear relationship between concentration of detergent and residues in textiles, and a negative linear relationship between water volume and residues in textiles after laundering. This could be of considerable importance from a health point of view and should be evaluated before any detergent is marketed. A methodology combining different standardized methods for analysing detergent residues in textiles was developed in this study.  相似文献   

中国在世界纺织品服装贸易结构中的地位探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在介绍世界纺织品服装贸易结构的基础上,主要研究了近几年中国纺织品服装出口的特点,并且利用贸易表现指数对中国纺织品服装贸易在世界纺织品服装贸易结构中的地位进行了分析。研究表明中国纺织品服装出口贸易仍具有较强的竞争力。  相似文献   

关于应对欧美对我纺织品出口设限策略的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国是世界上最大的纺织品服装出口国。2005年1月1日纺织品配额被取消,对于我国经贸界来说是一件历史性的大事。但随之而来的欧美对我设限风波,使纺织服装企业陷入严峻形势。文章从分析纺织品贸易现状和受限影响着手,以浙江省和杭州市为实例,总结出纺织品服装出口中的问题。最后,从政府和企业两个层面提出了一些对策建议,同时呼吁每一个WTO成员国都应努力营造一个公平的国际贸易环境。  相似文献   

A survey of teachers, parents and students was conducted to determine appropriate content for a semester course in clothing and textiles. A review of literature including research, curriculum guides, projections of future trends in clothing and textiles and knowledge needs of consumers served as the basis for developing the instrument. The initial list of topics identified was reduced to 13 major topics and 66 specific items by a panel of eight experts. The instrument was used to survey 1200 teachers, parents and students. A total of 327 surveys were returned. Respondents were varied on most demographic characteristics identified. Results were analysed to determine the significance of differences between the responses of the three groups. Respondents indicated that no more than Homemaking I should be required as a prerequisite for a clothing and textiles semester course and that simple clothing construction skills should be included. The overall rankings of the 13 major topics was: wardrobe planning, clothing selection, clothing construction, buying clothing, clothing care, clothing alterations, sewing tools and equipment, effects of clothing on individuals, design in clothing, textiles, family clothing, influences on fashion, clothing and textiles careers. Significant differences between groups existed for mean importance scores of 36 of the 66 specific topics. Teachers' mean importance scores differed from those of parents and/or students on 33 topics. Recommendations for content of a clothing and textiles semester course were based on the findings.  相似文献   

2005年1月1日,世界贸易组织的纺织品配额全部取消。几个月来,国际纺织品市场的形势并不如先前预计的那样乐观。在后配额时代,我国的纺织品生产出口企业面临什么样的形势,采取什么样的应对策略去规避摩擦、提高竞争力,本文就这些内容进行了探讨。  相似文献   

通过将出口退税政策变量纳入局部均衡COMPAS模型,从产业层面上分析出口退税政策如何影响进出口行业的产出、贸易、收益等经济指标,并利用中国纺织服装品对美国出口贸易的有关数据,实证模拟中国出口退税政策变化对中美两国纺织业的生产、贸易和收入的影响。结果表明:平均而言,出口退税率每提高1个百分点,中国纺织品出口美国的价格将大约下降0.93%,而中国纺织品对美国出口量将增加2.86%左右,全行业收入大约增加1.83%;而美国纺织行业的产出减少1.9%,全行业收入减少2.2%。  相似文献   

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