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针对水利工程造价中的工程量清单计价和定额法存在的缺陷,为了对工程项目成本进行较为准确的计算和分析,引入了作业成本法。提出了水利工程除险加固项目的作业成本分析模型,说明了作业成本法的具体分析过程。以某土石坝除险加固项目中的防浪墙为依托,详细地给出了作业成本法每个过程的分析内容,估算了项目成本,并给出了实际成本,根据两个成本的偏差计算结果,说明了作业成本法估算的项目成本具有足够的准确性和有效性,而且作业成本法可以对造成偏差较大的原因进行有效分析。  相似文献   

论作业成本法中的成本管理理念   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
叶衡 《工业会计》2002,(5):26-28
本文从作业成本法入手,简单介绍作业成本法的发展,然后引出了蕴含在作业成本法中的管理理念,并详细阐述了成本元概念引入成本观的意义,以及作业成本管理的运行步骤。最后,结合中国企业的实际,讨论作业成本管理理念在企业中的发展前景。  相似文献   

基于价值链管理的煤炭企业作业成本法应用探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章从价值链管理的角度对传统成本管理的局限性、作业成本法与传统成本管理方法的利弊、作业成本法在煤炭企业中的应用等进行分析与阐述,对提高作业成本法在煤炭企业中的应用有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

<正>河北省保定供电公司(以下简称公司)自2007年起,遵循国家电网公司提出"建立成本标准体系,实施战略成本管理、作业成本管理和全过程成本管理,实现成本管理方式转型"的要求,探索作业成本法的应用,开展作业标准成本测算工作,并尝试在年度成本预算中运用作业成本法,收到了比较明显的效果。  相似文献   

河北省保定供电公司(以下简称公司)自2007年起,遵循国家电网公司提出“建立成本标准体系,实施战略成本管理、作业成本管理和全过程成本管理,实现成本管理方式转型”的要求,探索作业成本法的应用,开展作业标准成本测算工作,并尝试在年度成本预算中运用作业成本法,收到了比较明显的效果。  相似文献   

一、物流作业成本法及其应用的必要性 作业成本法是以作业为单位进行成本计算的先进管理思想.物流作业成本法就是利用作业成本法的基本原理对企业物流成本进行计算和控制的方法.应用物流作业成本法的必要性主要体现在以下几个方面:  相似文献   

运用作业成本法先进的理论方法,指导工序成本核算的进一步完善,使成本管理更加细化、成本过程控制更加合理,进一步实现降本增效。结合国内大型A矿山工序成本管理情况,围绕基于作业成本法的矿山工序成本管理实践展开研究,以供参考。  相似文献   

刘强 《冶金财会》2010,(12):27-28
<正>为解决在新的制造环境下传统成本会计在分配制造费用时采用的分配标准不科学的问题,将作业成本法这一种新的成本核算方法应用到实际成本核算过程中是成本管理的发展趋势。作业成本法也称为作业基础成本法(简称ABC),是以作业为基础的管理信息系统。  相似文献   

价值链分析是一种重要的企业战略分析工具,是对企业整体的系统分析;作业成本法是一种以流程为导向的企业成本核算方法,是侧重于企业作业、产品成本微观上的分析。坚持以价值链分析为主体,以作业成本法为补充的价值链分析与作业成本法的结合,可以在价值链分析建立了企业战略分析整体框架的基础上,作业成本法从作业的角度研究成本,将成本分配到作业进而到成本对象,提出多层面的较准确的成本信息,为企业管理者进行战略管理提供较为充分的信息支持。本文从价值链分析与作业成本法结合的可行性,结合的方式等方面进行了阐述。  相似文献   

煤炭企业需要针对时代发展需求,进一步加强成本管理。为了探讨作业成本法在煤矿中的应用,通过案例分析法,将Y煤炭企业作为研究对象,重点分析该企业的作业成本法在煤炭生产成本管理方面所发挥的显著功效,并结合具体案例强调作业成本法在具体实践中应当注意的相关事项与要点。结论表明:利用差异分析可以得出,Y煤矿通过应用作业成本法,相对于实际成本低0.6%。应用作业成本法能够降低煤矿运营成本,增加煤矿在市场中的竞争能力。  相似文献   

肖婷 《山东纺织经济》2022,39(1):23-25,29
随着医院改革的不断推进,公立医院的运营模式正在向精细化管理的方向转变,而作业成本法是精细成本核算的工具之一.同时,3D打印技术越来越多地应用于医疗领域,文章通过作业成本法对个性化3D模型制备进行成本核算,实地考察项目流程,提出成本核算模型.作业成本法的先进性,不仅促进了医疗项目成本核算的准确性,更对医院成本管理具有重大...  相似文献   

企业环境成本特点及管理方法探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在对企业进行环境成本管理的必要性和环境成本的特点进行分析的基础上,指出我国企业目前在环境成本管理工作中存在的主要问题,并认为作业成本法与全生命周期成本法是环境成本管理较好的方法,进而对两种方法在企业环境成本的具体运用中进行了比较。  相似文献   

Traditional intra-firm cost accounting tools are not appropriate in the context of supply chain management, as there are no standards for the definition and composition of costs. This prohibits exchange and comparison of cost data among different supply chain members. Against this background, several activity-based costing models for inter-firm cost accounting have been proposed. Evaluating these models, a conceptual framework for activity-based costing in a supply chain has been developed. This also forms the basis for a single case study conducted at Europe's largest company for façade components. This demonstrates how significant inter-firm cost saving opportunities can be identified and offers a first step in assessing the suitability of the proposed model.  相似文献   

The flood of publications and seminars on activity costing in the last few years suggests that companies suddenly encountered a need for better management accounting information in the 1980s. In fact, management accounting's relevance to most business decision-making deteriorated steadily since the 1950s. However, most companies did not perceive these inadequacies in management accounting until the early 1980s. Current interest in activity management and activity costing reflects the convergence around 1980 of two forces: a long-undetected set of problems in management accounting that seems to originate in the 1950s; and the growth of new competitive pressures in the 1970s that made companies acutely aware of these problems. Although these two forces arose independently, their interaction in the 1970s led to the rise of activity-based management thinking. This paper describes the past, present, and future of activity-based management: past uses of financial accounting information that confounded companies' efforts to plan marketing strategies and to control operations after the 1950s; present ideas for solving these problems with activity-based management concepts such as activity costing; and the likely future direction of activity-based management thought.  相似文献   


Health care providers currently operate in an environment of complex supply chains and increasing costs where approximately one third of hospital operating expenses are related to supplies. It is pertinent that health care providers have a clear understanding of their supply chain process costs. Knowing how these costs are driven and where opportunities for cost reduction exist can support health care provider supply chain (HPSC) efficiency. In this article, we present a time-driven activity-based costing (TDABC) supply chain cost methodology for health care providers. A TDABC management system can provide health care providers with valuable product and process supply chain cost information by investigating logistics activities, resource consumption, and time drivers. Our HPSC TDABC methodology is demonstrated in a case study conducted for the supply chain department of a 200-bed, not-for-profit hospital.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the extent and the reasons for variation in the profitability of a product. The underlying hypothesis was that all products are not profitable. Furthermore, it was assumed that activity-based costing (ABC) would indicate greater differences in the profitability of products than the previously used marginal costing system. The case study was conducted in a company in the metal industry that manufactures and assembles industrial goods. First, the activity chains were modeled and the activity-based costs were calculated. Second, the activity-based cost of the final products was compared with the selling prices to determine the profitability. The results show that the profitability varies significantly. The most profitable 20% of the products generate more than 150% of the profits and 50% of the net sales. Finally, the study identifies the characteristics of the most profitable products and discusses the reasons for the profitability.  相似文献   

Flexible material handling systems (MHS) have been widely used to enhance productivity involved with product proliferation, and thus far, only fixed-track MHSs such as Eton systems in the apparel industry are commonly used. This paper explores the economic feasibility of a flexible MHS using free-ranging automated guided vehicles (AGV) with a local positioning system (LPS) for the apparel industry. A component-based and modified activity-based costing methodology is proposed to estimate the additional cost of adopting flexible MHSs, and then the internal rate of return (IIR) and payback periods are applied to evaluate the project economic performance. Results show that adopting flexible MHSs has a promising IIR which is larger than 30%.  相似文献   

罗捷 《电力技术经济》2005,17(1):42-43,48
阐述了为适应市场经济的发展,我们需要建立一套科学、合理的工程造价管理制度,建立市场经济的计价模式,加强 IT 技术在行业内部的应用,工程造价管理将不再是单一的概、预、结算、定额管理,它将逐步向建设工程全方位,全过程的方向发展,由以往的静态管理逐步转为动态管理。  相似文献   

随着第三方物流企业日益重视供应链竞争,传统的成本核算方法不能准确客观的对供应链环境下的物流成本进行计算,更无法合理分配碳成本。本文运用作业成本法,基于整个供应链以真实成本核算为导向选取碳排放成本指标,将其作为独立模块纳入成本核算系统中,便于企业掌握准确真实的成本信息,进行成本控制,做出成本决策。  相似文献   

高新技术的发展对企业成本管理提出了新挑战,成本信息的精确度在一定程度上成为企业投资经营活动决策的基础性依据,而成本计算制度的选择与应用起着关键作用。笔者通过对企业成本制度的内涵、特点及对管理会计、财务管理、成本管理影响的分析,提出在我国高新技术企业构建与实施作业基础成本制度的建议。  相似文献   

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