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微酸性电解水用于鲜切莲藕杀菌处理的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
鲜切果蔬的微生物安全问题一直是食品安全领域的研究热点,电解水技术在食品安全上的应用日益受到重视。以鲜切莲藕为研究对象,以强酸性电解水和次氯酸钠溶液作为对照,对微酸性电解水处理鲜切莲藕的杀菌效果进行了研究。结果发现,用微酸性电解水处理鲜切莲藕,可以明显降低附着于产品上的各类微生物,增加产品的食用安全性,且微酸性电解水较之强酸性电解水有着更强的杀菌效果。通过对微酸性电解水用于鲜切莲藕的杀菌工艺优化发现,浸泡比例和浸泡时间对微酸性电解水处理鲜切莲藕的杀菌工艺有显著性影响,有效氯浓度对杀菌效果没有显著性影响。最佳工艺条件如下:有效氯质量浓度为10mg/L,浸泡比例为1∶5,浸泡时间为10min。本研究对于微酸性电解水在鲜切产品上的应用提供了一定的技术支持。  相似文献   

国内National News据来自食品行业的信息,我国食品品种繁多,形态各异,被包装物的形状、大小及阻隔性要求千变万化,每个食品加工客户都有不同的要求,食品加工及包装行业需要很强的应变能力。2006年我国食品加工及包装机械应重点发展以下13类产品:油类加工技术装备、果蔬加工技术装备、肉类加工技术装备、乳品加工技术装备、方便食品技术装备、啤酒饮料技术装备、超微粉碎技术装备、挤压成型技术装备、杀菌熟化技术装备、微胶囊化技术装备、真空冷冻技术装备、保鲜包装技术装备,还有大豆、稻谷、玉米、土豆等农产品深加工成套技术设备及综合…  相似文献   

软塑馐讲座(十三) 无菌包装材料及无菌包装技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
无菌包装是软塑包装业中占很大份量的一类塑料包装,它是指在无菌的环境中把已杀菌的食品,包装在无菌的包装材料中,达到食品及包材均无菌的状态,能较长时间地保鲜食品.无菌包装可将食品和包材分别进行杀菌(无菌化处理),然后在无菌下包装操作;也可以先用包材把食品包装后,再把包装了的食品进行杀菌处理,达到无菌化.高温蒸煮袋就是属于后一类的无菌包装.  相似文献   

生鲜预分切食品的市场发展状况 目前在已经成长为800亿美元市场规模的美国生鲜食品产业中,涉及125亿美元的一次加工食品(包括洗净、分切后进行MA包装的水果和蔬菜以及调制好的色拉制品)产业发展如火如荼。生鲜预分切处理的水果蔬菜向人们提供了消费的方便性和对消费者有益于身体健康的果蔬食物服务,  相似文献   

C P P薄膜是由流延方法制得的未拉伸聚丙烯薄膜,该产品具有质量轻、透明度高、机械适应性强、防湿性、耐热性能好等特点。主要是作为基材被广泛应用于复合包装材料中,与其它薄膜复合。因为其耐热性好,经常用于蒸煮食品的包装,可分为高温蒸煮级和一般蒸煮级两种。高温蒸煮级C PP薄膜,主要用于与其它薄膜经干式复合制得各种包装袋,能耐120℃以上蒸煮杀菌;一般蒸煮级CPP薄膜,只能在120℃以下煮沸杀菌。我国自20世纪80年代开始引进开发此项技术,由于当时人们对CPP薄膜的应用和加工还缺乏一定的了解和认识,使其应用受到了极大的限制。近年来…  相似文献   

由中石油长岭分公司与中国石油大学(华东)机电工程学院共同完成的原油电脱盐装置切水旋流除油技术开发研究及工业应用项目,日前通过专家鉴定。该技术可用于化工、环保、电力、医药、食品等行业中的液-固、液-液分离过程。  相似文献   

耐高温蒸煮食品包装袋,俗称软罐头,是用于常温下存放、保质期超过六个月的肉食品包装材料,因为在肉食品加工过程中,它和它包装的肉食品,要在121℃高温热水中蒸煮数分钟,121℃热水是在压力超过1个大气压下产生的,所以这种肉制品加工工艺叫高温高压杀菌工艺,与此相对应的是低温杀菌工艺,它是肉制品在常压下90℃热水中蒸煮成熟,  相似文献   

由中石油长岭分公司与中国石油大学(华东)机电工程学院共同完成的原油电脱盐装置切水旋流除油技术开发研究及工业应用项目,日前通过中石油化工股份有限公司组织的专家鉴定。该技术可用于化工、环保、电力、医药、食品等行业中的液-固、液-液分离过程。  相似文献   

一、问题的提出生鲜果蔬食品在贮藏过程中会发生一系列的物理化学变化。例如水分的蒸发 ,糖份的增减(先增加后再减少) ,有机酸、淀粉的变化 ,维生素的损失 ,色素及芳香物质的失去等。传统的食品保存理论建立在微生物基础上 ,强调消灭细菌等微生物是新鲜食品贮藏的关键。作为高水分含量的果蔬食品加工前的贮藏共性是 :其组织有生命 ,有适应外界温度的呼吸和新陈代谢 ,有酶的活性 ,一旦组织受到物理损伤即引起酶化学变化和微生物性的变质 ,从而很快使其失去食用价值变质腐败。最近我们通过果蔬保鲜的试验研究得知 ,新鲜果蔬营养成份的损失同…  相似文献   

1、欧姆法加热杀菌技术:欧姆法加热技术在国外已经进入工业应用阶段,一些厂家已生产出可供食品生产厂家应用的欧姆加热器。其优点是可加工粘度较高或颗粒较大的液体食品。颗粒直径可达2.5厘米。目前存在的主要问题是系统的预杀菌仍需采用过热蒸汽。因此,在无菌系统的配置时要配成混合式。2、微波连续灭菌技术:微波灭菌与欧姆加热杀菌的主要区别在于前者采用高频(2500兆赫左右),而后者采用工频。微波灭菌除了加热效应以外,还有相当的非热杀菌效应。生物体内的极性分子在微波场中产生强烈的旋转效应,这种旋转使微生物的营养细胞失去活性或破坏…  相似文献   

超高压食品加工及其装置   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
介绍了超高压食品加工技术的发展历史、技术优势及应用机理 ,就该项技术的关键——超高压设备的研制现状、结构特点和设计方法进行了论述 ,并对其应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

H. Jones 《R&D Management》1976,6(3):125-130
Although the morphological approach to the exploration of technological possibilities was first described by Zwicky in 1962 in relation to jet engine systems and used by him as early as 1942, it has received less attention as a tool for creativity than it deserves. Jantsch in his classical review of technological forecasting attempted to establish interest in the methodology, referring to it as ‘a systematic investigation of all the possible solutions to a given problem, without any prejudice, using matrix representations in as many dimensions as there are basic parameters'. Since that time both he and a few others, notably Ayres have continued their interest in its application, dealing with problems in the fields of food production and materials processing. But less recognition has been given to the use of morphology as an everyday tool in the creative approach to simpler and less comprehensive technologies and it is a purpose of this paper to indicate how this can, and indeed should, be effected by those involved in R & D management and planning.  相似文献   

The international health community has stressed the need to raise consumption levels of animal-source foods in developing countries. Development programs based on so-called ‘agriculture for nutrition’ strategies emphasize the importance of smallholder livestock production to achieve these goals. While much of the literature has highlighted the high nutritional potential of such foods, little attention has been paid to infrastructural deficiencies for handling and processing animal-source foods, particularly meat. Such shortfalls in food safety have the potential to counteract some health gains, especially if renewed efforts to increase animal consumption are not combined with improved processing capacity. The spike in meat consumption among Muslims worldwide on Eid al-Adha provides a natural experiment to test the extent to which such food safety concerns are justified. Meat processing on this holiday often exceeds the capacity of formal slaughter and processing infrastructure, and thus provides an excellent opportunity to observe the implications of a rapid intensification of meat production and consumption across several countries. Using Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) data from countries in Africa and Asia, we estimate the impact of this holiday on the incidence of diarrheal illness among children. Eid al-Adha provides a plausibly exogenous source of variation in home or informally sourced meat consumption among Muslims, a natural comparison group (Non-Muslims) and independence from seasonal influences (the holiday follows the lunar Islamic calendar). We find that relative to non-Muslims, diarrhea morbidity increases for Muslim children following Eid al-Adha by 18 percent. No such similar increase is found on Eid al-Fitr, a similarly important Muslim holiday without extensive home slaughter. These findings reinforce the importance of food safety concerns in livestock sector interventions.  相似文献   

Purchasing and supplier involvement as one possible explanatory factor of product development success has been gathering growing attention from both managers and researchers. This paper presents the results of a Dutch benchmark study into supplier involvement in product development, and discusses the topic more specifically in the context of the food industry. Regarding supplier involvement, this industry has not been studied intensively, although its specific characteristics make continuous development of new products imperative and the amount of outsourcing of production and development has increased substantially. The benchmark was conducted by means of an existing framework which has not yet been applied to the food industry. The food company in the benchmark study performs consistently better than companies from other industries. At the same time, the results of a similar case study carried out at a Scandinavian food company show contradictory results. By comparing the Dutch and the Scandinavian case, we illustrate that our analytical framework can explain these different results in terms of the underlying processes and pre-conditions, thereby validating its application to the food industry.  相似文献   

Agro-food trade competitiveness of Central European and Balkan countries   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper investigates the level, composition, and differences in agro-food relative trade advantages/disadvantages for eight Central European and Balkan countries on the European Union (EU) markets and their implications for food policy. Higher and more stable relative trade advantages are found for bulk primary raw agricultural commodities and less for consumer-ready foods, implying competitiveness shortcomings in food processing and in international food marketing. Duration analysis shows that the EU enlargement has a negative impact on agro-food relative trade advantages for all eight analyzed countries. Estimations imply that the duration of agro-food relative trade advantages are the highest for Hungary and Poland, and for Bulgaria in differentiated products, indicating their agro-food trade potentials in the EU-15 markets.  相似文献   

Difficulties and complications beset any attempt to compare the performance of the economies of India and China as Prof Donnithorne illustrates in her examination of their per capita grain output. She shows that Chinese per capita grain output has been consistently higher than that of India, a fact which she attributes to the greater natural resource endowment of China, the recycling of wastes and the higher processing factor for grain. This basic difference in productive capacity should not be overlooked when examining the differences in the distributive systems and food availability at the village level.  相似文献   

Machine scheduling problem has been extensively studied by researchers for many decades in view of its numerous applications on solving practical problems. Due to the complexity of this class of scheduling problems, various approximation solution approaches have been presented in the literature. In this paper, we present a genetic algorithm (GA) based heuristic approach to solve the problem of two machine no-wait flowshop scheduling problems that the setup time on the machines is class dependent, and the objective is to minimize the maximum lateness of the jobs processed. This class of machine scheduling problems has many practical applications in manufacturing industry, such as metal refinery operations, food processing industry and chemical products production processes, in which no interruption between subsequent processes is allowed and the products can be grouped into families. Extensive computation experiments have been conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. Results show the proposed methodology is suitable to be adopted for the development of an efficient scheduling plan for this class of problems in real life application.  相似文献   

Fisher FG 《Food Policy》1986,11(4):274-278
The state government of Victoria, Australia, recently prepared a discussion paper towards a regional food and nutrition policy. This evaluation finds it deficient in various ways. The critique contains recommendations for the building of a national food policy. The commission report displays a lack of a systems view of the problem of nutrition, which would recognize a diversity of influences on eating (e.g. social frameworks and frameworks by which we think and know). Linear causality is not an adequate concept. Agribusiness impacts heavily on the environment. In the case of meat production, inputs to production far exceed food energy outputs. Disposal of the by-products of meat production is also more problematic. The way to impact on these wasteful and destructive industrial practices is to consume less meat. Additives in food are a serious problem not well enough addressed. This and other processing increase the cultural perception of foodstuffs as human artifacts. Awareness of the cultural role of foods would allow Australians to cope with industry campaigns promoting meat and processed foodstuffs. There should be more attention to mutual impacts of environment, consumptiuon, and additives and processing. Food from low in the food chain (cereals, seafood) should be promoted not as substitutes but as foods in their own right. Commission recommendations should deal with questions such as nutritional information labeling of foods, and especially an attempt to foster consciousness of the environmental impact of food consumption: Government policy should be mindful to the extent possible of the impact on poor areas of the world of wasteful food consumption in Australia. Proposals for action should benefit from the impact of several fields of expertise beyond health, agriculture, consumer affairs and others; for instance, anthropology or environmental science.  相似文献   

This paper places the modern spread of diet-related chronic disease in the United States within the context of more than a century of innovation in food processing technology, discovery in nutrition science, and corrective policy measures aimed at improving public health. We ask whether the current state of affairs represents a market failure, and—if so—what might be done about it. We argue that while today’s industrial food system has its advantages, the asymmetric information problems inherent to this system have resulted in a “lemons-style” breakdown in the market for processed foods. The appropriate policy response to such situations (namely, verifiable quality standards) is well known, but such policies are likely (in the short run) to reduce profits for existing large industrial producers of food. In light of the food industry’s long history of success at regulatory capture, we propose the formation of a new independent food standards agency devoted to protecting the interests of the American consumer.  相似文献   

This review of Nigerian food production deals with the economic background to and the problems in food production, processing and marketing. The author examines the attempts to improve food supply and the government's approach. He discusses the problems of implementing the plans, prominent amongst which is the land tenure system.  相似文献   

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