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公私合作伙伴关系在西方国家的城市更新领域是一种重要且盛行的运行机制,然而在向市场经济转型的中国却仍属于新兴事物。在阐释相关概念和理论的基础上,运用增长联盟、城市政体等政治经济学理论工具具体解析上海新天地项目的开发动力、运作形式和运作机理,讨论我国实施这一机制存在的典型问题,得出以下结论:这种机制促使公私双方间形成了一个典型的亲增长联盟,并能使公私双方利用各自所拥有的资源获得比独自行动更有利的结果,但公私双方的结盟合作有可能会牺牲其他参与主体的部分利益,从而引发社会不公;另外,对政策的高度依赖使得联盟内部关系并不牢固,缺少实施公私合作伙伴关系的文化与经验,以及一味强调城市增长而忽视以人为本的科学发展观等都是今后我国需要着手改进的方面。  相似文献   

一、PPP简介PPP为Public--Private--Partnership的缩写,中文一般译为"公私合作"(目前中国官方翻译为"政府与社会资本合作",详见下述)。根据亚洲开发银行(ADB)中文版《公私合作手册》,PPP被定义为"为开展基础设施建设和提供其他服务,公共部门和私营部门实体之间可能建立的一系列合作伙伴关系",同时ADB认为稳定的PPP能够在公私合作伙伴之间对任务、责任和风险进行最优化配置,有效的PPP能够明确公共部门和私营部门在履行特定任务时各自的优势。PPP中的公共合作伙伴指的是政府,包括部委、司局、地方政府或国有企业。私营合作伙伴可以  相似文献   

内涵·模式·价值:中西方城市治理研究回顾、对比与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为给现阶段我国行政体制改革、行政管理权下放、国家治理能力创新提供国际经验与比较样本,系统回顾西方学术界在城市治理内涵及模式研究中的理论成果与我国城市治理研究的理论成果,深入分析西方治理研究的最新动态,指出我国城市治理研究的强化方向。研究发现:西方语境中治理形成的本质在于公私伙伴关系的认知,公私伙伴关系叠合于不同地域尺度形成城市治理和区域治理等概念;城市治理将治理概念具体化,其理论模式较为成熟,现已形成多学科交叉研究框架。西方治理研究的最新方向是协作型治理及治理价值,协作型治理研究已从理论模型构建逐步转向案例实践分析。治理价值研究尚处于价值体系构建阶段,注重合法性与民主责任性分析;我国城市治理概念与模式研究在系统继承西方治理研究成果的基础上,进行了有效的理论本土化,侧重在丰富的个案分析基础上归纳符合国情的治理模式。并开始逐步重视公共利益的界定与公民社会作用及公众参与实现路径。研究认为:我国需一方面加强对协作型治理及其实施路径的研究,另一方面加强对差异化城市治理模式价值的分析,促进治理研究向纵深化发展。  相似文献   

公私合作伙伴关系是公共部门投资的创新方式,从流程的角度看,公私合作可以划分为项目选择、竞标机制、政府规制和质量监管等几个环节。本文在提出公私合作的基本原则后,从流程的角度依次给出了关于公私合作的政策建议,目的在于建议政府通过对各环节的重视来保证PPP项目保质保量顺利的完成。  相似文献   

英国城市复兴中的合作伙伴组织   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
合作伙伴组织作为英国城市复兴的主要组织形式,为城市复兴做出了积极贡献。组织的包容性、人力资源、工作文化等是影响其成效的具体因素。我国的城市建设和治理可以从中得到启示,在政府现代化、政府与市民社会的合作以及将社区等机构纳入合作伙伴组织方面有所作为。  相似文献   

随着我国城市化进程的加快,越来越多的城市基础设施项目采用了公私合作模式(Public-Private Partnership,简称PPP)进行建设,其中很多属于准经营性项目。实践操作中反映出一些准经营性PPP项目公私合作效率不高,项目治理水平高低是其原因之一。本文运用文献查阅初步识别出指标体系,并采用问卷调查法和因子分析法优化指标,构建了最终的准经营性基础设施PPP项目治理水平指标体系。  相似文献   

本文以成功的民营企业--蒙牛为例,分别从政府(法律法规体系)、银行(间接融资市场)、机构投资者(直接融资市场即证券市场)、消费者(产品市场)、供应商或战略合作伙伴(产业链及企业间的网络关系)等视角探讨外部利益相关者对民营企业公司治理的促进与完善,从实证的角度论证了外部利益相关者对民营企业公司治理的有效性.本文研究的目的在于突破传统企业只重视内部人控制的局限,结合我国民营企业公司外部治理的现状,探索公司治理的新模式;完善以利益相关者为核心的公司外部治理机制,并与内部治理机制相结合,构筑双方相互融合的共同治理机制.  相似文献   

公共工程公私合作模式己成为我国城市基础设施和公用事业建设的一种重要组织形式,对于我国城市的发展和城市化进程的加快起着越来越重要的作用.然而公私合作模式在我国的应用并非一帆风顺,失败的案例屡见不鲜,究其原因,最突出的问题是监管乏力.基于公私合作模式不完全契约的视角,针对现行审计监管存在的问题,结合现代风险导向审计理论,提出了对公共工程公私合作项目绩效审计的新思路,并构造相应的审计分析框架,以期提高对项目的监管效力,提升项目的绩效.  相似文献   

随着中国改革的深入,基础设施建设的不断需求和政府财政紧缩的压力,中国的公私合作伙伴关系(PPP模式)发展很快,但PPP模式是如何形成的,意见不一.基于PPP模型的理论基础,本文讨论了PPP模型形成的原因,以供参考.  相似文献   

一、公私合作制简介 公私合作制是指公共部门和私人部门为提供公共服务而建立起来的一种长期合作伙伴关系.由于这种合作方式英文说法叫做Public-Private Partnership,因此也被称为PPP模式.在PPP模式下,公共部门和私人部门发挥各自的优势为公共项目提供服务,共同承担责任、分担风险、分享收益.这种伙伴关系的形式非常灵活,包括特许经营、设立合资企业、合同承包、管理者收购、管理合同、国有企业股权转让或者对私人开发项目提供政府补贴等.  相似文献   

杨海彬 《价值工程》2012,31(31):101-103
廉租房项目是由政府牵头的面向低收入人群的工程,但项目由于其投资量大,融资模式缺乏造成地方政府资金无法独立完成项目。本文试引入公私合作关系(PPP,public-private partnership)这种新兴融资模式解决廉租房融资困境,并用实物期权法与基于层次分析法下模糊评价法,对贵阳市廉租房项目在新融资模式下的财务可行性及风险进行估计,并所出现的问题进行探讨以寻求解决途径。  相似文献   

In recent years increasing dependencies between public and private organizations lead to a growing need for public-private partnerships. However, cultural and institutional differences between the public and private domain and, in addition, the difficulties of bringing the two together, constitute a serious threat to successful public-private partnership. The formation of these partnerships is further hindered by confusion of the concept of public-private partnership. The predominant model of contracting out restricts rather than enhances public-private interaction. This article deals with the difficulties and risks involved in building public-private partnerships and tries to answer the question of how to overcome them. The issue is illustrated by an analysis of the attempts made to realize a huge port expansion in the port of Rotterdam by means of establishing public-private partnership.  相似文献   

The lack of a suitable decision framework for the governance of public-private partnership (PPP) projects in Africa, especially Ghana, is a major setback to project success, retarding sustainable development. This study develops a hierarchical decision framework for prioritizing project governance factors and their relationships using the Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) method. We employ 30 experts to evaluate two main PPP governance factors and eleven subfactors. We found that contractual governance factors of PPP are more prominent than noncontractual ones for sustainable PPP projects. However, noncontractual governance factors have the highest net effect on contractual factors. Again, policy diffusion is the contractual factor with the highest net effect, while best practice team norm is the noncontractual factor with the highest net effect. Additionally, effective risk allocation is the most prominent contractual subfactor of PPP, while effective communication of project information is the most prominent noncontractual governance factor. The results imply that PPP project managers should improve governance factors for the sustainable development of PPP projects in Africa. However, they should emphasize the prominent and high net effect governance factors but not wholly disregard the less prominent ones.  相似文献   

西方城市更新政策经历了从1970年代政府主导、具有福利主义色彩的内城更新,到1980年代市场主导、公私伙伴关系为特色的城市更新,向1990年代以公、私、社区三向伙伴关系为导向的多目标综合性城市更机关报转变.一个内涵更加多元化的城市更新现念,以及一个以多方伙伴关系为取向、更加注重社区参与和社会公平的城市更新管治模式,正代表着城市更新政策的新路向.这对我国制定城市更新政策有重要启示,包括:要提高对城市更机关报多维本质的认知,加强社区民众参与,建立以人为本的城市更新制度,以及强化政府在城市更新中的协调、引导和促进功能,等.  相似文献   

The article describes the background and history of one project aimed at developing a strategic social plan in the city of Eger. This initiative was based upon partnership between the municipal government, the local community and civil organizations in Eger. It offers an important perspective upon the potential, in the transitional nations of eastern and central Europe, for public-private partnership as an effective mechanism both to map social needs and to develop policies to address these needs. It also offers one particular approach to the development of such partnerships - the decision conferencing model. Such an approach takes public-private partnerships into an arena beyond that of policy implementation alone.  相似文献   

The increasing threat of climate change has created a pressing need for cities to lower their carbon footprints. Urban laboratories are emerging in numerous cities around the world as a strategy for local governments to partner with public and private property owners to reduce carbon emissions, while simultaneously stimulating economic growth. In this article, we use insights from laboratory studies to analyse the notion of urban laboratories as they relate to experimental governance, the carbonization agenda and the transition to low‐carbon economies. We present a case study of the Oxford Road corridor in Manchester in the UK that is emerging as a low‐carbon urban laboratory, with important policy implications for the city's future. The corridor is a bounded space where a public‐private partnership comprised of the City Council, two universities and other large property owners is redeveloping the physical infrastructure and installing monitoring equipment to create a recursive feedback loop intended to facilitate adaptive learning. This low‐carbon urban laboratory represents a classic sustainable development formula for coupling environmental protection with economic growth, using innovation and partnership as principal drivers. However, it also has significant implications in reworking the interplay of knowledge production and local governance, while reinforcing spatial differentiation and uneven participation in urban development.  相似文献   

New ventures often pursue both economic and social goals, known as goal hybridity. Yet, we know less about how organizational goal hybridity influences the performance and governance of new ventures. Goal hybridity is common among academic spin-offs (ASOs) seeking to commercialize scientific research from universities. We hypothesize that ASOs’ goal hybridity influences their subsequent performance and their governance structure. We also hypothesize that ASOs who enrol multiple stakeholders with investment goals aligned with their hybrid goals outperform the ASOs who do not. By combining several data sources, we follow Norwegian ASOs longitudinally and find that goal hybridity explains their subsequent performance differences, such that ASOs relying on both economic and social aspects of their business when formulating their goals outperform those who rely purely on economic or social goals. We also find that ASOs with hybrid goals outperform when they enrol multiple stakeholders who are aligned with their hybrid goals. Our findings have implications for theorizing in hybridity, stakeholder enrolment, and the organizational goals literatures. We also provide a fuller understanding on performance heterogeneity of ASOs, and we offer a set of practice and policy implications to academic entrepreneurship and public-private partnership literatures.  相似文献   

介绍了公共基础设施建设的公私合作的应用背景,对公私合作情况下的投机行为进行了分析,找出了公共管理部门与私营企业双方存在的投机行为及其动机原因。为防止这种行为风险的存在,在公私合作的项目中要加强双方间的伙伴关系建设,努力完善制度性契约,建立项目全过程的风险防范机制及监管机制。  相似文献   

匹兹堡地区的产业重构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用文献资料与统计数据,并通过实地勘察,探讨了匹兹堡地区的产业重构路径与机制。研究认为,从过度专业化转向适度多元化是其产业重构的基本路径,这背后透露出地方政府决策制度的积极作用;公私合作决策传统及其组织结构变动对钢铁产业兴衰及产业重构路径具有深刻影响,导致匹兹堡地区既没有选择渐进多元化重构,也没有固守原有的制造业优势;地方政府、非赢利组织与大学是新型公私合作模式的关键角色,为地方产业重构建立有效的制度环境与现代设施基础发挥了作用。  相似文献   

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