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Credit rating agency Standard & Poor’s on Friday downgraded the U.S.’s rating.Fear is spreading quickly through the market.It’s becoming a vicious cycle and could feed into consumers reducing their demand as well.Will it has a direct impact on Chinese textile and apparel exports?  相似文献   

Stipp D 《Fortune》2004,150(7):187-8, 190, 192 passim

This study uses a two-stage approach to explore the relationship between the operational performance of U.S. telecommunications companies and their implementation of corporate social responsibility (CSR). In the first stage, this study adopts the dynamic data envelopment analysis model to measure the efficiency of the telecommunications industry in the U.S. from 2004 to 2008. The empirical results show that the corporate efficiency of those companies that implemented CSR was higher than that of those companies that did not. In the second stage, the study adopts OLS and 2SLS to explore the influence of the execution level of CSR on performance. The results show that the Kinder, Lyndenberg, and Domini & Co (KLD) social ratings indexes are significantly and positively related to corporate performance. Finally, this study suggests ways in which corporate policy makers can enhance CSR in order to improve corporate performance in the U.S. telecommunications industry.  相似文献   

IntroductionBrazil made a formal complaint to the World Trade Or- ganization (WTO) Dispute Settlement Panel against U.S. cotton programs in 2003, alleging that these subsidies de- pressed world cotton price and were injurious to Brazilian farmers. The petition was supported by Australia and West and Central African cotton producing countries. After long deliberations, the WTO appellate body came out with their final ruling in March 2005 that upheld most of the initial decisions of the …  相似文献   

The nation-wide conference of devel-opment and reform for textile industrywas held here on January 12th, 2006 af-ter China weathered through the storms& torrents of various trade disputes in thetroubled water of 2005 and arrived at portof the new year, the start of the next Five-Year Plan period from 2006 all the wayto 2010. A roadmap for the country's eco-nomic & social growth with each fiveyear group as a routine time-table, thisplans making tradition has remained un-changed since its first…  相似文献   

It is generally believed that business-to-business marketing strategies are more uniform worldwide than those in consumer markets, because the buying firms focus more on issues such as product performance and profits. If this is so, a strategy model validated in one industrial market should apply reasonably well in another. This study compares pricing strategies of industrial firms in two market economies, the U.S. and Singapore. A pricing strategy model validated in the U.S. was tested in Singapore to determine whether internal and external conditions incorporated in the model could adequately explain differences in strategy choices between the markets.  相似文献   

During the recent recession only seventeen states offered short‐time compensation (STC)—prorated unemployment benefits for workers whose hours are reduced for economic reasons. Federal legislation passed in 2012 will encourage the expansion of STC. Exploiting cross‐state variation in STC, we present new evidence indicating that jobs saved during the recession as a consequence of STC may have been significant in manufacturing, but that the overall scale of the STC program was generally too small to have substantially mitigated aggregate job losses in the seventeen states. Expansion of the program is necessary for STC to be an effective countercyclical tool in the future.  相似文献   

二滩人充分利用世界上一流的水电专家、施工队伍、制造商的优势,在项目管理同国际惯例全面接轨的同时,对国外智力、先进技术、设备的引进,吸收与应用也在积极有效地进行着,创造了二滩人的“拿来主义”、“洋为中用”。  相似文献   

杰欧 《中国纺织》2004,(5):138-138
从去年起以高起点进军国内市场的著名外销品牌J.J.O./吉·杰欧,3月27日在北京长城饭店召开新闻发布会.  相似文献   

中国化工信息网是由中国化工信息中心和北京中化信深达信息技术有限责任公司共同经营的化工及石化相关行业的专业网站,网站从新闻报道、市场变化、科技发展、行业分析、专业内容等方面为同行业和相关行业的企业、贸易公司提供及时的信息服务。  相似文献   

<正>新型地下管线探测仪C.A.T接收机可以探测到地下管线自然发射出的信号,或使用Genny发射机给管线施加一个可以用C.A.T探测的特殊信号。避免了无计划开挖可能对电缆或者管道造成破坏,导致昂贵的维修费用、工程的延误甚至人员的伤亡。新型地下管线探测仪具有四种工作模式,①P模式:C.A.T接收机探测带电的电力电缆发射的"电力"信号。②R模式:C.A.T接  相似文献   

汽车制造企业车身焊接车间的F.A.T.真空发生器,因设备老化等原因,操作盒的开关按钮开始失灵。将真空发生器上的气动换向阀改为电磁换向阀,在PLC中修改SWAC面板的程序,实现SWAC面板对真空发生器的控制。  相似文献   

作为燃料,煤、石油和天然气分别属于固体燃料、液体燃料和气体燃料。 单位量燃料在完全燃烧时所放出的热量,称为燃料的发热量。对于固体或液体燃料,发热量的单位为kJ/kg;对于气体燃料,其单位为kJ/标m~3。 其中“标m~3”也可记为“Nm~3”,它是指在地面标准条件(规定压力为0.101MPa、温度为20℃)下气体的体积。  相似文献   

In recent years, the LAD Group has invested in R & D and innovation program for diversi- fied forms of business development hoping to make the company bigger, better and stronger, and it has achieved a bumper harvest. The LAD Group has become a giant in casual wear manufacturing. It is equipped with international state-of-the-artm achines, washing machines, computer-aidede mbroidery machines, smart streamline, garment-print line, dyeing & finishing line and CAD pattern-making system, maki…  相似文献   

新产品“魔术画板”中的绘画功能是与V.Smile学习机相关联的重点所在,借助一支魔术笔,孩子们可以根据自己的想象或者依据指引说明进行绘画。  相似文献   

I estimate the effects of new brands on market competition and consumer welfare in the U.S. processed cheese market. I find that an observed increase in consumer welfare was attributable mainly to an increase in the number of brands in the sample market, while the price effect, which measures welfare change caused by adding new brands to existing brands, decreased welfare as the prices of the existing brands increased in a large portion of sample markets. The price increase was most pronounced among the introducers existing brands. I also find that the data used in the paper identify a significant enhancement of consumer welfare as a result of the change in product characteristics provided by new brands even if a large portion of welfare gain is explained by the assumption on the error term in the utility function.JEL classification: D40, D60, L13, L66, H20  相似文献   

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