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文章分别通过对定量装料自动称量系统以及连续累计自动称量配料系统进行介绍和分析,进而指出供料装置和粉体物料特性的联系,以期为有关部门提供可靠参考。  相似文献   

牡丹江水泥股份有限公司生料磨两套自动配料系统,安装使用了中国建材科学院研制的TGT8504型智能在线钙铁分析仪,由于取料点在该仪器下,所以配备了两台立  相似文献   

郑辉  查列 《现代班组》2008,(10):30-30
江铜集团德兴铜矿建设公司路料站料仓进料口会经常出现卡堵现象,常规处理方法是停机后采用爆破松动或者人工清挖处理,这不仅劳动强度大,效率低,料仓易损坏,而且存在一定的安全隐患。针对这一现状,破碎机操作工罗清华同班组  相似文献   

在铅冶炼生产中,目前多采用箕斗卷扬装置把烧结料送到鼓风炉的进料仓,上料系统如图1所示。当箕斗装料后,启动电动机,通过减速器带动钢丝绳,拖动箕斗沿轨道上行(仰角42°30′,全长25米),送料到鼓风炉料仓。由于原设计安全可靠性差,多次造成箕斗失控,高速下滑,把机房撞坏。根据计算,箕斗从顶端下滑至末端时,带动  相似文献   

设计一个多口进出货物存放式立体车库。运用双向轨道与运载电梯结合的方式,立体存放汽车,提升空间利用率。存车时可以多口同时进车,取车时可以通过手机APP提前预约取车,节省停车和取车时等待的时间,符合现代人的生活节奏。  相似文献   

传统的印花工艺,调浆配色都由人工完成,精度低、准确度差,劳动强速大。为了减少印花试样次数、降低印花过程中由于称料误差而造成的批间色差及批内色差,深圳海润实业有限公司和杭州开源电脑技术有限公司合作,共同研制开发了印花全自动电脑调浆配色系统,该系统的应用使企业在提高产品质量和管理水平、降低成本等方面获得理想效果,具有以下优点:▲用计算机控制、称量精确,可消除原来因人工称料而造成的称量误差。自动控制调节所制备原糊的黏度均匀、所调浆料即调即用,印花糊料新鲜,糊料不堵网,提高了生产效率,并节省染料。▲该系统拥有小样和…  相似文献   

在炭素连续配料生产工艺中,粉料的稳定配比尤为重要,针对配料秤存在粉料波动大、易蓬料等问题,采用一种新型转子秤预给料机进行更新改造,满足连续配料生产的需要。  相似文献   

SCD系列冷室压铸机是瑞士布勒(BUHLER)公司的产品,由于其压射机构性能独特,压射过程由计算机实时控制,操作、监控界面友好等特性,在国内铝合金压力铸造行业得到越来越广泛的应用,国内汽车和摩托车发动机压铸件制造中引进了不少该系列的压铸机。压铸机系统由主机、自动上料系统、喷涂系统、取料系统等组成,由机、电、液、气和自动检测等技术组成的一个复杂的自动化程度很高的现代压铸机。压射机构又是整个压铸机的一个关键而特殊的系统,其工作性能的好坏对产品零件的质量影响重大。  相似文献   

秦皇岛港是目前全球最大的煤炭输出港,它以"悬臂式斗轮取料机-皮带机输送机-装船机"为主要转运设备进行煤炭装船作业。本文旨在探索高效的取料机作业方式来实现装船作业效率的最大化,降低作业能耗。分析了斗轮取料机的特点及其取料操作方式,并在此基础上引入了闭环自动控制方法,构建了以恒定瞬时取料量为控制目标的闭环控制系统。该系统以PLC为控制核心,基于变频驱动的回转系统作为执行部分控制斗轮取料机的悬臂回转速度进行取料作业,同时通过皮带秤实时检测输送带瞬时取料量并结合即时的斗轮驱动电机电流数据作为作业实时数据反馈,由此构建了一种基于Profibus-DP现场总线的斗轮取料机自动作业控制系统。该系统试运行于河北港口集团秦皇岛港股份有限公司第六港务分公司,提高了取料作业效率,减少了人为因素造成的超载作业,节能效果显著。  相似文献   

火电厂燃料输送系统通常由卸车设备,煤场堆取料设备,胶带运输设备和辅助设备构成,由于设备战线较长,煤流转运环结较多,又受到卸车时间以及向锅炉房不间断供煤等因素的影响,因此对于大型输煤设备的操作和控制,运行流程的组合,运行管理和安全等提出了较高的要求。 利用由可编程序控制器(简称PLC)构成的分布式控制系统对燃料输送系统进行控制,是改善工人劳  相似文献   

With the numbers of electric vehicles on the increase, their additional electricity demand can no longer be neglected. From a power systems’ perspective, it is the time dependent electricity consumption that matters. In particular, the peak demand is increased in the case of uncontrolled charging, imposing additional stress on the system. Unfortunately, since there is an absence of representative electric vehicle driving patterns, a quantification of such temporal charging requirements is challenging. To overcome this problem, we developed a detailed model, which maps combustion engine vehicles onto electric vehicle equivalents. The model’s main strengths are the consideration of the diversity within the vehicle fleet as well as the differentiation into the boundary cases of pure battery electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles. Applied to a German traffic study, load curves for these two cases were generated. In addition, the existing uncertainty in between was quantified using Monte Carlo method. We show that the peak energy demand through electric vehicles is much greater on working days than on weekend days. Moreover, we find that the distinction between pure and plug-in-hybrid electric vehicles matters, at least for the time being. Apart from the numerical results, the model is well suited to generate input for more sophisticated investigations of charging strategies within energy system simulations.  相似文献   

在目前能源短缺、环境污染严重、节能减排的巨大压力下,先进的电动汽车技术成为人们关注的热点.基于技术动力学的一般规律,针对电动汽车发展涉及的电池技术发展、充电基础设施及其与电动汽车的协调等问题,对电动汽车作为新生事物具有的学习效应、网络与路径依赖以及其中的不确定性、技术路线与政府的角色等方面进行了分析,可为电动汽车发展战略与政策的制定提供参考.  相似文献   

大型结构物称重系统的关键部分是液压系统、控制系统和承力部分,通过分析和提高每个系统的可靠性和安全性,可使称重系统在上升下降的全过程都具有很高的可靠性.所开发的称重系统目前已成功安全使用几十次,得到多家国内外船级社的认可.  相似文献   

Conductive (wired) charging, where the user has to plug or unplug a cable, dominates the concepts discussed for electric vehicles up to now. Apart from the reduced range of the electric vehicle, frequent charging and especially short charging times make this plugging and unplugging appear impractical. In contrast, inductive (wireless) energy transfer makes it possible to charge without user intervention. This article attempts to answer questions on whether inductive energy transfer can already be used to charge electric vehicles and where this represents an economically attractive solution for users. To do so, first the charging technologies are presented and contrasted. It is also possible to compare the two charging technologies economically based on a cost analysis. It can be shown that no widespread use of the inductive technology is to be expected for the time being from an economic point of view due to its significant extra costs. Under certain conditions, however, there is a limited field of application as a niche technology in certain commercial areas, such as taxis, for example.  相似文献   

The German Federal Government wants to establish Germany as a leading market for electric mobility. Potential environmental benefits and changes in the economic framework conditions of the energy sector are described in this paper. In order to quantify the electricity split which is actually used for charging electric vehicles, two economic models for the energy sector, a model for the market penetration of electric vehicles, a vehicle model and an LCA model are brought together. Based on an assumed dynamic increase of electric vehicles to 12 million in 2030, an additional electricity demand of about 18 TWh is calculated. If the vehicles are charged directly after their last daily trip, the peak load increases by 12%—despite the small increase in electricity demand. First model calculations for the development of the European power generation system show that the direct impact on the construction of new power plants remains low even until 2030. An impact of electric mobility on CO2 certificate prices can only be seen from 2025 onwards and is limited to an increase in certificate prices by a maximum of 8 % in 2030. An optimisation is possible with intelligent charging strategies: The peak load without demand side management can be reduced by 5 GW and about 600 GWh of additional wind energy can used which would otherwise have been throttled due to feed-in management—about 3.5 % of the total electricity demand of electric vehicles. On the other hand, demand side management leads to more coal power plants instead of gas power plants being used to meet the additional electricity demand. If additional renewable sources are installed along with demand side management, the electricity for electric vehicles is almost carbon free. This is also reflected in the life cycle balance of electric vehicles which also includes vehicle and battery production: With today’s average electricity split in Germany, the greenhouse gas emissions of electric vehicles are about comparable to vehicles with conventional combustion engines. However, the electricity split in 2030 or the use of additional renewable energy sources lead to a significant advantage in the greenhouse gas balance.  相似文献   

In the automotive industry, the need to move toward more sustainable trajectories of innovation has received much attention. Car manufacturers have started to develop lower emission alternatives for the internal combustion engine, particularly electric, hybrid, and fuel‐cell vehicles. They face the challenge, however, of how to make a potentially disruptive, systemic, and societally embedded technology such as a low‐emission vehicle attractive to mainstream customers. While literature has suggested that companies can empower the initial stages of disruptive innovation by creating protected spaces themselves and/or by taking advantage of such spaces created by public actors, the specific role of these different types of protection levers—private and/or public—has remained unclear. This article therefore investigates to what extent and how private and public protection levers affect firm‐level strategies to increase the attractiveness of disruptive and systemic innovations to mainstream customers. This is explored empirically through a multiple case study of the emergence of low‐emission vehicles within three car manufacturers—Daimler, General Motors, and Toyota—in the context of European, Japanese, and U.S. policies. The empirical analysis is conducted on a data set consisting of more than 9000 articles from two trade magazines, a car magazine and a financial newspaper for the period of 1997–2010. As main findings, the article identifies regulation, tax incentives, and public–private partnerships as the public protection levers that impose or stimulate “new” performance metrics such as fuel economy and vehicle emissions. It also finds that resource allocation, niche occupation, and collaboration‐integration act as the main private protection levers. In addition, two protection levers emerge from the data that are rather prominent in this context: the use of regulation imposing large‐scale commercialization of low‐emission vehicles and dumping of products in the market below cost price. The article concludes with two different protection trajectories—a public protection trajectory and a private protection trajectory—which explain how car manufacturers leverage the various protection levers to deal with disruptive technology. The main implication of the two trajectories is that while the public protection trajectory stalled due to the systemic, socially embedded technological impediments of electric vehicles and fuel‐cell vehicles, the private protection trajectory picked up the remains of the public protection trajectory and has gained momentum, continuing until today.  相似文献   

Electric mobility is supposed to contribute to climate policy targets by reducing CO2-emissions in the transportation sector. Increasing penetration rates of electric vehicles (EV) can lead to new challenges in the electricity sector, especially with regard to local distribution networks. Thus the management of charging loads is discussed as a key issue in energy economics. Due to their long parking times, high electricity and power demand, EV seem to be predestined for load management. Monetary incentives as dynamic pricing can be suitable for that: They reflect the current supply situation, pass the information to the consumers and can thus lead to a corresponding charging behaviour. In this article we analyse this interaction between dynamic pricing and charging loads. For this reason we have developed the optimization model DS-Opt+. It models a total number of 4,000 households in two residential areas of a major city with regard to its electricity demand, its mobility behaviour and its equipment of photovoltaic systems. Four different pricing models are tested for their effects on charging behaviour and thus the total load of the residential area. The results illustrate that only fairly high penetration rates of EV lead to remarkably higher electricity demand and require some load management. The tested dynamic pricing models are suitable for influencing charging loads; load-based tariffs are best in achieving a balanced load curve. In our analysis uncontrolled charging strategies are superior regarding a balanced load curve than controlled strategies by time-varying tariffs. Our results lead to several implications relevant for the energy industry and further research.  相似文献   

为实现电动汽车快速补能,面向电池交换的充电方式,研究了城市路网上电动汽车换电站的选址问题。首先研究了电动汽车用户的路径选择,基于交通网络均衡状态和换电站选址方案的相互影响,建立站点建设成本和出行成本之和最小为目标的换电站选址优化模型。然后预测不同方案下的交通网络均衡状态,并依据预测结果评价选址方案的优劣,最后设计求解算法,利用襄阳东津新区的路网及居民出行数据进行算例分析,验证模型及算法的可靠性,求得换电站的最优选址及换电需求。研究表明,建立的电池交换式电动汽车换电站优化模型可以获得路网路段流量及换电站处的换电需求量,给出最优的选址方案及换电站建设时序;电动汽车混入率对换电站布设、交通网络均衡状态有较复杂的影响;交换站数量的增加能减少出行成本,但边际作用递减。研究结果可为城市换电站的规划提供决策参考。  相似文献   

长期以来,我国对医疗卫生领域的全行业管制,采取的是一种“方式单一”且“混业管理”的管制模式。即无论是公共卫生还是医疗服务,统统采用一种管制模式和一套管制制度。然而,医疗卫生服务活动可以明确地区分为公共产品、准公共产品和私人产品。可以根据不同产品的产品性质构建不同的供给模式和管制模式。形成“分类-分管”管制模式。即对于公共卫生领域采取公共供给和政府严格管制模式;对于妇幼保健、特殊疾病的预防与治疗等准公共服务采用政府主导管制模式;而对于医疗服务领域则采用私人供给和“有管制的竞争”模式。这有利于提高卫生管制的针对性和专业化程度,提高政府卫生管制有效性。  相似文献   

公共预算和国有资本经营预算是我国预算体系的两大重要组成部分,两者既相互独立又相互依存。公共财政和国有资本财政的职能范围是确定两种预算运行区间的依据。由于公共预算和国有资本经营预算在性质、职能、活动领域等方面都存在差异,这必然决定了二者有着各自不同的运行区间。文章在归纳公共财政和国有资本财政区别的基础上对公共预算和国有资本经营预算的收支结构及其规模进行分析,以期对二者的运行区间有较为清晰的认识。  相似文献   

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