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发展滨海新区化工产业的战略思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了滨海新区化工产业循环经济的发展现状,指出目前发展中存在的问题,针对这些问题以及滨海新区化工产业发展的优势和制约因素,提出了经济发展和生态环境保护双赢的化工产业发展对策。  相似文献   

重庆(长寿)化工园区是重庆市人民政府批准设立的省(市)级产业园区,于2003年10月启动建设。园区一期规划控制面积31.3平方公里,规划为天然气化工片区、石油化工片区、精细化工片区及化工新材料片区,是集天然气化工、石油化工、生物化工及化工新材料四大产业于一体的综合性化工园区;是重庆市资源加工业的重要平台、三峡库区产业发展基地、国家级循环经济试点园区。  相似文献   

一、引言 随着经济改革实践和理论研究的不断深入,加快循环经济发展已经成为我国全面建设小康社会、走新型工业化道路的必然选择和全社会的共识。循环经济作为经济发展模式的一次革命,需要社会各个方面的积极参与和推动,并贯穿于思想理念、行为方式和社会经济各项活动中才能实现。循环经济可以从企业、区域和社会三个层面分别通过运用3R原则实现物质闭环流动,形成从微观到宏观相统一的循环经济体系。生态工业园作为一种新型的工业组织形态,  相似文献   

循环经济的本质是资源效率和环境效益。文章论证了化工产业的循环经济可以通过在工业区中建设和完善主导产业链来推进。主导产业链通过发挥化工区的优势和特色进行建设,不仅能够对周边产业资源进行整合,并且还能在毗邻化工区中形成错住发展模式,使化工区之间通过增强异构合作关系来提高优势互补效应。  相似文献   

重庆(长寿)化工园区紧紧围绕"大项目聚集、大产业培育、大园区建设"的三大战略思路,坚持"五个一体化"发展理念,以发展天然气化工、石油化工、生物化工、化工新型材料四大产业为突破口,大力发展循环经济,着力构建中国西部一流的综合化工基地、国家新材料基地和国家级循环经济示范园区.  相似文献   

本文先简述了循环经济和生态产业提出的背景及对其的理解和认识,指出了发展循环经济和生态产业是落实科学发展观、建设生态文明的有效途径和突破口,提出了促进循环经济和生态产业发展相应措施及建议。  相似文献   

<正>发展循环经济,走生态优先、节约集约、美丽中国建设的必由之路,对保障国家资源安全,促进石化行业绿色低碳发展,意义重大。石化行业要细化循环经济的减量化、再利用、资源化原则,推动大宗化工废弃物的高值利用,增加产品的科技含量和附加值,将“创新驱动”原则落到实处,使循环经济金字“招牌”更加夺目  相似文献   

国家发改委近日批复同意苏州高新区循环经济试点实施方案,这标志着该项工作进入了实施阶段。作为全国高新区中唯一一家试点,苏州高新区将通过实践探索,为全国开发区和产业园区发展循环经济提供经验和借鉴。目前,正组织申报的项目主要有中水回用、节能、资源综合利用项目以及平台建设等。  相似文献   

发展循环经济是我国经济能否实现可持续发展的关键:我国一些地区在发展循环经济方面迈出实质性步伐.取得了初步成效。上海市在国内率先引入了循环经济的理念.提出了建设资源节约型城市的目标,发布了我国第一份《循环经济发展报告》.并选择50家企业进行了清洁生产的试点;浦东新区从产业发展、城市运行、人居生态和日常消费等四个方面提出了发展循环经济的战略。  相似文献   

国务院近日下发《循环经济发展战略及近期行动计划》的通知,对纺织等10个行业提出循环经济发展中长期明确目标,到2015年纺织行业单位工业增加值能耗、取水量比2010年分别下降20%、30%,纺织纤维再利用总量达到800万吨,并构建纺织行业循环经济产业链。发展循环经济是我国经济社会发展的一项重大战略任务,是推进生态文明建设的重要途径和基本方式,是加快转变经济发展方式,建设资源节约型、  相似文献   

目前,服务业在上海经济发展中的作用越来越大,其本身存在的环境问题也愈显突出,亟待在该领域推进和落实循环经济的相关政策和制度。而建立一套体系较完善的服务业循环经济推进效果评价指标体系,则是循环经济在服务业推进的基础工作。文章从资源利用、废弃排放、经济运行、生态环境四方面出发,构建了一个服务业循环经济推进效果评价指标体系,并以上海市2000年~2007年的服务业循环经济推进效果为例进行了评价研究。  相似文献   

We examined how managers' perceptions of different types of stakeholder influences in the Canadian forestry industry affect the types of sustainability practices that their firms adopt. Both influences involving withholding of resources by social and ecological stakeholders and those involving directed usage of resources from economic stakeholders were found to drive such practices. We found that the industry and its stakeholders have moved beyond a focus on early stages of sustainability performance such as pollution control and eco‐efficiency. However, more advanced practices, such as those involving the redefinition of business and industrial ecosystems where firms locate in a region so that they can exchange and utilize wastes generated by other firms, are in their infancy. Stakeholders and firms in the industry are focused on the intermediate sustainability phases involving recirculation of materials and redesign of processes including sustainable harvesting of lumber. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

山东省轻工产品创新对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
轻工业是国民经济的重要产业,在经济和社会发展中起着举足轻重的作用。山东省轻工业生产对提高人民生活水平,繁荣国内市场,促进经济增长具有重要的作用,山东省如何创新轻工产品是山东省经济发展的重点。  相似文献   

用蛋白酶对羊毛改性处理综述   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为解决毛纺行业产生的环境污染问题,提出一种羊毛的生态改性方法,即蛋白酶改性技术。首先,介绍了蛋白酶的化学性质和对羊毛改性的机理。其次,详细叙述了羊毛或织物经蛋白酶处理后各项性能的变化,其中包括防毡缩性、抗起毛起球性、柔软性、染色性、仿山羊绒改性等。最后提出羊毛的蛋白酶改性技术将为企业带来巨大的经济效益。  相似文献   

工业结构演进是工业结构从低层次结构向高层次结构的有规律的变化,这种变化不仅伴随着一国或地区的经济增长,而且与地区生态环境息息相关。本文运用四川省制造业相关数据资料,分析了四川省工业结构高度化与生态效应之间的关系。研究表明,当前四川省工业结构正处于高级化过程中的重工业化进程中,以中技术产业和资源性产业为重心,高技术产业的发展速度和规模都还较为滞后。与此相对应,四川省工业结构生态化特征表现为能源利用效率逐步提高但节能压力仍然较大;环境污染有所遏制但形势仍严峻等。即,当前的工业结构对四川省产业结构的生态化起负面效应但负面效应在逐步缩小。因此,要实现四川经济可持续发展,政府必须按照循环经济的要求进行制度创新,调整优化其工业结构。  相似文献   

2010年,我国石油和化工行业经济成效显著,各项经济指标均创历史最好水平。全行业实现总产值8.88万亿元,同比增长34.1%,其中化工行业总产值5.23万亿元,同比增长32.6%,化工经济总量跃居世界第一。全国原油产量2.03亿吨,同比增长6.9%;天然气产量945亿立方米,增长12.1%;成品油(汽、煤、柴油合计)产量2.53亿吨,增长10%;原油加工量4.23亿吨,同比增长13.4%,一次原油加工总能力5.12亿吨。原油表观消费量4.39亿吨,对外依存度53.8%,同比增长13.1%;天然气表观消费量1070.3亿立方米,增幅15.9%;成品油表观消费量2.45亿吨,增幅10.2%。2010年我国石油和化工行业产业结构继续优化,装备水平不断提高,对外贸易大幅增长,出口结构继续改善。但同时,该行业仍存在成本大幅攀升,原材料价格上涨过快,结构调整任务艰巨等问题。预计2011年国内石油和化工行业经济将继续保持平稳较快增长势头,但增幅比2010年缩小,价格总水平涨幅为10%,比2010年回落6.1个百分点。  相似文献   

The spin‐out of research and development (R&D) activities from established companies has increased during recent years. The reasons for realising corporate spin‐outs, especially regarding the involvement of financial investors, were investigated based on 30 European case studies within the chemical and pharmaceutical industry. The reasons can be categorised into two groups: an investment and a divestment rationale. Whereas the chemical industry uses both rationales, there are only divestment cases in the pharmaceutical industry. The investment cases within the chemical industry show that R&D spin‐outs can make an important contribution towards the flexibilisation and performance improvement of a company's internal R&D. The divestment cases show that R&D spin‐outs can be a suitable possibility to continue promising R&D activities. The survival rate of the analysed spin‐outs is high and numerous new jobs have been created in the past years, especially in pharmaceutical spin‐outs.  相似文献   

We analyze investment incentives for a firm A owning a software platform and an application and a firm B deciding whether to develop a new application for the platform. While B's entry helps the success of the platform, B fears ex post expropriation by A and is hence reluctant to enter and invest. We show that different platform governance structures prevalent in the Information and Communication Technology industry (integrated, proprietary, standardized, open source platform) serve to balance investment incentives for the platform and for the applications.  相似文献   

This article examines the phenomenon of self-exploitation among platform couriers, using the company Glovo as a case study. The research, based on a qualitative approach with interviews from 22 different stakeholders, highlights the ways in which precarity, entrepreneurial subjectivity, and gamification intersect to create what are referred to as postdisciplinary control mechanisms. These mechanisms shift the locus of exploitation from the employer to the workers' inner selves, which are compelled to follow implicit guidelines due to their precarious situation. The use of algorithmic management by platform companies like Glovo plays a major role in this architecture marked by overwork, exposure to hazardous conditions, and economic dependence. The article urges policymakers to look beyond platform workers' employment status debate and address the design of algorithms and broader forms of labour precarity, so that policies that successfully improve workers' experience are designed.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relative importance of platform quality, indirect network effects, and consumer expectations on the success of entrants in platform‐based markets. We develop a theoretical model and find that an entrant's success depends on the strength of indirect network effects and on the consumers' discount factor for future applications. We then illustrate the model's applicability by examining Xbox's entry into the video game industry. We find that Xbox had a small quality advantage over the incumbent, PlayStation 2, and the strength of indirect network effects and the consumers' discount factor, while statistically significant, fall in the region where PlayStation 2's position is unsustainable. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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