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以CAPP的规划、实施、应用为重点,通过实践,结合与PDM/ERP的集成论述了CAPP技术在企业信息化中规划、实施的思路和方法。  相似文献   

动态联盟制造环境对CAPP系统的结构和功能提出了更高的要求,通过对动态联盟制造环境和CAPP特点的分析,提出了1个新的概念———数据传输、接收及转换层的概念,给出了该层的结构及其实现方法。介绍了系统的6个特点:经济、方便、灵活、具有工艺任务动态分配和协调能力、具有异构数据的互传和互容性以及能和CAM集成。在此基础上建立了基于动态联盟制造环境下的CAPP系统的体系结构,初步研究了该系统的具体实现方法。  相似文献   

CAPP深化应用与未来发展的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文根据CAPP的发展,通过分析当前制造业企业在CAPP应用中存在的不足和问题,探讨工业化后的CAPP技术的发展趋势和主要的技术突破方向。一、CAPP发展简述自从1965年Niebel首次提出CAPP思想,迄今30多年,CAPP领域的研究得到了极大的发展,期间经历了检索式、派生式、创成式、混合式  相似文献   

计算机辅助工艺规程设计(CAPP)在国内发展的较为成熟,目前绝大部分企业CAPP的应用停留在一般的基本功能方面,虽然有效地提高了工艺设计的效率和标准化水平,但应用的深度还不够,距离企业的实际需求还有差距。例如,作为CAPP灵魂的工艺编码在国内几乎看不到应用;如何转换历史工艺数据的格式,使其能够导入到CAPP系统中,这也是CAPP应用的难题。本文试图通过总结作者在组织天河CAPP在我公司实施过程中的体会,谈谈如何挖掘CAPP的潜在功能,使其更高效地服务于企业的工艺设计过程。  相似文献   

通过天河CAPP系统在太重减速机分公司的实施和应用,企业积累了信息化项目实施的经验,为太重其他信息化项目的上马及其他企业应用CAPP系统提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

自2000年8月31日哈锅与北京清华京喻天河软件公司结成企业信息化建设合作伙伴以来,两公司一直以“将哈锅打造成企业信息化应用典范”为目标;以“统一规划,分步实施”为CAPP项目实施方针,已扎扎实实的走过五个年头。这期间公司投入大量人力和财力进行公司信息化建设,建立光纤网在公司范围内连网,一期阶段的CAPP上不能承接设计CAD信息,下不能供生产部门、采购部门查询工艺信息,仍以纸面工艺文件的形式对车间指导生产。因此以CAPP为纽带,将CAPP与设计CAD集成及使下游部门能够利用CAPP信息成了公司信息化的关键。公司也接触过一些PD…  相似文献   

天河公司日前宣布,集成化的工艺设计及管理系统(TH-CAPP2000)正式推出。该产品在TH-CAPP99的基础上新增加了汇总等诸多功能,在开发思想、开发技术及功能实用方面均处于国内领先地位。计算机辅助工艺设计(CAPP)软件在国内的发展已经有二十多年的历史,但由于工艺过程的复杂性,工艺软件一直没有得到很好的发展。国内95%以上的制造业企业目前还是依靠手工填写卡片,工艺管理水平落后。严重阻碍了企业新产品的上市时间、生产效率了第一版CAPP软件——TH-CAPP99,受到众多的专家和企业用户的好评,认为它是真正从国内企业…  相似文献   

频谱规划是政策性、技术性很强的电磁频谱管理手段,本文从学术的角度对频谱资源规划及方法进行了初步研究。介绍了频谱规划的概念和分类,重点对长期战略规划、中期规划、短期规划等频谱资源规划进行了阐述,分析了频谱资源规划应考虑的因素,阐述频谱资源规划的基本方法,最后介绍了规划涉及的相关法规.可为频谱资源规划提供参考。  相似文献   

CAPP计算机辅助工艺规程系统是制造业随CAD软件后的又一个应用重点,是一个非常有发展前景的软件产品。在国内提出CAPP设想不比CAD软件要迟,但应用的结果却大不相同。这主要是因为和CAD软件相比,CAPP软件的商品化工作要更难做一些。这不仅是因为CAPP系统从流程到工艺卡片的填写及汇总都没有一个固定的模式,而且要求软件开发商具有CAD图形处理和数据库应用这两方面的技术储备。因此,开发适用的、便于推广的CAPP软件对软件开发商来说是个挑战。大恒公司是国内著名的CAD软件供应商,有多年从事CAD软件开发和工程图纸管理系…  相似文献   

11月30日,北京清华京渝天河软件公司(简称天河)在北京召开了"天河EDM/PDM暨企业信息化深化应用研讨会"。来自全国各地的天河软件应用客户济济一堂,听取了天河公司的新产品演示和讲解。国家CAD/CAPP标准化委员会委员温秋生、现代CAPP技术资深实施顾问高耀军、PDH/PLH信息化集成和软件接口规范专家曾宇波等出席了会议并作了讲演。  相似文献   

基于AutoCAD的CAD/CAPP集成系统研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
鉴于国内外CAD/CAPP集成的现状,应用AutoCAD环境下的二次开发工具ObjectARX技术,能够和AutoCAD共享空间并直接和AutoCAD进行通信读取零件图形数据库中的几何和工艺信息,从而实现了零件二维图形信息的自动获取,并通过ADO数据库绑定技术完成了对数据库的写入、修改、查询等操作,避免了零件信息的二次输入和人工输入的错误,最终实现了CAD/CAPP的无缝集成。  相似文献   

工程质量特性是满足甲方的要求,而质量的经济性应指质量成本最低时质量水平为最佳。传统的质量成本观有其一定的局限性.质量成本与质量损失构成质量会计两个重要的基本概念。开展工程质量成本控制,应做好质量成本预测、计划、核算、分析、考核和报告等工作。  相似文献   

The customer or user's role in the new product development process is limited or nonexistent in many high technology firms, despite evidence that suggests customers are frequently an excellent source for new product ideas with great market potential. This article examines the implementation of the Lead User method for gathering new product ideas from leading edge customers by an IT firm that had not previously done much customer research during their new product development efforts. This case study follows the decision‐makers of the firm through the process, where the end result is the generation of a number of useful product concepts. Besides the ideas generated, management at the firm is also impressed with the way the method makes their new product development process more cross‐functional and they plan to make it a part of their future new product development practices. Approximately one year later the firm is revisited to find out if the Lead User method has become a permanent part of their new product development process. The authors find, however, that the firm has abandoned research on the customer despite the fact that several of the lead‐user derived product concepts had been successfully implemented. Management explanations for their return to a technology push process for developing new products include personnel turnover and lack of time. Using organizational learning theory to examine the case, the authors suggest that the nontechnology specific product concepts generated by the lead users were seen as ambiguous and hence overly simplistic and less valuable by the new product development personnel. The technical language spoken by the new product personnel also increased the inertia of old technology push development process by making it more prestigious and comfortable to plan new products with their technology suppliers. The fact that the firm was doing well throughout this process also decreased the pressure to change from their established new product development routine. The implications for these finding are that: 1) it is necessary to pressure or reward personnel in order to make permanent changes to established routines, and 2) researchers should be careful at taking managers at their word when asking them about their future intentions.  相似文献   

介绍了箱体类零件计算机辅助工艺设计(CAPP)关于零件信息描述及处理的一种实用方法,利用特征形面集及形面代码集对箱体类零件加工信息进行描述,并以此方法为基础,开发了箱体零件的信息描述与输入子系统,采用图形显示、菜单选择、人机对话、文字提示等方式输入零件信息,为CAPP专家系统建立了完整数据信息。  相似文献   

PDM的发展现状及其在CIMS中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
给出了 PDM的定义 ,分析了国内外 PDM软件的发展现状 ,提出应从降低 PDM的实施费用、缩短实施时间、适应电子商务及使软件功能与应用需求相配套等方面做工作 ,来使 PDM软件为市场广泛接受。指出了目前 PDM软件的发展趋势 ,并阐述了其在CIMS系统中的应用 ,作为数据平台与 CAD系统、CAPP系统、CAM系统、MRP 系统进行数据交换  相似文献   

本文就 CAPP 计算机辅助工艺设计零件信息描述进行了探讨,提出了用特征编码+参数列表的零件信息描述方法,达到了完整描述零件信息的目的。建立了一个以零件特征编码为主,以零件形状尺寸参数为辅,分层描述的零件信息建模与零件信息输入系统。  相似文献   

In recent years, Singapore has increased its national emphasis on technology and engineering in early childhood education. Their newest initiative, the Playmaker Programme, has focused on teaching robotics and coding in preschool settings. Robotics offers a playful and collaborative way for children to engage with foundational technology and engineering concepts during their formative early childhood years. This study looks at a sample of preschool children (N = 98) from five early childhood centers in Singapore who completed a 7-week STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) KIBO robotics curriculum in their classrooms called, “Dances from Around the World.” KIBO is a newly developed robotics kit that teaches both engineering and programming. KIBO’s actions are programmed using tangible programming blocks—no screen-time required. Children’s knowledge of programming concepts were assessed upon completion of the curriculum using the Solve-Its assessment. Results indicate that children were highly successful at mastering foundational programming concepts. Additionally, teachers were successful at promoting a collaborative and creative environment, but less successful at finding ways to engage with the greater school community through robotics. This research study was part of a large country-wide initiative to increase the use of developmentally appropriate engineering tools in early childhood settings. Implications for the design of technology, curriculum, and other resources are addressed.  相似文献   

Commoditization erodes the competitive differentiation of companies and often leads to a profit squeeze. Existing literature recommends the transition from basic product offerings to service-based value concepts in order to regain competitiveness in such a context. This paper explores the concrete efforts of suppliers in the commoditized electro-technical industry to create new non-price-based customer value. In this paper, a taxonomy of efforts is developed which builds on the competitive strategy and strategic marketing literature. Our research identifies barriers to the market introduction of these new value concepts. Observations in this industry lead to a framework that (1) proposes alternative step-by-step strategies for making the transition from basic products to service-based solutions, and (2) offers alignment suggestions for overcoming identified barriers. Migration paths to introducing new service-based value concepts are incremental rather than radical, and managers should complement their market approach with (a) value chain actions to create multilevel industry support and (b) an organizational alignment approach.  相似文献   

该系统是以服装产品为对象,SQLServer为后台数据库,VC++为前端开发工具,将产品生命周期内与产品相关的所有信息(如CAD/CAM/CAPP的文件、BOM等)和过程(如工作流程、工作周期等)集成起来,为企业内的数据流通和协同工作提供了便利,提高了企业生产效率。服装PDM系统是依托IT技术实现服装企业最优化管理的有效方法。  相似文献   

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