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传统风险预测方法的不足之处在于:主观随意性较强,偏差度较大且通常无法全面预测潜在风险.基于CBR的风险智能预测方法通过优化搜索已有案例数据库,寻找出与待建项目关键属性相似的案例,将已完工程项目风险数据与解决方案作为待建项目的决策依据,从而更为客观全面地挖掘出潜在风险,并借鉴过去经验措施给出防范策略.待建工程完工后也将纳入到案例数据库中使之不断更新,为今后工程项目的风险预测提供决策支持.同时,风险预测结合三维WebGIS技术显示预测结果及化解方案,使数据直观可视,具有方便查询与及时发布信息的功能.  相似文献   

数据库故障及容错对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘铁军  张宏利 《工业技术经济》2005,24(6):127-127,135
现代社会是一个信息社会,信息的应用无处不在,而信息应用的基础——数据库系统也存在于各个领域,如现实生活中的高考中考成绩查询、录取查询、飞机航班查询、火车时刻查询、银行取款存款等都有数据库系统在支持。随着数据库技术的广泛应用,数据库的安全也越来越受到重视。本文针对数据库系统可能发生的几种故障,给出了相应的容错对策,确保了数据库的安全。  相似文献   

数据挖掘技术是人们长期对数据库技术进行研究和开发的结果。起初各种商业数据就保存到数据库中,然后发展到可对数据库进行查询和访问,进而发展到对数据库的即时遍历。数据挖掘使数据库技术进入了一个更高级的阶段,它不仅能对过去的数据进行查询和遍历,并且能够找出过去数据之间的潜在联系,从而促进信息的进一步利用。本项目研究的问题和采用的技术路线是根据我国传统农药化工技术发展的实际情况首次提出来的,因此在国内具有独创性,同时又满足国家采用信息技术改造传统产业的产业政策。技术构架本项目的技术构架是建立在以集散控制系统DCS…  相似文献   

本文介绍了一个通用 dBASEⅢ数据库查询程序的设计思想,程序结构与实现技术。该程序利用了软件可重用技术,数据与程序相分离的程序设计技术,对其它通用程序的设计也是一种有益的启发。一、引言在一般的管理信息系统中,查询是必不可少的重  相似文献   

面对越来越自动化的生产流程,现场仪表的管理发挥着重要作用,影响着整个生产的安全稳定。文章针对我化工厂电气自动化仪表数量庞大,管理人员查询难度大、效率低、容易出现漏查、错差的问题和不足,采用B/S结构及ASP.net技术、利用C#编程语言,以优化仪表管理流程为目标,建立仪表管理功能模块,将该功能模块嵌入在化工厂门户网站主页上,并通过SQL Server2008数据库进行数据连接,进行系统、一体化维护管理,使仪表管理更加科学化、智能化,为仪表管理系统优化建设提供一定的基础。  相似文献   

网络经济时代企业统计职能的再造现代企业的统计应包括“信息收集与整理→资料分析与作业→提出建议与方案→信息反馈与调整”这样一个运作过程。网络经济时代的企业统计应把企业发展的有序性、关联性、整体性、均衡性作为其管理活动的主要目标;结合企业具体情况,从动态和静态的相互结合、纵向与横向的关联、内外部的协调、局部与整体的综合上开展企业统计活动,建立一个统合的、能快速查询的、并能进行各种策略分析的数据库,还要建立与网络经济相适应的,为企业自身服务的统计指标体系,能够反映企业生产经营全过程,并用这套指标来指导、考核…  相似文献   

计算机技术的发展,特别是计算机网络技术的普及,为大家进行远程查询提供了重要手段。本文介绍了以Web为基础的查询系统。该系统以ASP作为开发工具,后台应用了SQL SERVER数据库,使系统能够做到通过Internet进行远程查询,该系统还提供了简单易懂的查询方法,即使初次使用该系统也可以容易地查到需要的相关信息。  相似文献   

报表是采油厂数据展现的主要形式,采油厂报表系统通过统一的平台、采用统一的模式对基层报表进行整合、集成,搭建满足采油厂基层岗位特色的报表应用体系,在源头数据库基础上实现各业务各种类报表的定制、部署、发布,使各级技术人员制作、查询报表更加方便、快捷,减轻各单位报表填报的负担,提高源头数据库的应用价值。  相似文献   

借助Internet,使图书馆的光盘文献资源直接面向读者,提高光盘的利用率。建立Access光盘数据库;在Dreamweaver中建立查询界面;利用ASP中ADO对象模块的Connection对象打开数据库连接;通过ASP结合HTML网页、ASP指令建立动态、交互且高效的Web服务器应用程序。在网上真正实现Web光盘数据库动态查询的整个实施过程。  相似文献   

随着网络技术的出现和不断发展,越来越多的企业通过公司的内、外部站点实时发布企业动态信息,并通过Intranet网进行企业信息的集成与共享,以达到企业优化管理。为此,燕山石化设计开发了具有实用价值的基于Web的公司值班表信息实时发布系统。该系统采用浏览器/服务器网络体系结构,使客户端能通过浏览器动态访问数据库信息,并通过浏览方式实现信息、的发布与查询。  相似文献   

中性化女性的发展及其服饰分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
男性和女性作为社会的个体,他们的行为特征和个体能力等受到社会结构和社会因素的影响。由于社会多元思想的冲击,被视为二元对立的两性绝对思想的明显分界线已经开始模糊。中性化女性的形象从过去的被排斥到现今的日益被接受,她们的心理也从过去的自卑日益发展成自信。针对中性化女性地位的提高,为了帮助她们能更好的树立自我形象,笔者在服饰搭配方面给出建议。  相似文献   

中国就业岗位开发与创业扶持政策   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
本文根据对北京、上海和苏州三个试点城市及其他10余个城市实施积极就业政策的调查及国际比较,初步评估了中国实施积极就业政策尤其是针对国有企业下岗职工的创业扶持政策的成效和局限。文章认为,中国在特殊背景下实施积极就业政策是必要的,效果也是比较显著的,但随着劳动就业形势的变化,对积极就业政策的实施效果有必要进行认真的评估,并在此基础上进行适当的调整。  相似文献   

随着注册会计师在我国市场经济生活中发挥着越来越重要的作用,为了保护其合法权益,强化其责任意识,我国有关法律规定了注册会计师所要承担的法律责任,这也必然会带来一些相应的法律风险问题。因而,本文试图从目前注册会计师法律责任的相关规定和主要矛盾以及如何规避法律风险的基本途径等方面的问题作一些初步的探讨  相似文献   

In practice, incentive schemes are rarely tailored to the specific characteristics of contracting parties. However, according to economic theory, optimal contracts should be highly dependent on individual conditions. We reconcile these observations in the context of a principal-agent model with both moral hazard and adverse selection. Motivating an agent could be increasingly costly to the principal because a more productive agent could also be more able to manipulate the terms of the contract. As a result, the principal may optimally pool some types by offering a contract with constant transfer and bonus. We also explore parameterizations where the optimal contract is fully separating but simple contracts attain a significant portion of the optimal welfare.  相似文献   

随着我国加入WTO步伐的加快,全球化和信息化趋势日渐明显,建筑企业如何提高在施工过程中的管理应用水平,已成为迫切需要解决的重要问题。通过对项目实施阶段成本管理决策和技术方法,应用现状和发展趋势进行分析,提出了实现成本控制目标、加强成本核算和成本考核的对策。  相似文献   

针对某散装小麦平房仓在施工过程中排架柱钢筋位置摆放错位的工程事故,通过现场实地调查,分析了该事故发生的原因。根据排架柱内力计算结果,采用植筋锚固技术对错位钢筋进行处理,取得了良好效果。该方法对类似工程的设计、施工有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

Industrial salespeople spend more time outside of the firm than inside of the firm. As a consequence, they may be particularly prone to salesperson social isolation - or feelings of being disconnected from coworkers and colleagues. Potentially magnified by the 2019 coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the prevalence of social isolation may become a more common and modern-day challenge for salespeople. As part of this, managers must consider the notion of salesperson social isolation and its impact on job performance. To explore this phenomenon, we employ a multi-study, mixed-methods approach. In Study, 1 we conduct a quantitative survey-based study (with a sample of 233 industrial salespeople) investigating the relationship between salesperson social isolation and salesperson performance and the processes through which it occurs. In Study 2, we utilize a discovery-oriented theories-in-use qualitative approach (with a sample of 27 sales professionals) to investigate the nature of salesperson social isolation (with certain pandemic related factors), its consequences (also considering pandemic related factors), and important manager and salesperson actions that offset the negative effects of salesperson social isolation. Altogether, our findings shed some light into the if, how, what (in much more detail), and when aspects of salesperson social isolation. Theoretical and managerial implications are also discussed.  相似文献   

Risk management, project success, and technological uncertainty   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
In times of increased competition and globalization, project success becomes even more critical to business performance, and yet many projects still suffer delays, overruns, and even failure. Ironically, however, risk management tools and techniques, which have been developed to improve project success, are used too little, and many still wonder how helpful they are. In this paper we present the results of an empirical study devoted to this question. Based on data collected on over 100 projects performed in Israel in a variety of industries, we examine the extent of usage of some risk management practices, such as risk identification, probabilistic risk analysis, planning for uncertainty and trade-off analysis, the difference in application across different types of projects, and their impact on various project success dimensions. Our findings suggest that risk management practices are still not widely used. Only a limited number of projects in our study have used any kind of risk management practices and many have only used some, but not all the available tools. When used, risk management practices seem to be working, and appear to be related to project success. We also found that risk management practices were more applicable to higher risk projects. The impact of risk management is mainly on better meeting time and budget goals and less on product performance and specification. In this case, we also found some differences according levels of technological uncertainty. Our conclusion is that risk management is still at its infancy and that at this time, more awareness to the application, training, tool development, and research on risk management is needed.  相似文献   

数据仓库技术   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
刘滨  吴燕  刘振宇 《河北工业科技》2005,22(5):305-307,311
企业在发展的过程中产生并收集了大量的业务数据。如何有效地存储、管理和分析这些数据,从中提取有用信息,帮助决策者在业务管理和发展上作出及时、正确的判断,成为数据仓库所要解决的主要问题。对数据仓库的概念和产生背景、数据仓库系统的功能和作用进行了介绍。  相似文献   

This exploratory study combines in-depth interviews with survey data from sourcing managers to provide insights into the evaluation process used in deciding whether a particular country or region is a good sourcing option. Using the survey data we construct a multidimensional perceptual map of sourcing managers' perceptions of low cost regions. As expected, we find that cost and reliability are key criteria used by sourcing managers, but other factors such as intellectual property protection also come into play. Thus, the evaluation process seems to be more nuanced than typically portrayed in the literature, and these nuances have direct implications for marketing and regional development professionals in low cost regions.  相似文献   

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