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彭升 《冶金财会》2000,(10):10-11
<正> 随着中国加入WTO进程的加快,中国市场将进一步走向透明和开放。在外国的资金、技术、人才纷纷涌入中国的同时,越来越多的中国企业也将获得前所未有的机遇,将触角伸向国际市场,进行跨国经营。当企业涉足跨国经营时,接受投资的国家称为东道国。由于投资国企业(一般为母公司或总公司)与东道国企业在股权上存在一定关系,所以统称为跨国联属企业。转移定价,就是  相似文献   

众所周知,利用转让定价手段在公司集团内部转移利润,使公司集团的利润尽可能多地在低税国或避税地关联企业中实现,这是跨国公司最常用的一种国际避税手段。本拟就转让定价在国际避税领域中的运用作一探讨。  相似文献   

截至2022年末,我国共有252家财务公司,已成为国家金融体系重要组成部分,服务着大中型企业集团。财务公司作为独立法人,在为成员单位提供金融服务中,必须建立较为完善的定价管理体系,以满足监管要求、合理配置资源、提高资金使用效率和效益。从构建背景、内涵和主要做法、实施效果三个方面对首钢财务公司金融服务定价管理体系进行深入总结,期望从中发掘更多的定价经验,为自身及其他财务公司提供参考。  相似文献   

十五大明确提出 :“要发展跨地区、跨行业、跨所有制和跨国经营的大型企业集团”以来 ,企业集团得到了较快的发展。由于企业集团是国家实行改革开放后出现的一个新生事物 ,大多数企业集团在发展中依然存在很多问题。一、主要问题( 1)出资人不到位。多数企业集团内部 ,名为公司 ,但出资人不到位 ,原工厂制的领导体制也没有改变 ,不能适应集团的发展要求 ,仍以行政方式指挥和管理成员企业的生产经营活动 ,使得以资本为主要连结纽带的母子公司体制形成较困难。( 2 )组建的主体不规范。如有的企业集团是政府主管部门“翻牌”而成 ;有的企业集团…  相似文献   

11月10日,国家税务总局正式向外公布了新修订的《关联企业间业务往来税务管理规程》,对转让定价的税收工作进行了规范管理。"转让定价",是指跨国集团内的关联企业之间,为了确保集团利益的最大化,在集团内部人为地控制定价。这其中包括产品价格、贷款利息、无形资产转让价格、劳务费用等。业内专家称,新办法是对最近几年国家税务总局在对转让定价税收管理  相似文献   

工程总承包是大型工程项目建设组织的一个重要发展方向,工程总承包商内部不同单位分别完成设计和施工工作,选择合适的转移定价策略对于项目运作效率和项目优化设计实现程度具有十分重要的意义。论文通过介绍转移定价理论,并分析工程总承包商的结构类型和行业特点,重点讨论了不考虑税收因素的工程总承包商内部转移定价,并在此基础上讨论了基于税务筹划的工程总承包商转移定价,提出工程总承包商应采用成本加收益分成的转移定价方法。  相似文献   

正企业集团内部转移价格是指企业集团内部各责任中心之间互相提供产品或服务等协作时,涉及到内部资源转移发生相互结算、转账所需的计价标准。内部转移价格服务于企业集团的总体战略目标,以谋求利益的最大化。正确制定和合理使用内部转移价格,对企业集团内部各责任中心之间的经济关系进行合  相似文献   

当前,世界各国的经济生活已开始融为一体,经济全球化的发展速度大大加快。在企业参与国际经济大循环的过程中,作为我国国民经济中坚力量的企业集团,已将目标定位于建立强大的跨国集团、跻身世界先进企业行列。而要想实现目标战略,必须有全新的组织结构作为组织保障。鉴于目前我国企业集团在组织结构方面存在的与世界经济一体化不适应的一些问题,本文提出对我国企业集团组织结构进行调整的构想。 一、企业集团组织结构调整的必要性 企业集团组织结构是指为实现集团目标而确定的一种内部权利、责任、控制和协调关系的形式。目前,我国企…  相似文献   

企业集团规制政策:德隆危机的反思   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文在反思德隆危机的基础上,探讨了企业集团的特性、不当市场行为及其根源。认为企业集团具有“企业”与“市场”双重属性,这一本质属性决定了在企业集团内部企业间边界模糊。企业间边界模糊容易滋生转移定价、逃废债务、操纵股市等不当市场行为。而企业间边界模糊与市场势力相结合更容易导致企业集团产生垄断行为。企业集团规制政策需要从企业集团的特性及不当行为产生的根源入手。  相似文献   

<正> 众所周知,利用转让定价手段在公司集团内部转移利润,使公司集团的利润尽可能多地在低税国或避税地关联企业中实现,这是跨国公司最常用的一种国际避税手段。本文拟就转让定价在国际避税领域中的运用作一探讨。 一、何谓转让定价 转让定价,是指公司集团内部机构之间或关联企业之间相互提供产品、劳务或财产而进行的内部交易作价,通过转让定价所确定的价格称为转让定价。转让定价问题既可以发生在一国之内,也可以发  相似文献   

This paper uses data collected from 111 transnational corporations which operated 153 subsidiaries in the ASEAN region (Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, and the Philippines) to analyze their pricing practices in the host country markets in relationship to the corporations home country and to the structural characteristics of the host country market. The data collected in this study is thus used to analyze the determinants of predatory pricing, intercountry price discrimination, and price leadership.The author is with the Centre for International Business Studies, School of Business Administration, The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada.  相似文献   

Multi‐source knowledge integration, though widely regarded as fundamental for developing new products, remains obscurely understood and a significant challenge for organizations to accomplish. Prior research provides many insights on the approaches by which organizations transfer knowledge; however, how such transferred knowledge gets effectively embodied in products remains uncertain. Also unclear is whether different approaches for knowledge transfer differ in their effectiveness at realizing integration. This study analytically separates the transfer of cross‐border knowledge from its embodiment into products. It examines cross‐border knowledge transfer based on three different approaches: namely, the use of cross‐national teams, cross‐national communication, and cross‐national collaboration in the development of new transnational products. It examines cross‐border knowledge embodiment based on the extent to which new transnational products developed balance standardization with adaptation. The study uses a cross‐sectional survey administered to key members of transnational new product development teams in leading multinational companies across the world. The survey focuses on manufactured products that were developed across several industries: consumer products, consumer durables, and industrial products. Results from 90 new transnational product introductions surveyed reveal that knowledge integration is effective only when knowledge is transferred through cross‐national collaboration, and not when transferred through cross‐national teams and cross‐national communication. As integrating cross‐border knowledge in the development of transnational products involves making difficult trade‐offs for balancing standardization with adaptation, transferring knowledge through cross‐national collaboration stands out as being critical for successful outcomes. Although cross‐national teams and cross‐national communication enhance knowledge flows, they do not result in effective knowledge integration when developing new transnational products. These findings highlight an important point: All knowledge transfer approaches may not necessarily achieve knowledge integration. Hence, it is essential to systematically probe into the interrelationships between knowledge transfer and its effective integration and to identify an underlying set of contingencies that provide insights into when and why some knowledge transfer approaches are better than others at integrating knowledge.  相似文献   

Based on a survey of 90 transnational product introductions, we find that the transnational product development capabilities of organizations significantly depend upon their ability to transfer and deploy tacit knowledge concerning overseas markets. Specifically, we find that organizations which use cross-national teams, teams with members who have prior overseas experience, or teams whose members communicate frequently with overseas managers in order to acquire information about tacit differences among countries have greater transnational product development capabilities. This study contributes to our understanding of how organizations transfer and deploy knowledge across borders for competitive advantage and makes an important contribution to the literature on global strategy. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

中哈跨国石油管道的计量交接与管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从技术层面和管理层面叙述了我国第一条跨国石油管道的计量计算方法和交接模式。原油报关计量数据采用中哈双方公认的第三国(美国)的API标准进行计量计算,根据实际情况,以中国和哈萨克斯坦的相关标准作为补充,完成了我国第一条跨国石油管道的计量交接与管理。  相似文献   

Market intelligence helps ensure that R&D efforts are focused on customer needs. In turn, R&D supplies the information necessary for gaining competitive advantage through advances in product and process technology. However, improved R&D–marketing integration means more than simply involving additional marketing personnel in product development. We must focus on identifying and achieving the desired level of integration. Jozée Lapierre and Brigitte Hénault present the results of a study examining the R&D–marketing interface in a large Canadian telecommunications company. Their study explores managers' perceptions of interfunctional integration during the planning and implementation of new services. The goal of this study is to identify the critical integration areas and managers' satisfaction with the organization's current level of integration. Network (i.e., technical) and marketing managers differ substantially in their perceptions of the required level of integration. However, they agree on the five most important areas of interfunctional integration: marketing involvement in establishing service development schedules; information transfer from marketing to network on competitors' moves; information transfer from marketing to network on customer requirements for new services; information transfer from network to marketing on network availability for providing evolved services; and information transfer from network to marketing on network restrictions affecting performance, after-sales servicing levels, and service pricing. In other words, network and marketing managers view information transfer between their groups as requiring the highest integration level. Both groups agree that their budgeting activities do not require as much integration as other activities. Managers from both groups are generally dissatisfied with the current level of interfunctional integration. Marketing managers are far more dissatisfied than network managers in most areas of integration explored in this study. However, network managers are more dissatisfied than their marketing colleagues in all areas involving the transfer of information from marketing to network.  相似文献   

Despite a recent surge of interest, the subject of pricing in general and value-based pricing in particular has received little academic investigation. Yet, pricing has a huge impact on financial results, both in absolute terms and relative to other instruments of the marketing mix. The objective of this paper is to present a comprehensive framework for pricing decisions which considers all relevant dimensions and elements for profitable and sustainable pricing decisions. The theoretical framework is useful for guiding new product pricing decisions as well as for implementing price-repositioning strategies for existing products. The practical application of this framework is illustrated by a case study involving the pricing decision for a major product launch at a global chemical company.  相似文献   

本文通过对银行卡定价理论新发展以及国外POS交易价格的研究.结合我国银行卡产业发展的实际情况。对我国银行卡POS交易价格形成机制进行了研究。研究表明:银行卡产业具有的双边市场特征和网络外部性特征使得银行卡POS交易的定价将是成本、竞争、双边市场需求等多种因素的综合反映。就中国银行卡产业发展现状而言,我国银行卡POS交易定价应该与国际接轨.由现有的单一定价模式转变为三级差别定价和二级差别定价相结合的差别定价模式。差别定价模式有利于建立科学合理的利益分配体系,促进和保障银行卡产业的持续健康稳定发展。  相似文献   

姜墩强  张军平 《国际石油经济》2011,19(4):20-23,110,111
为了更好地规范哈萨克斯坦国际业务中涉及的贷款、采购服务和原油销售等进出口业务,2010年6月30日,哈萨克斯坦政府修订了《转移价格法》。新《转移价格法》将被监管的主体扩大至"哈萨克斯坦境内发生的与国际交易相关的交易"公司;要求公司定期提供交易监督报表,签订《转移价格协议》;取消了修订前允许商品销售价格与市场价格偏离10的规定。新《转移价格法》与旧法相比,包含很多积极的改变和修订,但也存在一些问题。例如,新《转移价格法》对转移价格和关联关系的认定有待商榷,将管理范围拓展到哈境内的交易有失公平,市场价格的确定过于简单等。新《转移价格法》对石油公司的国际原油销售带来很大的财税风险。因此,石油公司应规范销售业务流程,严格要求买方提供销售费用证明文件;及时准确报送原油销售报表和相关销售费用证明文件,接受政府监督;加强公司内部审计和外部咨询,确保销售证明文件合法合规。  相似文献   

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