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伴随着我国经济社会发展水平的不断提高,城市建设发展速度和新农村建设步伐的加快,大量的农用地不可避免地转变为城市用地。在这个过程中,城市建设用地违法违规和农村耕地被非法占用现象十分严重。为解决这一问题,国务院发布《关于严格规范城乡建设用地增减挂钩试点切实做好农村土地整治工作的通知》,主要执行部门为国土资源部。为此,本刊记者就这一问题向国土资源部党组成员、副部长负小苏提出了一些问题。  相似文献   

中国乳品消费研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文首先对中国乳品消费的现状、影响中国乳品消费的因素进行了研究,发现由于人均收入水平低、缺乏消费习惯、营养保健意识差及产品质量问题是导致中国乳品消费水平低的主要原因。然后通过定性分析和定量测算,得出未来中国乳品消费潜力十分巨大的结论,最后提出政府和乳品企业要大力宣传乳品营养知识、引导乳品消费,培养人们的消费习惯,调整产品结构,增加适销对路产品箬馁主井巾国乳品消费的措施。  相似文献   

无锡惠山印染业专项治污见效江苏无锡市惠山区高度重视水环境整治,对重点污染行业———印染行业进行集中治污,已见成效。到目前为止,全区印染企业水污染物排放达到江苏省一级标准,其排放主要污染物COD削减30%以上。无锡市惠山区印染产业非常发达,但印染行业又是重污染产业,其排污总量占全区工业排污总量的50%以上,水污染成了群众意见最大又是最难治理的环境项目。2005年,惠山区将印染行业专项整治列为全区转变经济增长方式和统筹发展的10项重点工作之一,投入专项整治资金总量超过2亿元,实施印染污水集中处理和“二升一”(二级排污升为一…  相似文献   

农用地估价是在农用地分等定级工作的基础上对其经济价值所作的量化和评价。农用地估价实践在我国刚刚起步,尚存在许多问题。本文从当前的估价实践出发,提出了影响估价结果精度的几大问题,如农用地的性质认识不一、农用地概念不一等。以期农用地估价实践者关注区域农用地地价水平平衡和农用地价与城镇地价在时间与空间的连续与衔接。  相似文献   

正国网青岛市黄岛区供电公司按照"宣传发动到位、任务分解到位、检查监督到位、验收考核到位"的四到位原则,采取集中整治、打防并举和宣传曝光等一系列措施,构建了由"政府主导、部门联合、企业参与"的电力线路走廊综合整治体系。电力线路走廊内存在影响线路安全供电的各种障碍,如违章建筑、流动吊车、厂房等,特别是线路走廊内的"线下树"以及"线旁树",一直是困扰电网安全生产的重大问题。据测算。2017年,由于树障、高大车辆误碰误撞电线引起的电网故障占故障总数的30%以上。可见,电力线路走廊内违法乱占行为整治刻不容缓。  相似文献   

2002年,我区盗窃破坏电力设备及窃电犯罪活动仍然比较严重,盗割输电电线、盗窃变压器等电力设备和窃电案件不断发生,严重危害了各地正常生产生活秩序。对此,全区各地公安机关在严打整治斗争中,把打击盗窃破坏电力设备犯罪活动列为工作重点,始终保持了对此类犯罪的严打势头,采取有力措施,大力加强侦查破案,攻坚克难,取得了显著成绩。  相似文献   

降低石油依赖——电力替代潜力分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
张树伟 《电力技术经济》2008,20(4):44-47,53
随着石油价格攀升,降低石油依赖、开展石油替代成为一项重要而紧迫的工作.科学技术的不断发展与设备性能的提高,使来源多样的电力具有了对石油的部分替代可能性.分析了"十一五"到2020年电力替代在工业与交通部门的潜力分布,通过分析发展趋势、效率因素、排放因素等,对电代油的能源安全与环境收益进行了测算,并提出进一步推动电力替代石油的技术、政策、实践上的建议与措施.  相似文献   

为巩固玩具质量整治成效,汕头市澄海区从现在起至今年4月底,在全区范围内开展深化玩具产品质量的专项整治行动,全面提升玩具产业的产品质量水平。据介绍,该区工商和质监部门将全面开展玩具原料市场、玩具生产场所、销售市场的清理整治,重点清查废旧物品回收站、"二料"加工生产工场、玩具原料销售单位等的经营行为,对违法收购、使用医疗废物和  相似文献   

贯彻落实最严格水资源管理制,开展农田灌溉水有效利用系数测算分析工作具有十分重要意义。因其影响因素多,在实际测算分析中遇到较多问题,文章分析了农田水利用系数的内涵及农田水利用系数测算分析的方法,结合广西多年来的测算分析情况,介绍测算过程中发现影响灌溉水有效利用系数的因素,并进行了定性分析,提出相应的措施或建议。  相似文献   

<正>"减税降费"政策对电网工程投资的影响是一项亟待研究的课题。从建筑工程费、安装工程费、设备购置费、其他费用、基本预备费、静态投资等六个方面构建测算模型,并选取工程实例进行测算,对增值税税率调整在电网工程投资中的影响进行了分析,提出"减税"政策实施后电网工程投资控制各阶段存在的问题,并提出相应的解决措施。  相似文献   

In December 2017, the U.S. Congress passed into law the Opportunity Zone (OZ) program. As an OZ, designated low-income census tracts provide considerable tax breaks to property investors, intending to attract investments and spur economic growth. As the success of the program is dependent on investors' responses, we analyze market reactions in a difference-in-differences framework. We identify two potential effects on property markets: tax breaks for investors and expected land value appreciation. Our results show that tax breaks are priced efficiently. Qualified properties increase by 7–20% in price, while vacant land increase up to 37%. In contrast, we find limited signs of expected land value appreciation.  相似文献   

While scholars long recognized the importance of land markets as a key driver of rural non-farm development and transformation in rural areas, evidence on the extent of their operation and the nature of participants remains limited. We use household data from 6 countries to show that there is great potential for such markets to increase productivity and equalize factor ratios. While rental markets transfer land to land-poor and labor-rich producers, their operation and thus impact may be constrained by policy restrictions. Their functioning may also be constrained by ill-defined or insecure rights that may arise from failure to fully compensate existing rights in cases of expropriation, a failure to implement more broadly land policies or to do so in a gender sensitive manner. Methodological and substantive conclusions are derived.  相似文献   

在加快农业经营体制转变的背景下,农地流转成为必然.但是,在当前农地流转中违背“三个不得”的现象时有发生,特别是农地流转中的非农化,以及虽然从事农业,但流转的土地却不是用来种粮的非粮化.农地流转中的非农化与非粮化,对我国的粮食安全构成潜在的风险.文章力图对农地流转中的非农化和非粮化及形成机理进行分析,并阐释其危害,进而从发展家庭农场、设置耕地保护金、加大对农业的扶持、提高粮食直补和设置永久性农田基本保护区等方面进行规避风险.  相似文献   

污染场地修复是污染场地管理的重要环节,全面了解污染场地修复技术的筛选程序,对于在中国开展污染场地的修复与管理工作具有重要意义。系统地论述了污染场地修复技术选择的基本流程,采用层次分析法建立了污染场地修复技术的筛选指标体系,成功构建了污染场地修复技术评价矩阵,为后续污染场地修复技术的筛选提供参考。  相似文献   

Over the last decade, Zambia has witnessed a rapid increase in the number of medium-scale “emergent farms” cultivating 5–20 ha of land. This study analyzes the factors underpinning this growth. We find that the growth of emergent farmers in Zambia is primarily attributable to land acquisition by salaried urbanites and by relatively privileged rural individuals. We found little evidence to support the hypothesis that the rise of emergent farmers primarily represents a process of successful accumulation by farmers who began farming with less than 5 ha of land, a situation faced by more than 95% of farming households. We argue that these outcomes are the result of Zambia’s land administration and agricultural spending policies. Rising concentration of landholdings in Zambia raises serious questions about the potential of current agricultural growth to act as a vehicle for broad based economic growth and poverty reduction.  相似文献   

Classical economists believed that land rent as a share of total income would increase with economic growth. This belief was important to many 19th and 20th century critiques of capitalism. Land rents as a share of national income apparently declined for most of the 20th century, but increased during the 1990s. In this paper, we develop a model of the classical theory of land rent that allows rent to increase or decrease as a share of national income, depending on several parameters. It seems likely that the long decline in land rent is over and that land rent in the future will slowly increase as a share of national income.  相似文献   

This article reviews the past and potential future roles of land tenure reforms and land markets in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) as responses to population growth in the process of land use intensification and livelihood transformation. The farm size distribution and the existence of an inverse relationship (IR) between farm size and land productivity in SSA and the implications of this relationship for efficiency and equity are investigated. More secure property rights and removal of restrictions on land markets have the potential to create both efficiency and equity benefits, but there are high risks of elite capture of large land areas with inefficient and inequitable outcomes. This situation is the case not only in land-abundant areas but also in urban and peri-urban areas where increasingly larger proportions of people will make their living. Increasing population pressure in densely populated rural areas contributes to more rapid rural–urban migration, and creating alternative livelihood opportunities for the migrating youth population is essential to achieving economic development with social stability.  相似文献   

Mixed Uses and the Redevelopment Option   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
This paper considers how the potential for mixing uses and redevelopment impact property value. Operating flexibility of this type is found to significantly increase property value when the correlation between payouts from different property types is low or when redevelopment costs are low. The ability to mix uses and redevelop over time is also shown to affect the timing of initial land development. The shape of the development boundary is shown to differ considerably depending on whether marginal revenue is constant or decreasing to scale. Both policy and empirical implications concerning the effects of multiple-use zoning are discussed.  相似文献   

建设用地置换作为增减挂的一种具体形式,是对原有城乡建设用地不平衡利用格局的一种帕累托改进。为了确定置换指标和资源分配的地域优先次序,提高置换实施效率,本文从成本收益和置换潜力两个角度综合得到建设用地的置换热度值,以此作为置换经济效益热点地区评定的依据,并以安徽省为例对建设用地置换的热点地区分布进行实证分析。研究表明,一个地区的置换热度值大小与当地的产业结构紧密相关,经济发展相对倚重农业的地区更有可能成为置换热点地区。基于调和资源与发展的考虑,异区置换应成为今后置换工作的发展方向。  相似文献   

自然资本指商品和服务所内涵的生态价值,以生态足迹(EF)为测度。本文采用投入产出法(I-O)测算中国1992—2007年对外贸易EF值,并运用结构分解分析(SDA)法分析中国土地(能源)强度、技术水平、净出口规模对EF净出口的影响。结果表明:1992—2007年,中国始终是实际用地的净出口国,自2005年起,中国从虚拟用地净进口国转变为虚拟用地净出口国,EF净出口总量在波动中不断增长,反映中国生态资源呈现流失持续加剧的趋势。土地(能源)强度与技术水平的变化对EF净出口的抑制作用有所增强,但影响程度十分有限,商品与服务净出口规模的迅猛增长是导致EF净出口增长的主要因素。  相似文献   

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