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针对水利技术标准特点及标准效益评估现状,从水利技术标准作用及作用路径入手,尝试性提出水利技术标准效益评估之我见.  相似文献   

李静  张宝富 《化工管理》2013,(4):104-104,106
元数据作为背景数据,能够从内容、条件、质量、查询等多个方面入手,实现对数据的有效说明与描述,这也正是将元数据用于信息共享中的基础与前提所在。本文依据这一实际情况,以地质矿产分析测试元数据标准为研究对象,从元数据标准以及元数据库管理系统这两个方面入手,对其进行了详细分析与阐述,旨在于引起各方工作人员的特别关注与重视。  相似文献   

国内外天然气管道事故分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对近年来国内外天然气管道事故数据进行了分析,为我国天然气管道的事故分析、事故诊断与预测、应急处理、风险管理等提供了参考.指出,国内外天然气管道失效的主要原因为腐蚀、外部影响和材料缺陷.预防管道事故,应从提高设计质量、强化运行管理入手,同时采用先进的施工技术和质检标准.  相似文献   

针对原油外输计量中部分标准执行和计量器具配备和使用中存在的问题,提出了部分标准适用性改进建议,从加强标准实施、制度完善和计量器具的规范管理等方面入手,提高了标准执行效果和流量计、含水接受器等计量器具的准确性、可靠性。  相似文献   

PDCA推动精益化管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,在无锡供电公司"制度管人、流程管事、文化治企"的管理思路指引下,公司变电运行一工区把精益化管理运用于变电运行专业,将PDCA质量管理循环思路进行深化和拓展,从计划(Plan)、标准(Provision)、问题(Prob-lem)入手实施自律循环,逐步形成了富有特色的变电运行专业精益化管理的模式.  相似文献   

本文从DT区块的水驱储量控制程度、水驱储量动用程度、可采储量、存水率、含水率及剩余可采储量采油速度等水驱开发指标入手,并与标准指标进行对比分析,总结出区块取得较好的开发效果的原因,并以此指导区块下步调整方式,为油田稳油增产提供保障.  相似文献   

企业产品标准中的技术指标体现了该产品的特点和性能,因此正确和合理地编写产品标准的技术指标,是产品标准起草的关键,也是企业标准水平的主要体现从企业产品标准中的技术方面入手,讨论了科学编写技术指标的重要性。  相似文献   

欧盟及其他国家将从2012年12月31日起正式实施欧Ⅵ标准。为了抢占市场制高点,国外各商用车企业率先从控制污染物颗粒排放上入手,陆续推出符合欧Ⅵ标准的发动机、整车。  相似文献   

随着经济全球化的发展以及为解决全球日益严重的环境问题,国际标准化组织颁布了ISO14000系列环境管理体系标准,国际贸易也出现了"绿色贸易壁垒"的端倪,在此情形下,企业的效益不仅是以未来经济利益的流入为唯一标准,而是达到环保效果与经济效益并重.本文以此为背景从环境成本的内涵入手,分析了环境成本的相关问题,并提出了应采取的对策.  相似文献   

"如何理解创先就是更高标准的日常工作?""当前我们创先工作的差距是什么?缩小差距可以从哪些方面入手?""作为一名普通员工,立足岗位创先我可以做什么?",近日,桂供新闻宣传人员把镜头对准关键部门和基层一线的"元芳"们,他们结合自身工作岗位  相似文献   

高级管理人员激励契约研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
本文首次通过收集上市公司披露的高级管理人员激励契约,对我国现阶段高级管理人员激励契约的现状和存在的问题进行了分析和研究。研究发现:我国上市公司中高级管理人员职责不清,容易出现高级管理人员自己给自己制定报酬、考核业绩的现象;我国高级管理人员业绩评价主要依赖财务指标(净利润、利润总额、净资产收益率),非财务指标与主观评价指标在高级管理人员业绩评价中使用较少;高级管理人员的业绩标准主要是董事会制定的预算指标:高级管理人员业绩评价指标的确定比较简单,往往没有考虑高级管理人员操纵会计指标的可能性。以及不可控因素对评价指标的影响。  相似文献   

A recent federal appeals court ruling barred employment bias against obese people. A reconsideration of the association between being overweight and salary is therefore in order. This article examines the effect of being overweight and thin on lawyers' salaries as reported in the 1984 National Lawyer Survey. Using regression models derived from the clinical nutrition literature as well as models based on the lawyers in the sample themselves,we find an effect of being overweight on salary for men and not for women attorneys. There is also an effect of being thin on men's but not on women's salaries. Importantly, the influence of thinness means that the effect of weight on salary is not linear. We suggest that the relationship between salaries and appearance may result from social perceptions of people deviating from an "ideal" physique.  相似文献   

本文利用我国30个省市1998~2013年的数据构建面板门槛模型,对环境规制、技术创新与产业结构升级之间的关系进行实证分析。研究结果表明:环境规制对产业结构升级的影响存在显著的环境规制程度和技术创新水平的双门槛效应,进一步分析发现产业结构升级是以技术创新为前提的,若无法有效的激励企业进行技术创新,而单纯依靠强化环境规制来实现产业结构升级是不可持续的。  相似文献   

Contract farming (CF) is attractive as a possible private sector-led strategy for improving market coordination and smallholder farmers’ welfare. At the same time, governmental and non-governmental development projects aimed at improving farmers’ welfare continue to be organized. It is not uncommon for CF activities and development projects to take place in the same communities. Yet so far there is no evidence on how development projects affect CF activities. We examine factors affecting entry in and exit from different maize CF schemes in Northern Ghana, and focus specifically on the role of development projects. We find that the presence of agricultural development projects in the community is associated with lower scheme entry, but this not the case for non-agricultural projects. CF exit is more strongly associated with maize projects, but not significantly with non-maize or non-agricultural projects. Thus, our findings do not support concerns of a general moral hazard problem arising from the presence of any development project, but indicate possible negative associations of more closely related agricultural or maize projects with maize CF participation.  相似文献   

Technology concerns knowledge not merely artifacts. To transfer it effectively requires prepared minds on the part of the receivers and some measure of shared cognitive frameworks. It also requires co-ordinated policies on investment, education and training, employment, the economy and development. In the Gulf, specifically the UAE, educational administration and schooling are not well adapted to these purposes. Transfer of educational technology is needed, yet education is culture-saturated and the educational bureaucracy is not well developed. Higher cognitive processes are techniques for handling reality and are thus themselves a technology. Transferring these may be the most important transfer of all.  相似文献   

The capability of firms to sense and respond to changes in technologies, called technological opportunism, is of growing importance to managers as a source of competitive advantage. However, exactly how technological opportunism impacts firm performance is still not clearly understood. Furthermore, the role of marketing in this relationship, if any, has yet to be examined. Understanding this relationship is critical for marketing managers not only for determining strategic investments of resources but also for demonstrating marketing return on activities. This paper explores the links between technological opportunism and firm performance. The results show that technological opportunism has a strong positive impact on key measures of performance such as firm sales, profits and market value. Importantly, marketing emphasis is the mechanism through which the technological opportunism-performance relationship is achieved. Finally, the impact of marketing emphasis on B2B firms is different than that for B2C firms, highlighting the importance of these activities for B2B marketing managers.  相似文献   

Theories of Firms' Growth and the Generation of Jobs   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
This paper relates recent empiricalresearch on the growth of U.K. companies to the maineconomic theories of firms' growth and to empiricalresults for the U.S.A. Smaller and younger firms havebeen growing more quickly than larger and older firms, thus generating proportionately more new jobs. Theseresults do not support the various theories of staticand dynamic economies of scale. Serial correlation ofgrowth is very low, so success does not persist. Thesystematic tendency for small and younger firms togrow more quickly is the main reason why firm growthis not entirely stochastic.  相似文献   

预算人员在企业投标的过程中起着较为重要的作用,预算人员所肩负的重任往往使他们承受着较大的心理压力。而过度的压力会为个人及企业带来巨额的经济损失,适当的压力管理不仅有利于个人的身心健康,更重要的是可以为企业减少因压力而带来的损失,压力管理不仅与个人的压力应对行为有关,而且与企业所给与的支持程度有关。  相似文献   

中国产业发展的道路和战略选择   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
中国作为一个发展中国家,在经济发展的一定时期,其工业化过程必然表现为发达工业化国家的产业转移。因此,中国大多数产业的发展将经历三个阶段:幼稚期、成熟期和强壮期。为了向产业发展的第三阶段拓展,企业战略大致可有三种选择:品牌导向战略、产能导向战略和因势借势战略。战略选择的关键可能并不是什么样的战略更正确和更可取,而在于谁有动机实施某种战略。企业战略选择不仅仅以利益关切性为转移,而且是由纯理性因素和越理性因素所共同决定的。从一定意义上可以说,纯理性是世俗的理性和无差异的理性,越理性是信仰的理性和有差异的理性。因此,企业战略选择决不仅仅是纯理性的逻辑推演结果,而是以一定的价值观为基础的“理想”追求和“使命”驱动。国家产业发展战略选择也具有某种相似之处,也总是基于一定的理性基础,而这种理性不仅仅以纯理性判断为准则,而且必然含有强烈的越理性因素,包括民族的、伦理的以及各种人文的价值观准则。因此,可行的产业发展战略必须以科学的发展观为基础,其价值体现不仅是顺应客观规律,而且要满足于实现一定的社会合意性目标。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the effects of cross-border mergers and acquisitions on innovation activities in target firms. The empirical analysis is based on survey and ownership data for a large sample of small- and medium-sized German firms. After controlling for endogeneity and selection bias, we find that foreign acquisitions have a large negative impact on the propensity to perform innovation activities and a negative impact on average R&D expenditures in innovative firms. Furthermore, innovation output, measured as product and process innovations, and the share of sales from product innovations, is not significantly affected by a foreign acquisition for a given amount of innovation efforts. Hence, the estimation results do not provide any evidence of significant technology transfer through foreign acquisitions in form of a higher innovation success.  相似文献   

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