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零部件是汽车产业发展的基础,没有强大的、自主发展的零部件工业为支撑,汽车产业的自主发展将成为纸上谈兵、空中楼阁。目前,中国已经成为汽车产业大国,能否成为汽车产业强国的关键在四个方面:一是产品的自主创新和自主开发能力;二是零部件工业的基础;三是相关企业的支撑;四是销售服务系统。其中,汽车零部件工业将在新一轮的汽车市场竞争中起非常重要的作用。当前国际汽车零部件产业由于整车市场竞争激烈,同时市场不景气,因此企业面临上游压价,下游涨价,而中间人力成本过高的压力,这给我国汽车零部件产业提供了很好的机遇。在新的机遇面前,…  相似文献   

商务部2008年拟建汽车产业安全预警体系商务部计划在2008年扩大汽车零部件企业的监测范围,并建立完善的汽车产业安全预警体系,以指导国内企业如何处理国外发起的反倾销调查。据了解,目前商务部与中国汽车工业协会已经达成初步协议,双方将进一步扩大对重点汽车企业和零部件企业的监测范围。近年来,一些国外进口汽车零部件对中国生产的同类型产品已经造成很大冲击,原有的数据已经满足不了反倾销的要求。为此,商务部决定进一步扩大监测企业范围,而首先要扩大的行业就是汽车零部件行业。这意味着我国汽车零部件产业预警机制将再一次升级。  相似文献   

以往关于模块化的应用研究主要集中于制造业,本文是模块化理论在金融服务业应用研究的一次尝试。本文认为,银行卡产业模块化的价值创新机理就在于实现了从价值链向价值群的价值创新系统转变。我国银行卡产业模块化价值创新应该从三个方面着手:一是在产品模块化创新层面,着重银行卡产品设计规则参与、产品创新和服务标准化;二是在企业模块化再造层面,着重银行卡业务组件模块化和组织管理模块化;三是在生产网络模块化层面,着重外包策略和网络联盟在实现模块价值创新中的重要作用。  相似文献   

随着我国汽车产业的蓬勃发展, 我国汽车零部件产业急剧扩张, 与日本汽车零部件产业贸易往来也日益密切。 通过整理相关数据发现中国与日本汽车零部件产业发展仍然存在较大差距, 中国长期从日本进口大量高附加值的汽车零部件, 而出口日本的汽车零部件却以低附加值和低技术含量为主。 本文通过 2002~ 2017年中国与日本汽车零部件贸易的相关数据, 实证研究进口日本汽车零部件所产生的技术溢出对中国出口日本汽车零部件的影响。 研究结果显示: 进口贸易技术溢出可以有效促进中国对日本汽车零部件的出口。  相似文献   

介绍了襄阳汽车产业发展情况,阐述了襄阳主要汽车制造企业及汽车零部件产业发展现状,分析了该地区的汽车用钢市场需求和未来汽车产业的发展趋势,并对襄阳地区汽车用钢的市场前景进行了预测。  相似文献   

在中国汽车产业飞速发展的情况下,汽车零部件厂商面临着巨大的机遇和挑战,在这样的特殊时期企业需要特殊的竞争策略,更需要特殊的管理方式。看板管理就是这样一种先进的管理技术和管理方式,它能帮助汽车零部件厂商提高生产运营效率,降低产品库存,提高及时交付能力,改善顾客的满意度,提高企业的盈利能力,是汽车零部件厂商创建核心竞争力的重要技术手段。本文以T公司为例来谈谈汽车零部件厂商如何运用看板管理,  相似文献   

价值模块整合与产业融合   总被引:57,自引:10,他引:57  
本文重点研究了与产业融合、产业结构密切相关的价值模块研发、重用和整合三个关键环节,分析了三种基本的模块整合模式:内部组织模式、元件市场交易模式和授权设计交易模式。认为价值模块是产业融合的载体,并总结了SIP模块、SOC对3C产业融合的影响。模块化、产业融合不仅使生产结构基础改变了,竞争的基础也发生了转变,使企业之间的合作与竞争都达到了极致,这集中表现为企业之间的合作竞争,而企业之间的竞争又分为两个层面:设计规则的标准竞争和模块供应商之间激烈的“背对背”竞争。  相似文献   

汽车产业是一个传统行业。以互联网为代表的信息技术产业的发展,以及谷歌、苹果等科技巨头开始对汽车产业的涉足,为汽车产业的发展提供了全新的机会,这使得信息技术产业与汽车产业呈现了耦合的态势。尽管在制造、售后等环节我国汽车制造企业与国外汽车制造企业的差距正在逐年缩小,但是在产品开发、智能制造等环节,依然是目前我国汽车企业最为薄弱的环节。按照产业耦合理论,我们将两个产业的耦合程度,按照由弱到强的关系,分为无耦合、低度耦合、中度耦合、高度耦合四个阶段,本文将通过信息技术产业与汽车产业的数据,对二者的耦合程度、可持续发展性进行全面研究,以便达到为我国汽车产业与信息技术产业的耦合找到可行路径的目标。  相似文献   

配套体系不健全,零部件发展不足是长期制约云南机床、汽车产业发展的重要因素。为促进云南机床、汽车产业集群化发展,降低配套成本,增强产品市场竞争力,根据《国务院关于加快振兴装备制造业若干意见》有关精神,云南省机械行业通过大量调研,结合云南机床、汽车产业发展规划,提出七条措施积极推进机床、汽车配套体系建设。这七条措施是:1.加强信息沟通,促进主机企业与配套零部件企业的信息互动,鼓励机床、汽车主机企业采购省内零部件产品,支持零部件提升能力主动为主机企业的配套;2.根据云南省机床、汽车零部件产品的现状,选准一批本省有需求,…  相似文献   

汽车零部件产业的兼并、重组、集团化和国际化已成为汽车工业发展的整体趋势.中国汽车技术研究中心研究员王袒德等专家认为.一方面我国汽车零部件产业因整体技术含量较低、研发能力欠缺、企业规模小等薄弱环节.在参与国际竞争中处于劣势地位。另一方面,随着跨国公司在中国的采购力度大幅提升.及其产品国产化率的必然要求.我国零部件产业又面临着新的机遇.并有望成为汽车产业中具有世界影响力的行业。  相似文献   

当前,模块化作为一种产业发展趋势其影响触角正在逐渐延伸,电子电器产业即是其中之一。本文利用基于产品结构的产业分类方法对电子电器业的产品进行重新分类。通过构筑以零部件的技术变动性和市场需求特性为维度的空间结构图,可以看出,中国电子电器企业的竞争空间随着技术的变动程度和市场需求的复杂程度提高而逐渐缩小,这是因为中国的电子电器企业过分追求享有模块化的加工组装便利效应而忽视了激励技术创新效应。基于此,本文从技术稳定型产品和技术变动型产品两个方面分别给出了中国电子电器企业的竞争策略建议。  相似文献   

本文提出制造业企业应用模块化方法进行战略性知识管理的概念和主要类别。特别针对航空机制造业企业分析模块化方法的适用形式和局限性。飞机制造是介于集成方式和分解方式之间的复杂产品制造体系 ,模块化知识管理有战略意义 ,但也有局限性。研究指出 ,模块化方法仅适用于允许“适度失控”的产品 ,对飞机及发动机等“禁止失控”的复杂产品类型 ,系统集成商会拥有相对高的技术和知识优势 ,而模块制造商的创新空间很小。表现在我国参与飞机转包生产的企业对国外企业的依赖程度高 ;根据实际调查和本文的分析 ,我国企业可以通过通用模块制造技术向专用模块制造技术的过渡 ,逐渐实现有自己知识产权的黑箱型技术资源  相似文献   

To face the challenges of increasing demand for variety, more specific customer demands and shortening product life cycles, firms increasingly adopt mass customization techniques. Two important such techniques are product modularization and product platform development, which allow firms to reach high levels of product variety, and at the same time, keep complexity and its related costs at a limited level. Often modularization and product platform development are treated as variants of the same basic idea. However, even if the concepts are closely related, they also have some fundamental differences, which influence their usefulness and applicability in different settings. One potential shortcoming of existing literature on modularization and product platforms is the present lack of research on their limitations and potential negative effects. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to identify and explore contingencies influencing the applicability of modularization and product platforms, respectively, taking their different economic effects as a starting point. Moreover, the paper addresses how different organizing solutions are interrelated with the use of modularization and product platform approaches. The empirical observations originate from studies of three Swedish manufacturing firms. The study reveals that important contingencies affecting the applicability of modularization and product platforms are demand side characteristics and the speed of environmental change. Furthermore, it is seen that firms need to organize themselves differently with respect to how they combine modularization and platforms, for example, in terms of degree of centralization, formalization, and allocation of decision‐making authority, and that this poses challenges to the combined use of the two approaches.  相似文献   

随着中国汽车领域开放程度的提高,国内汽车市场开始进入高速成长期,其中代表着中国民族汽车工业的自主品牌汽车开始崭露头角,并在短短几年时间里飞速发展,成为中国车市不可忽视的一股新生力量。中国车市的品牌力时代已经到来,面对大品牌占绝对主导的中国汽车市场,目前尚处于弱势的中国自主品牌汽车应该如何应对?关键在于提升品牌力,打造强势品牌。就如何提升中国自主品牌汽车的品牌力,作者从品牌定位策略、渠道构建策略以及品牌国际化策略三个方面进行了阐述。  相似文献   

The alliance dynamics among the 35 largest firms in the worldwide automobile industry indicates that the likelihood of an alliance between any two firms depends on the local density of alliances among the members of their strategic groups, rather than on the global density of alliances in the industry. These results suggest that firms most closely observe and imitate the strategic behavior of firms who occupy the same strategic niche rather than the behavior of firms in their industry defined more broadly. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

模块化:系统结构与竞争优势   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
从物理模块、处理模块到价值模块,联系媒介、标准和性质趋向抽象领域和独立自由;从大型电脑、个人电脑到互联网模块化,硬件模块之间关系通过软件实现模块化,使模块化结构更加开放。模块系统利益结构由规模经济、局部经济与范围经济的对立转向规模经济、差异经济与网络经济的兼容,超级模块化和数码化是其关键;市场竞争、产权保护和金融选择等模块化利益机制推动了企业经营目标、模块化动力和模块创新模式演变。模块化不但有来自模块设计、模块化设计、“行路图”设计和组织模块化设计等自身竞争优势,也有来自数码化、创新文化、科学商业化和政府政策等环境竞争优势。  相似文献   

中国汽车工业的发展趋势及对策   总被引:49,自引:0,他引:49  
2002年中国汽车工业面对加入WTO后的冲击,发展迅速。但是,中国汽车工业从整体上看,仍然是一个国际竞争力较弱的产业。在加入W凹后更加开放的市场环境中,中国汽车工业逐步从制造、研究开发、销售服务、汽车信贷等方面全面融入世界汽车工业体系。通过使自身全面融入世界汽车工业体系,中国汽车工业将获得更加迅速的发展,并且逐步成为世界汽车工业的主要制造基地之一。就长远来看,中国汽车工业也必将获得自主开发的能力,并且逐步提高其在世界汽车工业体系中的地位。  相似文献   

This article examines how works councils in the West German automobile industry have influenced management approaches to technological change in three firms. The authors argue that while the post-war industrial relations consensus in Germany can be increasingly questioned, car-makers in the English speaking countries have important lessons to learn from their German counterparts.  相似文献   

Innovation and new model development have been paramount in the U.S. automotive industry. The industry has invested around $16–18 billion annually to launch new models and improve existing ones in response to incessant evolution of consumer preferences, competitive pressures, and changes in safety and emission regulations. Although these investments have significantly reduced cycle time and increased efficiency (e.g., through platform communization), it still costs around $1 billion to develop and launch a new model from scratch. Therefore, the strategic focus in the U.S. automotive industry is rapidly shifting away from manufacturing efficiency to product development and innovation as firms engage in an “arms race” to develop innovative new products ahead of the competition. The outcome of this new focus manifests itself in the total development time for a new platform vehicle, which is expected to drop from roughly four years in 1998 to two years in 2014. As development cycles continue to shorten, competition in the industry intensifies, and a new insight is needed to better understand how increased competition can affect the gains from innovations. The need for research to fill this gap is especially critical as executives continue to grow more cynical about returns offered by increases in research and development (R&D) expenditures and see no statistically significant relationship between R&D expenditures and firm performance. This study attempts to address this gap by adopting a coevolutionary perspective that analyzes the relationship between innovations and firm performance by accounting for the impact of competitive forces in the industry. First, this study explicitly models competitive interactions between firms, known in the ecology literature as the Red Queen competition, in which gains from innovations are relative and impermanent. Second, hypotheses are tested using a comprehensive data set comprising all automobile manufacturers ever known to compete in the U.S. automobile market at any time between 1891 and 2000. Complete coverage of 110 years enables precise analysis of the link between innovations and firm performance as well as the coevolution in the U.S. automobile industry. The results suggest that although extensiveness of an innovation is relevant, a firm's ability to keep up with the competition in the innovation arms race is a more significant driver of survival in the market. Thus, firms cannot simply evaluate their innovation efforts in a silo but must constantly assess their efforts versus the innovation launches of their key competitors. Based on the findings, automotive manufacturers must develop a structured product development program that allows for continual and steady new product introductions; otherwise, even momentary setbacks can have a damaging impact on a firm's ability to survive in the automotive marketplace.  相似文献   

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