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智能型生化反应器控制仪   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对生化反应器在不同生产工艺反应过程中的共同特点,提出以单片机为核心,采用微电子、扩大量程自诊断法、相关自诊断方法、自校正及抗干扰技术,由时间最优、预估、PID、Bang-Bang基本控制规律组成的复合控制算法,并根据偏差和偏差变化率自动切换执行不同的算法。  相似文献   

本文讨论一种具有新定闭环极点的线性多变量自校正控制的设计方法。给出两种不同形式的多变量自校正控制算法:预测—极点配置算法和直接极点配置算法。本文着重强调多变量自校正控制算法的实际可用性。讨论了消除稳态偏差,极点配置和减少被估计参数个数的方法。  相似文献   

为解决复杂曲面测定过程中相关计量精度补偿误差的问题,对基于PSO算法的复杂曲面计量精度补偿方法进行设计。确定复杂曲面补偿螺距,并在PSO算法下建立QR分解补偿阶次,创建偶迭代补偿模型,通过归一特征的控制实现PSO算法下的计量补偿。最终的测试结果表明:在不同的复杂曲面补偿量程范围之下,对比于传统的激光精度补偿测试组,设计的PSO算法精度补偿测试组最终得出的补偿偏差相对较低,表明应变补偿的范围有所变化,计量精度的补偿误差有了明显的降低,使得补偿效果更佳,具有较大的意义。  相似文献   

偏差电量电费处理是电力交易结算机制设计中的重点问题,本文结合国内现行主要电力交易模式,站在用户侧的角度讨论了偏差电量考核模式下长期协商市场和月度竞价市场中偏差电量对电力用户收益的影响。通过比较不同偏差电量下用户的盈利情况,讨论现行交易规则下考核规则的利弊。最后通过算例,验证了所提方法的有效性和实用性,为电力市场交易规则设计和电力市场分析提供参考。  相似文献   

郝腾飞 《中国核工业》2017,(Z1):218-225
AP1000机械补偿运行策略的使用,改变了传统堆芯平均轴向通量偏差与堆外核测轴向通量偏差之间的校核关系.三门核电厂采用与传统机组不同的堆内外轴向通量偏差校核方法——外围权重单点校核方法,用于确定超温△T、超功率△T停堆保护整定值的堆外轴向通量偏差计算输入.通过BEACON系统应用单点校核方法对三门核电厂首循环堆内外轴向通量偏差校核试验方案进行针对性计算验证,制定出用于确定耦合系数的反应性管理计划,给出首循环首次及后续校核试验的具体实施建议、注意问题及应对方案.  相似文献   

建立了基团电负性和直链烷基中碳原子个数计算直链有机物的标准汽化热的简单方法,共计算出126个各类直链有机物的标准汽化热数值,并与已知的66个文献值比较,数据一致性良好,其平均绝对偏差仅为0.67 kJ/mol。  相似文献   

根据现值系数和等额年金现值系数以及净现金流量的基本概念推导出一种简单实用的财务净现值计算方法,与通常列出逐年现金流量表的计算方法相比偏差不大,可以用于投资项目主要技术经济指标的估算  相似文献   

一种改进型单相谐波及无功电流检测方法的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对现有单相谐波电流检测方法存在算法复杂及延时的缺点,提出了一种改进型单相谐波及无功电流的检测方法,该方法检测电路简单,成本低,便于硬件实现;算法简单,可靠性高,无延时;当只需检测谐波电流时,可以省去锁相环;适当选择低通滤波器的参数,可以使谐波电流的检测既有较高的精度,又有较快的动态响应特性。仿真结果证明了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

旋光法测定三氮唑核苷注射液的含量   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
采用旋光法测定三氮唑核苷注射液的含量 ,与河北药品标准 1 991年版采用的定氮法比较 ,方法简单 ,快捷 ,准确。两法测定结果偏差为± 0 .1 %。对制剂车间半成品的质量快速控制提供了一个可行的方法。  相似文献   

挣值管理法是项目成本和进度控制中应用比较广泛的一种方法。文章分析了传统挣值进度偏差分析的缺点,提出了区分关键路径与非关键路径的进度偏差分析方法。分别探讨了关键路径和非关键路径的进度偏差。在各级施工单元计划编制的基础上,引入挣得时间ET(Earned Time)原理,建立整个项目的进度偏差分析模型。该方法可以精确地分析项目的进度偏差情况和偏差来源。  相似文献   

Existing card-based production control systems such as Kanban are mostly dedicated to repetitive production environments. Cards-based systems for job shop control are lacking, while particularly this industry segment shows a need for simple control systems. This paper aims at filling the gap by presenting a simple card-based system for job shop control, the Cobacabana (control of balance by card-based navigation) system. It is based on the concept of workload control (WLC), which has already proven its value in job shops. Developments towards more robust norms now allow for transforming the WLC concept into a simple card-based system, with loops of cards accompanying orders from release until completion at critical work centers. Cards returning from work centers authorize the planner to release new orders. A card-based display supports the planner with an overview of the shop floor situation, based on non-released cards. An additional loop of cards between sales and planning enables support of the order acceptance and due date promising function. A card-based acceptance display indicates what delivery dates are realistic, considering the current workload situation. Both the scientific roots of the system and practical implementation issues are discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

基于VB和CAN总线的分布式监控系统设计   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
详细介绍了基于VB和CAN总线的分布式监控系统的逻辑结构,给出了上位机与主控单片机之间通信的方法,并制定出相应的通信协议,实现了在CAN总线中利用广播技术控制各节点同步数据采集,并对各节点数据采集的同步精度进行了简要地分析。该系统具有结构简单、易于扩展等诸多优点。经现场实际运行,该系统运行可靠,可广泛地应用于各种需要同步数据采集的分布式监控系统当中。  相似文献   

介绍了如何用自由口模式实现西门子公司的S7 200系列PLC与上位机的通讯,给出了一种简单的用户自定义协议,着重介绍了上,下位机之间具体通讯过程的实现,并给出了部分程序和流程图。该方案具有硬件简单、使用灵活的特点,对中小型控制系统实现通讯有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

In this study, the effect of a deviation from an optimally blended control system on salesperson performance and championing is investigated. Blended control systems represent combinations of many different forms of control, affording sales managers the opportunity to better match a control system with the overall context in which their firm operates, addressing such things as current salesperson, firm, and environmental variables. The extent to which the blended system represents an appropriate match with the overall context, however, is of primary concern. As demonstrated here, deviations from optimal control negatively affect both individual salesperson performance, as well as salesperson championing. In combination, these findings emphasize the importance of understanding a broader picture of salesperson control than is allowed through simple direct effect analysis.  相似文献   

An Inventory and Order Based Production Control System lies at the heart of many commercial and bespoke ordering systems based on periodic review of stock and production targets. This simple and elegant control system works well, even when dealing with scenarios in which there are many competing value streams. However, such “interferences” inevitably cause some uncertainty in pipeline delivery times. We show via linear z-transform analysis that the consequences may include the possibility of inventory drift and instability. In this paper we establish the stability boundaries for such systems, and demonstrate an innovative method of eliminating inventory drift due to lead-time effect. This new principle is confirmed by simulation results.  相似文献   

凹版印刷机张力控制系统是一个非线性、强耦合、时变性的复杂系统,用普通的PID难以达到理想的控制效果。本研究通过建立凹印机张力控制模型和驱动电机模型,设计了一种基于解耦控制原理的自适应解耦控制算法,根据偏差和偏差变化率来实时自适应追踪调整PID控制器参数,有效提高了张力控制系统性能和速度,是一种简单易行的控制算法。  相似文献   

应用离子选择性电极法测定锌氨络合液中的氨氮,省去了其他繁琐的步骤,具有操作简便、结果准确、精密度高、检测范围广等优点。本试验利用两点标准测定方法,在应用氨电极的基础上结合pH计准确控制被测液体的pH值,在不同范围内进行了实样分析,并检测了回收率。  相似文献   

Boone and De Brabander (1993) contend mat Hodgkinson's (1992) strategic locus of control scale will not lead to interesting research results and that researchers should continue to adopt the well known Rotter (1966) I-E scale. Central to their argument is the assertion that responses to domain-specific control expectancy scales, such as the strategic locus of control scale, largely reflect actors' perceptions of their current circumstances, whereas responses to the I-E scale are a function of stable personality differences. In this reply the literature on the locus of control construct is briefly reviewed, in order to show that the accumulated empirical research evidence does not support the notion of generalized control expectancies as a simple unidimensional personality trait, but points overwhelmingly to the conclusion that control expectancies are more appropriately construed as a multidimensional, domain-specific, cognitive variable shaped by the combined effects of disposition, prior learning experiences, reinforcement histories and current circumstances. The rationale for the development of the strategic locus of control scale is further explained, in order to clarify a number of other misconceptions.  相似文献   

具有修正因子的模糊控制器及其应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在模糊控制方面,目前国内外使用的传统模糊控制方法存在问题很多,如建立控制规则困难、有众多参数待定等。从简化控制规则入手,提出了控制规则解析式,并在构造新的具有修正因子的模糊控制算法的基础上,进行了修正因子在线自学习算法研究及仿真实验。  相似文献   

自动计量分装机控制系统是分装机的核心部分。该系统的主要功能包括参数设定、瞬时值及分装次数显示、振荡强度连续调节、超差报警等。系统由输入电路、显示电路及电气电路等组成,并采用单片机及串行外围电路为主要部件;部分硬件功能采用软件实现,使得该系统结构简单,可靠性强,使用方便。本文详细介绍了自动计量分装机控制系统的系统功能、结构特点、工作原理及软件流程。  相似文献   

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