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焦炉是焦化生产的主要设备,也是焦化厂生产过程中的最大污染源。原焦炉装煤过程产生的大量烟尘,采用炉顶消烟除尘车除尘;出焦烟尘,采用拦焦车集尘罩导入消烟除尘车二者配合除尘;装煤过程中消烟除尘车处理效果不理想,还释放大量烟尘。经过改造试验对比,第二次改造后的方案即采用间距为500mm,互相垂直的两组折流板结构,两组折流板底部各增加一组旋向相反的螺旋喷淋器,洗涤折流板,再次起到除尘作用。现烟气排放已达到并优于环保标准,烟尘排放量远远低于国家标准,减排显著。  相似文献   

N-甲基二乙醇胺是硫磺回收装置主要使用溶剂,传统分析胺液中硫化氢含量及胺浓度采用手动滴定分析,为了缩短分析时间,同时提高分析的准确性,本文提出采用气相色谱法分析,样品无需处理,一次进样同时分析两个数据,避免了手动滴定的各种缺点,并验证了数据的准确性。  相似文献   

陈辉 《中华商标》2004,(9):15-15
泉州市商标协会于8月21日隆重成立。泉州199家经济效益好、商标意识强的企业加入协会,王水坤当选为会长,林海雁、吴建设当选为秘书长、副秘书长。  相似文献   

本文对酒钢5#6#捣固焦炉装煤烟尘产生的原因进行了阐述和分析,提出了相应的措施,总结了控制装煤烟尘的经验。经过对策实施后,装煤烟尘量明显减少,改善了焦炉工作环境。  相似文献   

转炉炼钢静态控制是转炉计算机的基本控制方式,副枪动态控制以静态控制为基础。针对转炉炼钢过程中复杂因素的影响,通过数学方法研究开发出一套转炉炼钢数学模型。静态模型包括终点控制模型、供氧模型、造渣模型、底吹模型;动态模型包括脱碳速度模型、钢水升温模型和冷却剂加入量模型。  相似文献   

油液分析行业中,针对不同检测设备得出的数据在采集与处理形式上的问题,提出油液分析数据自动采集系统方案,讨论不同解析方法,避免因人为因素导致的错误问题,明显降低综合出错率,同等人员、设备的条件下,项目检测量提升显著,使得排样与数据流转时间大幅下降,工作效率得到有效提高。  相似文献   

钢铁厂含铁固体废弃物高效回收处理技术中国钢研科技集团公司开发的钢铁厂含铁固体废弃物高效回收处理技术,其采用转底炉直接还原工艺,消化传统炼铁工艺难以冶炼的钢铁厂含铁固体废弃物,生产的海绵铁供给转炉或高炉用。  相似文献   

在试样过程中,采取金王水分解,在10%-20%王水介质中,金被直接用多孔聚氨酯泡沫吸附富集,接着采取2%硫脲,进行加热,被吸附的金便会自行解脱,最后采用原子吸收法测定。原子吸收法的优势在于具有简单性、快捷性,仪器具有良好的稳定性、准确性。本文主要围绕原子吸收法测定岩石矿物中金含量,展开具体的阐述。  相似文献   

梁英  周彬  李欣蓉 《化工管理》2023,(12):41-44
文章研究了空气-乙炔火焰原子吸收光谱法测定高纯碳酸锶中氧化钡含量的方法,采用标准加入法进行测定,对影响测定结果的条件进行了探究。试验结果表明,该方法稳定性好、重现性好、灵敏度高,在实际生产分析中具有良好的可行性。  相似文献   

基于Matlab的转炉耳轴轴承状态检测数据处理程序的开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在低速重载轴承的状态检测中,对测试数据的合理分析是整个测试工作中最重要、最具挑战性的部分.为了便于对大量现场数据的分析,开发了基于Matlab的数据处理程序.该程序已在企业转炉耳轴轴承的状态检测中应用。  相似文献   

颜色管理中的白场适应问题(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在某种媒介上再现源自于另一种媒介的颜色时(比如印刷再现显示图像),最常用的方法是将源媒介的白场与目标媒介的白场相匹配。但是这种方法仔在一定的局限。本研究通过一系列的实验,获取了一些心理物理学的数据,以便更清楚地认识颜色管理中的白场适应问题,开发更有效的颜色管理解决方案。在此基础上,评价了在采用白场补偿的条件下,不同承印物上印刷输出匹配的可接受性,并测定了承印物色差对此匹配的影响程度。  相似文献   

In this article, we present key tenets of good experimental design and provide some practical considerations for industrial marketing researchers. We first discuss how experiments have the ability to assess causal claims. Next, we provide an experimental taxonomy table, which brings out the value and limitations of different types of experiments and maps the various goals of business marketing research within each category. Here, we pay particular attention to field experiments since they provide experimental realism by measuring respondents' actual behavior. We also provide a thorough discussion on important practical issues such as questions on experimental design, sample size, and how to involve business organizations in the implementing steps. The paper concludes by stressing the importance of combining data types (e.g., field plus laboratory experiments) and by offering methodological advice on how to analyze experimental data in marketing.  相似文献   

本文提出了一种两步复原法,以用于复原被脉冲噪声干扰的模糊图像。第一步,对离群点进行识别,即那些疑似被脉冲噪声损坏的像素,并将剩余的像素视为基本非离群点。第二步,基于非离群像素,利用变分法对图像进行去模糊和去噪声。实验结果显示,使用该方法复原后图像的峰值信噪比dB值较采用典型变分法有所提高。  相似文献   

论述了利用承德钛精矿的途径:直接用作硫酸法生产钛白的原料,电炉法制造酸溶性钛渣,电炉法制造高钛渣和将高钛渣焙烧成人造金红石,酸浸法制造高品位人造金红石。对4种工艺方法进行了技术经济分析比较。  相似文献   

Business-to-business (B2B) sellers need to enhance content marketing and analytics in an online environment. The challenge is that sellers have data but do not know how to utilize it. In this study, we develop a neural content model to match the content that B2B sellers are providing with the type of content that buyers are seeking. The model was tested with two experiments using a dataset that combines cookie-based browsing data from 74 B2B seller companies over a period of fourteen months. In total, the data comprises 180 million browsing sessions tracked via 11.44 million cookies from 34,170 buyer companies. In the first experiment, we study the content in the sellers' own channels, and in the second experiment we study paid channels. With these experiments, we illustrate that browsing data can be combined with marketing content data to evaluate and improve the content-marketing efforts of B2B seller firms. Since the development of digital information technologies (DITs) has made the B2B buying process more buyer driven, our neural content modeling approach can be used to create B2B analytics that re-empower the sellers.  相似文献   

在近年来提出的彩色图像转灰度图的可逆映射概念中指出,彩色图像被映射成条纹后,接收者可用这些条纹通过小波变换、降低采样彩度宽度和重置高频区域的方法来实现彩色图像再现。主要思路是使用黑白打印机打印出带有彩色的图像,然后扫描文件并再现彩色。本文提出了一个更为有效地抗打印、扫描噪声的方法,即使用冗余再现彩度,将其嵌入总子带区域转换中的多重子带中,即将彩度分散到不同的子带中。从理论角度证实了为了减小由白色噪声引起的误差方差,彩度应该置于许多子带中,而不是形成线性组合。此外,本文还介绍了寻找最佳线性转换的方法,该方法可以在更普遍的彩色噪声下将彩度嵌入子带中。通过对噪声进行分析确定上限,以指导彩度嵌入子带时所需子带的数量。实验结果均在真实打印和扫描条件下进行,并使用了模拟的打印、扫描路径。  相似文献   

在室内采用现有方法进行的油气田水分析中,发现含钡(锶)离子的水样品的测量结果存在较大的偏差。通过对这一现象进行室内分析研究,确定出容易操作的新的络和滴定方法。采用新的方法后测量结果与近似理论值、ICP分析值及现场实际情况比较,测量结果符合率达98.1%。  相似文献   

研究了超声波破解污泥的情况。在超声波单独作用及超声波/碱作用下,测定SCOD(溶解性COD)的量,分析超声波、超声波/碱对污泥破解的效果。结果表明,从镜检中可以看到,污泥絮体随超声波作用时间的延长越来越散;SCOD随超声波作用时间的延长而增加;超声波与碱协同作用对污泥的破壁效果比超声波单独作用好。  相似文献   

In this paper, we address the problem of forecasting and managing the inventory of service parts where the demand patterns are highly intermittent. Currently, there are two classes of methods for determining the safety stock for the intermittent item: the parametric and bootstrapping approaches. Viswanathan and Zhou (2008) developed an improved bootstrapping based method and showed through computational experiments that this is superior to the method by Willemain et al. (2004). In this paper, we compare this new bootstrapping method with the parametric methods of Babai and Syntetos (2007). Our computational results show that the bootstrapping method performs better with randomly generated data sets, where there is a large amount of (simulated) historical data to generate the distribution. On the other hand, with real industry data sets, the parametric method seems to perform better than the bootstrapping method.  相似文献   

Over the period 1982–1991, black men were considerably more likely to experience job displacement than were white men, and following displacement, the likelihood of reemployment was substantially lower for black men. Using data from the 1984–1992 Displaced Worker Surveys, we find that black men experienced rates of job displacement that were 30 percent higher, and reemployment rates that were 30 percent lower than the corresponding rates for white men. We find that racial differences in education levels and occupational distributions explain part of these racial gaps in job displacement and reemployment, whereas racial differences in industry distributions worked to narrow these gaps.  相似文献   

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