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被誉为"欧洲一体化的发动机"的欧共体竞争法,是颇具特色的法规.文章结合欧共体委员会和欧洲法院的具体判例,剖析了欧共体竞争法的核心法条,就何谓企业滥用支配地位、何谓影响成员国之间的贸易以及滥用支配地位的表现形式等问题进行了深入的探讨,对我国的相关立法和执法有借鉴作用.  相似文献   

三、垄断协议的豁免制度 豁免制度是利益衡量的结果。欧盟及其许多成员国、日本、韩国等反垄断法都规定了垄断协议的豁免标准。按照欧共体竞争法的规定,垄断协议要得到豁免需要同时满足四个条件:一是有助于改进生产或者分销产品、或者促进技术或者经济进步;二是同时使消费者获得相当程度的实惠;三是有关企业所受到的限制对于达到上述目标是不可缺少的;四是没有排除相关市场竞争。  相似文献   

欧盟范围内存在着两套竞争法律体系。一套是欧盟自身的竞争法。另一套则是各成员国国内的竞争法。两套法律相互独立,但又有着密切的联系,共同构成广义的欧盟竞争法,发挥着维护欧盟统一市场公平竞争,增强整体国际竞争力的作用。二者的关系如下:一、二者有各自的适用范围欧盟竞争法适用的对象是共同市场大范围内扭曲竞争,影响成员国间贸易,破坏共同体利益的行为。单纯发生在一国范围内影响该国竞争而未涉及到成员国整体利益的行为,由成员国国内竞争法规范,欧盟竞争法对此不予干涉。从地域范围上看,欧盟竞争法的适用范围要广得多,适用…  相似文献   

竞争政策优先--欧共体产业政策与竞争政策   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
王晓晔 《国际贸易》2001,(10):32-35
根据《阿姆斯特丹条约》签署后全面修订的欧共体条约第2条,共同体任务是通过建立共同市场和经济与货币联盟以及通过实施一系列共同政策和措施,推动共同体内经济生活的协调和平衡发展,实现持续、稳定和有利于环境的增长,提高经济效益和就业率,发展社会保障,改善生活质量,推动成员国间的经济与社会融合.为实现这些任务,条约第3条提出欧共体活动的21项任务和措施,其中包括取消成员国间的关税、配额限制以及其他贸易障碍,制定共同的贸易政策、农业政策和交通政策,建立保护共同体市场的竞争不受歪曲的制度,协调就业政策,统一社会政策,实行环境保护政策,加强共同体产业的竞争力,推动研究和技术的发展等.上述任务或者措施可以看出,欧共体的竞争政策只是实现共同体一系列目标的一个措施.除了这个政策,共同体还有着其他方面政策,这从而就产生了欧共体竞争政策与其他政策的关系问题,特别是与欧共体产业政策的关系.竞争政策与产业政策有着十分密切的联系.竞争政策是从维护竞争性的市场结构出发,禁止企业订立限制竞争的协议,控制企业合并,不允许垄断企业或者占市场支配地位的企业滥用市场优势.产业政策则是指国家对具体产业实施的政策,目的是加强产业的竞争力.然而,任何产业政策都会导致对市场现存结构的改变,影响市场竞争.特别是欧共体条约对竞争政策和产业政策同时在第3条作出规定,使两者不可避免发生冲突.随着欧洲共同体发展成一个经济联盟,欧洲的竞争政策和产业政策之间的冲突也越来越明显.  相似文献   

秩序自由主义推崇秩序与自由相结合的理念.受英影响,欧共体的竞争法不仅注重保护自由竞争,而且强调运用某种程度的干预来维护市场秩序,致力于建立更加和谐和人道的社会.  相似文献   

经济全球化带来限制竞争问题的国际化,跨国限制竞争行为仅靠一国国内的竞争法已经无法进行有效管制,需要在竞争政策领域引入国际合作机制,才能有效地约束各种政府和私人的反竞争行为.关于竞争法的国际调和模式,本文按照竞争法的国际调和程度和方式,分为双边合作机制模式、竞争法的互相融合模式、统一的国际竞争法框架模式.最后以ICN为例,具体探讨了竞争法相互融合的理论基础、内容及其特点.  相似文献   

<正> 一30多年来,欧共体作为经济一体化集团,由小变大,由弱变强,其经济实力颇有增长,对外部世界的影响也令人瞩目。为了适应新技术革命的挑战,进一步解决流通领域中存在的矛盾,创造良好的竞争环境,扩大欧共体国家内部的合作,面对“欧洲衰落论”的危机意识,市场问题再度被提到议事日程上,1985年欧共体执委会正式提出建设统一大市场的白皮书,列出到1992年底之前消除各方面障碍的将近三百项立法的日程表。1986年欧共体各成员国进一步签署了《欧洲一体化文件》,从而揭开了建设统一大市场的序幕。经过4年多的努力,确已取得明显的进展,各项目标正  相似文献   

UnitedBrands案是欧共体委员会(Commis-sion of the European Communities)根据欧共体竞争法查处的一起经典垄断案件。该案针对反垄断法领域的一些基本问题,比如相关市场的界定、支配地位的认定,以及若干滥用行为的认定,进行了细致人微地分析,这对于我们工商部门理解反垄断法理概念,以及今后反垄断执法工作,均具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

目前,世界经贸格局正经历着战后最剧烈的动荡,分化和改组,其中最引人瞩目的事件之一便是欧共体将于1992年建立内部统一市场。自1988年6月欧共体12个成员国正式签署了旨在实现这一目的的《德洛尔计划》后,统一市场建设的进程已过大半,迄今为止,计划在统一市场内取消边界、技术和财政等三大障碍及促使资本、商品、人员和劳务在成员国之间自由流通的各项立法已大多通过并付诸实施。建立欧共体内部统一市场原因很多,其影响几乎涵盖政治、社会、经济、文化等各个领域。本文仅就其对外贸易特别是与我国贸易关系的影响作一论述。  相似文献   

方鹏 《国际贸易》1991,(4):28-32
在过去的几年,欧共体成员国在《欧共体委员会1985年有关形成内部市场的白皮书》和《统一欧洲协定》的推动下。为了实习!商品、服务、人员、资本的自由流动和企业权利的自由转让的目标。在制定共同经济、竞争.运输、农业和社会政策等诸方面已取得了一些进展,但各成员国在关税手续、技术标准、内部的公共采办政策和税收体制上有不同的规定,  相似文献   

欧洲经济一体化不仅在经济、贸易合作方面取得令人瞩目的成就,同时在内部法律趋于一致方面也作出了富有成效的探索.欧洲共同体通过提出解决法律冲突的原则,确立特殊司法程序,制定对各成员具有拘束力的规则等方式,使成员之间、成员与共同体之间不同的法律制度趋于一致,有效地保障了经济一体化的进程.欧洲经济一体化过程中积累的经验,不仅对传统的立法、司法制度产生了重大的冲击和影响,对于正在实施中的中国内地、香港、澳门的更紧密经贸关系也具有借鉴意义.  相似文献   

The European Economic Community has now been in existence for about 20 years. Five years have elapsed since it was enlarged. What progress have the member countries made in the integration of their foreign trade? What would be the repercussions of a southward extension of the EC to take in Greece, Portugal and Spain?  相似文献   

EU competition policy acts as an important buttress to the Single European Market, with Article 82 EC specifically prohibiting the abuse of a dominant position in the common market or a substantial part of it. Therefore the substantial part notion acts as a boundary or subsidiarity test, determining whether the alleged abuse falls under Article 82 or member state law. This paper contends that two different and potentially competing substantial part tests have been legally sanctioned, namely the territorial test and the economic relativism approach. It further reveals that court rulings have been instrumental in determining not only how the two tests are to be applied in practice but also their respective usage pattern.  相似文献   

Lefeldt  Mathias  Schneider  Albert 《Intereconomics》1977,12(11):293-300

The European Economic Community has now been in existence for about 20 years. Five years have elapsed since it was enlarged. What progress have the member countries made in the integration of their foreign trade? What would be the repercussions of a southward extension of the EC to take in Greece, Portugal and Spain?


竞争政策旨在保护和促进竞争,目前在这一领域的国际协调成效并不显著.随着经济全球化的深入发展,在世界范围内建立统一的竞争政策的要求日益迫切,在此背景下西方学者提出创建全球性竞争政策的观点,主张将竞争政策纳入多边贸易体制.竞争政策的国际化需要贸易政策等其他经济政策作出相应协调与配合.我国对全球性竞争政策的建立应采取积极态度,并以此为契机完善国内竞争体系,调整其他相关经济政策,在竞争中求发展.  相似文献   

欧洲与东亚一体化发展模式及其比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
走在区域一体化最前面的欧盟在建立统一大市场后,已经实现了单一货币。东亚一体化应借鉴欧洲一体化模式,从能源合作入手,逐步走向区域经济融合,建立政治信任。这是东亚经济发展与经济全球化的客观要求,需要各成员国耐心而务实的努力。  相似文献   

The further integration of the European Community (EC) is intended to create one large, integrated market and a semistandardized business environment throughout the member countries. This study investigates the current status of the technology licensing environment in the EC and analyzes the returns that a licensor can achieve by locating a licensee in each of the EC countries. This analysis may be important to any firm which has chosen a licensing strategy as its approach to operating in the EC, because locational choice of licensee can affect a licensor's financial returns.  相似文献   

The integration of the former communist countries of central and eastern Europe into the European Union creates a dilemma for the EU's regional policy. The EU's expenditure on regional policy (its ‘active’ regional policy) has been guided by political reactions to deepening or enlarging the EU, not by a rational strategy for regional policy. In contrast, the strong EU instrument of state aid control, developed for competition policy (its ‘reactive’ regional policy) has been relatively successful in avoiding a national race of regional subsidies among the member states. We show that a shift from active regional policy to reactive, competition‐oriented, regional policies is the preferred way for the established member states to handle the challenge of enlargement. At the same time, however, this shift is politically difficult for the accession countries to accept, despite the fact that this shift might prove better for them economically. This regional policy dilemma is one of the major obstacles for the full integration of the accession countries into the EU.  相似文献   

The strengths of the European competition regime are outlined before identifying challenges presented by the financial crisis. The argument moves from enforcement to systemic threats to the credibility of the economic models on which modern competition policy is based. It then turns from banking failures to the crisis in the European motor industry. It suggests that competition policy comprises an ‘economic constitution’ for the EU which is under threat, but registers the relative complacency of the competition agencies, and argues for a redefinition of policy. The conclusion suggests that the regulatory relationship between the state and the private sector will reflect scepticism about the market and that political changes in the UK and Europe offer radical choices between a reinforced or a marginalised competition policy which the competition policy ‘community’ needs to confront.  相似文献   

In 2000 the European Union adopted its motto, of “Unity in diversity”. But in fact, economic policy regimes differ among member states and the people are not willing to leave the current path or to vote for painful political actions. In the midst of the present crisis, Europe is at the crossroads. Should people decide on a new constitution which allows more centralisation of powers, or should the principle of subsidiarity be reinforced? Problems in the eurozone intensified the coordination and monitoring of economic policy of the member states. The preconditions for a competition among different economic policy regimes vanish more and more. Institutional competition is not only price (tax) competition, but also quality (yardstick) competition. This is shown using debt brakes as a role model for other member countries of the European Union. But the debt brakes of the German Länder show that it can be problematic to transfer an institution from one country to another without taking into account its institutional environment.  相似文献   

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