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3月10日,南方电网超高压公司修试中心自主完成的“超(特)高压输电线路机巡作业应用技术研究”科技项目成功通过南方电网公司成果鉴定,输电、光电检测、机巡飞行等方面的技术专家一致给予高度评价,认为“研究成果整体达到国内领先水平,部分成果达到国际先进水平”。据了解,超高压输电线路机巡作业应用技术研究针对机巡作业实际需求,依托常态化直升机巡检和特殊应急巡视作业,首创了机巡航线制定  相似文献   

近几年来,中国石化上海石油化工股份有限公司1PE高压聚乙烯装置超高压套管式冷却器泄漏现象逐渐增多.在此情况下,对历年来超高压冷却器的泄漏情况进行了统计,对泄漏的原因进行了分析,介绍了提高超高压冷却管使用寿命、预防泄漏发生的措施,并对冷却器的结构改进提出了建议.  相似文献   

检修试验中心(以下简称中心)是南方电网超高压输电公司下属二级机构,发展定位是成为超高压公司的“技术服务中心、技术支持中心、技术监督中心、技术研究中心”,目前已逐步形成了“试验、技术分析、科研、检修”四大核心业务.2012年以来,中心结合生产、科研、经营、管理工作实际,创立了综合计划管理和全面绩效管理模型,形成了综合计划与绩效管理协同体系,有力支撑了业务发展.  相似文献   

文章介绍了我国第一条长距离国产500kV交联电缆工程——北京海淀变电站500kV进线工程概况,介绍了我国500kV交联电缆绝缘生产线配置和技术水平,尤其是国产500kV交联电缆的设计、制造技术情况、电缆试验及主要性能指标,阐述了该工程国产化应用对我国超高压电缆制造的积极作用。  相似文献   

1981年12月21日,中国出现了第一条500千伏超高压输电线路。这条线把河南、湖北两省电网强有力地连接在一起,一个新兴的大电网开始在华中大地形成。这项超高压输变电工程为中国电力建设发展史谱写了新的篇章。它的投产运行,标志着中国的输变电技术达到了一个的水平。  相似文献   

<正>"在推进超超临界火电技术进步的征程上,材料性能、蒸汽温度、技术经济性是三大关键要素。"在近日中国电力科技网举办的高温耐热钢新材料在超(超)临界机组应用技术研讨会上,中国电力科技网CEO魏毓璞向记者表示。随着材料技术的不断进步和热能动力理论的日臻完善,蒸汽的参数经历了低压、中压、高压、超高压、亚临界、超临界直至超超临界的发展过程。随着  相似文献   

国网安徽省电力有限公司超高压分公司(以下简称"安徽超高压公司")根据省公司设备部关于全面推进PMS2.0系统深化应用的要求,围绕设备专业系统应用"减负增效",全面加强设备运维精益管理系统(PMS2.0)各业务模块深化应用,以"数据一个源、电网一张图、业务一条线"为主线,推动设备管理业务和数据深度融合,实现业务流转线上化...  相似文献   

本文对最小方差自校正调节器在超高压汞灯控制中的应用做了研究。结果表明,这种应用有较显著的优点,其光强控制精度可达0<0.2%。  相似文献   

正云南电网公司5项科研成果达到国际先进水平近期,在云南昆明召开的科技成果技术鉴定会上,云南电科院的"基于振动频响法的变压器绕组机械稳定性检测技术研究及应用"、"地网接地电阻短距逆推测量技术研究及应用"和"超高压电磁暂态过程无源非接触监测技术研究应用",以及"35k V干式空心并联电抗器烧损原因研究与新型设备研制"、"10k V多功能可控模块化固态限流器技术研究及应用"5个科研成果分别通过权威机构鉴定达到国际先进水平,并且每个成果的关键技术均达到国际领先水平。  相似文献   

山东电力集团公司超高压输变电分公司(以下简称山东电力超高压公司)结合行业特点和管理实践,将国家电网公司“标准化、精益化、流程化”的目标贯彻于公司企业管理的全过程之中,建立起了具有超高压企业管理特色的系统、规范、科学、透明、高效的标准化管理体系(简称EHP-MS)。  相似文献   

对长庆油田分公司超低渗透油藏第三项目部生产现场试验应用的撬装式井口计量装置的工艺特点、工艺原理、现场应用情况进行了分析,并结合以上成熟计量工艺进行了计量误差分析,认为该设备计量精确度较高,满足超低渗透油藏开发现场生产产量监控和原油计量的要求,适合于生产现场恶劣环境的安装和使用。该工艺在原油生产现场的计量技术上具有较好的推广应用前景。  相似文献   

基于RP技术的模具快速制造   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
快速原型(RP)技术是20世纪末在制造业领域诞生的一门高新技术,该技术将计算机辅助设计(CAD),计算机辅助制造(CAM),计算机数字控制(CNC)、精密伺服驱动和新材料等先进技术集于一体。作为一种新颖的加工方法,该技术已经受到工业界的高度重视。本文阐述了RP的工艺原理、特点及其在模具制造中的应用,并就各种快速制模方法进行了比较,指出了RP在模具制造中的应用前景。  相似文献   

From low- to high-tech project management   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Project management is a complex activity and it involves, among other things, an attitude, style and philosophy. The main proposition of this article suggests that different projects must be approached by different managerial philosophies. The article presents a conceptual managerial classification of projects based on their technological uncertainty — specifically the newness and complexity of the technology involved. It classifies all projects into four types: lowtech, medium tech, high-tech and super high-tech, and then proceeds to describe the major differences among them.
Special attention is then paid to the 'higher' technology types — high-tech and super high-tech projects — and to the attitudes and tools that are needed for managing them. Such projects, if well executed and successful, may help improve competitive advantage and commercial position. They involve however substantial risk and high probability of failure. Several examples of super high-tech projects carried out in the past are described, and their management style discussed in light of the classification presented here. These examples include the SR-71 'Blackbird' aircraft, the 'Apollo' moon-landing program, Data General's 'Eagle' computer and NASA's program of developing the Space Shuttle.  相似文献   

酸性电位水在鲜切果蔬加工和贮藏中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
作为一种新型杀菌剂,酸性电位水具有广谱杀菌的特性而且灭菌后可完全还原咸水,无毒、无残留,广泛用于食品加工、医疗卫生等领域.采用酸性电位水用于鲜切果蔬的杀菌保鲜,可以减少在农产品储运过程中化学药剂的使用,增加食品的安全性.对酸性电位水在鲜切果蔬加工和贮藏方面的应用研究进行了总结,对其应用前景作了分析评价.将酸性电位水在该...  相似文献   

国外高吸水性树脂生产与应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
概述了目前世界高吸水性树脂(ASP)的发展现状和市场从需概况,对SAP两种典型的生产工艺的技术及其技术经济进行了论述,着重探讨了国外各生产公司对SAP应用诉开发与研究。  相似文献   

Knowledge application is of key importance in the development of successful new products. Knowledge application refers to an organization's timely response to technological change by utilizing the knowledge and technology generated into new products and processes. This study uses the knowledge‐based theory of the firm and considers its roots in the information‐processing approach to organization theory to identify and structure potential antecedents of knowledge application. This study develops four hypotheses concerning antecedents of knowledge application. The hypotheses are tested using data collected from 277 high‐technology firms. Empirical results indicate that a long‐term orientation supported by a research and development (R&D) budget, formal rewards, and information technology directly increases the level of knowledge application, while R&D co‐location indirectly increases the level of knowledge application. It is surprising to find that an increase in the level of organizational redundancy reduces the level of knowledge application. The findings also suggest that information technologies, lead‐user, and supplier networks do not appear to significantly influence organizational redundancy.  相似文献   

This paper investigates developments in the teaching of food technology introduced as an element of design & technology in the 1990 National Curriculum for Technology in the English primary curriculum for children aged five to eleven years. It reviews briefly the situation for food teaching before 1990 and identifies a number of relevant issues. This is followed by an overview of developments in food technology in primary schools between 1992 and 2001, highlighting the need for primary teachers and trainee teachers on initial teacher education courses to develop an understanding of how to teach food technology in their schools. The development of teaching materials through the Nuffield Approach to food technology in primary schools is outlined together with a case study of the use of the materials in initial teacher education at the University of Surrey Roehampton. The paper describes the uptake of Nuffield Primary food technology materials as measured by down loads from the Nuffield Primary Design & Technology web site. Alongside this, there are reflections of primary trainee teachers on the impact of using the Nuffield food technology materials on their classroom practice during school experience. It concludes with a discussion of the key issues arising from the paper and suggestions for future research. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

数据库是实现信息处理技术的基础,构建统一数据格式的输入输出接口,设计风格统一的数据访问界面是设计信息处理软件系统的关键。基于上述观点,笔者以实例论述了基于用户的数据结构组织及数据访问技术,总结了实现信息处理系统的行之有效的技术路线。  相似文献   

油气站场在改造过程中涉及到新老系统的管线碰头,常规方法都是采用停产置换的方式进行施工,存在一定的安全隐患,对产量影响较大。介绍了带压封堵技术及其优点,带压在轮一联改造中的应用及效果评价。现场应用证明带压封堵技术可以避免油田及装置管线的停产,缩短施工时间,降低施工过程中的安全隐患,经济效益可观。  相似文献   

介绍采用超精密分馏法生产丁烯-1装置的工艺路线及特点,并对8000t/a丁烯-1装置的经济效益进行了测算,指出国内目前采用超精密分馏法生产丁烯-1在技术与经济上都是较为理想的工艺方法。值得积极推广建议。  相似文献   

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