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全球价值链理论与我国产业发展研究   总被引:200,自引:7,他引:200  
随着生产和贸易全球化的不断深入,世界价值创造体系在全球出现了前所未有的垂直分离和再构。面对这一国际分工大转换的背景,本文旨在通过引入全球价值链理论对我国如何面对全球产业转移和竞争有一个由宏观到微观多层次多角度系统的认识。本文回顾了全球价值链理论20多年的形成历程,理清理论传承和主要研究思路;对全球价值链理论中的动力机制、治理结构、产业升级等诸多方面进行了概括性探究和由此引发的诸多发展启示;最后,给出了研究和应用全球价值链理论的一些总结和建议。  相似文献   

全球价值链(Global Value Chain,GVC)作为组织当今国际产业转移的主要方式,已经对全球经济的微观基础产生了根本性的影响。本文对GVC模式的产业转移从学理上进行了界定,阐述了给全球化带来的四个特征性事实;在从要素特征、竞争优势、技术进步、市场环境和国家战略等方面分析了GVC模式的产业转移的驱动力量后,指出由GVC来主导产业转移所形成的国际分工体系,是国际技术前沿的实施机制;进一步,本文探究了GVC模式的产业转移对发展中国家产业升级的影响;本文最后指出,将GVC模式的产业转移内涵的竞争方式,与自身的国情和优势相结合来发展国内价值链,应该是中国实现产业升级和缩小地区差距的一条新思路。  相似文献   

全球价值链下地方产业集群升级模式研究   总被引:72,自引:0,他引:72  
地方产业集群沿着全球价值链往上升级,并不是一个自然而然的过程,而是在“不进则退”的激烈竞争中进行的。全球价值链片断化后.各个价值环节之间是有着严格的价值等级体系的。价值等级体系的形成一般有跳跃式和蔓延式两种空间布局模式。占据不同价值环节的地方产业集群,也由此在全球形成了严格的空间等级体系。在该等级体系中.既紧密合作又相互激烈竞争的各个层级的地方产业集群时刻演绎着升级和反升级的较量。既然各个地方产业集群之间攀登和反攀登都是在全球价值链中展开.那么就应该遵循链条本身所包含的各种竞争关系。不同的竞争和升级关系又会带来不同的经济影响。  相似文献   

随着全球化进程的不断深入,越来越多的学者开始借用全球价值链及其治理理论来分析发展中国家的产业升级问题。本文通过对20世纪90年代以来全球价值链理论、产业升级理论和产业集群理论的详细梳理,系统总结了全球价值链理论的发展脉络,以及当前全球化生产组织体系对发展中国家产业升级进程带来的机遇与阻力。在此基础上,本文尝试通过融合“技术能力”和“技术--经济范式”变革的演化视角,简要评述了目前全球价值链理论分析方法上存在的局限,并提出了下一步的研究展望。  相似文献   

在全球化背景下,以地方产业网络为发展模式的区域经济,其竞争力的提升需要在全球价值链中与区域外的经济行为主体积极互动,并实现升级。在这种研究视角下,本文首先界定了价值链治理的概念,然后从理论上阐述了全球价值链治理的主要类型,以及价值链治理对地方产业网络升级的影响。并在调研的基础上,以嵌入生产者驱动型价值链的浦东集成电路(以下简称IC)地方产业网络作为研究的对象,分析了全球IDM公司的治理行为对浦东IC地方产业网络升级的影响。在此基础上笔者提出,价值链治理者——全球领先公司,对地方产业网络升级的推动或阻挡,决定于地方产业网络的升级行为是否侵犯了其核心竞争力,而不是决定于地方产业网络升级的“类型”。这一结论是对国际研究的补充和修正。  相似文献   

全球化时代的企业运营——从脑体合一走向脑体分离   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2  
本文利用微观分工的理论 ,指出了经济全球化时代企业脑体产业分离的重要趋势 ,分析了脑体产业分离和脑体产业再分离的内在原因 ,既而指出了脑体产业分工在地域上的规律。在此基础上 ,探讨了在脑体产业分离的全球化时代 ,企业如何应变局势 ,如何获取新的竞争优势 ,以及如何融入全球分工网络。  相似文献   

以集群为发展模式的地方经济已逐渐纳入全球产业网络,它的竞争力提升,不仅需要挖掘集群的内部联系,更需要在全球价值链中与区域外的经济行为主体积极互动、不断调整自身嵌入全球产业价值链的方式,创造、保持和捕捉价值。文章以建筑陶瓷产业的实例分析为依托,阐述意大利、西班牙建筑陶瓷产业集群如何通过嵌入全球价值链实现集群的升级和发展,并控制全球产业的动态变化;探讨中国本土建筑陶瓷集群与国际建筑陶瓷集群间基于全球价值链的互动,对中国建筑陶瓷地方产业集群产生、发展、升级和区域经济带来的巨大影响;分析目前国内集群在全球价值链中面临的挑战,提出在全球产业视角下促进集群升级的可能途径。  相似文献   

在全球化背景下,地方电子信息产业竞争力的提升需要充分发挥自身有利条件,实现在全球价值链中升级.在这种研究视角下,本文结合全球价值链理论,在对苏南地区电子信息产业实地调研的基础上,分析全球价值链对地方电子信息产业升级的推动和阻挡作用.最后提出开发国内市场和实现技术攀登是实现产业升级的有效途径.  相似文献   

全球化的时代的企业运营——从脑体合一走向脑体分离   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文利用微观分工的理论,指出了经济全球化时代企业脑体产业分离的重要趋势,分析了脑体产业分离和脑体产业再分离的内在原因,既而指出了脑体产业分工在地域上的规律。在此基础上,探讨了在脑体产业分离的全球化时代,企业如何应变局势,如何获取新的竞争优势,以及如何融入全球分工网络。  相似文献   

经过近30年的发展,平湖已经成为世界服装重要的生产中心之一,"全球百件衣,平湖有其一",被誉为"中国出口服装制造名城"。但平湖服装产业集群以加工制造环节嵌入了"购买者驱动"的全球服装价值链低端环节。因此,在全球金融危机的新环境下,如何实现平湖服装产业升级,逐步占据全球价值链上的高附加值环节,具有可持续发展能力,是目前业界共同关注的焦点。通过对平湖服装产业嵌入全球价值链中的状况和定位进行分析,提出适合平湖服装产业升级的路径。  相似文献   

The interest in supply chain networks and their analysis as complex systems is rapidly growing. The physical approach to the topic draws on the concept of heterogenous interacting agents. The interaction among agents is considered as a repeated process of orders and production. The dynamics of production in the supply chain network which we observe is nonlinear due to the random failures in processes of orders and production. We introduce an agent-based model of a supply chain network which represents in more detail the real economic environment in which firms operate. We focus on the influence of local processes on the global economic behavior of the system and study how the proposed modifications change the general properties of the model. We observe collective bankruptcies of firms, which lead to self-emerging network structures. Our results give insight into the dynamics of default processes in supply chain networks, which have important implications both for risk managers and policy makers. Based on the simulations we show that agent-based modeling is a powerful tool for optimization of supply chain networks.  相似文献   

Schengen border crossings are moving from former European borders southeastwards. These changes influence some socioeconomic positions of regions and availability of human resources in the nodes of global supply chains. Free Economic Zone (FEZ) has been considered as a tool to make the flow of goods and the flow of human resources less exposed to risk. Considering the production function in activity cells of a global supply chain, the perturbations of NPV of activities in total chain are expressed in cases, where the availability of human resources and perturbations of lead time takes place, both of which are the result of activities at border crossings. The extended MRP approach with an extension to distribution and reverse logistic part of a supply chain is used to develop the model for evaluating the influence of the lead-time perturbations and perturbations in availability of properly skilled human resources in different regions separated by Schengen borders. Tax exemption in an FEZ is presented as a compensation for the negative impact of Schengen border on the net present value of a global supply chain and consequently as the compensation for shortages and costs of properly skilled workers. The paper gives answer to the question, what is the level of reduction of tax burden in the FEZ of accession countries, which is only a compensation for the higher labour costs, additional administrative costs and the cost of risks assumed at border crossings. We have explained why we are not able to talk about an unfair competition of producers in an FEZ’s atall.  相似文献   

Upgrading in global value chains (GVCs) is an important path for developing countries to move along to capture higher benefits. Several qualitative studies of GVCs have identified two main upgrading types: economic (product, process, functional, and inter-sectoral) and social upgrading. The upgrading concept is widespread in productive sectors such as processed food, which has become a key export for developing countries. However, they have confronted multiple product standards required by global buyers. This study uses a case study of Thailand’s processed food exports (TPFEs). Although Thailand is a leading exporter of processed food, the country needs to upgrade in many areas related to production to meet global product standards and requirements. If Thailand fails to comply with global product standards, it will lose its export competitiveness. This study uses a gravity model to evaluate the impact of economic and social upgrading (EUP and SUP) on TPFEs. Our results show that upgrading types are significant in TPFEs, particularly for exports to developed countries. Process upgrading has a negative impact on TPFEs because of increased production costs to comply with product standards. However, process upgrading can lead to increased producers’ and exporters’ knowledge about how to comply with international standards. Consequently, process upgrading exhibits a lagged positive effect on TPFEs.  相似文献   

始于2007年的金融危机,使全球经济遭到了历史罕见的巨大冲击。世界经济的各种力量对比开始发生此消彼长的变化,世界经济格局处于动态转换之中:世界经济结构加快调整,全球经济治理机制深刻变革,科技创新和产业转型孕育突破,发展中国家特别是新兴市场国家整体实力步入上升期,世界多极化深入发展。我国应科学认识世界经济格局变化特点,准确把握经济发展的战略机遇期,加快实施经济结构战略性调整,争取在未来的全球经济合作竞争中建立更大的比较优势。  相似文献   

Measuring Development Performance in the Electronics Industry   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Within a year or so, the computer you purchased last month will probably be obsolete. For a manufacturer faced with such short product life-cycles, the performance of the new product development (NPD) function can determine whether the firm itself is relegated to the scrap heap. With such a close link between NPD performance and a firm's overall success, we need to do more than simply ensure that individual projects are well managed; we need to assess NPD's overall contribution to the company's business performance. Christoph Loch, Lothar Stein, and Christian Terwiesch develop a two-step model for measuring the performance of the NPD function. In this model, development output performance is the direct driver of business success. In other words, the output and the productivity of the NPD function directly affect a company's profitability and sales growth. Development output performance is driven by development process performance—that is, the operational management of development projects. Using data from the “Excellence in Electronics” project (a joint research effort of Stanford University, the University of Augsburg, and McKinsey & Co.), the two-step model is applied to a sample of 95 business units operating in three international electronics industries: consumer/small products, computers/communications, and industrial measurement/large systems. This analysis has two main objectives: identifying the key measures of development output performance and their contribution to business success; and identifying the important measures of development process performance and their contributions to development output performance. Development productivity, measured by development expense intensity, is the clearest predictor of business success. In other words, you can't buy a competitive advantage by pouring more money into R&D. Success comes from more efficient NPD, not simply outspending the competition. In the computer industry, design-to-cost has a positive effect on profitability growth, and design quality has a positive influence on sales growth. The factors underlying development process performance are much more dependent on the nature of competition in each industry. For example, because competition in the large systems industry still focuses primarily on technical competence, design-to-cost efforts in this industry lag behind those of the computer industry. Important measures of development process performance for all industry segments examined in the study include supplier involvement in the design, early prototyping, a team-based development organization, the use of team rewards, and value engineering.  相似文献   

自然垄断产业市场结构重组的目标、模式与政策实践   总被引:32,自引:3,他引:32  
为促进自然垄断产业的有效竞争 ,提高经济效率 ,许多国家都对自然垄断产业实行市场结构重组政策。本文将探讨自然垄断产业市场结构重组的基本目标 ,5种主要市场结构重组模式及其特点 ,并分析一些经济发达国家和中国在自然垄断产业实行市场结构重组的政策实践。  相似文献   

价值链的经济学分析及其政策借鉴   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
本文在管理学和经济学价值链相关理论研究的基础上,用成本法在经济学框架里定义价值链;并以此为基础分析一国在要素结构、技术能力和分工迂回度变动后,其嵌入该国经济环境的价值链的变动状况。接着,文章给出了全球价值链的攀升模型,阐明了一国在全球价值链的战略定位及升级。最后,本文依据以上分析做出结论,并结合我国现实情况提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

由于东南亚国家石油化工工业的发展,东南亚许多国家由净进口国变为净出口国,使中国聚烯烃市场感到了压力。近期东南亚国家的经济危机,加刷了在各大石化纷纷低价抛售石化品,大量的聚烯烃树脂涌入中国市场,使中国聚乙烯市场和生产厂家都受到了强烈的冲击。  相似文献   

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