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自1987年至1994年我国失业保险工作为失业职工提供了基本生活保障,帮助失业职工实现了再就业,在此过程中劳动部门也建立建全了各项服务制度。 但是,随着社会主义市场经济的发展,反映了失业保险制度的不完善,其表现在适用范围窄、资金来源单一、统筹程度差、保障水平低及再就业难以落实。在保险基金的收支、收取、使用管理等方面也存在问题。 文章认为,失业保险制度应从以下方面改革:逐步扩大实施范围;强化基金筹集;合理确定基金的使用方向和结构;切实做好失业救济和促进再就业工作。文章详细阐述了国有企业转制过程中对分流人员应给予的生活保障;全面推行再就业工程;为配合做好建立现代企业制度试点工作,在失业保险方面的一些政策和作法。  相似文献   

<正> 失业是当今世界上最大的社会问题之一,各国政府无不以解决失业问题为己任。失业保险是解决失业问题的一条有效途径,它可以使失业者的基本生活得到保障,从具体制度上保证失业人员的合法权益,缓解经济改革中遇到的社会矛盾,有利于社会的安定。改革开放以来,与养老、医疗等保障项目的改革不同,中国的失业保险不是在原有的基础上加以改革,而是经历了一个从创建、发展到逐步完善的  相似文献   

随着社会和经济的不断发展,失业保障在维持下岗失业人员的基本生活、促进就业和维护社会稳定等方面作用越来越大。但是在发展过程中暴露的问题也日趋严峻,如果不尽快采取有效措施,则必将影响到社会保障体系乃至劳动力市场的健康发展。本文以瑞典劳动力市场政策的成功实施为借鉴,通过失业保险的途径激励失业者再就业,从而进一步完善我国的失业保险制度。  相似文献   

城市化是社会发展的必然趋势,也是解决三农问题的根本出路之一。在城市化的进程中,必然产生很多的失地农民。由于征地补偿制度滞后于经济发展及安置办法的单一、社会保障制度的不健全等使失地农民的劳动就业、社会保障等问题都没有解决好。只有完善现有的土地征用补偿制度,建立健全的失地农民社会保障制度,才能有效解决农民失地的可持续发展问题。  相似文献   

浅议建立煤炭行业失业保险制度内蒙古煤管局隋景才作为社会主义市场经济框架五大支柱之一的社会保障制度的建立,将为企业改革提供强有力保证。同样,作为社会保障制度重要内容之一的失业保险制度的建立,也将为企业转机建制、转变经济增长方式提供重要保证。这是因为失业...  相似文献   

从我国失业保险制度的发展历程分析了现行失业保险制度的建设与建立。  相似文献   

今年年初国务院颁布的《社会保险费征缴暂行条例》和《失业保险条例》是中央为加快社会保障制度建设,推动国有企业深化改革而采取的一项重要举措,解决了为职工下岗、失业提供生活保障和社会保险费征缴的具体法律规范。这两个条例的颁布标志着与社会主义市场经济体制相适...  相似文献   

正识别并评估参保人对养老保险风险感知水平,对推进养老保险改革,促进员工职业发展和实现企业长久发展均具有重要的意义。养老保险是社会保险制度的核心内容,随着人口老龄化发展,老年人面临的贫困风险、健康风险、照料风险、制度风险和社会风险相互交织。养老保险风险不仅存在客观方面的风险,还存在主观方面的风险,即覆盖人群对养老保险运行稳定状态主观感知,且主观风险感知水平很大程度上反映了参保人群对养老保险可持续发展的信心。  相似文献   

由于深受金融危机的影响,返乡农民工处于家庭生活贫困化、社会保障权益缺失、就业状况边缘化的境地。要改变其这种受排斥、受剥夺的现状,重获职业地位,应该构建一个为返乡农民工提供物质、行为、精神等支持的就业保障网,包括正式就业保障网(政府主导失业预防、失业补救和失业保险政策、社会保障制度健全)和非正式就业保障网(社会团体合作参与、社会工作者提供专业化服务及关系网资源有效利用)。  相似文献   

中国劳动和社会保障部最近提出 ,要加快社会保障制度改革步伐 ,尽快建立独立于企业之外的社会保障体系。劳动和社会保障部首先提出 ,要依法扩大养老、失业、医疗保险的覆盖范围 ,城镇国有、集体、私营等各类企业及其职工都要纳入 ,不能有遗漏。力争在年底前做到能纳入的都必须纳入社会保障覆盖范围。其次 ,要在社会保险基金筹集上取得大的突破。今年由于提高待遇和一次性补发拖欠的养老金 ,养老保险基金的支付压力加大。随着再就业服务中心职工人数的增加 ,失业保险基金支付压力也逐步加大。为此 ,在基金征缴上必须依法办事 ,要通过变现部分…  相似文献   

Agricultural index insurance offers smallholder farmers the potential to manage pervasive weather and environmental risks, and smooth income over time. Yet despite the potential benefits, take-up of index insurance has been largely disappointing. We employ a novel approach to investigate the reasons for low demand and we confirm that farmers systematically undervalue agricultural index insurance. We find that access to private transfers acts as a substitute for insurance demand, while membership of a farmer’s union helps explain why farmers value index insurance. Finally, we find that individual riskiness is positively related to willingness to pay for agricultural index insurance and interpret this as further evidence that, within the context of basis risk and lack of trust in insurers, farmers valuation of agricultural index insurance can be better understood through behavioural theories such as ambiguity aversion or prospect theory.  相似文献   

After years of neglect, there is a renewed interest in agricultural mechanization in Africa. Since government initiatives to promote mechanization are confronted with major governance challenges, private-sector initiatives may offer a promising alternative. However, given limited scientific studies on such private-sector options such approaches are often viewed skeptically. One concern is that multi-national agribusiness companies take advantage of smallholder farmers. Another concern is that mechanization causes rural unemployment. To shed light on these concerns, this paper analyzes an initiative of the agricultural machinery manufacturer John Deere to promote smallholder mechanization in Zambia through a contractor model. The analysis focuses on the impact of this initiative on farmers who receive tractor services using Propensity Score Matching. The results indicate that farmers can almost double their income by cultivating a much larger share of their land. The analysis suggests that the increased income is used for children’s education and more food, but does not result in increased food diversity. The demand for hired labor increases due to land expansion and due to a shift from family labor, including that of children, to hired labor. Questions that require further investigation are identified, including strategies to incentivize tractor owners to provide services, to also increase land productivity, and to avoid new forms of dependency of agricultural laborers that may result from a shift in the timing of the labor demand.  相似文献   

The increasing polarization of the labour market is closely related to the spread of non‐standard employment relationships that largely results from poor risk management of critical transitions over the life course. The question, therefore, arises whether labour market regulation, in particular unemployment insurance, is still properly designed for the new world of work. This article argues for an extension of unemployment insurance towards a system of employment insurance by summarizing the concept of transitional labour markets, indicating the risks that challenge current and future labour markets, laying the theoretical groundwork, and discussing the main features of an employment insurance system.  相似文献   

It has been established that relatively high income families receive a disproportionately large share of UI benefits. Little information on the distribution of costs by income class is available, but it is quite possible that the upper income groups may also bear a disproportionately large share of the costs. More empirical research is needed before the redistributive effects of UI can be known with any degree of confidence. There is little argument about the desirability on income mainlenance grounds of extending Unemployment insurance benefits in a recessionary period, all other things being equal. U1 is quite efficient as an income maintenance tool for covered workers. With respect to the unemployment problem, though, it is feared by some that the program goes too far in maintaining the incomes of covered workers, and as a result any extension of UI benefits will aggravate the unemployment problem. The evidence presented here suggests that fears of a major increase in unemployment as a result of such changes are largely unwarranted. However, extended UI benefits would appear to have some small, nontrivial adverse impact on unemployment. Finally, it seems that UI's income distributional impact has been portrayed unjustly as pro-rich. It may be that income is transferred through the UI system from the relatively well-to-do to the relatively poor. There is no scientific way of bringing these considerations to bear in deciding whether or not to restructure the unemployment insurance system. This question can be answered only by invoking fundamental value judgments to decide how sociely would be better off, and I would not presume here to offer my own. This paper will have served its purpose if it has provided the basis for a more informed decision.  相似文献   

目前,各地被征地农民的养老保障情况各异。“一地一政”和“碎片化”的制度会带来管理上的混乱。将被征地农民统一纳入新农保制度具有诸多优越性。因此,建议按照分类指导、不重不漏的原则,整合现有的被征地农民养老保障制度;完善新农保政策,提高被征地农民养老待遇水平;建立多方筹资机制,确保资金落实到位;完善被征地农民参加新农保的相关配套措施。  相似文献   

日本农村养老保险制度独具特色、构建科学、保障有效,基本解决了农民的养老问题。当前,我国正在积极推进新农保试点,日本农村养老保险的发展路径、内容构成、改革经历等对我国新农保的制度建设具有重要的借鉴意义。具体的经验借鉴有:新农保的推行需要社会保险法的保驾护航;政府应成为新农保建设的最主要组织者;推崇公平,分类引导帮助农民加入新农保;注重发挥村民委员会的作用;新农保基金应该在适当情况下进行市场化投资运营。  相似文献   

Despite rapid population growth, increasing land pressure and urbanization, farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa have not intensified their production in a sustainable manner and farming systems remain predominantly subsistence-oriented. In response, developing country governments increasingly implement programs that promote crop intensification and more commercially-oriented agricultural systems. Rwanda’s Crop Intensification Program (CIP), launched in 2007, is one such example. However, despite its apparent success in raising production of several priority crops, there are legitimate concerns about the food and nutrition security implications for households that are encouraged to consolidate their land, specialize in their production, and increasingly rely on markets for their food needs. Using recent household survey data and a propensity score matching difference-in-differences method, we find that participation in land consolidation activities had ambiguous consumption effects: it positively impacted on consumption of roots and tubers, but had a negative effect on meat, fish and fruits consumption and the potential availability of vitamin B12 in participants’ diets. This calls for a review of CIP implementation practices to enhance the program’s food and nutrition security outcomes, with improvements in market functioning and market access being potential starting points.  相似文献   

以江苏为例,分析当前新型农村养老保险中的制度设计及其对农民参保的影响。结果表明:新农保中的制度设计对农民参加养老保险影响显著。最低缴费年数15年限制能促进中年农民尽早参保;高龄补贴对青年农民参保具有激励作用;保费补缴截止日期的设置能有效促进老年人参保;保费的财政补贴比例越高,农民参保积极性越高。除制度因素外,农民的年龄、非农就业和支付能力对其选择养老保险也存在影响。年龄从幼到长,农民的参保率呈倒"U"形变化;非农化水平越高,农民参保积极性越低;支付能力越强农民越倾向于参加新农保。  相似文献   

In this study, we examine annual transitions into and out of health insurance coverage using matched data from the 1996 to 2004 Current Population Survey (CPS). We find evidence of several characteristics that are strongly associated with the likelihood of losing or gaining health insurance including race, education, unemployment, part‐time employment status, employment size, and self‐employment.  相似文献   

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