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据海关统计,去年我国外贸进出口总值首次突破5000亿美元大关,达5097.7亿美元,比上年增长7.5%。其中出口2661.6亿美元,增长6.8%;进口2436.1亿美元,增长8.2%,累计实现贸易顺差225.5亿美元。去年国际经济环境发生了重大转变,世界经济和贸易出现10年来最缓慢的增长。在严峻形势下,我国对外贸易逆势而上,保持良好的增长势头,一定程度上确保了我国“十五”计划开局之年经济健康稳定发展。据分析,去年我国外贸进出口主要特点有六点:一是出口增速先抑后扬,贸易顺差逐步攀升。二是一般贸易和…  相似文献   

中加发表《21世纪能源合作声明》;2004年非洲经济增长率达到8年来最高水平;俄罗斯国家石油公司2005年将向中国输送400万吨原油;12005年伊拉克计划对石油行业投资30亿美元;EIA称:2005年欧佩克成员国原油收入将达3450亿美元;日本2004年原油进口量减少1.5%;2004年美国原油进口首次突破日均1000万桶;  相似文献   

大集团战略是中国国有企业改革和发展的一个重要阶段。随着我国经济持续快速发展,集团性企业资产规模急剧增长,中国企业500强总资产排序前100名企业的平均数,由2002年的547.27亿元增加2004年的674.16亿元,两年增长了23.19%,高于同期GDP的增幅;而第100名的门槛也从2002年214.62亿元提高到2004年的317.4亿元,两年增长了47.899/6。如何管理如此庞大的资产,使之不断保值增值,实现持久的资产价值最大化,是每一个企业集团必须高度重视的问题。  相似文献   

“在2010年全局首次实现真正企业盈利的基础上,2011年,全局实现营业收入同比增长41.9%,首次突破了百亿元大关;实现利润总额达8,5亿元,同比增长47.7%。2012年1~8月,实现营业收入104亿元,同比增长27.7%;利润总额5.2亿元,同比增长29.8%:完成经济增加值2.99亿元,同比增长52.6%;1~7月,全局实现利润在中央企业中排名提升到第63位。2010年以来,职工年人均工资收入增速将近20%”。  相似文献   

进入21世纪,尤其是加入WTO后,我国国民经济持续快速发展,2003年国内生产总值超过11.6万亿元人民币,比上年增长9.1%;进出口总额超过8510亿美元,实际利用外商直接投资535亿美元,分别比上年增长37%和1.4%;外汇储备超过4030亿美元,比上年增长40%,从而使综合国力大步跃升。随着我国经济、文化、新闻出版、对外贸易的发展和人民物质、文化生活的提高,2003年出版各种图书19万种、467亿印张;期刊9165种,109亿印张;报纸1855种,1150亿印张。约有4.5万亿元国内零售消费品和4300亿美元的出口商品需要包装和包装印刷配套,加上其它方面对印刷的需要,为我国印刷业包括出版物印刷、包装、商业印刷和其它印刷的发展提供了广阔的市场。  相似文献   

韩国经济发展中的对外贸易   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
韩国从20世纪60年代试图开始实质性的经济开发,到2004年为止与230多个国家和地区进行贸易。2004年。其GDP是6801亿美元,为世界第10位,人均收入14162美元。交易额4783亿美元,为世界第12位。2004年外币储备额是1991亿美元.居世界第4位。韩国以韩国式经济开发,即实行市场亲和式政府干预的经济政策,通过出口为主导的经济开发实现了经济的快速增长。正高速增长的中国亦以中国式社会主义.以中国式改革开放追求出口和贸易的共同增长。中国和韩国都持续着经济的高速发展.被公认为是以出口和贸易为主的经济开发模式的典范。韩国进口能源、原材料和资本品,出口工业制成品。中国的贸易由外资企业为主进口半成品和资本品,出口工业制成品。而中国贸易在经济发展中所发挥的影响与韩国相比还小。为了持续增长,韩国需要以技术和经营革新提高国际竞争力.尤其要改善以资本品进口为主的贸易结构。  相似文献   

贸易逆差:72.4亿美元 中国3月份发生贸易逆差72.4亿美元,为2004年4月以来首次出现贸易逆差。中国第一季度出口3161.7亿美元,同比增长28.7%;进口3016.8亿美元,同比增长64.6%;贸易顺差为144.9亿美元,同比减少76.7%。  相似文献   

上 国际工程承包市场发展概况 世界经济形势及国际工程承包市场概况随着全球经济的全面复苏和整体经济环境的好转,建筑市场资本投入呈现快速增长的趋势。美国《工程新闻记录》(ENR)评选出的2003年世界最大225家国际承包商,其国内市场营业额总和为2952亿美元,比2002年增长15.2%;国内市场新签合同额总和为3115亿美元,比2002年增长27.2%。2003年225家国际承包商的海外市场营业额总和为1398亿美元,同比增长20%;  相似文献   

方土 《化工管理》2001,(6):40-41
20世纪90年代以来,三角集团在总裁丁玉华的带领下,较早地走向市场,制定并有效实施了“行业领先战略”,至1999年底,提前一年实现了“行业领先战略”第一阶段的目标,使企业核心竞争力和战略发展能力大大增强,有效地解决了国有企业长期未能解决的发展方向、路子及按市场规律经营与运作的问题。三角集团创造的“以轮胎行业领先为目标的战略管理”成果获得第十四届山东省企业管理现代化创新成果一等奖和第七届全国企业管理现代化创新成果一等奖。2000年,三角集团开始实施第二阶段的战略目标,集团发展又迈上了一个新的台阶。全年共实现工业总产值28亿元,比去年同期增长18%;实现销售收入23亿元,比去年同期增长16%;完成出口交货值5.3亿元,比去年同期增长20%;实现利税2.5亿元,比去年同期增长14%.经济效益在国内同行业继续保持领先水平。  相似文献   

2003年纺织总体形势不错。生产、销售、出口都将超过2002年.创出历史新高,截至9月底,工业总产值达9107亿元人民币,同比增长21.71%:产品销售收入8546亿元.同比增长23.20%:出口567亿美元,同比增长26.33%;利润总额283亿元.同比增长318%。预计全年经济效益达400亿元人民币,出口超过700亿美元。10月底,纺织两大代表性产品纱产量达到了764万吨.化纤达到935万吨.两者的增长幅度同比均超过了16%.到2003年结束,分别达到950和1000万吨应该不成问题。解读2003年的纺织运行,生产销售平衡,出口增长正常,经济效益不差。概括说.总体向好。  相似文献   

This research examines four interrelated issues at the country level: the value of information technology (IT), inputs substitution and complement, the complementarity phenomenon created by IT and national characteristics, and the productivity paradox, jointly and critically from a global perspective, using the so-called productive efficiency as the performance measure. To that end, we develop the three-factor constant elasticity of substitution (CES) stochastic production frontier model and apply it to a set of panel data from 15 countries over the period 1993–2003, along with the traditional two-factor CES models, within the one- and two-equation frameworks. In the two-equation setting, six national characteristics are selected as the contributing factors of the productive efficiency. The findings include: (i) the value of IT as measured by the productive efficiency is duly recognized: (ii) the productivity paradox is found to be absent from the production process in a majority of developed and developing countries considered, rejecting the existing argument that the paradox exists only in developing economies but does not exist in developed countries; however, the developed countries have used IT capital in their production systems more productively efficiently than the developing nations; (iii) traditional capital (non-IT capital), traditional labor, and IT capital are not pairwise substitutable, contrary to the notion that they are pairwise substitutable at the firm level; (iv) constant returns to scale, as commonly assumed, are not supported by the data; (v) different national characteristics affect a country's output (represented by gross domestic product or GDP) and its productive efficiency differently; and (vi) the complementarity phenomenon is observed in most of the countries (developed and developing) under study.  相似文献   

We provide an overview and synthesis of recent work on models of monopolistic competition with heterogeneous firms in international trade, paying particular attention to competition effects, pass-through, selection effects, and linking distributions of firm characteristics and outcomes. A recurring theme is that CES preferences are extremely convenient for deriving analytic results, but also extremely restrictive in their theoretical and empirical implications. We introduce the class of “constant-response demand functions” to describe some related families of demand functions that provide a unifying principle for much recent work that explores alternatives to CES demands.  相似文献   

Recent work on energy systems analysis of food production systems has demonstrated the importance of energy to the food production sector of the economy. We show how energy requirements for food production are closely related to the intensity of production, and that there is a quantifiable trade-off between land and energy use. This trade-off is quite different for vegetable and industrial food as opposed to animals and fish. Thus the energy consequences to food production from changes in diet, shrinking land resources or increasing population may be readily computed.  相似文献   

During the second half of the 20th century the global food production more than doubled and thus responded to the doubling of world population. But the gains in food production came at a cost, leaving a significant environmental footprint on the ecosystem. Global cropland, plantations and pastures expanded, with large increases in fossil energy, water, and fertilizer inputs, imprinting considerable footprint on the environment. Information from pre eminent publications such as Nature, Science, PNAS and scholarly journals is synthesized to assess the water and energy footprints of global food production. The data show that the footprints are significant, both locally, national and globally and have consequences for global food security and ecosystem health and productivity. The literature nearly agrees that global food production system generates considerable environmental footprints and the situation would likely get worrisome, as global population grows by 50% by 2050. Investments are needed today to buffer the negative impacts of food production on the environment. Investments to boost water productivity and improve energy use efficiency in crop production are two pathways to reduce the environmental footprint.  相似文献   

The distributed generation as well as the combined production of electrical energy and heat for domestic use in order to increase the energy efficiency becomes more important and both technically and financially feasible. However, feasibility and efficiency can be significantly increased by decoupling the production of heat or power or the referring demand in order to operate the production units in the most efficient way. Thermal storage systems connected to combined heat and power units offer the opportunity of such a decoupling of production and demand for heat in domestic or industrial use. In this article, based on an analysis of different thermal storage technologies, a model is introduced for optimal operation of thermal storage connected to combined heat and power units in terms of the generation costs or contribution margin as extension of an energy generation planning and trading optimization method. Moreover, the application, coordinated operation and participation in spot markets of such plant-storage-combinations are evaluated.  相似文献   

The price worthy supply of energy is an indispensable requirement for growth and employment in highly industrialized countries as Germany. For energy intensive production processes — with limited opportunities to accomplish efficiency gains or substitute fuel — energy prices and costs are important determinants for competitiveness. But the other manufacturing sectors and households too, are affected by these high energy costs respectively expenditures, which result in real production losses or correspondingly in cutting back expenditures for non-energetic consumer goods. In view of the strongly increased level of energy prices — the price for crude oil hit the historic peak of $121 per barrel in May 2008 — especially grid bound energy sources as electricity and gas are in focus of the public. A recent study of the EEFA research institute illustrates the determinants of the development of electricity and gas prices in Germany from 1998 to 2007.  相似文献   

With climate change and population growth, the pathways for reducing the environmental footprint of food production are increasingly sought, but poorly understood. This paper sketches the environmental footprints of water and energy use in food production systems. The main objective is to present an empirical application, to help identify the main pathways to reducing the footprints. The agricultural system of rice, wheat, and barley production on selected farms in the southern Murray Darling Basin in Australia is used as a case study. Further insights are gained through a review of the data published in pre eminent journals. Together the analysis indicates that boosting water productivity and improving energy use efficiency in crop production operations are the two possible pathways to reducing the environmental footprints of water and energy inputs in food production. These generic conclusions have implications for water, food and environment policy.  相似文献   

This paper describes a hierarchical production planning approach with decision support features for energy intensive industries with particular reference to a tile manufacturing factory. In the tiling industry, the facilities which contribute most to the consumption of energy (and, hence, to the production costs) are usually the kilns where the curing operation is carried out. Frequently, the kilns are also the bottleneck in terms of capacity utilization. Thus, in order to save on energy costs, a planning approach which aims at minimizing the number of active kilns throughout the year is needed besides optimizing the process design in the curing department. To achieve the latter goal, it is necessary to take into account demand fluctuations as well as detailed capacity restrictions while deciding on the lot sizes of the products and the kilns on which the products are loaded. Rather than adopting a monolithic mathematical model for developing a desirable production plan, a hierarchical approach which decomposes the problem into two sub-problems is preferred. In the first level, products and capacity are aggregated over the planning horizon to achieve an overall consideration of demand fluctuations over time. Then, the solution provided by the aggregate solution for the current planning period is disaggregated into a detailed lot sizing and loading solution. The disaggregated problem is difficult to solve and hence, a heuristic is proposed here. This planning approach is sustained by a Decision Support System which enables the elimination of possible inconsistencies in the production plan by providing an effective interaction with the decision maker.  相似文献   

The integration of the increasing share of fluctuating renewable energy sources into the energy system requires more options in flexibility. A promising attempt is the power-to-gas concept (PtG) which allows the production of hydrogen and synthetic natural gas (SNG) from electricity and the storage in caverns or existing gas storage facilities. However, an economic operation in Germany is not expected before 2030, when the amount of surplus energy, mainly generated in wind parks, will be sufficient. Currently, a hardly analyzed aspect is the potential commercialization of the flexible electrolysis as controllable load on the electricity balancing market. This offers opportunities to generate additional revenues and to obtain cheap electricity in the form of balancing energy. The present article has been designed to analyze this aspect and to examine the impact of a potential commercialization of balancing energy on the gas production costs within the PtG concept. At first, the current legal framework, the funding instruments of SNG and the differences between the notion ‘Speichergas’ and ‘Biogas’ will be outlined. An overview of the current balancing market will be given and the development of prices on the secondary balancing market will be evaluated as well as expected market trends will be presented. The following calculation of gas production costs, which result from applying an optimal proposal strategy on the secondary balancing market, is model-based and uses historical data. Three scenarios are defined and examined, and the impact of variable electricity prices is analyzed. The electricity balancing market is profitable and offers many opportunities for PtG plants. The results show a decrease of SNG production costs by up to 74 % to 46,9 €/MWh. As for the hydrogen, the production costs amount to approximately 25,8 €/MWh which equals a cost reduction of up to 81 % compared to conventional PtG plants without commercialization of balancing energy.  相似文献   

从生产成本、能耗、技术路线的先进性、操作与维护等方面对以正丁烷为原料生产顺酐的四种工艺技术进行综合对比评价,用模糊数学的方法选择最优工艺。  相似文献   

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