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创新驱动发展战略背景下,激发创新成为企业的重要目标,而组织惯例更新则是其中的重要先导因素。本文以新能源汽车企业为例,探讨关系嵌入对惯例更新的影响,讨论知识整合能力的中介作用及创新型企业文化的调节作用。结果表明:关系嵌入的信息共享和共同解决问题正向影响惯例更新;知识整合能力在信息共享、共同解决问题与惯例更新的关系中发挥中介作用;创新型企业文化在信任、信息共享与知识整合能力之间起显著正向调节作用。研究结果为企业进行有效的创新管理和实践提供了有益的启示。  相似文献   

机制创新是前提,技术创新是支撑,文化创新是保证——建设创新型企业行机制创新是前提机制创新要从四个方面来保障:一是建立一套有利于推进科技创新活动的  相似文献   

创新型建筑业的自组织演化理论模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对创新型建筑业创新的自组织演化分析、建筑业的自组织演化分析,分别构建了其自组织演化方程;基于上述研究,构建了创新型建筑业的自组织演化理论模型.通过对比研究发现创新型建筑业的演化模型拐点明显上移,说明创新型建筑业相对以资本与劳动力驱动增长的建筑业而言,其增长空间与增长速度有较大提高.  相似文献   

当今的时代是信息爆炸的时代,当今的社会被称为信息化社会,信息在现代政治、经济、科技、军事、文化、生活等各个领域起着越来越重要的作用。目前,很多企业提出要创建学习创新型企业,办公室提出要创建学习创新型办公室,信息工作的创新应当成为一个重要组成部分,同时,也对信息工作提出了更高的要求。我认为,这可以从内容、手段、载体、功能等四个方面的创新来实现。  相似文献   

企业文化,是一个企业价值观念、管理制度、行为规范和文化活动的总和。它分为四个层次,从内到外依次是:共同信念与价值观→制度文化→行为文化→产品文化,内层文化对外层文化起决定性作用,其中共同信念与价值观处于核心地位。一个企业的兴衰成败就决定于它的企业文化。 合肥分公司党工委抓住与德国ABB集团公司合作承建合肥第二发电厂的机遇,坚持以人为本,走创新  相似文献   

全员创新已经成为企业创新的主题。要实施全员创新,需要企业在战略、文化、制度、组织四个方面进行创新。学习型组织、员工建议系统、创造性解决问题会议、全面质量管理等工具有利于全员创新的实施。  相似文献   

本文将高技术企业组织文化特性概括为开放性、自动性、集成性、一致性、目的性和适应性,搭建了知识共享、组织文化和创新绩效关系的概念模型。基于PLS-SEM模型,实证分析了知识共享对创新绩效的作用机制,诠释了组织文化的中介作用。结果显示:模型的拟合优度较高,具有一定的解释力,知识共享对创新绩效有显著性正向影响;组织文化特性的6个维度均对创新绩效产生显著正向影响;组织文化在知识共享与创新绩效之间起部分中介作用。  相似文献   

创新型工程技术人才,是指具有创新特质的工程科技人才。他们具有以下特征:第一,创新型工程科技人才要有深厚扎实的基础知识,了解本专业的最新科学成就和发展趋势、相邻学科及必要的横向学科知识;第二,创新型工程科技人才要有极为敏锐的观察力,能够从本源上发现问题,准确把握科技发展趋势;第三,创新型工程科技人才要具有严谨的科学思维能力和系统、综合分析与准确判断的能力;第四,创新型工程科技人才要具有敢于创新的勇气和善于创新的能力,要敢于面对困难,走别人没有走  相似文献   

企业文化是企业的灵魂.是全体员工的共同价值观和行为准则。以企业文化为切入点创新企业思想政治工作,既是企业文化建设的需要,也是企业思想政治工作增强实效和生命力的需要.以企业文化为切入点创新企业思想政治工作要从企业价值观、制度文化、行为文化、品牌文化四个方面入手,抓好落实。  相似文献   

以在组织内建立并实施测量管理体系的实例,介绍了创新型QC小组的概念、组织形式与活动开展成果。通过实践证明,领导重视和学习能力是决定QC小组在全面质量管理过程发挥作用的2个重要因素。领导重视程度高的QC小组,活动开展更加顺利,遇到困难时,更容易找到出路和对策。  相似文献   

Empowering Management in New Product Development Units   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In a study of management in new product development units, Josef Frischer compared managers who primarily intend empowering subordinates for the benefit of the whole organization (managers with the leadership motive pattern) with those who essentially are concerned with the establishment and maintenance of a friendly relationship with subordinates (managers high in need for affiliation). Thirty-five managers, heading new product development functions or units in four high-technology plants, were assessed along with their subordinates. When managers exhibited a leadership motive pattern, their subordinates perceived their work groups, their managers, and themselves as more influential (empowered). They also reported a more innovative climate as compared with subordinates of managers high in need for affiliation. Beside, those in subordinate positions, who are affected by the empowering managers, are given the opportunity to successfully influence and manage the turbulence and complexity arising from the development of new products, thus helping to establish an organizational climate that supports innovative pursuits.  相似文献   

The present research investigates the relationships between SBU-level transformational leadership and technological innovation, as well as the moderating effects of innovative culture and incentive compensation. Paired data were gathered from 102 senior managers and 258 employees in 102 Taiwanese strategic business units (SBUs). The results indicate that transformational leadership behaviors promote technological innovation at the SBU level. Interestingly, a stronger innovative culture is a substitute for transformational leadership behavior for facilitating technological innovation. In addition, financial-incentive adoption neutralizes the relationship between transformational leadership and technological innovation.  相似文献   

In all organizations where technological innovation plays a key role, a state of creative tension exists between those responsible for technological development of new products and the organization's need to satisfy customer demands. The need to maintain a balanced state of tension is clear. When the balance swings too far in the direction of technological development, technological wizardry runs amok. When it swings too far in the direction of satisfying customer demands, innovativeness can be stifled and technological stagnation can result. Maintaining a state of creative tension is important, then, for producing viable and technologically innovative products. A key task confronting managers, therefore, is fostering innovation while at the same time controlling and channelling it to meet the business needs of the organization. Perhaps nowhere is this need greater than in the new product development process. Edward McDonough and Richard Leifer report the results of a study which suggest that this task may be accomplished by relying on a bounded delegation style of project leadership and a culture which emphasizes a business orientation.  相似文献   

Managing innovative R&D teams   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Successful R&D groups not only generate innovative ideas, but also transfers these newly created concepts through the organizational system for economic gain. While innovation is not a random process, managers often argue that R&D performance is hard to measure and even more difficult to manage. An exploratory field study into technology-oriented R&D environments determines the principle factors that influence innovation-based performance of R&D teams. The results identify specific barriers and drivers to innovative team performance and provide insight into the type of an organizational environment and managerial leadership that is conducive to innovative R&D team performance. The data further suggest that many of the performance variables have their locus outside the R&D organization. Yet, managerial leadership style, both at the R&D team level and at senior management, has significant impact on creativity that ultimately affects R&D performance.  相似文献   

行业文化不仅是一种文化现象和理念,而且是一种管理的行为模式,包括管理文化、技术文化和体制文化三种内容,通过行业文化底蕴,提升行业战略策划能力、组织设计施工能力、经营规模扩张能力和产值利率增长能力。良好的企业文化平台造就,需要每个员工参与,并发挥聪明特长,才能凝聚大家的力量,形成一个坚强团结互助的群体。建筑行业文化绩效为规范绩效、导向绩效、凝结绩效和励志绩效等。  相似文献   

We investigated whether participative leadership behavior can produce psychological empowerment, which in turn, leads to organizational commitment for employees of Chinese state-owned enterprises. Based on the data collected from 173 employees in two state-owned enterprises, we found that participative leadership behavior was associated with organizational commitment, but not with all four dimensions of psychological empowerment, namely, meaning, competence, self-determination, and impact. Our findings also showed that while participative leadership behavior tended to make short-tenure employees feel competent and thus, more committed to an organization, such leadership behavior did not have a significant impact on competence as well as organizational commitment for long-tenure employees.  相似文献   

Do star employees enhance or constrain the innovative performance of an organization? Using data from 456 biotechnology firms between 1973 and 2003, we highlight the duality of the effects that stars have on firm performance. We show that while stars positively affect firms' productivity, their presence constrains the emergence of other innovative leaders in an organization. We find that firm productivity and innovative leadership among non‐stars in a firm are greatest when a star has broad expertise and collaborates frequently. We offer cross‐disciplinary insights into the role of human capital as a source of competitive advantage, suggesting that the value of human capital in a firm is contingent on the mutual dependence inherent in high‐status employees' relationships with other individuals in a firm. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The relationship of organizational culture and innovation has been subject to extensive research over the last decades. The multitude of cultural variables under investigation has led to a fragmented concept of culture for innovation, and an inclusion into management theory is still missing. Further, managerial practice requires an underlying structure in order to decide what culture should be implemented in order to foster innovation, and to assess if a specific culture is an effective and efficient coordination instrument. Hence, a framework is needed which allows classification of cultural values without residuals, to draw expedient comparisons with reference to the criteria by which they are grouped, and to assess their relationship with organizational innovation. This meta‐analysis, which comprises 43 studies with a combined sample size of 6341 organizations, reveals that Quinn and Rohrbaugh's Competing Values Framework provides a meaningful structure for the ideational aspects of organizational culture. The Competing Values Framework describes value systems based on two main dimensions. Those two pairs of opposing values are flexibility versus control and internal versus external orientation. The analysis shows that the congruence of different cultures with organizational goals of innovation can be described based on that framework. Control theory is used to explain the relationship of organizational culture and innovation. While culture describes the ideational aspects of organizational values, clan control describes their coordinative effect. Managers may choose different clan control strategies according to the Competing Values Framework. They will most likely follow the strategy that provides a high level of congruence between the goals of management and the goals of their organization's social system. Individuals that have internalized the organizational values apply them as a form of self‐control. Those values will also be applied in groups, such as product development teams. While development teams may be formed and disbanded with certain projects and individuals may leave the company, the organization forms the steady frame of those activities. The cumulative data confirms the hypothesis that managers of innovative organizations most likely implement a developmental culture, which emphasizes an external and a flexibility orientation. Yet also group and rational cultures are to a certain extent consistent with the goals of an innovative organization and may thus be appropriate social control strategies. Hierarchical cultures emphasize control and an internal orientation and are less likely to be found in innovative organizations. A moderator analysis of the culture–innovation relationship revealed that it is not influenced by the differentiation between radical and incremental innovation, and only weak evidence exists for an influence of innovation adoption versus innovation generation. A potential reason is that those organizations that are geared toward innovation will pursue it consequently, without differentiating between different kinds of innovation. Therefore, managers that follow a (radical) innovation strategy should establish a developmental culture in their organization. If innovation rather represents a minor aspect of the firm's long‐term objectives, the efficiency‐oriented rational culture or a group culture may also be the right choice.  相似文献   

刘建  马虹 《山东纺织经济》2009,(6):34-35,111
本文从组织技术和物质条件对组织成员情感体验的作用、组织技术和物质条件在组织成员情感体验中担当的角色和通过组织技术和物质条件的改变提高组织成员情感体验的对策三个方面对组织技术和物质条件对组织成员情感体验的影响进行研究。  相似文献   

Failure is an inevitable feature of innovation, and management research promulgates the importance of learning from it. Key to excelling at an innovation-based strategy is understanding the processes that can turn failures into successes. However, post-failure success remains elusive. Although failure signals that the innovation journey is off course, shifting trajectory is difficult, because it may require revising assumptions and reformulating the project’s problem representation. Using comparative case studies, this study set out to understand how problem representations are reformulated. Employing case method and comparing data versus theory iteratively, the important role of sensemaking and of leadership behaviors in driving post-failure success became salient. Findings show that problem representations post-failure require a process of problem formulation characterized by sensemaking and that innovative solutions are enabled by the reformulation of problem representations that spring from prospective sensemaking. Furthermore, this article identifies leadership change behavior as the linchpin driving a problem formulation process characterized by prospective sensemaking that catalyzes innovative solutions and explains why some projects thrive post-failure and others do not. This article provides empirical support to the theoretical work of the literature on problem formulation, while extending the learning-from-failure literature by emphasizing and demonstrating the process driving post-failure success. The major implication of our study is that different leadership behaviors may foster different types of sensemaking (retrospective or prospective), and that, in turn, the type of sensemaking matters for how a problem is reformulated. Ultimately, this article concludes that in the context of project failure, problem reformulation that springs from prospective sensemaking enables innovative solutions post-failure.  相似文献   

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