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我国企业实施战略联盟的策略分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文简要介绍了战略联盟的产生背景和优势,分析了制约我国企业战略联盟发展的主要因素是联盟伙伴选择不当、联盟模式选择不合理以及联盟管理水平低下,阐述了如何挑选合适的联盟伙伴,怎样选择正确的联盟模式,以及如何做好联盟的关系管理,才能保证我国企业实施有效的战略联盟,并提出了企业组建战略联盟发展方向的建议.  相似文献   

吴乃超 《中国纺织》2012,(9):150-151
在品牌形象、商品风格、营销模式越来越趋同的市场竞争中,金苑(国际)服饰有限公司坚持差异化经营理念,围绕客户价值主张创建企业信息流、物流和资金流高效运转体系,使企业在竞争激烈变化多端的趋同化服装市场挑战中,以科学配货、快速补货的"蝶翼商业模式"创下了产品低库存,资金高流通经营佳境,实现品牌资源供应伙伴、协作生产伙伴、终端经销伙伴等共同赢利。解析金苑品  相似文献   

基于动态演化的视角,开发了一个有关国际合资企业(IJVs)伙伴间依赖的影响因素和结果的综合概念模型。认为,在IJV发展演化的不同阶段,影响伙伴间依赖的因素不同。在IJV形成阶段,母公司投入的资源、基于情境的IJV伙伴间的讨价还价力是影响伙伴间依赖的主要因素;在IJV形成后到终结这一阶段,伙伴间的相互学习是影响IJV伙伴间依赖的主要因素。伙伴间依赖与IJV不稳定性之间的关系随着依赖程度的变化而定。除此之外,伙伴间的依赖与伙伴间的信任交互作用,共同影响着IJV的稳定性。而伙伴间冲突则对IJV的稳定性产生着直接的、负向的影响。在阐述这些关系的基础上还提出了一些反映这些关系的命题,以期为未来的实证检验做好铺垫。  相似文献   

张静 《汽车观察》2011,(4):48-51
它的全球总裁仍在炼狱,它的同台竞技者小心服役,它的中国伙伴陷入拷问……但这还不是故事的全部。偏执的代价撕开了汽车产业链条上的质量黑幕,"中国第一轮胎厂"如何被自身的增长模式所反噬?无关道德批判。一个轮胎引发的唇亡齿寒,  相似文献   

石油企业提高物资采购质量探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从石油行业物资采购工作的特点、管理存在的问题入手,就如何引入质量管理理论实现科学理性采购,强调企业在供应链管理环境下应该通过全过程的质量控制手段.与伙伴供应商建立一种新型的合作伙伴关系,以达到提升供应链整体竞争能力的目的。研究了如何根据企业的实际需要,有目的地对伙伴供应商进行识别、评价与选择,为伙伴供应商的选择提供科学的方法和依据。  相似文献   

它的全球总裁仍在炼狱,它的同台竞技者小心服役,它的中国伙伴陷入拷问……但这还不是故事的全部。偏执的代价撕开了汽车产业链条上的质量黑幕,"中国第一轮胎厂"如何被自身的增长模式所反噬?无关道德批判。一个轮胎引发的唇亡齿寒,遭遇罢黜挑战的荒  相似文献   

孟雅丽 《中国纺织》2007,(7):116-117
寻找“伙伴”的热度在纺织领域中已经是越来越高了。对于企业来说,附加值一是从企业的产品上体现,质量越高,附加值越高;另外附加值还体现在企业与客户的关系上,牢固与合作伙伴的关系,提供整体服务的个性化,将带来更多的利润和增值。特别对于产业链上的中上游企业,并不真正面对终端的消费者,在销售模式和渠道上相对需要更新更好的手段,于是选择一个“伙伴”自然就成为他们借势增值的方法之一。  相似文献   

国外汽车巨头在中国多数都有两家合资企业,而中国企业也多数都有两个甚至更多的外资伙伴,这便是少有的中国式合资,这种合资模式在战略上虽然产生了制衡效果,但在战术上却很不经济。于是中国式合资开始转变为中国式麻烦。  相似文献   

孙黎 《IT经理世界》2009,(19):78-78,80
奏效思考模式,而不是大企业中常见的因果思考模式,是建立新食业的基础。 当马云与自己的伙伴1995年创办中国黄页的时候,他如何构想从这一起点到十几年后阿里巴巴集团的道路,一直将业务跨越B2B/B2C电子商务、软件、社区,并将经营疆域覆盖到全球?或者说,马云当初的商业计划书能预想到今天的企业版图吗?  相似文献   

我国外贸与投资环境严峻日前,商务部发布2006年度《国别贸易投资环境报告》(简称《报告:2006》),重点介绍有关贸易伙伴的投资管理制度及2005年度贸易管理体制方面的变化。《报告:2006》主要包括以下内容:我国与有关贸易伙伴的双边贸易投资概况;有关贸易伙伴的贸易投资管理体制;有关贸易伙伴的贸易和投资壁垒情况。报告重点介绍了有关贸易伙伴的投资管理制度以及2005年度贸易管理体制方面的变化;进一步强化了对贸易和投资壁垒的不合理性的分析,强调了中方对这些壁垒问题的关注及中国政府有关部门为消除这些壁垒所做的工作及其效果。《报告:20…  相似文献   

国际工程项目管理新模式-Partnering模式研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
项目管理模式是影响工程项目成功的关键因素,传统工程项目管理模式存在不足,近年来在发达国家和地区常用伙伴关系(Partnering模式)。在分析Partnering模式基本要素和类型的基础上,研究了Partnering模式的组织结构、工作流程和主要运作内容。  相似文献   

This research paper seeks to increase the knowledge of the transition process from transactional arm's length tendering towards partnership thinking in centralized public procurement. In centralized public procurement, the professional public purchaser forms a triadic partnership relationship with the public unit managing the procurement implementation and the private organization. A triadic partnership relationship in a home nursing procurement setting is investigated to further the understanding of the relationship dynamics related to the transitioning of public and private actors towards partnership thinking. The research shows how transactional procurement logic hinders the transition to partnering by establishing challenges for initiating and nurturing public–private partnerships (PPPs) and how partnership thinking changes this procurement logic. It illustrates the transactional procurement logic of single actor and the logic underlying the relationship of two actors to engender and intensify the problems of triad in the centralized public procurement process and vice versa; that is, a shared understanding from jointly agreed procurement goals between two actors is identified as promoting triadic partnering. Managerial implications are given for those public and private organizations engaging in PPPs and seeking to understand the ways of managing them in the context of centralized public procurement, particularly during the transition towards partnership thinking.  相似文献   

工程项目组合管理模式的选择对项目组合综合效益有显著影响,将战略Partnering模式应用于工程项目组合管理中,有助于提高工程项目组合的管理水平及收益。通过对战略Partnering模式概念和特点的分析,设计了战略Partnering模式的组织结构,提出了战略Partnering模式的工作流程,详述了基于战略Partnering模式的工程项目组合管理机制应包括信任机制、沟通机制、协作机制、利益机制与调节机制。  相似文献   

Interfirm partnering has become a familiar aspect of corporate behavior as it is found in a large number of industries with many Companies participating in strategic alliances. This paper focuses on questions that are related to market structural issues of this phenomenon in an international context. It raises the question whether alliances establish stable networks of firms, and whether market leading firms dominate the world of strategic partnering. Our contribution stresses the need for a further understanding of cooperative behavior in terms of the increase of corporate flexibility and the extension of core competences of companies.  相似文献   

Strategic technology partnering between firms has become a growing subject of interest to both companies experimenting with this mode of economic organization and researchers from a wide variety of academic disciplines. In this study an effort is made to measure the effect of strategic technology partnering on companies engaged in such joint efforts. A study of the relevant literature on interfirm cooperation generates some basic understanding of this phenomenon, after which the empirical analysis is expanded with linear structural modeling of a number of relevant explanatory variables setting strategic partnering in a more complex environment.  相似文献   

Win-Win situations are used and also created by companies which cooperate with each other, complement each other on a synergy basis and work together fairly and competently. Today, business partnering has therefore become a key qualification for companies. This should not depend alone on the commitment of individual persons.This article describes how Siemens has organized its company, services and products using partnering solutions and how it has installed this concept as an intrinsically dynamic process. Thanks to institutionalized partnering, B2B interfaces have been established to form a rational alliance, offering benefits to all involved, and can be used regardless of the size of the company. These offerings generate Win-Win situations themselves—and provide individual employees in large companies with a structural framework for a personal partnering initiative.  相似文献   

Many firms are turning from discrete, arms-length, adversarial exchanges with a multitude of marketing research suppliers toward long-term, collaborative relationships with a smaller number of “partners.” Advocates of partnering believe that it is a way to reduce total costs and improve quality, while dissenting firms believe partnering can breed complacency. This article presents the results of a study that examines performance outcomes (product quality, service quality, cost efficiency, timeliness, and overall customer satisfaction) and the degree to which a client partners with its marketing research firms. Results indicate a relationship between partnering and increased performance in all five areas. Implications for managers include the possibility of better performance from research firms if the relationship is more collaborative in nature.  相似文献   

Extant theory presents conflicting perspectives on how internetworking might affect the organizational structures of established firms. One prediction is that internetworking could narrow organizational scope and deepen specialization, reduce hierarchy, and increase external partnering. A second contends that internetworking might increase scope, expand hierarchy, and decrease external partnering. Analysis of a multinational sample of 469 firms reveals that deeply internetworked firms are more focused and specialized, less hierarchical, and more engaged in external partnering than less intensively internetworked organizations are. No scope broadening or hierarchy expansion effects are observed. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper sets out to show how partnering arrangements between engineering contractors in process plant contracting and their process industry clients have led to increasing collaborative contributions at the 'front end' of capital asset formation. Partnering arrangements are seen here as formalised long-term contracts between process plant contractors and their clients, intended to apply to engineering and other services in major capital projects over a number of years.
While research does not appear to have been affected to a significant extent, partners seem to be interacting increasingly on process development and design. One outcome of partnering is to increase the contractors' involvement in their clients' overall business objectives. As a result of this change in the character of their services, contractors are more inclined to seek opportunities to improve plant efficiency, rather than following given specifications. This interaction of entities with a different focus and, to some extent, different skills is a potential source of innovation which to date has not been realised to any great extent.  相似文献   

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