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心理契约理论认为组织和员工之间达成的心理契约会对员工的工作满意感、组织公民行为、组织承诺、离职倾向等产生显著影响,是员工工作态度和行为的深层激励因素,也是组织变革时代维持组织和员工之间平衡关系的重要力量。本文试图通过高科技企业人才与普通员工的心理契约差异来研究高科技企业人才的心理契约特征,以期为高科技企业人才激励提供新的途径和方法。  相似文献   

消费市场竞争日益激烈,企业不能履行承诺的责任与义务时,则会形成心理契约违背,导致顾客产生不满意情绪,甚至出现非伦理行为。本文通过对328个样本数据的实证研究表明,交易型、关系型心理契约违背对消费者非伦理行为在部分维度上存在显著的正向影响;顾客满意在关系型心理契约违背与消费者非伦理行为之间的关系中起中介作用;相对主义伦理意识在关系型心理契约违背与无伤害行为之间具有显著的正向调节作用。为引导消费者进行伦理消费,企业应履行自身承诺维护顾客心理契约,提供个性化服务提升顾客满意度。  相似文献   

基于心理契约的企业员工行为选择博弈分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
不完全信息条件下,企业和员工间的心理契约与员工的行为选择之间呈现动态的博弈关系。运用演化博弈理论,研究企业和员工间的心理契约类型对员工行为选择产生的影响,将两者之间的心理契约分为交易型和关系型两类,把员工的行为选择策略分为合作与不合作两种,得到16种演化稳定策略,并对不同条件下的演化稳定策略进行分析。研究认为,建立关系型心理契约的企业应提高员工合作策略下的期望收益和实施弹性工作制度,以确保企业和员工均获得超额收益;建立交易型心理契约的企业在强调任务导向的同时更要重视对员工的人性化关怀。此外,员工也应注重培养心理契约感知能力,提升全面素质,以应对心理契约破裂风险。  相似文献   

本文以20家企业的467名员工为样本,运用层级回归分析方法和Bootstrap方法验证了个人-组织契合和心理契约破裂对高绩效工作系统和员工敬业度关系的影响。研究结果发现,高绩效工作系统能够显著提高员工敬业度;个人-组织契合在高绩效工作系统与员工敬业度之间起着部分中介作用;心理契约破裂在个人-组织契合与员工敬业度之间起着负向调节作用,即与高心理契约破裂水平相比,低心理契约破裂的情境下个人-组织契合对员工敬业度的影响更大;个人-组织契合对高绩效工作系统与员工敬业度的中介效应的强弱受到心理契约破裂水平高低的影响,即与高心理契约破裂相比,低心理契约破裂的情境下个人-组织契合对高绩效工作系统与员工敬业度的中介作用更强。  相似文献   

知识经济时代,知识员工的管理成为企业人力资源管理的核心问题.将心理契约与知识员工的管理相结合,成为学术界研究知识员工管理的一个新的方向.本文建立了知识员工心理契约人口学差异理论模型,并通过对621份知识员工问卷调查数据的分析得出:性别、工作年限和技术职称对知识员工关系型和发展型心理契约感知有显著影响;换单位次数对知识员工交易型心理契约、关系型心理契约和发展型心理契约感知都有显著影响.  相似文献   

员工心理契约的稳定对于企业并购的成败有着至关重要的作用,本文从心理契约的特征入手,通过构建对企业并购过程中员工原有心理契约的失衡模型入手进行分析,然后根据这些心理契约不稳定的预期采取相应措施进行员工心理契约重建,以激发员工的积极性和创造性,完成企业并购目标.  相似文献   

通过引入员工差错学习这个特殊变量,探讨绩效考核目标取向和员工创新行为之间的关系.研究表明:发展取向的绩效考核能够积极影响员工的创新行为,而评价取向的绩效考核则对员工创新行为起消极作用,缋效考核目标取向与员工创新行为之间的关系通过员工差错学习中介作用实现.  相似文献   

心理契约是组织与个人对于双方之间期望与责任的认知。心理契约对于组织内部人员的态度和行为具有重要的影响,本文分析了图书馆员工心理契约失衡的原因及重构措施。  相似文献   

研究基于整体公平理论和印象管理理论,探讨关系行为对组织公民行为的影响,以及整体公平感的中介作用。采用问卷调查法,以北京等12个城市22家企业的274名员工为样本,通过结构方程建模选择最优模型,并在此基础上检验研究假设。结果表明:(1)关系行为对组织公民行为产生显著的正向影响;(2)关系行为对整体公平感产生显著的负向影响;(3)整体公平感对组织公民行为产生显著的正向影响;(4)整体公平感在关系行为与组织公民行为之间起到部分中介作用。研究发现关系行为不仅直接对组织公民行为产生正向效应,而且还会通过整体公平感的中介作用间接的对组织公民行为产生负向效应,关系行为对组织公民行为具有双刃剑效应。  相似文献   

心理契约理论认为,员工一旦进入企业,成为企业的一员,就与企业形成了一种契约关系。它不仅包括显性的、以劳动协议形式体现的经济契约关系,还包括隐性的、非正式的心理契约关系。经济契约使企业和员工以劳动合尉的形式联系起来,标志着企业和员工合作关系的开始。心理契约则使这种合作得以深化, 成为企业和员工共同发展的内在推动力。而且心理契约始终处于不断变更和  相似文献   

组织中的领导因素在促进员工建言的过程中发挥着重要的作用,但员工所感知到的领导距离对其建言行为有何影响?本文基于社会认知理论,并通过对160 名员工问卷调查数据的统计分析结果表明:员工感知的权力距离对促进性建言有显著的负向影响,而感知的社会距离对抑制性建言有显著的负向影响;心理安全感在感知的权力距离与促进性建言之间、感知的权力距离和抑制性建言之间有显著的中介效应。这一结论为促进和改进中国情境下的员工建言行为提供了一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

以往对组织智力资本的研究多集中在组织层面,很少有研究涉及其对员工创造力的作用。本文研究了组织智力资本与组织创新氛围对员工创造力跨层次的影响。本文通过领导与员工配对的方式,共获得了367份有效问卷,在对构建模型检验的基础上,得出如下结论:组织智力资本对员工创造力有正向的影响;组织创新氛围调节着组织智力资本与员工创造力之间的关系,其中对人力资本与员工创造力之间关系的调节最敏感,社会资本次之,组织资本最不敏感;员工创造力自我效能感知在组织智力资本与员工创造力之间都起到部分中介作用。  相似文献   

本文基于员工感知的视角,以工作倦怠作为中介变量,探索员工感知的高绩效工作系统对离职倾向的影响机制。通过来自企业256 个有效样本的实证研究发现,员工感知的高绩效工作系统与离职倾向显著负相关;工作倦怠及其子维度情感耗竭、玩世不恭与离职倾向显著正相关,而子维度成就感低落与离职倾向相关性不显著;工作倦怠在员工感知的高绩效工作系统与离职倾向之间起部分中介作用;员工感知的高绩效工作系统可通过影响员工的情感耗竭、玩世不恭情绪,间接对离职倾向产生影响,而成就感低落的中介效应不显著。  相似文献   

A substantial body of research has examined the antecedents of innovation in organizational settings, but our current understanding of how social aspects of the work environment influence the innovative behavior of employees remains underdeveloped. One of these social aspects connected to the theme of “doing well by doing good” concerns organizational care, with scholars examining how actions centered on promoting employee well‐being may result in pro‐organizational outcomes. The purpose of this study is to present a conceptual analysis of the intricate relationship between organizational care and employees' innovative behavior by detailing key mediating mechanisms and conditional factors. This research will combine insights from multiple theories and literatures, most notably self‐determination theory, social exchange theory, and the literatures on organizational care, work motivation, and innovation. The proposed multilevel model clarifies how organizational care affects the creative, complex, and mundane elements of employees' innovative behavior through its effect on the motivational constructs of intrinsic motivation, identified motivation, and introjected obligation feelings, respectively. Moreover, the model highlights the potential dark sides of organizational care that managers must consider when designing and implementing caring policies and practices. Specifically, it clarifies how the effect of organizational care on employees' innovative behavior may depend on their subjective perceptions of care intrusiveness and care insincerity. As such, this study responds to calls for rich and nuanced conceptual research in the innovation field, especially concerning the role of employees' social work environment in motivating their innovative behavior. Important theoretical and practical implications of this conceptual analysis will be discussed, and valuable directions for future research will be outlined.  相似文献   

This article uses matched employee–employer data from the British Workplace Employment Relations Survey to examine the relationship between employee psychological health and workplace performance in 2004 and 2011. Using two measures of work‐related psychological health — namely employee‐reported job anxiety and manager‐reported workforce stress, depression and anxiety — we find a positive relationship between psychological ill‐health and absence, but not quits. The association between psychological ill‐health and labour productivity is less clear, with estimates sensitive to sector, time period and the measure of psychological health. The 2004–2011 panel is further used to explore the extent to which change in psychological health is related to change in performance.  相似文献   

Research on intrafirm knowledge transfer has generally found a positive impact of knowledge inflows on the innovation of an organizational unit. However, the role of knowledge outflows during knowledge transfer is less clear. This paper argues that knowledge outflows influence innovation through a self‐learning mechanism and a fairness assessment mechanism, and play a unique and important role on team innovation. Based on this new understanding on knowledge outflows, it is necessary to examine the impacts of inflows and outflows simultaneously in innovation research. This paper expresses the sum and difference of knowledge inflows and outflows as total and balanced knowledge flows. A theoretical model is proposed to examine the distinct and synergistic effects of total and balanced knowledge flows on employees' innovative behavior of an organizational unit. The model was tested on 148 retail units of an apparel firm based on survey responses from both shop managers and staff. Results showed that total and balanced flows have independent direct effects and a synergistic effect on employee innovative behavior: employees of a unit had the highest levels of innovative behavior when knowledge flows were high and balanced at the same time. This paper contributes to the literature by taking into account both the direction and magnitude of knowledge transfer to examine team innovation.  相似文献   

Drawing on psychological contract theory, we develop predictions regarding the moderating influence of the meaning employees assign to their marginal quit costs, as well as on the role of stayer perceptions and saver effects, on various work outcomes under a defined-benefit pension. Results show pension incentives can have favorable or unfavorable effects depending on whether employees perceive them as supportive relational contracts or as low-trust transactional contracts. Implications for research and policy are discussed.  相似文献   

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