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近年来计算机和网络技术快速发展,计算机技术被广泛应用于各个领域,计算机网络是通信技术和计算机技术发展并结合的结果。计算机网络管理指的是初始化一个计算机网络并对其进行监视,将网络系统中的信息收集起来并进行恰当的处理,能够诊断计算机系统存在的问题,方便调整网络或者进行其他操作。进行计算机网络管理能够提高网络的质量,最大化发挥网络的作用,确保网络的可用性和可靠性。本文将就计算机网络管理中的维护冲突展开探讨。  相似文献   

新企业在创建、存活和成长过程中,需要通过嵌入社会关系网络获得资源支持,嵌入产业网络获得产业链分工协作收益。创业网络是社会网络和产业网络的有机统一体,创业成长过程同时也是对社会网络与产业网络双重嵌入的过程。基于创业网络中信任关系从情感性信任到认知性信任再到复合信任的演进,新创企业的双重网络嵌入性关系演化呈现出以下规律性:一是由社会网络嵌入向社会网络和产业网络双重嵌入演化;二是由"交易性嵌入"方式向"关系性嵌入"方式演化;三是由双重网络分离式嵌入向叠加式嵌入演化。新创企业双重网络嵌入演化对创业成长有促进作用,但同时也会形成"创业网络经营成本",政府需要对此加以重视。  相似文献   

为了求取模糊网络总工期隶属函数和路径关键度,以模糊扩展定理和模糊截集概念为基础,通过求取所有活动的模糊截集,将模糊网络转变为一系列不同α截集下的区间网络。根据模糊扩展定理可知,这些区间网络的工期范围即为模糊网络总工期的α截集,由此可以构建出模糊网络总工期隶属函数。依据Chanas提出的模糊网络路径关键度定义,利用区间网络关键路径与模糊网络关键度的关系,计算出所有路径的关键度。列举了一个活动持续时间为LR型模糊数的模糊网络总工期隶属函数和路径关键度运算实例。  相似文献   

资源外包网络的治理研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
资源外包网络作为一种特殊的资源联合体,其运作过程并非十全十美,机会主义行为和知识分享问题及其引致的网络失灵成为网络治理的主要诱因。资源外包网络的治理包含两个层面:关系治理和结构治理。机会主义行为多发生于外包商和供应商双边交易过程中,对应于资源外包网络的关系治理;知识分享问题涉及网络整体的协调与管理,对应于网络的结构治理。论文分别从关系治理和结构治理两个角度剖析了资源外包网络的治理特点、作用机制和治理对策。  相似文献   

本文在对网络效应和网络兼容特性进行异质性设定的基础上,从网络厂商和网络消费者的最优行为出发,通过模型构建和推演,对网络技术进步的实现条件进行了深入分析。本文的研究结论显示,厂商在一定条件下具有推出网络技术进步的惰性;如果厂商推出的是可自发实现的网络技术进步,则厂商可以保留其旧技术平台,否则厂商需要关闭旧技术平台以利于推出新一代网络技术。  相似文献   

本文在考察网络能力与创新绩效之间的逻辑关系基础上,引入内部网络效度和合作治理方式作为调节变量,检验了企业内外部网络因素对创新绩效的影响,研究结果发现:企业网络能力和内部网络效度均对创新绩效产生显著正向影响;内部网络效度对网络能力与创新绩效的关系发挥着正向的调节效应;尽管合作治理方式对创新绩效具有正面影响,但它对网络能力与创新绩效的关系不具有调节效应;此外,企业规模对外部网络能力和内部网络效度的影响差异显著。  相似文献   

<正>配电网络重构的目的是在不同的网络结构中找到一种最优结构,使得在实现电力供需平衡、并满足容量和电压约束的前提下,网络的运行损耗最小。配电网络重构包括配电系统正常运行时的网络重构和故障情况下的网络重构。配电网络重构的现状配电网络重构的目标一般为降低配电网线损、均衡负荷、提高供电可靠性、提高供电电压质量、提高电压稳定性,或综合几个目标的配电网络重构,如将配电网络重构和无功优化  相似文献   

以开放式创新模式下企业外部知识网络建设面临的挑战为基点,引入结构洞理论,基于对外部知识网络中结构洞的规划、占据、利用、剖析和拓展,识别企业外部知识网络能力的结构体系和内部作用机理;利用实证研究确定了涵盖网络构想能力、网络建构能力、网络利用能力、网络解构能力和网络重构能力等5个维度,共12个子维度和37个题项的企业外部知识网络能力测量量表。在此基础上,提出了"一纵一横"的企业外部知识网络能力的提升路径,即从战略层面到战术操作再回归到战略的纵向动态循环,以及从知识结点到知识链再到利益的横向持续推进。本研究从结构洞理论的视角揭示了企业外部知识网络能力的多维度构成和内部演化机理,研究结果弥补了现有研究中知识网络能力和一般网络能力之间、外部知识网络和内部知识网络之间模糊不清的不足,并能够为后续研究提供理论支撑和实证基础。  相似文献   

基于模块化网络组织的价值流动与创新   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
模块化网络组织是在价值模块化的基础上形成的一种新型价值创造的组织形式,其内部价值流动过程包括价值的创造、转移、实现和分配四个阶段。引导价值的合理有序流动,既是模块化网络组织治理的重要方面,也是形成网络协同效应、增强模块化网络组织竞争优势的重要途径。模块化网络组织能够通过知识创新实现价值创新,其价值创新机制具有边际收益递增性、顾客参与性和非均衡性等特性。网络组织内部成员企业以自身核心能力要素参与模块化分工和模块化网络组织的价值创新,能够形成网络组织整体竞争优势,共同创造和分享网络租金。  相似文献   

网络文化已成为一种强势的大众传媒文化,加强网络文化建设和管理,有利于提高全民族的思想道德素质和科学文化素质,有利于扩大社会主义精神文明建设阵地的辐射力和感染力,有利于构建社会主义和谐社会。我们必须加强网络文化建设和管理,注重网络文明及有关法律、道德教育,加强网络正面舆论引导,用科学的、有效的管理规范来规范我们的网络传播秩序,努力营造一个文明、健康的,积极向上的网络文化氛围。  相似文献   

百度推出的“2011年十大梦想新职业”中,网络作家位居婚礼策划师之后,排名第二。曾几何时,网络作家可是个苦逼的行当。在各个网络文学平台上,他们的作品按照干宇几分钱的价格为读者消费,为了能够维持足够的更新率和浏览量,他们每天要生产上万的文字。  相似文献   

Customer consumption value ultimately derives from enterprise production the consumption benefits which originating from inter-organizational cooperation as well as the transferred and accumulated exchange value of the enterprise with external organizations. This study plans to clarify the effect of the derived exchange relationship on enterprise exchange value, and also to identify the network models of different derived effect relationships. An analysis of the Taiwanese public health system revealed both positive and negative exchange value effects that impacted relationships among actors in the overall health system. Four generic models were presented by analyzing the qualitative data from phenomenon of different types of inter-organizational exchange behaviors, and other more complex models deduced from four generic models were also proposed.  相似文献   

随着信息交流体制的转换,社会经济的网络化趋势日益明显,以致市场与组织之间界限模糊的社会网络成为企业的典型形态。同时,企业网络化发展导致了企业集群的出现,集群内的企业通过良性的竞争与合作深化了分工、增进了协调收益。与网络化的协调机制相适应,现代企业的规模具有不断缩小的趋势。  相似文献   

中国平煤神马集团数据传输网络设计和强化核心路由技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为建设一个能充分满足各种企业应用和多种信息交换业务需求的网络,根据中国平煤神马集团公司运营要求和网络拓扑结构,兼顾网络安全的需要和网络路由层的要求,研究了数据传输网络的设计和强化核心路由技术。采用了强化核心路由技术、核心路由器加3层交换机组建企业网及RPR技术组建传输层,建设了一个安全可靠又能充分满足业务需求的网络,并提供电信运营商级数据传送平台。  相似文献   

基于价值网络重构的企业商业模式创新   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
建构价值网络逐步成为企业商业模式创新的重要方式,但狭义的价值网络观对企业盈利机理的解释并未突破价值链将投入转换为产品的传统逻辑。本文从更广义的价值生态系统角度剖析网络价值交换逻辑和企业价值的实现机理,从网络重构出发分析了五种不同的商业模式创新路径。本文认为,受竞争压力与技术变迁的推动,网络组织的价值创造逻辑呈现颠覆性变化:顾客价值创造与企业价值实现的分离。这种分离导致许多企业即使实现了顾客价值最大化也未必产生收入,尤其面对互联网的免费经济趋势,企业只有重构价值网络、拓展新的收入源才能实现盈利并保证商业模式的稳定性。  相似文献   

This paper presents an empirically-based simulation of an industrial network modeled as an exchange system. It uses a multi-agent simulation model to test for how variations in uncertainty of the input resource and how the changing demand patterns affect the accumulation and distribution of exchange values in the system as a whole. The empirical material is a case study of an industrial network connecting herring supply with demand. This particular network comprises two separate but related sub-networks, identifiable based on the origin of the herring as coming from either Norwegian or Icelandic catchers. While both target the same potential customers in terms of wholesalers and retailers and ultimately European and Asian consumers, they are distinct in their internal organizing aspects. The results indicate that certain types of internal organizing are more adaptive to changes in conditions and are better suited to absorb these changes. The paper contributes to both a theory and method emphasizing the modeling of emergent nonlinear patterns of networks.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the associations between the mode of exchange and the configuration of market actors and exchange objects through a historical case study of the introduction of self-service retailing in the private food retail trade in Sweden. The changes in the mode of exchange reported in the case resulted from organizing efforts involving both retailers and a major wholesaler. These efforts were directed towards two main areas: the material framing of the exchange situation, e.g. the redesign of store facilities, interiors and the pre-packaging of goods, and the agency of the involved actors, e.g. information campaigns and education directed towards retailers and consumers. Through this process, a network of associations was forged that inter-defined the mode of exchange, the market actors and the exchange objects. The paper contributes to extant literature on the shaping of markets by empirically examining the associations constituting modes of exchange and the process through which these associations are forged. A central finding is that the introduction of self-service was elaborately intertwined with changes in the characteristics of the actors and objects of exchange.  相似文献   

Networks and cronyism: A social exchange analysis   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
From the perspective of social exchange theory, we explore the downside of social networking. In particular, we discuss the impact of network properties on cronyism. We identify two types of network, clique and entrepreneurial, and two forms of competition, inter- and intra-network. We argue that network competition generally increases the likelihood of cronyism, and the effect of competition on cronyism is moderated by network type. We outline directions for future research and derive practical implications.  相似文献   

Interorganizational networks generally have been discussed in the context of nonprofit agencies. Providing an alternative between the open market and the internalization of activity the network potentially may be even more important in business. This is especially true in international operations and in industrial and services marketing. Involving technology transfer, information exchange, accounting and finance as well as marketing, network management calls for a holistic approach. To serve as an engine of growth the network also requires strategic planning both at the overall level and in member firms.  相似文献   

The business-to-business network literature has made interesting and insightful contributions in relation to networks as a core trajectory for external resource acquisition for the small, entrepreneurial firm. Using the micro-brewing industry in Ireland and Belgium as an empirical base, the purpose of this paper is to extend this research through examining the relationship between national culture and the development of network capability in an entrepreneurial context. Findings from in-depth interviews with fourteen firms, and analysed in light of Hofstede's five dimensions illustrate that culture matters. Low power distance facilitated network capability development through wider network engagement. High masculinity and individualism negatively impacted network capability development as evidenced by a lack of experience in interaction, a desire for control and independence and minimal information sharing. Strong uncertainty avoidance scores allowed for joint problem-solving and industry cooperation whereas a short-term orientation led to more transaction-based exchange within the value chain. The core contribution of this paper stems from it being the first rigorous investigation regarding how national culture impacts network capability development in a business-to-business network context.  相似文献   

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