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浅谈工程投标中的不平衡报价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国建设工程投标的规范化、制度化,投标人尤为注意对投标策略的研究和投标技巧的运用。投标人通过树立明确的时间和成本概念,运用有效的报价技巧,提出具有竞争力的投标报价,最终获取尽可能大的经济效益。  相似文献   

投标不仅是施工企业根据施工环境和自身的条件争取得到工程施工任务和相应报酬的竞争过程,更是企业之间比实力、比信誉、比施工技术措施方案、比水平、比应变能力的竞争。施工企业一旦报名或接受邀请参加某一工程的投标,通过了资格审查,取得招标文件以后,即开始了投标活动。任何一个工程项目的投标工作都是一项系统工程,必须遵循一定的程序。  相似文献   

根据从事国外工程多年来的经验,详细总结了国际工程从市场开拓、项目信息的获取与甄别、资格预审和投标、投标组织的具体实施以及投标报价各个环节的具体操作办法和应注意的难点,为今后有关工程提供了参考。  相似文献   

工程投标的决策与技巧   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着建筑市场的规范化,投标策略与技巧越来越引起重视。本文系统阐述了在市场经济比较完善的条件下的投标艺术。  相似文献   

在建筑市场迅速发展和竞争日益激烈的情况下,建筑工程造价的制定关系到施工企业承揽工程任务、投标竞争的成败。合理确定工程投标报价,直接关系到施工企业的生存与发展。为此,从调查地方材料价格,制定企业内部定额,做好施工组织设计方案,建立研究分析市场的专门机构,做好工程造价资料的收集整理工作,建立一支高效率、高素质的造价队伍,确定合理的投标报价方法等几个方面分析了如何合理确定投标报价。  相似文献   

投标获胜主要取决于报价、施工方案、资信和业绩。每个投标单位要想中标都要围绕这几个方面做文章。施工企业为了在竞争中获胜,不仅要对投标报价进行分析,而且必须讲究投标策略。因此,投标的获胜不仅取决于竞争者的实力,同时也取决于正确的分析和竞争策略。  相似文献   

灰色局势决策在投标联合体伙伴选择中应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代大型工程项目投标中出现了很多联合体投标的形式,在进行联合体投标时伙伴选择是一个重要的决策问题。针对联合体投标伙伴过程中决策因素多、信息量大等问题,应用灰色系统理论进行分析和确定,建立了数学模型,为决策提供了一个可行方便的决策方法。  相似文献   

结合多年的投标实践经验,对投标过程中遇到的各种风险进行预测分析,并就各种风险产生的原因提出相应的防范措施,为在以后的投标工作中提供一些参考经验,以降低投标风险,增加投标效益。  相似文献   

水利水电施工企业对投标报价的管理,主要包括投标报价的准备和投标报价的编制及投标文件的递交。其对投标报价的管理目的在于确定投什么标、不投什么标、如何投标、如何报价、如何在竞争激烈的市场上以适当低价中标等。最终为企业的生存创造基本条件,为企业的发展创造经济实力。  相似文献   

投标文件的编制是一项复杂的、多专业合作的综合性工作,它的每一个环节、每一个细节都很重要,体现了投标人的实力和竞争能力。投标人应十分重视投标文件的编制工作,文章从投标文件的内容要求与分解、编制和决策有竞争力投标价格、文件制作以及工作分工等方面进行了讨论与交流。  相似文献   

我国EPC总承包商在投标报价时面临设计深度不足、施工过程不确定性大等风险,导致其投标报价的难度相较于传统承发包模式更大,为保证总承包企业在EPC项目中能够获得最佳的收益,本文在EPC总承包项目投标报价特征的基础上,分析投标报价的内容及其计算方法,并对EPC总承包项目投标报价的影响因素进行识别与阐述,最后辅以工程实例进行说明。研究结论为总承包企业在EPC项目中的投标报价起借鉴作用,进而促进我国EPC总承包模式的健康发展。  相似文献   

This sample of bids by union and nonunion contractors on and off municipal prevailing wage projects in the San Francisco Bay area of California provides the first empirical evidence examining the effects of prevailing wage regulations on contractor participation and bidding behavior. The data show that the presence of prevailing wage regulations does not decrease the number of bidders nor alter the bidding behavior of contractors relative to the engineer's estimate of the value of the project. Furthermore, in this heavily unionized area during an upswing in the business cycle, the presence of prevailing wage regulations did not discourage the participation of nonunion contractors nor reduce their chances of winning work.  相似文献   

工程评标亟待规范   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
目前工程评标普遍存在一些不规范现象:评标主体不明确,投标件的有效性重视不足,标底的内涵受到质疑,报价计分带有随机性等。本分析了强化工程评标规范化管理,明确业主的评标主体地位的重要性,探讨了不低于成本价的限定等问题。  相似文献   

The fluctuations in fuel prices over the past decade led a number of government agencies to introduce price adjustment clauses in procurement contracting. Those clauses were primarily designed to reduce contractors’ uncertainty without considering the impact of such initiatives on bidding and the budget. We analyze a newly constructed, detailed panel of observations on bids for construction contracts and compare bidding behavior across periods and projects, and across items within projects. Estimates from a difference‐in‐differences approach, indicate that bidding becomes more aggressive and less dispersed after the implementation of this policy. The difference is more pronounced when we consider itemized bids than overall project bids. Alternative techniques of regression discontinuity and nonparametric estimation are applied and yield consistent results.  相似文献   

判断投标报价是否低于成本的方法研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对判断投标报价是否低于成本的方法做了研究,归纳出了主要的三种方法,并分别给出了这些方法的优点和缺点。  相似文献   

I empirically consider the effect of horizontal subcontracting on firm bidding strategies in California highway construction auctions. Subcontractors are hired by prime contractors prior to the auction, and the subcontractor may also be a competitor in the primary auction. While horizontal subcontracting may improve productive efficiency, it softens the horizontal subcontractor's bid strategy, since winning the auction may entail losing subcontracting business. I find that while each additional competitor supplied by the firm is estimated to increase its bid by 1.4 per cent, the winning bid is uncorrelated with horizontal subcontracting. This points toward an efficiency motive for cross‐supply.  相似文献   

A “low-balling strategy” by bidding contractors has increasingly been recognized as an important issue in public infrastructure procurement. Public works contracts are often imperfect and renegotiated after the contract award. Given the expectation for ex post adjustments, bidders seem motivated to take advantage of the low-balling strategy. This paper analyzes the endogeneity between the bid strategy and ex post adjustments. Using procurement data on rural road projects in Nepal, it shows that the bid strategy and adjustments are determined endogenously in the system. Anticipating cost and time overruns, firms would likely undercut normal bid prices. Then, ex post contract adjustments actually happen, because of their too aggressive bids.  相似文献   

The Polish 4G spectrum auction was a watershed event for the Polish telecommunications market. For the first time in history, the Office of Electronic Communications decided to award spectrum by using an auction process. Polish regulators implemented a simultaneous multiple-round ascending-bid auction, which was widely used worldwide for selling spectrum. The process leading to the auction and the auction itself was lengthy and eventful. Due to the wrong auction design, the auction dragged on indefinitely, causing a delay in spectrum distribution. The auction ended only as a result of the government's intervention, after 8 months (513 rounds) of bidding that raised revenue of over PLN 9 billion (over EUR 2 billion). This paper describes in detail the rules of the Polish 4G auction, analyses bidding behaviour and auction dynamics of the crucial phases of auctions, and presents the final outcomes. It also draws lessons that could help policy makers in Poland and other countries in auction design.  相似文献   

This paper characterizes the payoffs and pricing policies of auction hosting sites when both the bidders’ and the sellers’ participation is endogenous. Sellers have heterogeneous opportunity costs and make a listing decision depending on the listing fee and the expected revenue from the sale. On the other side of the market, factors such as facility in navigating an interface layout and prior bidding experience result in bidder heterogeneity with respect to participation costs. Bidders participate if their ex ante expected payoff from searching the site exceeds their participation costs. The auction site earns revenue by setting positive listing fees, trading off the increased revenue per seller resulting from a higher fee with the revenue reduction from the loss of sellers. Though this appears to be a classic monopoly problem, there are important differences. The reduction in the number of sellers participating in a site has feedback effects, as it affects the number of bidders who choose to visit that site, which in turn again affects the attractiveness of the site to sellers, and thus further reduces seller participation. In this environment the monopolist’s ability to extract rents is severely limited, even if one considers rent extraction from the seller side of the market only. It is demonstrated that the inverse demand curve is flatter than the demand curve obtained from the (inverse) distribution of seller costs. Moreover, the inverse demand curve has at least one and possibly multiple flat segments, leading to discontinuities in the profit function. Thus, small changes in the environment can lead to large changes in the optimal fee and market participation.  相似文献   

国际工程承包企业如何面对WTO的机遇和挑战   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国加入WTO给国际工程承包企业带来了更多的机遇,根据市场互换原则,建筑市场对等开放,我国国际工程承包企业承揽国内外的外资工程项目的机会增多,同时国际合作也将大大加强,但带来机遇的同时,也带来了挑战,同行业竞争更加激烈,经营机制不适应,复合型人才匮乏等等,本就我国国际工程承包企业如何面对加入WTO带来的机遇和挑战,如何大力发展我国国际工程承包事业进行了探讨。  相似文献   

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