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随着外资银行进入及国际资本流动障碍的减少,外资银行扩展迅速,对外资银行的有效监管成了维护本国金融体系稳定的重要一环。由于外资银行经营的跨国特性,一国不能将其监管收益内部化,产生监管溢出效应。外资银行母国与东道国监管机构可能采取机会主义行为以谋求本国利益最大化,阻碍双方之间监管信息的有效交流。在目前的监管框架下,对外资银行的有效监管,需要母国与东道国监管机构更多的合作。  相似文献   

该文从监管政策、监管机构和监管法律等角度剖析了我国现行的外资银行监管体系不完善的一面,并在借鉴典型国家外资银行监管经验的基础上,探讨了我国外资银行监管体制的新模式。  相似文献   

石现明 《西南金融》2007,(10):47-48
入世过渡期结束后,我国银行业进一步对外资开放,金融监管面临前所未有的挑战。而以《外资银行管理条例》为核心的外资银行监管法律制度仍然存在很多问题和缺陷。我国应当借鉴国际先进经验,制定专门的《外资银行监管法》,明确外资银行监管的目标和原则,进一步完善外资银行监管的具体制度和措施,加强与外资银行母国监管当局的交流与合作。  相似文献   

本文结合巴塞尔银行监管委员会、我国银行监管当局以及我国注册会计师职业界关于银行监管机构和外部审计师关系规定的最新发展,以目前在我国外资银行分析监管中使用的ROCA评级体系为基础,深入分析了随着我国银行业务的日益复杂,监管机构和外部审计师之间应如何增强相互理解和合作。  相似文献   

未来加入世贸组织后,根据我国政府的承诺,将进一步加大金融业对外开放的力度,外资银行进入我国的机构数量和业务经营范围都将大幅度提高和扩大。作为金融业监管主体的人民银行如何能有效地对外资银行进行监管,规避其可能产生的金融风险,是人民银行监管部门必须重视和思考的一个问题。尤其是外资银行无论是经营理念还是管理方式都不同于我国的商业银行,其对监管的规避手段和方式也大大强于我国的商业银行,这必将加大对外资银行的监管难度。本文拟就如何对外资银行进行有效监管问题作粗略探讨。  相似文献   

我国银行业改革开放的过程,同时也是银行业监管结构不断变化以适应新的金融环境的过程。随着我国加入WTO,外资银行的数量会有较大增加,经营范围也会逐渐放宽。外资银行监管因此成为对我国金融监管机构的一个新的考验。本文从监管法规、机构、信息、人才和技术等方面论述了重塑我国外资银行监管的基础平台、完善外资银行监管的必要性和策略。  相似文献   

我国银行业改革开放的过程,同时也是银行业监管结构不断变化以适应新的金融环境的过程.随着我国加入WT0,外资银行的数量会有较大增加,经营范围也会逐渐放宽.外资银行监管因此成为对我国金融监管机构的一个新的考验.本文从监管法规、机构、信息、人才和技术等方面论述了重塑我国外资银行监管的基础平台、完善外资银行监管的必要性和策略.  相似文献   

新版《中华人民共和国外资银行管理条例》和《中华人民共和国外资银行管理条例实施细则》,主要在准入门槛、机构设置、业务范围和监管考核四个方面进行修订。外资银行应以此为契机,充分把握与中资银行合作深化、经营范围扩大、资产运用灵活、流动性管控压力减缓等机遇,但外资银行仍需面临网点扩张缓慢、产品同质化、零售业务受限及组织链条冗长等挑战。为此,文章最后对外资银行未来的经营发展提出相关建议。  相似文献   

资产风险集中度是各国外资银行审慎监管制度体系顺利运行的前提与基础,在对比各国银行法中有关外资银行资产集中度的监管规定基础上,应从以下几方面完善我国现有监管制度体系,一是根据法律地位的不同,在与母国签订双边监管合作协议的框架下,对外资银行子行、合资银行和分行提出不同的监管资本充足率要求;二是以全面风险管理流程为基础,增强现有监管制度的弹性和有效性;三是建立大额风险敞口定期报告及预警机制。  相似文献   

2012年11月28日,美联储理事丹尼尔·塔鲁诺(Daniel K.Tarullo),在耶鲁大学管理学院领袖论坛发表了关于加强外资银行监管的必要性及改进措施的重要演讲。塔鲁诺介绍了美国外资银行经营模式现状以及金融危机后进一步增强外资银行监管的必要性和重要性。他认为,外资银行监管标准过低是导致金融危机爆发的重要原因。外资银行应与国内银行机构实施同样的资本和流动性规则方面的监管标准,他提出了加强外资银行监管的新平衡方法。  相似文献   

自上个世纪末以来,影子银行快速发展,资产规模已接近传统银行体系。影子银行的风险被认为是造成2008年全球金融危机的重要原因,各国和国际金融机构近年纷纷出台加强影子银行监管的措施,试图改变过去监管缺失的状态。和国外影子银行以资产证券化为核心不同,我国影子银行的主要功能是作为融资渠道。因此,我国要借鉴国外影子发展和监管的经验,正确看待影子银行的作用,引导其规范发展并将其作为银行体系的有益补充。  相似文献   

一部混业经营的演进史实际上是金融机构经营效率与监管机构监管能力两者间的平衡发展史。在我国金融走向全能化和全球化的进程中,监管机构要密切关注我国外资银行在混业趋势下的经营策略,既要保证外资银行逐渐地实现国民待遇,又要加强对外资银行合法和非法规避监管行为的管理,以此来保证我国金融市场上公平竞争的良好环境。  相似文献   

廖佳馨 《海南金融》2008,(11):76-78
本文首先分析了外资银行在中国的发展进程,接下来从网点、产品、客户服务等方面对全面开放后中外商业银行在零售业务领域的竞争力进行了对比分析,揭示了我国商业银行在发展零售业务中的短板所在,最后结合我国金融业发展的实际情况,从明确零售业务发展定位、加强零售业务产品创新、全面提升个人金融业务服务层次等方面提出了我国商业银行应对当前外资银行巨大竞争压力的几点对策。  相似文献   

银行宏观审慎监管框架下的压力测试应用研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
国外对于银行体系宏观压力测试的研究已较为系统,全球金融危机进一步凸显了压力测试对于银行体系宏观审慎监管的重要作用。为加强银行的宏观审慎监管,增强金融稳健性,美国和欧盟相继开展了银行体系的压力测试工作,在压力测试范围、压力情景设置、测试方法等方面积累了一定的经验。对比我国商业银行体系压力测试情况,我国应从加强应用研究、完善银行体系宏观审慎监管数据库、提高压力测试效率和透明度、强化测试结果应用等方面改进压力测试工作。  相似文献   

This study examines the economic effects of the liberalization of foreign bank entry in the Philippines from 1990 to 2006. The findings provide strong evidence on the dominance of competition effects from foreign bank presence which lead to the reduction in the profitability and overhead costs of domestic commercial banks. These findings, which reveal that both the actual market penetration and mere presence of foreign banks seem to exert competitive pressure to domestic banks, imply that foreign banks may serve as an effective competitive force, reducing the excess profits earned by domestic banks and compelling domestic banks to update their production technologies and techniques to improve their cost efficiency.From a policy perspective, the findings on competition effects of foreign banks in the domestic banking system justify the liberalization of foreign bank entry in the Philippines. The main findings demonstrate that the goal of banking liberalization in transforming domestic banks to be more competitive and efficient works considerably well in the case of the Philippines. Aside from the policy of easing the entry of foreign banks, bank-specific conditions can have significant impact on the performance of domestic banks. Therefore, a sustained improvement in the efficiency of domestic commercial banks requires not only liberalizing the entry of foreign banks, but also on continued strengthening of domestic prudential regulation and supervision on the commercial banking system.  相似文献   

中国金融开放已经到了外国资本在中国银行业市场上举足轻重的时候。对外开放在引进外部竞争的同时,也会带来金融稳定问题。东道国政府必须在金融开放与金融稳定之间做出权衡。在对外开放作为基本国策的背景中,金融监管成为保证金融稳定的主要途径。以激励为基础的金融监管体系是金融稳定的先决条件。  相似文献   

Using new data from the World Bank and OCC surveys, we show correlations across a wide range of countries between foreign banking and domestic economic, financial and bank regulatory conditions. Foreign banking tended to be more prevalent in countries that were more open to foreign ownership of their banks, more open to banks’ engaging in a wider range of financial activities and more open to international trade. Restrictions on foreign ownership of domestic banks that were in place in the late 1970s reduced the current extent of foreign banking. Foreign banking was negatively correlated with current restrictions on banks’ securities, insurance and real estate activities. Countries that had more international trade tended to have more foreign banking. Foreign banking was more pervasive in countries where banking was more profitable and where the domestically-owned banking sector was smaller relative to GDP.  相似文献   

The recent rapid growth of foreign banking activity in the United States has led to major changes in the regulation of foreign banks. This paper seeks to determine the factors causing this growth of foreign banks. Empirical tests were conducted employing quarterly time series data from 1972 through 1979. It is shown that the most important factors determining foreign bank growth were (i) the size of interest differentials between U.S. and foreign deposits and loans, (ii) the falling P/E ratios for U.S. bank stocks, (iii) the increased size of (net) foreign direct investment in the U.S., (iv) the persistent depreciation in the dollar, and (v) expectations that the International Banking Act of 1978 would have a restrictive affect on foreign bank activity in the U.S.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the transmission mechanism of banking sector shocks in an international real business cycle model with heterogeneous bank sizes. We examine to what extent the financial exposure of the banking sector affects the transmission of foreign banking sector shocks. In our model, the more exposed domestic banks are to the foreign economy via lending to foreign firms, the greater are the spillovers from foreign financial shocks to the home economy. The model highlights the role of openness to trade and the dynamics of the terms of trade in the international transmission mechanism of banking sector shocks: spillovers from foreign banking sector shocks are greater the more open the home economy is to trade and the less the terms of trade respond to foreign shocks.  相似文献   

The crisis demonstrated that microprudential regulation focusing on the risks taken by individual banks is not sufficient to prevent crises. This is because it ignores systemic risk. Six types of systemic risk are identified, namely: (i) panics – banking crises due to multiple equilibria; (ii) banking crises due to asset price falls; (iii) contagion; (iv) financial architecture; (v) foreign exchange mismatches in the banking system; (vi) behavioral effects from Knightian uncertainty. We focus on the first three as they are arguably the main causes of the 2007–9 crisis and consider regulatory and other policies to counteract them.  相似文献   

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