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<正>女孩儿家谁不想有个好名字?华丽大气的我喜欢,朴素大方的我喜欢,婉约动听的我喜欢,然而我更喜欢寓意深远的名字。我始终认为我的名字是最可贵的,有凝重的历史,有鲜红的颜色,有硝烟迷漫的战场,有一个曾经端着枪的热  相似文献   

二战后,东西方各国包括以日本、韩国为代表的东亚国家以及英国、德国为代表的西欧国家的经济都经历了长足快速的发展,究其原因,与各个国家的产业政策密不可分.它们能够在一定阶段成为世界上颇有影响的经济强国与其能够在一定经济发展阶段结合自己的国情制定科学合理的产业政策是分不开的.  相似文献   

在刚刚闭幕的第十一届全国人大一次会议、全国政协十一届一次会议上,对于原油、煤炭、电力等资源性产品的价格、税收等的改革呼声渐高,改变当前明显偏低的资源税率,明显不合理的计征方式,运用产业、财政、土地和价格政策等多种手段进行宏观经济调控的同时,应进一步发挥税收政策的作用予以综合治理的提案、议案和此同时,应进一步发挥税收政策的作用予以综合治理的提案、议案和呼声不断.  相似文献   

母亲,当我也即将成为母亲的时候,才开始明白,这个庄严而温暖的称呼,需要经历漫漫20年的成长……您还记得去年的元宵节吗?我牵着您的手,在五彩斑斓的灯河里徜徉。随着您步子的逐渐放慢,我看见,您的目光投向了路边的小摊——竹筒粽子,一种廉价而甜腻的小吃。  相似文献   

2009年春夏,南方寝饰推出了系列新品,每个系列都在喜庆的基础上增添了富贵的特色。花舞丹青属于富贵花卉系列,适合30~45岁稳重、高贵、热爱自然的中高等收入者。本款产品延续了南方寝饰一贯大花卉的富贵风格,牡丹花竞相绽放,流露别样的性感风情。用富有春天气息的绿色搭配清冽的白色,使产品更富有春天的清凉感,醒目的颜色强烈吸引着消费者的目光。本款产品采用二分  相似文献   

坐落于北京金融街购物中心的宝姿专卖店,以其优雅、清新的店面形象迎接着懂得欣赏她的顾客……图1:专卖店的橱窗设计,向顾客宣告着宝姿的品牌风格——不是小家碧玉的柔情缠绵,是大家风范的简洁优雅。透过带有图案的半透明橱窗,隐约瞧见宝姿店内的灯光柔和明亮。三位模特通过自然舒展的姿态,旗帜鲜明地展示着这季的主题——经典格纹卷土重来。  相似文献   

一切正在复苏中。相对于一年之前的保守、温和与波澜不惊,2011/2012秋冬的T台上充斥着浓烈的色彩。趋势的发展总是钟摆状摇摆,复苏的下一站必定是复兴,而伴随着这个过程的是心绪的膨胀。极度的膨胀催熟了繁荣,并且这一切并非只是虚假的繁荣。  相似文献   

一在我们这个城市的北郊,居住在这儿的农民辛勤地耕耘在这片肥沃的土地。这一地区,世世代代很少受自然灾害的影响,每年的台风季节,在沿海的地区,几乎都害怕台风的袭击。而这一带,只是受台风的影响,下一点点雨而已,或许还给炎热的夏季带来一点凉爽。由于历代都没有自然灾害,所以,这一带的农民就享受了大自然  相似文献   

错过了清早的晨曦,错过了正午的骄阳,错过了夕阳的绚烂,错过了暮色中的朦胧,也许还会错过迷人的月色. 错过了春日的烂漫,错过了夏季的奔放,错过了秋天的丰硕,错过了冬日的凛冽,也许还会错过春夏秋冬转换的空隙.  相似文献   

如果说一名员工是企业里的一个自然细胞,那么一个班组就是一个最基本的细胞合成组织.这个组织的健康与活力如何,直接关系到企业中基层单位(队站、车间)的整体水平.这样给班组定位,正是由班组的功能及作业的独立性所决定的.就我们石油钻井队而言,生产运行是实行三班倒或四班倒制度,即轮班上岗作业.  相似文献   

272 scientific and technical personnel working in the R&D departments of 25 firms in the electronics/instrumentation field noted how often their managers engaged in different forms of influencing them to use scientific and technical information originating outside the firm (STI). The firms were classified as either 'high performers' or as 'low performers' on the basis of their sales growth and return on assets. Managers in the high performing firms were perceived to make significantly more use of the following forms of influence than those in low performing firms; supporting professional visits and continuing education, routing literature and references to scientific and technical staff, directing their staff to use STI and purchasing STI services. There was no difference between the two groups of managers in their perceived use of organizational efforts to increase use of STI, such as changing work and personnel and altering hiring and promotional policies. These findings suggest that company performance can be improved if managers take specific steps to encourage their staff to use STI.  相似文献   

Historically, industrialized nations and international organizations have given the most tangible forms of assistance to the developing world. Direct shipments of food and medical supplies, creation of technical training schools, and low-interest loans for transportation improvements are typical examples. The positive effects on the lives of those who benefit are easily seen and understood, both by the government of the recipient nation and by the donors. A less visible, but critical ‘silent partner’ in aid programmes has been improved telecommunications.  相似文献   

建设项目财务评价程序设计简介   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
设计一套使用计算机辅助经济评价,建设项目经济评价工作量就可以大幅度地减少。经过反复研究与调试,编写了一运用于项目财务评价的程序。  相似文献   

In response to real and perceived abuse by market makers, buyers, and sellers, some industry trade groups representing suppliers have developed voluntary codes of conduct, white papers, and other forms of guidance for online reverse auction participants. The intent of these guidelines is to improve both the reverse auction process and relationships between buyers and sellers. This paper examines the rationale for creating guidelines and codes of conduct, and examines their efficacy in regulating reverse auctions to achieve improved outcomes for market makers, buyers, and sellers. Data from primary and related secondary sources indicate that industry-specific codes of conduct and guidelines have not had a favorable impact.  相似文献   

We study optimal pricing issues for a monopolist selling two indivisible goods to a continuum of consumers with correlated private valuations over the goods, where the (positive or negative) correlation is modeled using copulas in the Fréchet family. We derive explicit optimal pricing schemes and comparative statics results for various environments in our setting. The optimal pricing schemes can take several forms, including pure bundling, partial mixed bundling, and mixed bundling, depending jointly on the degrees of asymmetry and correlation of the consumers’ valuations. The explicit optimal pricing schemes also enable us to investigate whether and how the monopolist’s profit can be further improved via random assignments.  相似文献   

In order to reduce cycle times between supply chain entities, managers must work to create new relational forms that rely on trust to a greater extent. We present a model suggesting that to build relationships based on trust, suppliers must invest in site-specific and human assets, and buyers must judiciously apply contracts to control for relative levels of dependence within the relationship. Our model also suggests that buyer-dependence, supplier human asset investments, and trust are all positively associated with improved supply chain responsiveness, defined in this study as the supplier's ability to quickly respond to the buying party's needs. This model is tested with data gathered from a sample of purchasing managers in North American manufacturing firms. The results suggest that even in cases when buyers do not have a great deal of control over their suppliers, working to build trust within the relationship can improve supplier responsiveness.  相似文献   

刘贵洲 《国际石油经济》2012,20(4):97-100,124,128
油气藏经营管理是国际油气领域围绕降低成本、提高经济效益而综合应用各种先进技术和管理形式及手段在实践中形成的理论和应用体系,已经历四个阶段的发展.目前,油气藏管理具有组织结构扁平化、组织模式网络化、系统流程简洁化、油气藏管理单元化、多学科团组协同化以及新技术应用更便利、评价和决策系统更完备等特点.油气田管理的核心将由油气藏管理向“油气芯”管理转变,油气藏经营将发展为油气藏的资产化和资本化经营,并按油气藏的实际价值计价,实现油气藏的资产交易或资本交易.  相似文献   

Recent developments in microelectronics, especially personal microcomputers and video discs, make possible new forms of interactive entertainment that differ significantly from the current broadcast forms. Through a detailed examination of some new forms of entertainment now possible, this article discusses possible directions for commercial entertainment and some implications of these developments.  相似文献   

Asian economies display large evident differences in their entrepreneurial capabilities and performance. While existing explanations of these differences have largely focused on formal and informal background institutions, we instead emphasize differences in national stocks of venture forms. We suggest that alternate venture forms, because of their different governance characteristics, possess unique entrepreneurial capabilities and pursue distinct opportunities. Consequently, nations must possess a diverse and balanced stock of venture forms and have such forms engaged in the unique and complementary activities for which they are best suited. Viewed in this light, addressing national limitations in entrepreneurial performance requires changes in stocks of venture forms. In developing the policy implications of our analysis, we highlight the past successes and current development challenges of Japan, Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and mainland China.  相似文献   

本文探讨了水性光固化聚氨酯丙烯酸酯(UVPU)和水性光固化环氧丙烯酸酯(WEA)两类预聚物的共混性能。采用红外光谱仪、紫外分光光度计和环境扫描电镜等仪器分析了共混体系的相容性、光固化速度、固化膜的光学性能和力学性能及成膜的截面形态。研究表明,两类预聚物的共混体系具有良好的相容性,紫外光固化速度快。在WEA中加入20wt%的UVPU固化成膜,断裂伸长率可提高1.5倍,光泽度是100%UVPU固化膜的1.23倍,但拉伸强度有所下降。电镜观察表明,两类预聚物分子之间能够相互聚合,形成类似网络互穿的结构。该新型共混体系在印刷光油和印刷油墨连结料等方面具有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

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