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作为一种日益成熟的研究范式,社会网络分析已经引起了多个学科的关注和应用,也为市场营销学提供了崭新的思想、方法和借鉴工具。文章首先阐述了社会网络分析的基本思路,在此基础上比较了社会网络分析的两种具体研究方法——自我中心网分析和整体网分析。讨论了社会网络分析在市场营销学的应用,重点指出了社会网络分析在发掘意见领袖和重估顾客价值方面的独特作用。对社会网络分析在市场营销学中的应用进行了简要评述,并指出了其局限性。  相似文献   

建筑业营销是在营销学的基础上发展的。但营销学主要面向消费品制造业.适用于建筑业的营销教材和实务指导并不多.一些学注意到这个问题并开展了一些研究。营销是一项管理活动.内容包括搜集市场信息,确认服务机会,开发战略,建立优先次序和动员资源以实现销售。建筑业营销活动通常分为七类.即信息服务、广告,公共关系与公共宣传,公开出版物,企业形象计划、定价战略与额外服务,直接营销等。本就以这些研究成果为基础.整理出一些基本理论和概念.以帮助对建筑业营销活动的理解。  相似文献   

基于内容分析的数据挖掘研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
原建伟 《河北工业科技》2011,28(5):299-301,342
采用计算机辅助内容分析软件Atlas.ti对开源社区用户学习行为进行定性分析,将分析后的结果导出为特定格式的XML文档,使用DOM对该文档解析后形成二维表形式数据,使之便于在数据库中存储,从而进行进一步的定量分析,为内容分析的后继研究提供了一种新的思路.  相似文献   

近年来,我国市场营销专业建设发展迅速,成绩显著。根据教育部高教司统计,至2009年我国共有701所高校开设了市场营销本科专业,市场营销教材亦大量涌现。由于理论框架、理论阐述和学科前沿知识介绍等方面的差异,市场营销教材均有所不同。郭国庆教授新近出版的《市场营销学通鼢(第四版)(中国人民大学出版社2009年11月),对于市场营销基本原理、理论、方法进行了深入全面的阐述,反映了市场营销学的最新发展动态,  相似文献   

4Ps营销组合理论已经成为营销学经典范式,各种营销组合学说层出不穷。文章对消费品营销、关系营销、工业品营销、服务营销、网络营销中新出现的营销组合理论进行评述,对营销组合理论总的发展特点进行总结。  相似文献   

在市场营销学里,把产品划分为三部分:实质产品、形式产品和附加产品,形式产品为包装,附加产品即为服务。在这种理论框架下,品质、服务、技术、价格、诚信等要素都是产品品牌的构成“内在基因”,这无疑弱化了服务、技术对产品营销的价值。纵观国内外市场,可以看到服务、技术等要  相似文献   

服务型领导自20世纪70年代末提出以来,学者们对服务型领导的维度进行了深入而有益的研究。但是,目前学术界和实业界对服务型领导的维度并没有形成共识。文章采用内容分析的方法以寻求服务型领导维度研究的共同关注焦点.通过对1991年-2009年间国内外学者提出的服务型领导维度进行分析和整理.最后得到了出现频次在10次及以上的5个维度:服务员工,共谋愿景,授权员工,信任员工,发展员工,这些雏度是服务型领导区别于其他领导风格的显著特征。  相似文献   

传统的市场营销学课程教学培养的学生欠缺创新思维和应变能力,基于德国应用型人才培养的市场营销学课程教学改革,其主要内容如下:市场营销课程教学目标研究、教学内容研究、教学手段研究、实践教学设置研究、过程性考核方式研究。  相似文献   

一、进入国际市场的四种产品观念 1.整体产品的观念。市场营销学所研究的产品就是整体产品。整体产品的概念包括三个方面的内容,即实质产品(又称核心产品)、形式产品和延伸产品。实质产品就是产品的基本需求效用;形式产品是指产品的实体外在形态,包括品质、特征、式样、包装、商标和厂牌等;延伸产品则是针对产品本身的商品特性而产生的各种服务保证。市场营销学的产品价值观就是消费者的需要,产品的整体概念就体现着以用户为中心思想,正因为这样,国际营销学者在营销过程中,就应不折不扣地考虑产品的各个方面适应消费国的顾客需要,否则在策略的运用上便有失策的可能。  相似文献   

本文通过电力经济形势的分析,运用管理经济学和市场营销学理论,提出了一些电力需求分析和研究的新思路  相似文献   

Business practitioners tend to show little interest in academic journals, raising concerns that research-based knowledge potentially relevant to their managerial practice might evade them. The literature suggests academic writing style as one of the major reasons for this lack of interest. Against this background, we quantitatively examine the readability of 150 business-to-business (B2B) marketing research articles published in five leading journals. Our analysis identifies certain variations across journals and categories of papers, implying that it is possible to improve readability. We discuss the possible role of improved readability in encouraging practitioners to read B2B marketing research, while potentially increasing its relevance.  相似文献   

Endogeneity issues in empirical research have received increasing academic attention. Tackling endogeneity problems effectively and using the appropriate estimation techniques are important quality benchmarks in the publication process of many academic journals. In this paper, we discuss the use of instrumental variables (IVs) in business and marketing research, with a particular focus on its implementation in STATA. We discuss several pre- and postestimation tests that researchers can use to implement various versions of IVs in STATA, including two-stage least squares regression, limited information maximum likelihood estimation, and generalized method of moments.  相似文献   

In this study, a content analysis was performed on 815 articles focused on new product development (NPD) published in 10 selected leading marketing, management, NPD, and research and development (R&D) journals from 1989 to 2004. Journals selected were a combination of leading journals in the discipline and publications that included NPD articles. NPD articles were classified by a series of key attributes including methodology employed, domains of knowledge utilized, and broad topics explored. The resulting data were then studied to discern trends over time or common characteristics within domains, methodologies, or journals. The study of NPD has grown since the Journal of Product Innovation Management (JPIM) was launched in 1984. This study shows strong growth in the number of articles on NPD in each category of journal selected. The research in the articles has changed: The early focus on a few selected success factors or a staged development process has evolved and broadened over the 16‐year period. More variables and more sophisticated models are being studied in NPD articles. The study found a continuing evolution in research topics and increased sophistication in quantitative techniques over the 16‐year period. Overall this review of the NPD literature uncovers encouraging signs of a maturing discipline. However, there are concerns about continuing issues in methodology, insufficient study of service innovation, and continued focus on process characteristics instead of other antecedents of NPD success. The service sector seems to be understudied, even as the reality of a service economy is generally acknowledged. The call in a recent meta‐analysis to focus more on market and product characteristics and less on process characteristics has not yet been heeded, even by marketing researchers.  相似文献   

Since 1990, market orientation (MO) has received considerable attention in the marketing literature. Little research so far provides preliminary and useful information to facilitate good understanding of MO. This study presents a comprehensive survey of extant marketing literature using keyword classification from 1995 to 2008. It serves as a tutorial and aims to help the beginner researcher or practitioner to have access to MO, including its definitions, applications and problem domains. Based on the scope of 514 MO articles, we find that the number of publications on MO has significantly increased since 2001 with steady growth in recent years. In addition, these selected articles are scattered across 153 journals and mostly published in 10 academic journals. The contribution of our paper is to provide a means (i.e., keyword index) to conceptualize and operationalize the coverage of MO. It provides a conceptual framework to organize this vast body of research. This study ends with some discussions and conclusions.  相似文献   

The authors present findings from an analysis of articles related to product design published in eight leading journals important to marketing thought. Based on this analysis, which covers the fourteen‐year period 1995–2008, the authors propose a conceptual model of product design and offer definitions for (a) product design and (b) the product design process. In addition, the authors provide insights into the nature of product design research during this time period, including analyses of publication trends and the relationship of product design research to related marketing topics. The essay concludes with suggestions for future research on product design.  相似文献   

The marketing of B2B services has become an important field of academic enquiry. Industrial Marketing Management scholars have contributed to building a robust body of scholarship on the role of services as an indispensable aspect of company’s strategic performance process. However, with digitization, there is a clear need for theoretical concepts and frameworks that can guide companies in the development of contemporary and strategic roadmaps for their B2B service marketing strategies and performance practice. This position paper outlines an agenda and delineates issues in B2B service delivery that need to be addressed to close the gap between service marketing theory and practice and collaborate on the development of strategic service capabilities for the industrial marketing space. More specifically, we identify and discuss the impact of 5 important trends shaping B2B services: 1) gamification, 2) personalization, 3) Mixed Reality (MR), 4) data visualization, and 5) privacy. On the basis of these, we will offer a number of specific directions for future research by industrial marketing researchers.  相似文献   

Servitization describes the addition of services to manufacturers' core product offerings to create additional customer value. This study aims to identify the key themes and research priorities in this body of literature over thirteen years from 2005 and 2017, based on four major research streams (general management, marketing, operations, and service management). Prior multi-theme literature reviews have focused on operations journals, overlooking important work in other streams, particularly marketing. Informed by a systematic literature review of 219 papers, the study identifies five main themes: service offerings; strategy and structure; motivations and performance; resources and capabilities; service development, sales, and delivery. Within each theme, gaps in the literature are identified and eleven research priorities presented. The review shows that the literature has evolved significantly in recent years, becoming increasingly diverse. A recent noteworthy topic is the use of digital technologies, which indicates the increasing relevance of technological developments to manufacturers' service activities. Our review highlights that there are still some fundamental aspects of servitization that warrant further research, primarily the need to replace the focal-manufacturer perspective with a multi-actor perspective that highlights the important role of relationships with existing and potentially new actors as a result of technological developments.  相似文献   

The purchase of business services has become an important part of organizations' acquisition of external resources, and is therefore receiving growing scholarly attention. The supply management function is increasingly supporting more complex service purchases, including a wide range of marketing services. The trend to involve supply management in the purchase of these complex business services is partially being driven by increasing awareness of the value of applying standard purchasing techniques to the purchase of these non-standard items. The purchase of such services has historically been managed by content experts, with limited involvement of supply management. However, the involvement of supply management in these purchases is driving the content experts to adopt a more facilitating relationship in which both areas interact with the supplier. This research uses Agency Theory as a lens to look at the Agency Triad among supply management, marketing, and suppliers. Elaborating on prior seminal work, the basic tenets of Agency Theory and its assumptions regarding human behavior are combined with the results of a focus group and case studies to develop propositions on the design of contractual arrangements between two Principals (marketing and supply management) and a single Agent who provides marketing services.  相似文献   

The main objective of this study is to provide an overview of the current status quo of negotiation research in marketing. In this context, we first conduct a quantitative analysis of existing literature on buyer–seller negotiations. Specifically, we undertake a screening of 10 high-ranking marketing journals so as to identify the body of negotiation-related articles within marketing. In a next step, the identified articles are subjected to both content and co-citation analyses. To this end, we modify the interaction model of the IMP Group in order to comprehensibly structure the existing findings. In a last step, these findings are presented to various negotiation experts to verify their practical relevance. From this multi-step procedure, we derive sound implications for research and practice.  相似文献   

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