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序言 目前,高炉和碱性顶吹转炉是炼铁、炼钢的主要方法.这种方法是把事先充分处理过的原料—人造块矿装入大型高炉,采用优质焦炭还原,冶炼成质量均匀的铁水,经脱硫处理后,用顶吹转炉炼钢。 由于高炉法中铁矿石造块和炼焦需要大量资金(约占铁水生产成本25%),为使高炉生产体系具有竞争力,生产规模必须在年产粗钢100~150万吨以上。因此,50年代后,很多国家为探讨省去铁矿石造块和炼焦工序获得低成本、小规模的生产进行了大量研究. 开发高炉以外炼铁法的经济原因可归纳如下: 1. 不需要造块直接使用粉矿石; 2.能用廉价燃料代替昂贵的高炉焦炭; 3. 能够设计出较为经济的并以较小规模就可生产的炼铁法; 4.能减少环境污染并降低生产成本。  相似文献   

在对长流程高炉炼铁-炼钢界面铁水调度工艺分析的基础上,提出“铁-钢界面”铁水调度系统建设的必要性及系统功能的设计内容,并举例说明典型钢铁企业配备铁水调度系统后所取得的良好应用效果。  相似文献   

章青云 《冶金财会》2003,(12):17-19
宝山钢铁股份有限公司炼铁厂(下称炼铁厂),担负着从原燃料进厂到生产烧结矿、焦炭,直至高炉冶炼铁水的任务,是宝钢生产的“龙头”。近年来,炼铁厂以追求“价值最大化”为目标,采用了以“铁水成本控制小组”为核心的“纵向深入精细化、横向扩展系统化”的全方位、全员、全过程降成本管理模式,取得了令人瞩目的成绩:吨铁成本大幅下降,比三年前下降近200元,处于国内同行领先水平。在不断追求价值最大化的进程中,炼铁技术突飞猛进,主要技术经济指标已达到世界先进水平。其中,高炉大喷煤技术、低硅低硫冶炼技术、高品位烧结技术、高配比弱粘结煤…  相似文献   

一个魁梧的身影往返奔走在巍峨的高炉群中.出现在宽阔平坦的出铁场上,铁水映照着整个炉台,也映红了他的脸庞。他,就是炼铁总厂高炉炉前总技师刘自力。  相似文献   

革新者:江西新钢集团公司检测中心铁前化验车间江西新钢集团公司检测中心铁前化验车间承担着新钢公司5座炼铁高炉的铁水检测任务。为适应公司三期技改的需要,在2006年10月该中心引进了具有世界先进水准的波长X射线荧光光谱仪,用来检测高炉铁水的化学成分,按照省内同行的运行模式设定了铸模→切割→粗磨→细磨→检测五个环节的工艺流程。  相似文献   

济钢炼铁厂现有高炉生产需大量消耗铁矿石,尤其在当前严峻的行业形势逼迫下,高炉生产入炉原料中直接配加铁矿石块,成为缩短工艺流程、稳定高炉炉况、降低生产成本的有效措施。因铁矿石来源广泛,各系列块矿在开采后未经精细化处理,矿石粒度不均,且附着污泥及含水量非常大,不能直接用于生产,因此需采取特殊的方式对铁矿石进行烘干筛分以满足生产需要。  相似文献   

红外诊断技术应用于冶金设备的范围有:内衬缺陷的诊断,包括高炉、热风炉、转炉、钢水包、铁水包和回转窑的内衬缺陷;冷却壁损坏的诊断;内衬剩余厚度的估算;高炉炉瘤的诊断等。  相似文献   

1998年6月17日,在武钢球墨铸铁冷却壁的研制及应用成果鉴定会上,鉴定委员会主任委员、国家冶金局科技司副总工程师吴启常激动地写道:"武钢研制的球墨铸铁冷却壁在制造工艺技术方面取得了成功的经验……,明显地延长了高炉寿命。该项目达到国际先进水平,可在大中型高炉上推广应用。"得到来自全国各地炼铁界的12位专家教授们的这个综合评定,是武钢技术中心、机制公司、炼铁厂等广大科技人员和工人奋斗了13年的成果。几代科研人员实现了自己的长寿高炉梦,从而使我国的长寿高炉技术,跨入国际先进水平行列。二拥抱熊熊烈火的高炉是由三层结构组成的。里层是直接接触铁水和烈火的耐火砖,其后是冷却壁,它靠水冷带走高热,从而保护外层的炉壳和内衬,使  相似文献   

鞍钢在全面完成1989年计划的实施中难度很大,最大的困难是能源全面紧张.如鞍钢炼焦洗煤库存由20万吨下降到1万吨以下,导致炼铁焦炭质量低劣(焦粉达20%),数量紧缺,高炉被迫拉风待焦.铁水欠产带来钢、钢材欠产的连锁反应.电力供应比国家计划每天减少51.7%,导致矿山系统几乎全面停产,轧钢系统轮流拉闸限电.这种情况严重威胁鞍钢的正常生产经营,年初就出现了生产大滑坡.  相似文献   

■邯钢高炉,一个十九冶的梦■十九冶人创造了精神与文化的融合体■十九冶人用责任和智慧圆了一个久违的梦机遇中的邯钢高炉梦古城邯郸,美梦之乡。邯钢高炉,十九冶的一个梦。2005年7月10日,伴随邯钢2000m3新高炉第一炉红灿灿的铁水,刚刚撤离战场的十九冶人恍若从梦境中走来,脸上洋溢着甜美的微笑……机遇总是青睐有准备的人。2004年10月,冶金市场出现了新的变化,国内享有盛誉的邯钢集团首开高炉大修总承包招标之先河。面对机遇,中国十九冶迅速加入到以中冶南方为首的应标团队。中冶南方中标后,中国十九冶家,查阅了日本、俄罗斯高炉大修的科技…  相似文献   

This study investigates the internal and external strategic choices that telecommunications firms, operating in a dynamic network environment, make to adapt to changes and to respond quickly in order to create or to sustain their competitive advantage. In particular, in the European telecommunications industry incumbent firms have faced important challenges from new technologies, liberalization and the convergence of markets. The leading European telecommunications companies initially focused on new markets and new businesses, emphasizing their plans to become major players in relevant markets. However, after the telecommunications euphoria companies were more restrained due to their huge burden of debt and their market value. Through refocusing or restructuring, these companies have tried to streamline their businesses in order to restore their value and to improve their competitiveness. Insight into the specific strategic actions of traditional telecommunications companies in Europe to the recent developments in the industry is provided from the analysis of three leading traditional telecommunications companies: BT, Deutsche Telekom and KPN.  相似文献   

解构理论以德里达的哲学理论为基础,其核心理念就是推翻固有的模式,建立新的秩序。服装中的解构分为理念和技巧两方面的运用。设计手法表现为:(1)拒绝"综合"观念,改向"分解"观念;(2)拒绝传统的使用与形式间的对立,转向两者的叠合或交叉;(3)强调碎裂叠合及组合,分解服装系统的界限,提出新定义。当下的服装设计中显现出三种伪解构主义:(1)对解构的不理解;(2)文本的意义代替了设计;(3)消极的理论倾向。解构的设计要发展,首先有赖于对解构设计的了解,及设计师对思维的高度要求的共同努力,以及对解构的积极方向的导引。解构在服装中已成为主流之一,并将继续流行。随着人们对理性的回归,解构作为理念将适度回转。解构作为技巧必将走向成衣化,最终成为服装设计的常用手段。  相似文献   

In addition to highlighting improvements in the availability and speed of broadband as a national priority, the National Broadband Plan also includes several recommendations for improving access and use of broadband by small businesses. The plan also recommends economic development officials include broadband in their local development strategies. While these are certainly import goals, more research is needed to evaluate how broadband impacts the regional business environment, and regional capacity to retain and attract businesses in particular industries. In order to further our understanding about the linkages between broadband and businesses, and the ability of places to retain and attract businesses in particular industries, this study will develop and estimate econometric models to better understand the linkages between broadband and firms in the knowledge intensive sector. Specifically, 54 metropolitan area specific models will be developed to examine regional variations in the linkages between broadband and firms in the knowledge intensive sector in 2004. Model results highlight the importance of broadband to knowledge firms in all but five metropolitan areas across the U.S. They also reveal variations in the impact of broadband on knowledge firm presence related to metropolitan area size and industrial legacy.  相似文献   

利用富钛生铁生产球铁铸管工艺探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
河北省是富钛生铁矿藏丰富之省 ,在利用富钛生铁生产球铁铸管工艺中 ,因富钛生铁流动性差的原因 ,被迫提高浇注温度 ,导致能耗高且稀土元素烧损大、成品球化不良及延伸率下降。建议采用型内处理法和热处理新工艺 ,可望解决上述问题。深入研究富钛生铁流动性差的机理 ,求得理论上的新突破。尽快在生产中应用新工艺、新设备 ,以提高产品质量 ,早日打入国际市场。  相似文献   

Research summary : In this article, we investigate the firm‐specific environment and its impact on firm strategy focusing on adverse changes in the policy environment and their effect on divestitures. We argue that experiencing a negative change in the firm‐specific policy environment causes firms to reassess their exposure to policy risk and their ability to manage their policy environment, making them more likely to divest. Operationalizing negative shifts in the firm‐specific policy environment through formal policy disputes between firms and governments, we find that following a dispute, firms are more likely to divest both in the country where the dispute occurs and in other countries in the same region. However, the impact of disputes on divestitures is firm specific, applying only to firms directly involved in a dispute . Managerial summary : What is the impact of change in the firm‐specific environment on firm strategy? We argue that when firms directly experience a negative change in their policy environment that is specific to them, they negatively reassess their exposure to policy risk and their ability to manage their policy environment, which makes them more likely to undertake a divestiture. We analyze formal disputes between firms and governments that arise from adverse changes in policy and find that, following a dispute, firms are more likely to divest in the country where the dispute occurs and in other countries in the same region. However, the impact of disputes on divestitures is firm specific as it applies only to firms directly involved in a dispute . Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The development of supermarkets in Vietnam, as in other emerging countries, is accompanied by increasing consumer concern for food quality. This paper investigates whether farmer organizations are able to help small-scale farmers obtain access to supermarkets as well as examines the role that supermarkets and public support play in the emergence and development of these organizations. The paper is based on case studies of a number of stakeholders marketing vegetables, flavored rice and litchi fruit in Vietnam. Eight farmer groups operating in the form of private commercial organizations act as regular supermarket suppliers for the selected products. Their ability to supply supermarkets is related to the combination of functions they make available to their members, especially with regard to promoting and controlling quality for which they receive public support. Their participation in flexible contracts with supermarkets, shops and schools is also a key issue. Supplying supermarkets via farmer associations increases farmers’ profits per kilo compared to traditional chains, but the quantities supplied to supermarkets remain limited. The paper argues that changes in farmer organizations are not primarily due to supplying supermarkets, but rather to public and international support for food quality improvement which has been of benefit to supermarkets.  相似文献   

The telecommunications industry has undergone significant evolvement from fixed to mobile substitution (FMS) to fixed mobile convergence (FMC) and now to over-the-top (OTT) services due to the huge rise in data usage. This paper explores efficiency variation during the period 2012–2017 for the top 41 global telecom operators in Forbes Global, 2000. Based on the data envelopment analysis (DEA) meta-frontier approach to reflect differences in production functions, the empirical results herein show that the number of operators achieving technical efficiency with respect to the meta-frontier fell from 13 firms in 2012 to 10 firms in 2013 to 8 firms in 2014 to 8 firms in 2015 and then to 7 firms in 2016, but then rose to 11 firms in 2017, displaying the impact from rise in OTT. For the mobile-only group, the average technical efficiency with respect to the meta-frontier is 0.841, which is superior to the fixed-mobile group's 0.774 and the fixed-only group's 0.714, and the group difference is significant among the three facilities-based groups. The meta-frontier estimation suggests that the fixed-mobile group has the highest meta-technology ratio (MTR) of 0.901 versus the mobile-only group's 0.886 and fixed-only group's 0.718. The empirical results offer policy implications for regulators to encourage telecom operators to have fixed-mobile operations. We further suggest that telecom operators cooperate with OTT service providers and invest in them in order to take advantage of people's more personalized digital life.  相似文献   

我国经济在快速增长的同时,居民收入差距也在不断扩大。为了抑制收入差距急剧扩大,克服社会公平与经济增长相悖,现阶段我国的政策由“效率优先,兼顾公平”到大力强调收入分配要更加注重“社会公平”。如何在注重效率的同时更加注重社会公平以及公平在初次分配中的重要意义,成为我国现阶段亟待解决的问题。  相似文献   

In a case study related to Scotch malt whisky production, this study analyses consumers’ perceptions and preferences regarding two aspects that have emerged in the debate on sustainable production and consumption, and on environmentally responsible food choice, namely (i) the use of pesticides in agriculture, and (ii) the provenance of food ingredients. We carried out a choice experiment to investigate preferences and estimate Willingness to Pay of Scotch malt whisky consumers for pesticide use restrictions and the potential impact on the production of one of its essential ingredients, barley. Using latent class models, we find that about half of the respondents are non-demanders with respect to both attributes, and only a third of the sample population are willing to pay for further pesticide restrictions. Demand for more environmentally responsible production of Scotch malt whisky is therefore limited, indicating that in the case of Scotch malt whisky, consumers are not likely to be key to driving sustainable production. With respect to barley provenance, being able to claim a 100% Scottish product could be a plausible commercial option for some producers to pursue in a competitive market. Methodologically, the scale-adjusted latent class model proved to be successful in uncovering preference heterogeneity and its sources, in including non-demanders in the analysis and in accounting for differences in scale amongst respondents.  相似文献   

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