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面对激烈的市场竞争,工程监理咨询公司应从顾客需要理论出发,了解顾客心目中所关切的服务品质,积极探索企业发展定位。通过分析监理咨询公司服务对象的关系与需求,指出影响外部顾客需求满意的相关因素,并从监理咨询服务特性分析了满足外部顾客需求实现的措施和方法。  相似文献   

咨询公司是在企业各部门提供的资料及分析的基础上,运用了一些战略制定工具或模型进行了总结,并提出了建议性发展方向,但总体上并没有超出企业各行业及各部门原来的发展规划。我们公司的战略规划是自己本身已经形成了一个文本,然后请咨询公司做的主要是梳理和论证的工作。基本上工作方式是以咨询公司的团队为主,公司的团队进行配合。目前来讲,  相似文献   

国内很早就出现了咨询公司,现在更多了。但这些咨询公司很少有开设网上业务的。不少人对此很不理解。 理论上,顾问咨询之类的业务最适合用网络。这有很多理由:咨询服务没有物流环节;咨询顾问需要一对一,网络的互动模式最适合一对一;顾问需要一个诊断的流程将问题及解决方案结构化,网络最适合做此类工作。但为什么那些咨询公司不这么做呢?  相似文献   

了解国外企业运作的最佳作业方法(Best Practice),对国内企业有着重要的意义。而埃森哲认为,这种所谓国际上的“最佳作业方法”,可能也应该越来越多地来自于中国企业。 “客户与咨询公司之间的关系,类似于法律事务中当事人与律师之间的关系。” 在经济发达的国家和地区,客户与咨询伙伴之间是一种紧密的合作关系。项目开展前,咨询公司与客户将进行充分的交流,在充分理解或共同制订客户的战略意图和业务发展方向后,与客户  相似文献   

我们公司的战略是请咨询公司来做的,咨询公司的选择是通过对多家公司的评估来确定的。事实上,咨询公司做的工作也是基于公司内部先期做的一些战略,已有相当深的根基。咨询公司更多的是以专家的身份来提升企业的战略规划,他们会访问公司的各个层面,公司几乎一半的员工都被访问到了。  相似文献   

今年是我国转变经济发展方式的关键一年,也是我们“十二五”规划的开局之年。现在,各地各部门包括一些大的建筑企业集团都在认真研究“十二五”发展规划,认真研究新一轮的发展战略。2009年初,我们到苏中集团调研,笪鸿鹄董事长向我们介绍了苏中集团的发展战略。该公司的发展战略是请上海的一家咨询公司与他们共同研究的,花了60万。  相似文献   

我曾看过多本关于咨询公司的书籍,但大多数均从程序的角度来描述咨询公司的管理,而未从更深的层次——即一个管理咨询公司是采用什么方法做咨询的一一来揭示其成功的原因。《麦肯锡方法》(华夏出版社2001年1月出版)则不同。我花了几天时间一口气看完这本书后,感觉收获良多。  相似文献   

最近,正在进修MBA课程的李总聆听了校方特邀的某咨询公司顾问介绍的"平衡记分卡(BSC)"理念。这个颇具影响力的管理学说马上引起了他的兴趣,按照咨询顾问的说法,"大部分的企业经营失败并不是因为战略不好,而是执行与战略脱节。平衡记分卡从财务、客户、业务流程、学习与成长4个方面综合评估企业,财富500强中有八成企业都在应用BSC执行企业战略,并取得了极大成功。"  相似文献   

咨询公司收取的高额咨询费用,到底都做了什么?诸看在“依”系统中,安盛咨询公司是如何在计资业务上为客户Iridium LLC公司提供服务的。  相似文献   

赵洁 《中国电业》2006,(12):31-31
中国电力工程顾问集团公司是在原国家电力公司所属中国电力工程顾问(集团)有限公司基础上组建、由国务院国资委监管的中央企业。中国电力工程顾问集团公司下属六家大区电力设计院、一家咨询公司和一家事业单位。公司主要从事电力发展规划研究、电力工程设计评审;电力工程勘测设计、工程咨询、工程监理和工程总承包等业务。[编者按]  相似文献   

The article focuses on the developments in several B2B companies which traditionally produce goods and based on this experience are trying to enter the business of management consulting. It is the aim of the paper to identify the specific challenges that these companies are facing regarding marketing and selling their management consulting services. Furthermore hypotheses are developed that should give direction how to overcome those challenges successfully. Due to the lack of current research results, an explorative case study approach is chosen referring to two companies from the IT industry having gained relevant experience in this business area. In addition, theoretical frameworks demonstrate the plausibility of the hypotheses developed. If further research supports these hypotheses, it will have significant impact on the market strategy, marketing communication and sales organization of companies going to increase their consulting services.  相似文献   

本文在深入理解市场细分的内涵及其特征的基础上,对纺织工业的行业特性进行了分析,对纺织品大类、加工程度和用途、经济特性等方面全面分析,得出纺织工业的市场细分变量。在此基础上,对纺织工业进行市场细分,建立市场吸引力评价指标体系,通过专家调查的方法对每个子市场进行了具体评价。针对评价结果,提出陕西纺织工业目标市场选择的对策及建议,促使企业能够准确把握市场脉搏,增强陕西纺织工业的竞争能力,选择有吸引力的目标市场并制订出相应的定位策略。  相似文献   

Treating workplace strategies as the integration of human resource and technological capabilities, a typology of workplace strategy emphases is developed. The choice among these alternative workplace strategy emphases is treated as a function of market‐positioning priorities and the multinational scope of firms. Accordingly, a multinomial choice model is specified, which is tested against a sample of firms in the U.S. automotive supplier industry. The model obtains substantial empirical support. Among the findings is evidence consistent with the proposition that due to cross‐border, isomorphic constraints, multinational companies are less likely than national companies to pursue workplace strategies emphasizing human resource capabilities, choosing instead to favor the diffusion of workplace strategies emphasizing technological capabilities.  相似文献   

工程造价咨询行业的发展以及简政放权的行政管理体制改革持续推进,使得更高质量行业自律体系建设的迫切需求应运而生。文章通过分析目前各省市在行业自律方面的举措及其实施,发现“行业协会自身角色定位不清晰、体系化建设缺失”是目前行业自律效果欠佳的主要症结。鉴于此,文章一方面结合政府机关与协会商会“脱钩”的改革要求和行业对社会及国民经济具备较大“外溢性”这一特点,确定了工程造价咨询行业协会的角色定位为“共益组织”,明确了行业协会应在行业自律建设中起主导作用;另一方面强化“一盘棋”的体系化建设原则,通过构建组织、标准、机制以及支撑等四大体系,不仅可以有针对性地完善参与主体、规则标准、管理机制、信息平台等要素内部状态,而且更可以在行业协会的统筹协调下,激发各要素间的相互促进作用,以充分发挥工程造价咨询行业自律体系的价值。  相似文献   

This paper examines how companies can achieve competitive advantage by fitting their business strategies to the way in which new technology implementation is managed. In particular, the inter-relationship between strategy, technology and performance is examined. Five strategic types and seven types of technological objectives were used to find combinations which were associated with high performance. It was found that companies pursuing a prospector strategy (a strategy based on product innovation) combined with technological objectives emphasizing marketing, image and technical development were the highest performing group of companies. The lowest performing companies were those where strategy was dominated by price competition.
The general conclusion of the paper is that, in order to achieve competitive advantage, companies need to see technology objectives as an inherent part of strategy. The study was carried out on a sample of twenty companies within the polymer processing industry, but the findings should be applicable to companies in other industries, and particularly to smaller companies.  相似文献   

日本、中国、韩国液化天然气(LNG)进口量分别为世界前三位。近几年,日本LNG进口量呈稳中有降的变化趋势,韩国规划大力发展天然气消费。日本、韩国的LNG接收站规模分别居全球前两位。日本和韩国在LNG接收站定位、产业链延伸、获取资源模式上存在相似性,包括投资LNG上游项目,建造并运营LNG运输船,合力布局LNG产业,但在LNG基础设施建设和商业模式方面各有特点,各自形成了独特的发展策略。面对"亚洲溢价",两国在推行区域交易中心、调整资源配置、提升买方议价能力上进行了探索与尝试。借鉴日本和韩国LNG进口模式,对中国LNG进口提出建议:鼓励国内企业参与海外LNG采购;从天然气立法角度发布国内LNG产业政策;加强交易中心建设;调配LNG采购资源池;做强LNG运输船队。  相似文献   

基于产业类型的财务公司业务模式比较   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文通过对先进国家财务公司业务模式的比较研究,特别是针对石油化工、汽车、信息通信和电气等四个行业的大型跨国公司附属财务公司的比较研究,发现不同行业的财务公司具有明显的业务模式特征。这种基于产业类型的财务公司的业务拓展模式有别于任何其他金融机构,这对中国企业集团财务公司的发展具有重要借鉴意义。中国的财务公司应在业务准确定位的基础上,拓展和产业相关的业务模式,这样才能在整个金融服务体系中形成自己的竞争优势,并更好地为企业集团的产业发展提供服务。  相似文献   

随着“放管服”精神贯彻落实、供给侧结构性改革持续深入,工程造价行业陆续修订和出台了一系列政策办法,造价咨询行业改革发展进一步提速。在此背景下,工程造价咨询企业发展面临着这些政策变化带来的影响。文章基于工程造价行业改革相关政策进行综合分析和研究,分别从机构、人员和业务发展等方面,阐述政策变化对工程造价咨询企业发展的影响,并对工程造价咨询企业的发展应对进行思考。工程造价咨询企业应整体把握行业政策发展导向,紧抓改革发展契机,并结合企业自身经营实际情况积极应对,推动企业综合竞争能力提升,共同构建公平有序的市场环境,提供高质量的工程咨询服务,促进工程造价行业的繁荣和健康发展。  相似文献   

Agility is widely accepted in the manufacturing industry as a new competitive concept. However, how to develop a manufacturing strategy based around agility is not fully understood. A numerical taxonomy of agile manufacturing strategies was developed recently by the author, based on a large scale questionnaire study of UK industry. The taxonomy suggested the existence of three basic types of agility strategies: quick, responsive, and proactive. This paper presents a case-based investigation of the practical details of the three basic types of agility strategies. Typical cases from the basic strategy types were chosen and studied to establish why companies choose each type of the strategies, what distinctive agility drivers they are faced with and why, and whether and what typical action programs are used to implement the strategies. A cross-case analysis found that the choice of agility strategies is related to the nature of markets and competition, the characteristics of products (life cycles and degrees of maturity), and market positions of individual companies.  相似文献   

The Finnish forest industry is sustainable, well-established, internationally oriented and successful. For companies in such a basic industry, an industry that features mainly bulk products and relatively small domestic markets, sustainability in business may hinge on long-term strategic choices. It is proposed in this paper that it is not only strong domestic competition, but also—and especially—coopetition traditions (simultaneous cooperation and coopetition) that are the crucial factors contributing to the success of the industry. This article contributes to the literature by providing industry-level tools, namely a coopetition framework and combined coopetition typology. The findings indicate that coopetition traditions have been present throughout the activities of the Finnish forest industry, enabling sustainability of the industry to a significant extent. Managerial and theoretical implications are also discussed.  相似文献   

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