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随着移动电子商务的出现,移动支付作为一个新兴的产业迅速发展,使支付方式发生了巨大的改变。移动支付的特点是运用移动终端(主要是手机)来代替传统的现金或银行卡对货物、服务或账单进行支付。然而,用户需求、复杂的产业链和多样的商业模式等因素却制约着移动支付的进一步发展。本文集成商业模式、产业链和价值网络三方面的理论,提出了移动支付行业的价值网络框架,并在此框架下尝试建立适合中国移动支付行业发展的商业模式。  相似文献   

浅析电子商务中的手机支付方式   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
陈滢  赵炜 《江苏商论》2011,(5):61-63
随着网络技术的日新月异,电子商务已经被越来越多的用户接受,也有越来越多的网民开始使用网络进行支付。但手机支付作为一种方便快捷的网络支付方式,却受到通信网络及安全性的限制,还未完全被大众认知和接受。这就需要政府、银行、移动运营商和其它相关机构共同努力建立起移动支付产业链,为用户提供安全规范的手机支付环境。  相似文献   

夏伟 《中国电子商务》2012,(6):89-89,91
我国作为世界第一大手机用户国,关于移动支付的技术与产业模式也在逐渐成熟与清晰。3G时代的来临,移动终端设备的日益普及,使移动支付迅速发展,而移动支付随身、实时、快捷的特性,解决一些传统支付无法解决的问题,提高传统商务流程的效率,促使其具有广阔的发展前景。  相似文献   

<正>移动支付在2009年经历了短暂的兴奋期后,逐渐进入低谷。受益于3G通信技术的飞速发展,2012年也成为移动支付再次起步之年。6月21日,中国移动与银联达成合作框架协议。中移动手机用户可在印有非接触受理标识"QuickPass"的POS机上通过"刷手机"进行远程支付操作。对于此次两大巨头的"联姻",业内人士认为,两种支付标准有望达成统一,移动支付将会迎来新的发展机遇。50个试点先行据了解,中国移动与银联由产生合作意向到正式签约,历时近一年半。中国移动董事长奚国华表示,"移动互联网是一个  相似文献   

基于NFC的手机支付作为一种新型的移动支付方式迅速发展并已投入商业应用。本文详细介绍了NFC技术以及基于NFC的手机支付方案,并在对我国基于NFC手机支付应用进行分析的基础上,提出了一种新的NFC手机支付应用方案,并给出了NFC手机支付的推广策略。我们相信,基于NFC的手机支付将得到快速发展,将会成为移动支付的一种主要方式。  相似文献   

手机支付探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
随着移动通信从语音业务转向数字业务,各种移动增值业务层出不穷,其中手机支付就是一个崭新的亮点。与传统支付方式相比,手机支付作为移动电子商务的主要支付形式之一,不仅可以给用户带来新鲜的感受,还可以满足消费者随时随地轻松消费的需求,也能为移动运营商带来经济效益、品牌效益和社会效益,是个极具潜力的巨大产业。本文阐述了手机支付的含义、分类及作业流程,通过了解手机支付的发展概况及应用,分析了目前手机支付主要存在的问题并提出了相应的解决建议。  相似文献   

2月27日,阿里巴巴集团旗下两大子公司——国内最大的网络零售商圈淘宝网、国内最大独立第三方支付平台支付宝在杭州联合宣布进入无线互联网市场,发布移动电子商务战略。淘宝网大规模公开测试手机版淘宝网(wap.taobao.com),进军无线零售领域,支付宝亦推出手机支付业务,以推进国内移动支付业务的发展。  相似文献   

网络技术的迅猛发展,促使电子商务的发展也十分迅速。而手机上网的普及,在很大程度上加速了移动电子商务的发展速度。本文通过研究全球和中国手机用户的数字来证明现在移动技术的迅猛发展,并列举了移动电子商务的优势,提出了移动电子商务未来发展趋势。  相似文献   

支付安全是移动电子商务及移动支付面临的最大问题。作者在对移动支付系统研究基础上,针对手机系统安全特性:系统层安全、应用层安全;手机应用安全问题:客户手机丢失问题、下载到捆绑病毒的恶意网银软件等问题提出一套移动支付系统的安全规划方案。  相似文献   

1.引言科技的发展、手机功能的完善为移动支付提供技术保证并且手机便于携带容易操作。支付宝、微信支付成为几乎人人必用的APP和功能,大部分商家支持扫码支付的付款方式,京东、淘宝、美团等以移动支付为主要方式的电商平台火热。本文旨在深入了解移动支付对消费者行为的影响,为广州市移动支付市场健康发展及消费者理性消费提出建议。2.移动支付概念2.1与银行卡支付、网络支付相区别移动支付是指允许移动用户使用其移动终端(通常是指手机)对所消费的商品或服务进行账务支付的一种服务方式。  相似文献   

陈滢 《江苏商论》2013,(6):27-29
经过长期发展,我国的网络购物市场已逐渐成熟,并已经成为我国经济发展的重要增长点。手机作为我国网民的第一大上网终端,它与电子商务的结合将为网络经济市场带来新的变革。但目前我国手机网络购物的发展还存在着一些亟待解决的问题,需要通过扩大网络覆盖面、提高速度、降低资费、保障手机支付安全等方式来推进我国手机网络购物市场的健康发展。  相似文献   

我国电子商务环境下的移动支付问题研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
移动支付是在交易活动中以手机作为支付手段,即将手机与信用卡号码链接起来通过手机代替信用卡来支付交易费用,它具有方便、安全、成本低廉等优势,但目前的消费观念、技术支持、利益分配、手续繁杂等多种因素制约了移动支付的快速发展。我国移动支付在现有技术条件下主要有虚拟支付和移动现场支付两种基本模式。移动支付提供商应着力于创新商业模式,实现产业共赢;正确定位,积极开发市场;强化技术支撑,确保交易安全;加强行业协同,规避政策风险;利用新技术,抢占新市场。  相似文献   

Mobile payment systems offer enormous potential as alternative payment solutions. However, the diffusion of mobile payments over the years has been less than optimal despite the numerous studies that have explored the reasons for its adoption. Consequently, there is an increased interest in exploring alternative actions for promoting its diffusion, especially user recommendation of the technology. This is because positive recommendations can enormously influence the decisions of potential consumers to use the technology while negative recommendations can increase resistance to it. The few extant studies in this domain have followed the traditional survey approach with hypothetic-deductive reasoning, thus limiting an understanding of factors outside their conceptual models that could influence recommendations. To address this shortcoming, this study uses a qualitative text-mining approach that explores themes from user reviews of mobile payment applications (apps). Using 5955 reviews from 16 mobile payment apps hosted on the Google Play store, this study applied the latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) text-mining method to extract themes from the reviews that help to explain why users provide positive or negative recommendations about mobile payment systems. A total of 13 themes (i.e. ease of use, usefulness, convenience, security, reliability, satisfaction, transaction speed, time-saving, customer support, output quality, perceived cost, usability and trust) were generated from the LDA model which provides both theoretical and practical insights for advancing mobile payments diffusion and research.  相似文献   

Mobile devices and social media have led to a profound revolution of modern society, obliging many companies to reorient their sales systems towards more successful commercial formats (mobile commerce and social commerce). The mobile payment, for instance, as an emerging and supplementary service to these new commercial formats, is now undergoing the adoption process. Mobile payment has long been discussed, but it has not yet reached the usage levels expected by the different mass market players (financial institutions, telephone operators, etc.) in Western societies. The purpose of this paper is to analyze users’ acceptance of mobile payment systems on social networks. In order to explain acceptance, we have integrated trust and perceived risk into the traditional TAM model. To complete this study, we have established the decisive factors of this payment system by analyzing user’s gender, age and experience level. The study was conducted through an online survey among a national panel composed by 2.012 social network users. The results of this research support previous studies and provide alternatives for companies to consolidate this new business model by means of the new technical developments.  相似文献   

基于产业链整合的移动支付商业模式的构建与创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
芦阳 《江苏商论》2012,(3):41-43
随着移动支付技术的快速发展和应用范围的不断扩大,我国移动支付产业也进入到培育商业模式的关键时期。由于移动支付产业链的复杂性和多样性,运营模式尚不统一。本文提出,应当构建起银行、运营商、第三方支付机构三方结盟的模式,从而多方共赢。  相似文献   

The emergence of mobile payment (m-payment) resulted in the disruption of many sectors in the business sphere, particularly the retail industry. However, the acceptance of m-payment still has substantial room for improvement. Therefore, this study purports to ascertain the critical antecedents that impact the m-payment adoption intention, in particular the type of m-payment that utilizes the Quick Response (QR) code technology, through an extended Mobile Technology Acceptance Model. On top of offering several theoretical implications, numerous practical implications are also provided for stakeholders in the retail sector.  相似文献   

The rapid development of mobile payment has attracted many competitors and made customer retention a crucial issue for mobile payment service providers. This study examines the influencing factors of mobile payment loyalty from a multi-dimensional value perspective by extending and integrating the Cognitive-Affective-Behaviour (C-A-B) model and the Theory of Consumption Values (TCV). We also incorporate alternative attractiveness as a moderating variable to reveal the potential influence of the competitive market environment. This study collected 427 questionnaires from mobile payment users in China. The empirical study results show that customers’ loyalty is determined by satisfaction, and satisfaction is influenced by functional, emotional, epistemic, and monetary value. The findings also demonstrate that satisfaction has mediated the consumption values and loyalty relationship, and alternative attractiveness has weakened the influence of satisfaction on loyalty. This study shifts the focus in mobile payment research from adoption to the post-adoption stage and establishes a new research model by integrating two fundamental theories in explaining customer behaviour. Our study could guide mobile payment providers to cultivate customer satisfaction and loyalty by determining the values that are worth investing in their marketing strategies and help them notice and neutralise the weakening effect of competitor attractiveness.  相似文献   

Mobile payments are services that use mobile devices to make payments. When digitalization moves across channel boundaries, online to offline channel retail will expand. Online to offline retailing will become the future retail owner stream and retail operators will move from cross-channel or multi-channel to omni-channel. This study investigates a market survey in Taiwan developing a data mining analytics including clustering analysis and association rules based on a snowflake schema database design. The role of mobile payment is determined in terms of new retail payment mechanism that promotes a better consumer purchase experience in an online to offline business environment.  相似文献   

移动电子商务已经成为市场发展的趋势,但移动支付的安全问题也日益突显。为了保证移动支付的安全,在分析了无线PKI系统的结构和实现流程的基础上,设计了基于无线PKI的移动支付认证鉴权服务平台的框架和体系结构,进而设计了了移动支付认证鉴权服务平台的构建过程,用以指导移动支付认证鉴权服务平台的开发和实现。  相似文献   

随着移动互联网的普及和移动电子商务的兴起,移动支付作为一种新兴支付手段发展迅速,得到了业界越来越多的重视.本文简要介绍了移动支付的常见模式,详细分析了我国移动运营商、银行业和第三方支付企业推出的移动支付解决方案及其业务流程.  相似文献   

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