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罗娅 《中国电业》2014,(1):89-89
据媒体报道。合肥街头出现了“外国人代报案:警方重视,破案率高。代找苹果手机,价格面议”的广告。广告出现的背景是:日本人掉了一辆自行车,武汉3天找回:俄国人的护照丢了,宁波警察翻了5吨垃圾找了出来:美国人的马匹丢了,北京警方小跑20多千米找到了。网友评论,  相似文献   

辛辛苦苦几十年,一下回到解放前。市工商局市场合同科科长吴建文对这句坊间流行语有了些真切的体会。“我们花了很大力气推行集贸市场使用环保胶袋,并且取得了初步成效,上次去采访时你也看到了,分明很多商户都用起了环保胶袋,但现在又都回到了原状。”吴建文有些无奈地对记者说。今年7月份,市工商局向全市集贸市场开办者下发了相关通知,  相似文献   

王新业 《董事会》2014,(10):108-109
正阅读、学习、思考不是一时一事的事情,是一生一世的大工程。书读的多了,眼光远了,胸怀宽了,见识增长了,情操陶冶了,人生境界就提升了"要么学习,要么死亡。"现在有很多人都以"忙"为借口不读书。读不读书不在于"忙不忙",而在于有没有读书的欲望。有了这种欲望,玩着玩着就能把书读了,读着读着还能把钱赚了。中国有很多的企业家都很会读书,很善于读书,而且把读书用于  相似文献   

系统总结了近3年的科研生产管理评估工作情况。通过评估识别了科研生产管理中的薄弱环节,对薄弱环节进行了分析和梳理,并开展了专题策划,以评估为手段系统地进行了改进,取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

我骑自行车时,有人说路太远,你骑自行车根本走不到。但我走了一段换成了汽车,天黑前我到了。他们又说,前面没路没桥,还有一座山,你过不去了。我照样往前走,走到了山前我换了一架飞机飞过去了。  相似文献   

围涂 治江围涂在浙江上虞已有40余年历史。 几代人、几十万群众挑泥筑堤。硬是在滩涂上围成了15个丘、30万亩土地,不仅增加了大量耕地,缓解了人地矛盾,稳定了江道,并且加速了综合开发,创造了巨大的物质财富。  相似文献   

基辛格曾经说过:如果你控制了石油,你就控制了所有国家;如果你控制了粮食。你就控制了所有的人;如果你控制了货币,你就控制了世界。那么,未来控制世界,美国会不会将石油、粮食和货币作为新的战争工具?  相似文献   

综述了海水提溴的生产现状。列举了八种提溴技术,对比分析了各种方法的优缺点。简述了海水提溴最优方案。提出了海水提溴的未来发展方向。  相似文献   

基于以太网的闭环网络控制系统设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
概述了以太网用于工业现场的必要性。介绍了基于以太网的闭环网络控制系统的系统模型。在系统中设计了观测器和预估器以解决不确定变化的网络延时问题,保持了系统的稳定性并改善了系统的动态特性。仿真研究表明了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

"赵三,你怎么还抽烟呢?手头活儿都干完了?"李大炮走进吸烟室,见赵三还在吸烟,而且烟灰缸里已经有十几根"烟屁股"了。"没有,干累了,也不爱干,这活儿老子干够够地了"。他狠狠地吸了一口后,把"烟屁股"在烟灰缸里碾压着。"看样你小子是有情绪啊!说说,怎么回事儿?"说着,递过来一支烟,"不吸了,都吸十几根了……"赵三摆手拒绝,"再来一支,十多根都抽了,还差这一支?"说着把烟递了过去,并给他点着了。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the joint pricing and procurement of fashion products in the existence of clearance markets. It is assumed that the expected regular season demand is a linear decreasing function of the price and the end of period excess inventory is sold at a known discounted price in a clearance market where the demand is a random variable that follows a general distribution. It is shown that the expected profit function is unimodal and the optimal procurement quantity and price can be found from the first order conditions. Existence of a clearance market increases the profit, price, and the procurement quantity. In order to prove this, the optimal procurement and pricing policy of a price-setting retailer who does not have a clearance market is provided. As opposed to the literature, it is shown that the expected profit function of this problem is unimodal as well. A numerical study demonstrating the magnitude of the increase in profit, procurement quantity, and price is reported.  相似文献   

Modeling the response capability of a production system   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This work is aimed at investigating the impact of labor flexibility and machine flexibility in the response capability of a production system in the clothing industry. To do this the response capability of a production system is modeled as a function of different flexibilities. From this model a 32 factorial experimental design is configured, which is implemented in the Arena 7.01 simulation language. The results show greater importance of machine flexibility compared to labor flexibility for the types of variability studied, and the performance of a production system when a high level of flexibility is used is similar to that in which a medium level is used.  相似文献   

经济系统的资源位凹集模型及其政策含义   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
本文首先论述了“系统经济,整合为王”的基本思想;在此基础上提出了经济系统的资源位凹集模型把经济系统的实际资源位结构构造成凹集是整合在所有权意义上不属于自己的资源的必要条件,这为如何发展系统经济指明了方向;根据这个模型,推广了国际贸易理论的Heckscher-Ohlin定理,提出了如何应对经济全球化和如何在国际分工中获得最大的国家利益的对策性建议和必须进行的观念转变;最后,在对科斯企业理论进行认真分析的基础上,提出了企业凹集模型,进一步指出在系统经济条件下,整合资源的能力是企业家的核心能力的新理念。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the common though ethically problematic practice of suppliers providing gifts and other benefits to buyers in a business-to-business context. It is argued that contrary to the claim that the boundary between acceptable and unacceptable practices is blurred when there is a focus on developing mutually beneficial, long-term relationships between suppliers and their business customers, there is a straightforward decision making procedure that can be applied. Central to this decision making procedure is the concept of a conflict of interest. While all organisations have very good reasons to address the issue of gifts and benefits, in a relationship marketing context there is even more reason to do so.  相似文献   

This paper presents a method to find the optimal production, repair/replacement and preventive maintenance policies for a degraded manufacturing system. The system is subject to random machine failures and repairs. The status of the system is deemed to degrade with repair activities. When a failure occurs, the machine is either repaired or replaced, and a replacement action renews the machine, while a repair action brings it to a degraded operational state, with the next repair time increasing as the number of repairs increases as well. A preventive maintenance action is considered in order to improve the reliability of the machine, thereby reducing the amount of disruptions caused by machine failures. The decision variables are the production rate, the preventive maintenance rate and the repair/replacement switching policy upon machine failure. The objective of the study is to find the decision variables that minimize the overall cost, including repair, replacement, preventive maintenance, inventory holding and backlog costs over an infinite planning horizon. The proposed model is based on a semi-Markov decision process, and the stochastic dynamic programming method is used to obtain the optimality conditions. A numerical example is given to illustrate the proposed model, and a sensitivity analysis is considered in order to confirm the structure of the control policy and to illustrate the usefulness of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

长期以来,融资难一直是制约中小企业发展的重要瓶颈,尤其是在应对金融危机过程中,融资问题更加突出。这里面有五个原因:一是政治风险,占全国企业99.6%的中小企业大多数是民营企业,如果银行贷款给大型国有企业,即使出现了风险也是国家的,而贷给民营企业性质就不同了。二是信用风险,中小企业规模小,可抵押资产少,其信用满足不了银行的审查要求。三是道德风险,有的中小企业管理不规范,财务不透明,与银行信息不对称。四是市场风险,中小企业抗风险能力弱,市场需求敏感。五是交易成本高。对银行来讲,签一个大合同与签一个小合同手续成本是一样的。针对这些问题,如何缓解中小企业融资难?笔者认为要在进一步加强政府对中小企业扶持、放宽放活政策、加强企业现代管理、做大做强信用担保体系等方面,有所创新,有所突破。  相似文献   

中国产业发展的道路和战略选择   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
中国作为一个发展中国家,在经济发展的一定时期,其工业化过程必然表现为发达工业化国家的产业转移。因此,中国大多数产业的发展将经历三个阶段:幼稚期、成熟期和强壮期。为了向产业发展的第三阶段拓展,企业战略大致可有三种选择:品牌导向战略、产能导向战略和因势借势战略。战略选择的关键可能并不是什么样的战略更正确和更可取,而在于谁有动机实施某种战略。企业战略选择不仅仅以利益关切性为转移,而且是由纯理性因素和越理性因素所共同决定的。从一定意义上可以说,纯理性是世俗的理性和无差异的理性,越理性是信仰的理性和有差异的理性。因此,企业战略选择决不仅仅是纯理性的逻辑推演结果,而是以一定的价值观为基础的“理想”追求和“使命”驱动。国家产业发展战略选择也具有某种相似之处,也总是基于一定的理性基础,而这种理性不仅仅以纯理性判断为准则,而且必然含有强烈的越理性因素,包括民族的、伦理的以及各种人文的价值观准则。因此,可行的产业发展战略必须以科学的发展观为基础,其价值体现不仅是顺应客观规律,而且要满足于实现一定的社会合意性目标。  相似文献   

How many times is a forecast of a technological development correct? According to many experienced managers, it almost never is. Then what good is a forecast? A forecast helps make important innovation decisions, according to Brian C. Twiss. He argues that precision in forecasting a technological development is seldom needed for purposes of long-term planning and that any innovation so marginal that small errors in forecasting will make a big difference should not be considered anyway. Twiss suggests that technology forecasting can be of real value once it is accepted that it is essentially concerned with modeling human behavior. This is the unexpected viewpoint that Twiss presents in this article. He explains how to develop and how to use a technology forecast in long-range planning.  相似文献   

本文研究了由1个制造商和1个零售商组成的供应链中的竞争与合作定价问题,其中制造商具有平台直销渠道。本文建立了竞争下的Stackelberg博弈模型,并分析了解的唯一性和合理性,然后给出合作定价模型和各渠道的定价策略,结果表明制造商和零售商最优策略是降低线下渠道销售价格而线上平台销售价格不变。通过对比表明供应链合作所增加的收益等于非合作下零售商的收益,并证明了顾客对线下渠道购买偏好越高,合作所增加的收益越大。进一步地,分析了在合作的情况下制造商是否放弃通过平台直销渠道销售商品的问题,并给出双渠道下供应链总利润比单渠道下总利润高的判定条件。最后给出一个算例,对所获得的结论进行验证和补充。  相似文献   

本文提出了一种测辩模糊控制决策表的新方法——多变量线性最小二乘回归方程的计算机处理法。为克服普通模糊控制存在较大静差的缺陷,本文设计了一个模糊——双积分并联复合控制结构。该结构在克服积分饱和现象,缩短调节时间,保证系统稳定,和消除调节静差等方面十分有效。  相似文献   

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