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在传统汽车内饰材料面临越来越高的环保要求的同时,以经编产品为代表的新型纺织材料开始被一些汽车生产厂家广泛地用作汽车内饰。国家和地方有关部门对汽车内部空间安全、环保方面的重视,以及人们对汽车内饰舒适性和安全、环保性能的高要求,使得以经编为主的汽车内饰材料因符合环保要求而需求量显著增长。  相似文献   

汽车内饰纺织品设计创新的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汽车座椅面料、顶篷织物、地毯、窗帘和车门内壁饰布等是汽车用纺织品中的重要门类,是集装饰性和功能性于一体的技术性织物,是艺术灵感和纺织技术相结合的产物。汽车用纺织品中的2/3是汽车内饰纺织品,直接体现汽车个性化,并影响汽车的舒适、环保、安全、成本等指标。我国汽车内饰织物的发展比较滞后,在材料多样化、织物设计和色彩搭配、织物后整理、质量检测等方面还有待于进一步突破。随着汽车产量的不断提高和纺织面料在汽车内饰中应用范围的不断扩大,汽车内饰纺织品的色彩、图案和织物结构设计已经是汽车设计师创造有特色产品的基本途径之一,其材料选用和装饰设计紧密地与汽车工业的发展,尤其是车型、性能、内饰风格等因素联系在一起,成为吸引消费者的重要因素。因此,探索汽车内饰纺织品的创新设计空间有助于汽车用纺织品与汽车工业同步发展。  相似文献   

艾冰 《中国纺织》2004,(7):116-116
我国在汽车内部采用织物作为装饰的历史还比较短.从前,我国车辆内饰材料基本是人造革,中低档车辆以传统油漆为顶棚.只有进口的车辆才使用织物作为内饰材料.一直到八十年代末我国才出现第一家汽车座椅面料生产厂,到目前全国已有数十家车辆内饰面料生产厂.现在,车辆内饰材料中织物己占50%以上.一些中低档车辆虽然仍是以人造革面料为主,但也在逐步使用纺织面料,而且有增加之势.中高档车辆尤其是轿车和客车,纺织面料已经作为基本内饰面料取代了人造革,不仅用于座椅面料,而且用于车顶棚、侧立柱、门护板、遮阳板等的包覆面料.  相似文献   

东华大学材料学院院长朱美芳:医疗与卫生用纺织品呈现三种技术发展趋势:一是多种工艺技术进一步复合,二是交叉学科领域进一步融合,三是产业链上下游技术趋于集成创新。同时,企业应加大生物医用纤维与纺织品在修复和替代人体组织和器官等方面开发与应用力度,在纳米生物功能纺织材料与人造器官等方面进行自主创新。东华大学纺织学院院长邱夷平:交通工具用纺织品企业面临着内资企业产品  相似文献   

"十二五"期间,产业用纺织品已成为我国由纺织大国向纺织强国目标转变新的增长极,是跨越纺织和新材料的战略新兴产业的重要组成部分,是为航空航天、环境保护、医疗卫生、土工建筑、安全防护、交通工具等领域提供材料的不可或缺的产业。伴随着行业的发展和产业链下游的拓展,标准化工作越来越受到企业及相关部门的重视。  相似文献   

近日,来自西南交通大学的一项调查显示,汽车内饰已经成为影响消费者购车的重要因素。随着消费水平的提高,车主对车辆舒适性的需求日益提升,内饰的舒适度、实用性越来越多地影响到消费者的购车选择。  相似文献   

汽车内饰材料发展史 汽车制造使用材料多种多样。除金属、橡胶等主要材料外,纺织材料在汽车上的应用也日益增加。据统计,国外汽车用纺织材料占所有产业用纺织材料的1/3,西欧近年来车用纺织材料已达产业用纺织品的35%的最高比例。 伴随着汽车工业的发展,汽车内装饰材料也经历了三次变革。在本世纪五十年代,当时广泛使用的是乙烯基(PVC)聚合物,现在在性能、舒适性及外观上都难以接受。后来,除了传统的机织物以外,薄膜切条技术将聚乙烯切条纤维与尼龙一起喂入顶端敞开的单面圆纬机编织,而后将织物进行热定型,代替聚乙烯用在福特跑车的座椅上,有较好的拉伸性及外观。但是这洋的织物也不受欢迎。富于改革的法国人多年来利用高收缩率的聚氯乙烯长丝,采用棉毛结构,生产一种起绒汽车用布,受到极大的欢迎。Volvo公司最先生产经编聚酰胺单面织物和聚酯织物,也获得了极大的效益。自七十年代,国外采用纺织品代替乙烯基聚合物作为汽车  相似文献   

经过几年井喷式的发展和市场空间的日渐拥挤,中国汽车行业繁花似锦的背后是市场竞争的如火如荼和产业变革的暗流涌动,新一轮的洗牌不但牵动着国内外汽车厂商的心跳,也让汽车内饰、零部件等汽车相关领域的企业神经绷紧。作为主要生产汽车座椅和内饰的丰田纺织来说,如何看待和把握充满变数的市场机遇,如何分析和应对纷繁复杂的市场挑战,是整个公司面临的重大课题。为了解丰田纺织对中国市场的布局,《纺织服装周刊》记者专访了丰田纺织(中国)有限公司副总经理庄志强。  相似文献   

车用纺织品材料应用现状与发展趋势的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在汽车行业日益激烈的竞争环境下,丰富多彩的汽车内饰,正影响着人们对车辆的选择。本文在公司实地考察的基础上,通过查阅大量文献,对汽车内饰纺织品用材料进行了系统地研究,主要就其应用现状和发展趋势作了具体的阐述。  相似文献   

近日,国家纺织产品开发中心基地秘书处专门成立评估组,对山东宜人集团、江苏霞客环保色纺股份有限公司及山东南山纺织服饰有限公司进行了实地复评.经评估,三家企业在产学研合作、质量管理、社会责任建设等方面成效突出,基地秘书处报请中国纺织工业协会同意,三家企业将继续作为国家纺织产品开发基地成员企业. 山东宜人: 车用纺织品开发形成特色 近日,由国家纺织产品开发中心主任李斌红带队的评估组对山东宜人集团进行了实地复评.基地秘书处报请中国纺织工业协会同意,山东宜人集团将继续作为国家纺织产品开发基地成员企业,名称为"国家汽车内饰用纺织产品开发基地".  相似文献   

纺织原料种类多,纺织加工对纤维要求高,废料的利用可以提高原料的利用价值,与玻璃屏风的有机结合能够设计出自然典雅的艺术效果,为纺织经济的发展提供辅助作用。用于办公场所的隔断,餐厅的屏风,居家的装饰等既能半遮挡光线和视线,又采用双层玻璃隔音,是一副自然的装饰品。为纺织经济的多样化发展提供了途径。  相似文献   

从资源开发利用的角度看,天然棕榈纤维是一种尚未开发利用的新型纤维材料。纤维硬度大,强度大,纤维细小分支多。出于对自然环境的保护,采用蒸煮方法和手工剥取的方法都能制取棕榈纤维,但纤维细度较粗,有毛刺,如能进一步地细化和柔软处理,将得到新型纺织纤维。  相似文献   

中国家用纺织品行业拥有巨大的发展空间和市场容量,面临着良好的发展机遇,也面临着挑战。面料再造与家纺设计的契合为家纺事业的发展带来新的生命力。面料再造的手法多种多样,面料再造运用于家纺设计中使设计多元化,可丰富与拓展设计思路,启发设计灵感;面料再造使家纺产品个性化,符合人们的消费心理;有利于产品创造更多的附加值;使家纺产品差异化、风格化,有利于家纺品牌的提升。  相似文献   

纺织业作为山东省高密市的第一大产业,在本市的经济社会生活中占据重要位置。文章以结合山东省高密市家纺新材料产业集群现状,就如何发展家纺新材料产业集群提出了几点自己的看法。  相似文献   

In the current fast-changing and digitalizing world, ever more firms active in traditional industries are transforming themselves into ‘Smart Factories’. Within their value chains, manufacturers are shifting from working at arm's length with other firms, to creating integrated platforms. These are composed of co-creating and collaborating actors. Even though the opportunities and competitive advantages of platforms for industrial applications have been proven, insights in the lead actors' efforts to ensure co-evolution of the platform and the platform actors' contributions to value co-creation are scarce. That way, the full potential of collaborative firm settings might not be realized. Addressing this gap, we explore through a multiple case study how manufacturers in the traditional Chinese textile industry gradually adopt a platform-based logic. This results in an integrative framework unfolding the lead actor's orchestration capabilities to ensure co-evolution, and the prerequisites for value co-creation in a platform. As such, we adapt and extend the co-evolution concept mostly examined in a dyadic setting to a multiple actors' logic and answer calls for additional research on the micro-foundations of value co-creation in platforms.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to examine how collaborative designing could be facilitated by a new generation networked learning environment (Future Learning Environment, FLE-Tools) and to analyze whether and how students working in the environment were able to share their design process. The study was carried out by analyzing qualitatively knowledge posted to FLE-Tools’ database by three courses of first-year textile students (N = 34) who were engaged in a collaborative design project that focused on designing clothing for prematurely born babies. The study indicated that designing in the network environment facilitated engagement of expert-like designing in a sense of supporting specification of constraints related to designing clothing to premature neonates through in-depth problem structuring and search of new information. A design challenge of FLE-Tools is to provide more effective tools for collaborative work with visual sketches as well as developing tools and practices that would help to share knowledge emerging not only in the conceptual but also during the actual manufacturing phase of designing. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

钻完井区域化管理模式在渤海油田的实践与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了渤海辽东湾区域钻完井作业存在物料供给距离远、补给周期长,现场物料消耗大、需求紧张,船舶与物料费用高等问题。通过设置区域总监积极参与船舶、物料动态管理,优化船舶安排、重点租赁工具跟踪、作业点区域化管理,提高了船舶使用效率,满足了现场需要,达到了供需平衡,节省了运输成本。  相似文献   

Over the past two decades, firms have increasingly adopted information technology (IT) tools and services to improve the new product development (NPD) process. Recently, social media tools and/or tools that include social networking features are being utilized to allow users both inside and outside the organization to easily communicate and collaboratively design, manage, and launch new products and services. Unfortunately, there is little empirical evidence to suggest what influence these new IT tools have on NPD performance. Through a project‐level, exploratory, empirical study, the impact of these new IT tools on the development phase of the NPD process is investigated. We find that the use of these new tools is significantly lower than the adoption of traditional IT tools such as e‐mail and computer‐aided‐design. Traditional tools have a significant, positive impact on NPD outcomes, including team collaboration, the concepts/prototypes generated, and management evaluation. Interestingly, new media tools such as project wikis and shared collaboration spaces also have a significant, positive impact on concepts/prototypes generated, and management evaluation. Surprisingly, social networking tools like weblogs and Twitter negatively impact management evaluation while having no impact on NPD team collaboration and concepts/prototypes generated. These results suggest that social networking tools in their current guise are not helpful to the NPD team and may in fact be distracting to innovation management during the development phase.  相似文献   

Research summary : We develop and apply a new set of empirical tools consistent with the tenets of value‐based business strategies, leveraging the principle that “no good deal comes undone” and the methods of revealed preferences, to empirically estimate drivers of value creation. We demonstrate how to use these tools in an analysis of value creation in buyer–supplier relationships in the UK corporate legal market. We show that our approach can uncover evidence of subtle mechanisms that traditional methods cannot easily distinguish from each other. Furthermore, we show how the estimates can be used as parameters of biform games for out‐of‐sample analyses of strategic decisions. With readily available data on relationships between firms, this approach can be applied to many other contexts of interest to strategy researchers. Managerial summary : Managers need to understand the drivers of value creation for customers in order to make competitive positioning decisions and understand when they can capture value under competition. However, estimates of the relative importance of each driver are typically difficult to obtain. In this article, we help remedy this problem by demonstrating a novel method that obtains estimates of the contribution of various drivers of value creation from commonly available data of buyer–supplier relationships. These estimates can then be used to inform the strategy‐making process. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

本文通过对织物结构设计课程教学状况的分析,从教学的模式和内容两个方面提出了促进教学效果的方法,一是运用多媒体课件代替传统教学模式,二是实现理论教学和实践教学无缝对接.  相似文献   

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